diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 7035f6f061291630674b1aaa97940c900db594c6..de0a783ec162af753b584e95f1a3f28742f5ea1e 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@ In order to build the DUNE core modules you need at least the following software
    * Libraries that _consume_ `Dune::${EXPORT_NAME}` will only be forward compatible with Dune 2.10.
    * Libraries that _consume_ `<lib>` will be supported until compatibility with Dune 2.9 is not required anymore.
+- Generation of `config.h` is overhauled and split in a public and a private config file. Only
+  the public file is installed and consumed by down-stream modules. For compatibility, the
+  old single file is created, too.
+- The CMake macro `finalize_dune_project` no longer has an optional argument, a config file is
+  always created.
 - Remove the `ALLOW_CXXFLAGS_OVERWRITE` configure option. The `CXXFLAGS`
   overload is still turned on for the JIT compiled Python modules. See the
   description of the MR
diff --git a/bin/duneproject b/bin/duneproject
index 2a62b24c38103d9ba1acf48c08abdb1b63c76d52..eb073981a35ddb6a5b89cfbf422c0f5ee4d4169f 100755
--- a/bin/duneproject
+++ b/bin/duneproject
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ add_subdirectory(doc)
 # finalize the dune project, e.g. generating config.h etc.
 ################## PROJECT.PC.IN ##################
diff --git a/cmake/modules/DuneProject.cmake b/cmake/modules/DuneProject.cmake
index 85f590968407abf1b87ff3739873924a7a35150f..5dca0b36caee5c76705cb76a0142be0335424382 100644
--- a/cmake/modules/DuneProject.cmake
+++ b/cmake/modules/DuneProject.cmake
@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ Initialize and finalize a Dune module.
   .. code-block:: cmake
-    finalize_dune_project([<generate-config-h>])
+    finalize_dune_project()
   This function needs to be run at the end of every top-level
   ``CMakeLists.txt`` file. Among other things it creates the cmake package
   configuration file and package version file. Modules can add additional
   entries to these files by setting the variable ``${ProjectName}_INIT``.
-  If any argument ``<generate-config-h>`` is passed to this macro, a
-  ``config.h`` file is created containing preprocessor definitions about found
-  packages and module information.
+  If the file ``config.h.cmake`` is found, a ``config.h`` is created
+  containing preprocessor definitions about found packages and module
+  information.
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ macro(dune_project)
+  include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include")
+  include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include_private")
   # Create custom target for building the documentation
@@ -172,6 +174,11 @@ macro(finalize_dune_project)
+  # deprecation warning introduced with Dune 2.10
+  if(NOT "${ARGC}" EQUAL 0)
+    message(DEPRECATION "Passing arguments to finalize_dune_project is no longer needed.")
+  endif()
   #create cmake-config files for installation tree
@@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ endif()")
   #create cmake-config files for build tree
@@ -279,9 +286,14 @@ endif()")
 macro(set_and_check _var _file)
   set(\${_var} \"\${_file}\")
-  if(NOT EXISTS \"\${_file}\")
-    message(FATAL_ERROR \"File or directory \${_file} referenced by variable \${_var} does not exist !\")
+  if(\"_\${_file}_\" STREQUAL \"__\")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR \"File or directory referenced by variable \${_var} is unset !\")
+  foreach(_f \${_file})
+    if(NOT EXISTS \"\${_f}\")
+      message(FATAL_ERROR \"File or directory \${_f} referenced by variable \${_var} does not exist !\")
+    endif()
+  endforeach(_f)
@@ -423,23 +435,33 @@ endif()")
-  if("${ARGC}" EQUAL "1")
-    message(STATUS "Adding custom target for config.h generation")
-    dune_regenerate_config_cmake()
-    # add a target to generate config.h.cmake
-      add_custom_target(OUTPUT config_collected.h.cmake
-        COMMAND dune_regenerate_config_cmake())
-    endif()
-    # actually write the config.h file to disk
-    # using generated file
-    configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_collected.h.cmake
-      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h)
-  else()
-    message(STATUS "Not adding custom target for config.h generation")
-    # actually write the config.h file to disk
-    configure_file(config.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h)
+  # generate and install headers file: ${ProjectName}-config.hh and ${ProjectName}-config-private.hh
+  if(EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake)
+    dune_parse_module_config_file(${ProjectName} FILE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake)
+    # configure private config file
+    file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include_private/${ProjectName}-config-private.hh.cmake "${${ProjectName}_CONFIG_PRIVATE_HH}")
+    configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include_private/${ProjectName}-config-private.hh.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include_private/${ProjectName}-config-private.hh)
