From a184567f276a794927d4d085d76e433f55cf449e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Blatt <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 11:11:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove doc/comm as it is now part of dune-common Somehow the
 deletion of doc/comm got lost while resolving a tree conflict

[[Imported from SVN: r1785]]
 doc/comm/.gitignore            |   21 -
 doc/comm/CMakeLists.txt        |   13 -
 doc/comm/           |   54 -
 doc/comm/buildindexset.hh      |   55 -
 doc/comm/communication.bib     |   79 -
 doc/comm/communication.tex     |  543 ----
 doc/comm/figures/   |    5 -
 doc/comm/figures/darray.eps    |  230 --
 doc/comm/figures/distarray.eps | 1278 ---------
 doc/comm/figures/distindex.eps | 4736 --------------------------------
 doc/comm/           |   55 -
 doc/comm/            |   92 -
 doc/comm/       |  155 --
 doc/comm/reverse.hh            |   39 -
 14 files changed, 7355 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/.gitignore
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/buildindexset.hh
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/communication.bib
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/communication.tex
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/figures/
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/figures/darray.eps
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/figures/distarray.eps
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/figures/distindex.eps
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/
 delete mode 100644 doc/comm/reverse.hh

diff --git a/doc/comm/.gitignore b/doc/comm/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index ceb1fa1f0..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/doc/comm/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/comm/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2565993cc..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-add_executable(poosc08 "")
-target_link_libraries(poosc08 "dunecommon")
-add_executable(poosc08_test "")
-target_link_libraries(poosc08_test "dunecommon")
-add_executable(indexset "")
-target_link_libraries(indexset "dunecommon")
-  ADD_LATEX_DOCUMENT(communication.tex FATHER_TARGET doc
-    IMAGE_DIRS figures)
-  create_doc_install(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/communication.pdf ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR}/comm communication_safepdf)
diff --git a/doc/comm/ b/doc/comm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 309ce9113..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-SUBDIRS = figures
-MPIPROGRAMS = indexset poosc08 poosc08_test
-# programs just to build when "make check" is used
-# list of tests to run (indicestest is special case)
-  DOCFILES = communication.pdf
-# setting like in dune-web
-# install the docs
-include $(top_srcdir)/am/latex
-include $(top_srcdir)/am/webstuff
-include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
-poosc08_SOURCES =
-poosc08_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)              \
-poosc08_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS)                \
-poosc08_LDADD =                                \
-        $(DUNEMPILIBS)                          \
-        $(LDADD)
-poosc08_test_SOURCES =
-poosc08_test_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)              \
-poosc08_test_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS)                \
-poosc08_test_LDADD =                                \
-        $(DUNEMPILIBS)                          \
-        $(LDADD)
-indexset_SOURCES = buildindexset.hh reverse.hh
-indexset_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)		\
-indexset_LDFLAGS = $(AM_LDFLAGS)		\
-indexset_LDADD =				\
-	$(LDADD)
diff --git a/doc/comm/buildindexset.hh b/doc/comm/buildindexset.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 941d93ca2..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/buildindexset.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-// $Id$
-#include <dune/common/parallel/indexset.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/plocalindex.hh>
- * @brief Flag for marking the indices.
- */
-enum Flag {owner, overlap};
-// The type of local index we use
-typedef Dune::ParallelLocalIndex<Flag> LocalIndex;
- * @brief Add indices to the example index set.
- * @param indexSet The index set to build.
- */
-template<class C, class TG, int N>
-void build(C& comm, Dune::ParallelIndexSet<TG,LocalIndex,N>& indexSet)
-  // The rank of our process
-  int rank=comm.rank();
-  // Indicate that we add or remove indices.
