diff --git a/dune/istl/eigenvalue/arpackpp.hh b/dune/istl/eigenvalue/arpackpp.hh
index 81f7ab8618ad0ea18ed39ce3e05c6e9f6a945c2d..7ae30bdc9246b587d08785549c67f69112cdfa8a 100644
--- a/dune/istl/eigenvalue/arpackpp.hh
+++ b/dune/istl/eigenvalue/arpackpp.hh
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ namespace Dune
    *                     respectively singular values shall be considered;
    *                     is assumed to have blocklevel 2.
    * \tparam BlockVector Type of the associated vectors; compatible with the
-   *                     rows of a BCRSMatrix object (if #rows >= #ncols) or
-   *                     its columns (if #rows < #ncols).
+   *                     rows of a BCRSMatrix object (if \#rows \>= \#ncols) or
+   *                     its columns (if \#rows \< \#ncols).
    * \author Sebastian Westerheide.
@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@ namespace Dune
      *                            algorithm, c*nIterationsMax iterations may
      *                            be performed, where c is a natural number.
      * \param[in] verbosity_level Verbosity setting;
-     *                            >= 1: algorithms print a preamble and
      *                                  the final result,
-     *                            >= 2: algorithms print information about
      *                                  the problem solved using ARPACK++,
-     *                            >= 3: the final result output includes
      *                                  the approximated eigenvector,
-     *                            >= 4: sets the ARPACK(++) verbosity mode.
+     *                            \>= 1: algorithms print a preamble and
+     *                            \>= 2: algorithms print information about
+     *                            \>= 3: the final result output includes
+     *                            \>= 4: sets the ARPACK(++) verbosity mode.
     ArPackPlusPlus_Algorithms (const BCRSMatrix& m,
                                const unsigned int nIterationsMax = 100000,
@@ -603,8 +603,8 @@ namespace Dune
      *                     (0 == machine precision).
      * \param[out] sigma   The approximated largest singular value.
      * \param[out] x       The associated approximated right-singular
-     *                     vector (if #rows >= #ncols) respectively
-     *                     left-singular vector (if #rows < #ncols).
+     *                     vector (if \#rows \>= \#ncols) respectively
+     *                     left-singular vector (if \#rows \< \#ncols).
     inline void computeNonSymMax (const Real& epsilon,
                                   BlockVector& x, Real& sigma) const
@@ -715,8 +715,8 @@ namespace Dune
      *                     (0 == machine precision).
      * \param[out] sigma   The approximated smallest singular value.
      * \param[out] x       The associated approximated right-singular
-     *                     vector (if #rows >= #ncols) respectively
-     *                     left-singular vector (if #rows < #ncols).
+     *                     vector (if \#rows \>= \#ncols) respectively
+     *                     left-singular vector (if \#rows \< \#ncols).
     inline void computeNonSymMin (const Real& epsilon,
                                   BlockVector& x, Real& sigma) const