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WIP: Implementation of a grid reader interface

I have implemented a proposal for the grid-reader interface (see issue #23) , using a CRTP abstract base class implementation, i.e. concrete file readers have to implement at least (2) of

template <class... Args> // (1)
static std::unique_ptr<Grid> readImp(const std::string &filename, Args&&... args);

template <class... Args> // (2)
static void readFactoryImp(GridFactory<Grid> &factory, const std::string &filename, Args&&... args);

The static method (1) redirects to (2) in its default implementation by creating a GridFactory internally. The additional arguments are here just for illustrational purposes. They are forwarded to the concrete implementation.

Several readers are adopted to this interface, i.e. gmshreader, starcdreader, amirameshreader, dgfparser (a new reader classes is added), albertareader. The amirareader could not yet be tested, due to lack of a the amira-code.

A small test is added that currently just calls the two read methods for the grid implementations UGGrid and AlbertaGrid for dim=dimworld=3. Therefore it was necessary to provide mesh-files that can be read by all the tested readers, i.e. simplicial-meshes in dimension 3.

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