+    # configure and install public config file
+    file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${ProjectName}-config.hh.cmake "${${ProjectName}_CONFIG_HH}\n${${ProjectName}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH}")
+    # parse again dune.module file of current module to set PACKAGE_* variables
+    dune_module_information(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} QUIET)
+    configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${ProjectName}-config.hh.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${ProjectName}-config.hh)
+  endif()
+  message(STATUS "Adding custom target for config.h generation")
+  dune_regenerate_config_cmake()
+  # add a target to generate config.h.cmake
+    add_custom_target(OUTPUT config_collected.h.cmake
+      COMMAND dune_regenerate_config_cmake())
+  # actually write the config.h file to disk
+  # using generated file
+  configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config_collected.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h)
     feature_summary(WHAT ALL)
@@ -452,64 +474,114 @@ endmacro(finalize_dune_project)
 # Internal macros
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# parse config.h.cmake file and return public, private and bottom parts of the header
+# as ${module}_CONFIG_HH, ${module}_CONFIG_PRIVATE_HH, and ${module}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH
+function(dune_parse_module_config_file module)
+  cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "FILE" "" ${ARGN})
+  dune_module_to_uppercase(upper ${module})
+  file(READ "${ARG_FILE}" _config)
+    ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+${module}[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*${module}[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1"
+    _tfile "${_config}")
+  # extract the private section
+  string(REGEX MATCH "/[\\*][ ]*begin private.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*private[^\\*]\\*/" _tprivate "${_tfile}")
+  string(REGEX REPLACE ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+private[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*private[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1" _config_private "${_tprivate}" )
+  string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin private.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*private[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _ttfile "${_tfile}")
+  # extract the bottom section
+  string(REGEX MATCH "/[\\*][ ]*begin bottom.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]\\*/" _tbottom "${_ttfile}")
+  string(REGEX REPLACE ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+bottom[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1" _config_bottom "${_tbottom}" )
+  string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin bottom.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _config  "${_ttfile}")
+  # resolve headers of dependencies
+  unset(_headers)
+  foreach(_deps ${${module}_DEPENDS} ${${module}_SUGGESTS})
+    split_module_version(${_deps} dep_name dep_version)
+    set(_headers "${_headers}
+#if __has_include(<${dep_name}-config.hh>)
+  #include <${dep_name}-config.hh>
+  endforeach()
+  # resolve public header part
+  set(HAVE_${upper} ${${module}_FOUND} PARENT_SCOPE)
+  set(${module}_CONFIG_HH
+#ifndef ${upper}_CONFIG_HH
+#define ${upper}_CONFIG_HH
+/* Define to 1 if you have module ${module} available */
+#cmakedefine01 HAVE_${upper}
+#endif // ${upper}_CONFIG_HH
+  # resolve private header part
+  set(${module}_CONFIG_PRIVATE_HH
+#ifndef ${upper}_CONFIG_PRIVATE_HH
+#define ${upper}_CONFIG_PRIVATE_HH
+#include <${module}-config.hh>
+#endif // ${upper}_CONFIG_PRIVATE_HH
+  # resolve bottom header part
+  # TODO: when legacy config file is removed private and bottom parts can be
+  # merged into one, with dependency headers in between
+  set(${module}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH
+#ifndef ${upper}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH
+#define ${upper}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH
+#endif // ${upper}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH
 # Creates a new config_collected.h.cmake file in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} that
 # consists of entries from ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake
 # and includes non-private entries from the config.h.cmake files
 # of all dependent modules. Finally config.h is created from config_collected.h.cmake.
-  set(CONFIG_H_CMAKE_FILE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config_collected.h.cmake")
-  if(EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake)
-    file(READ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake _file)
-    string(REGEX MATCH
-      "/[\\*/][ ]*begin[ ]+${ProjectName}.*\\/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*${ProjectName}[^\\*]*\\*/"
-      _myfile "${_file}")
-  endif()
-  # overwrite file with new content
-  file(WRITE ${CONFIG_H_CMAKE_FILE} "/* config.h.  Generated from config_collected.h.cmake by CMake.
