diff --git a/cmake/modules/DuneMacros.cmake b/cmake/modules/DuneMacros.cmake
index fca9fc8ae7291a0984c0aadb73083a3deb0e8a99..09f55b0dd319d3446b1e2fb3e0d55644c9809987 100644
--- a/cmake/modules/DuneMacros.cmake
+++ b/cmake/modules/DuneMacros.cmake
@@ -724,7 +724,18 @@ macro(dune_regenerate_config_cmake)
          ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+${_dep}[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*${_dep}[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1"
          _tfile "${_file}")
        # strip the private section
-       string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin private.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*private[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _file "${_tfile}")
+       string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin private.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*private[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _ttfile "${_tfile}")
+       # extract the bottom section
+       string(REGEX MATCH "/[\\*][ ]*begin bottom.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]\\*/" _tbottom "${_ttfile}")
+       string(REGEX REPLACE ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+bottom[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1" ${_dep}_CONFIG_H_BOTTOM "${_tbottom}" )
+       string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin bottom.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _file  "${_ttfile}")
+       # append bottom section
+       if(${_dep}_CONFIG_H_BOTTOM)
+         set(CONFIG_H_BOTTOM "${CONFIG_H_BOTTOM} ${${_dep}_CONFIG_H_BOTTOM}")
+       endif()
        file(APPEND ${CONFIG_H_CMAKE_FILE} "${_file}")
      endif(EXISTS ${_mod_conf_file})
@@ -732,6 +743,10 @@ macro(dune_regenerate_config_cmake)
  # parse again dune.module file of current module to set PACKAGE_* variables
  dune_module_information(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} QUIET)
  file(APPEND ${CONFIG_H_CMAKE_FILE} "\n${_myfile}")
+ # append CONFIG_H_BOTTOM section at the end if found
+ endif()
 # macro that should be called at the end of the top level CMakeLists.txt.