-   It was generated from config_collected.h.cmake which in turn is generated automatically
-   from the config.h.cmake files of modules this module depends on. */"
-   )
-  foreach(_dep ${ProjectName} ${ALL_DEPENDENCIES})
-    dune_module_to_uppercase(upper ${_dep})
-    set(HAVE_${upper} ${${_dep}_FOUND})
-      "\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have module ${_dep} available */
-#cmakedefine01 HAVE_${upper}\n")
-  endforeach()
-  # add previous module specific section
+  # collect header parts from all dependencies
+  unset(collected_config_file)
+  unset(collected_config_file_bottom)
   foreach(_dep ${ALL_DEPENDENCIES})
-    foreach(_mod_conf_file ${${_dep}_PREFIX}/config.h.cmake
-        ${${_dep}_PREFIX}/share/${_dep}/config.h.cmake)
+    foreach(_mod_conf_file ${${_dep}_PREFIX}/config.h.cmake ${${_dep}_PREFIX}/share/${_dep}/config.h.cmake)
       if(EXISTS ${_mod_conf_file})
-        file(READ "${_mod_conf_file}" _file)
-        string(REGEX REPLACE
-          ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+${_dep}[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*${_dep}[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1"
-          _tfile "${_file}")
-        # strip the private section
-        string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin private.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*private[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _ttfile "${_tfile}")
-        # extract the bottom section
-        string(REGEX MATCH "/[\\*][ ]*begin bottom.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]\\*/" _tbottom "${_ttfile}")
-        string(REGEX REPLACE ".*/\\*[ ]*begin[ ]+bottom[^\\*]*\\*/(.*)/[/\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]*\\*/" "\\1" ${_dep}_CONFIG_H_BOTTOM "${_tbottom}" )
-        string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/[\\*][ ]*begin bottom.*/[\\*][ ]*end[ ]*bottom[^\\*]\\*/(.*)" "\\1\\2" _file  "${_ttfile}")
-        # append bottom section
-        if(${_dep}_CONFIG_H_BOTTOM)
-          set(CONFIG_H_BOTTOM "${CONFIG_H_BOTTOM} ${${_dep}_CONFIG_H_BOTTOM}")
-        endif()
-        file(APPEND ${CONFIG_H_CMAKE_FILE} "${_file}")
+        dune_parse_module_config_file(${_dep} FILE ${_mod_conf_file})
+        set(collected_config_file        "${collected_config_file}\n${${_dep}_CONFIG_HH}\n")
+        set(collected_config_file_bottom "${collected_config_file_bottom}\n${${_dep}_CONFIG_BOTTOM_HH}\n")
-  # parse again dune.module file of current module to set PACKAGE_* variables
-  dune_module_information(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} QUIET)
-  file(APPEND ${CONFIG_H_CMAKE_FILE} "\n${_myfile}")
-  # append CONFIG_H_BOTTOM section at the end if found
+  # collect header parts from this module
+  if(EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake)
+    dune_parse_module_config_file(${ProjectName} FILE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake)
+  # write collected header into config.h.cmake
+  file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config_collected.h.cmake "
diff --git a/cmake/scripts/index.rst.in b/cmake/scripts/index.rst.in
index 7be798f9461b4eb613cfc62ceed066fde85db378..8b85c298faadb29df7c4cfc98baf01c056866326 100644
--- a/cmake/scripts/index.rst.in
+++ b/cmake/scripts/index.rst.in
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 .. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 2
+   :maxdepth: 3
diff --git a/doc/buildsystem/dune-common.rst b/doc/buildsystem/dune-common.rst
index 902b6ba81970fa2d3afd4d819c7cade30eccc199..70d60d51accd7fc4f3c9996b9a56ebf10fbbffd1 100644
--- a/doc/buildsystem/dune-common.rst
+++ b/doc/buildsystem/dune-common.rst
@@ -2,28 +2,182 @@
   SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
   SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
-.. _whatis:
+.. _buildsystem:
-What is CMake anyway?
+The DUNE Build System
+DUNE provides a set of utilities to aid the set up of a project. Most of the
+utilities are CMake scripts that automate common use cases or required steps
+needed to use a dune project. Among other things, these utilities have
+* Automatic intra-module project configuration
+* Find package scripts for commonly used software in the DUNE context
+* Testing utilities
+* Configuration files
+* Setup of DUNE python bindings
+.. _duneproject:
+Dune Project
+In this documentation pages, we call *dune project* in the sense of the build
+system those projects that call CMake functions ``dune_project()`` and
+``finalize_dune_project()``. A typical *dune project* usually looks like this:
+.. code-block::
+    :caption: CMakeLists.txt
+    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
+    project("dune-foo" CXX)
+    # find dune-common
+    find_package(dune-common)
+    # include dune-common modules in the current CMake path
+    list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${dune-common_MODULE_PATH}")
+    # include the dune macros from dune-common
+    include(DuneMacros)
+    # initialize the dune project context
+    dune_project()
+    # ...
-- is an open source build system tool developed at KITware.
-- offers a one-tool-solution to all building tasks, like configuring, building, linking, testing and packaging.
-- is a build system generator: It supports a set of backends called *generators*
-- is portable
-- is controlled by ONE rather simple language
+    # finalize the dune project context
+    finalize_dune_project()
+Then, the project will be able to use the build system utilities provided by dune.
+The minimum required version to build Dune with CMake is 3.16.
 You can install CMake through your favorite package manager or downloading source code from
 `KITWare <http://www.cmake.org>`_
-The minimum required version to build Dune with CMake is 3.16.
-.. _howtouse:
+.. _configfile:
+Configuration File Header
+*Dune projects* may provide a configuration file template ``config.h.cmake``.
+This file will be parsed by the build system and provides you with a C++ header
+file based on the configuration options at configuration time.
+.. code-block::
+    :caption: config.h.cmake
+    /* begin private */
+    /* Everything within begin/end private will be exclusively generated to the current project */
+    #define DUNE_FOO_BUILD_OPTION 1
+    /* end private */
+    /* Everything outside of begin/end private will be generated to all of the downstream projects using the module */
+DUNE generates two version of configuration files based on the configuration template ``config.h.cmake``:
+* ``config.h.cmake``                    [configuration template, installed]
+* ``${ProjectName}-config.hh``          [eager configuration instantiatiation - used in header files - installed]
+* ``${ProjectName}-config-private.hh``  [eager configuration instantiatiation - used in binaries - not installed]
+* ``config.h``                          [lazy configuration instantiatiation - used in binaries - not installed]
+**Eager generation**
+  The configuration files are generated at configuration time of the project in
+  question. This means that once the project runs the configuration stage on
+  cmake, its configuration template is instantiated in c++ header files and can
+  be consumed by other projects without any further intervention of cmake.
+    - ``${ProjectName}-config-private.hh``    [used in binaries - not installed]
+    - ``${ProjectName}-config.hh``            [used in header files - installed]
+**Lazy generation**
+  The configuration files are generated at configuration time of the consumer
+  project. This means that every time a downstream project runs the
+  configuration stage on cmake, the configuration template of all preceding
+  projects are instantiated with the cmake options of the consumer project.
+  This requires the consumer project to be a dune-project in the sense of the
+  cmake build system.
+    - ``config.h``                            [used in binaries - not installed]
+Suppose that project ``dune-bar`` depends on ``dune-foo`` and they have the
+following configuration template files:
+.. code-block::
+    :caption: dune-foo/config.h.cmake
+    #cmakedefine OPTION_FOO 1
+The options ``OPTION_FOO`` will be defined depending on whether the variable
+``OPTION_FOO`` is present in cmake at the time of the generation of the
+configuration template file. This means that the contents of the generated files
+will look like this.
+===========================================================  ========================  ========================
+                                                               ``dune-foo-config.hh``         ``config.h``
+===========================================================  ========================  ========================
+``OPTION_FOO=1`` in dune-foo & ``OPTION_FOO=1`` in dune-bar  ``#define OPTION_FOO 1``  ``#define OPTION_FOO 1``
+``OPTION_FOO=1`` in dune-foo & ``OPTION_FOO=0`` in dune-bar  ``#define OPTION_FOO 1``         -
+``OPTION_FOO=0`` in dune-foo & ``OPTION_FOO=0`` in dune-bar           -                   -
+``OPTION_FOO=0`` in dune-foo & ``OPTION_FOO=1`` in dune-bar           -                ``#define OPTION_FOO 1``
+===========================================================  ========================  ========================
+Whether the combination of those options are valid and possible, is a
+responsibility of the developer of the ``dune-foo`` module. Very often the
+second combination is invalid and impossible to generate whereas the fourth is a
+feature for late discovery of dependencies.
+Since both ``dune-foo-config.hh`` and ``config.h`` are guarded with a
+``HAVE_DUNE_FOO_CONFIG_HH``, the first apearence will determine which version is
+being used. Thus, an executable in dune-bar with the following structure
+.. code-block::
+    :caption: dune-bar.cc
+    #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+    #include "config.h"
+    #endif
+    #include <dune/foo/feature.hh> // already includes dune-foo-config.hh
+    /*...*/
+will be use the lazy or the eager configuration options depending on whether
+``HAVE_CONFIG_H`` is defined.
+In the mid term, we want to remove the lazy configuration file generation
+* Projects aren't fully configured even after installation and distribution.
+  Thus, c++ source code has unclear interpretation for the consumer of the
+  project.
+* In practice, this forces all downstream users to also be *dune project* in the
+  sense of the cmake build system.
+.. _faq:
+Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
 How do I use Dune with CMake?