-  indexSet.beginResize();
-  if(rank==0) {
-    indexSet.add(0, LocalIndex(0,overlap,true));
-    indexSet.add(2, LocalIndex(1,owner,true));
-    indexSet.add(6, LocalIndex(2,owner,true));
-    indexSet.add(3, LocalIndex(3,owner,true));
-    indexSet.add(5, LocalIndex(4,owner,true));
-  }
-  if(rank==1) {
-    indexSet.add(0, LocalIndex(0,owner,true));
-    indexSet.add(1, LocalIndex(1,owner,true));
-    indexSet.add(7, LocalIndex(2,owner,true));
-    indexSet.add(5, LocalIndex(3,overlap,true));
-    indexSet.add(4, LocalIndex(4,owner,true));
-  }
-  // Modification is over
-  indexSet.endResize();
diff --git a/doc/comm/communication.bib b/doc/comm/communication.bib
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd508d4c..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/communication.bib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-  author = {Markus Blatt and Peter Bastian},
-  title = 	 {The Iterative Solver Template Library},
-  booktitle = {Applied Parallel Computing. State of the Art in Scientific Computing},
-  editor = 	 {Bo K\r{a}gstr\"om and Erik Elmroth and Jack Dongarra and Jerzy Wa\'sniewski},
-  year = 	 2007,
-  volume = 	 4699,
-  series = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
-  publisher =	 {Springer},
-  pages = {666--675}
-  author = 	 {Peter Bastian and Markus Blatt and Andreas Dedner and Christian Engwer and Robert Kl\"ofkorn and Mario Ohlberger and Oliver Sander},
-  title = 	 { A generic grid interface for parallel and adaptive scientific computing. Part I: abstract framework},
-  journal = 	 {Computing},
-  year = 	 2008,
-  volume =       82,
-  number = {2--3},
-  pages = {103--119}
-  author = 	 {Peter Bastian and Markus Blatt and Andreas Dedner and Christian Engwer and Robert Kl\"ofkorn and Ralf Kornhuber and Mario Ohlberger and Oliver Sander},
-  title = 	 { A generic grid interface for parallel and adaptive scientific computing. Part II: implementation and test in DUNE},
-  journal = 	 {Computing},
-  year = 	 2008,
-  volume =       82,
-  number = {2--3} ,
-  pages = {121--138}
-  author =       {Markus Blatt and Peter Bastian},
-  title =        {On the Generic Parallelisation of Iterative Solvers for
-  the Finite Element Method},
-  journal =      {Int. J. Computational Science and
-    Engineering},
-  volume = {4},
-  number = {1},
-  pages = {56--69},
-  year =         2008
-  author = {DUNE},
-  howpublished     = {\texttt{}}
-  author = 	 {D. Gregor and M. Troyer},
-  title = 	 {{B}oost.{M}{P}{I}},
-  howpublished = {\texttt{}},
-  year = 	 2006
-  author = 	 {Jens Gerlach},
-  title = 	 {Domain Engineering and Generic Programming for Parallel Scientific Computing},
-  school = 	 {TU Berlin},
-  year = 	 {2002}
-  author = 	 {W.K. Giloi and M. Kessler and A. Schramm},
-  title = 	 {PROMOTER: A High Level, Object-Parallel Programming Language},
-  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing},
-  year = 	 {1995},
-  address = 	 {New Dehli, India},
-  month = 	 {December}
- author = {J\"{o}rg Nolte and Mitsuhisa Sato and Yutaka Ishikawa},
- title = {TACO -- Dynamic Distributed Collections with Templates and Topologies},
- booktitle = {Euro-Par '00: Proceedings from the 6th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing},
- year = {2000},
- isbn = {3-540-67956-1},
- pages = {1071--1080},
- publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
- address = {London, UK},
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/comm/communication.tex b/doc/comm/communication.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index b72887f52..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/communication.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
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-  stringstyle=\ttfamily, commentstyle=\it, extendedchars=true}
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-\title{Communication within the Iterative Solver Template Library (ISTL)\thanks{Part of the
-    Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) which is
-    available from the site
-    \texttt{}}}
-Markus Blatt\\
-Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen,\\
-Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, D-69120 Heidelberg, \\
-email: \texttt{}}
-\date{April 27, 2005}
-  This document describes usage and interface of the classes meant for
-  setting up the communication within a parallel programm using
-  ISTL. As most of the communication in distributed programm occur in
-  the same pattern it is often more efficient (and of course more easy
-  for the programmer) to build the communication pattern once in the
-  programm and then use multiple times (e.~g. at each iteration step
-  of an iterative solver).
-When using the data parallel programming model a set of processes
-works collectively on the same set of finite data objects. These might
-be elements of a finite element grid or vector entries in a linear algebra
-computation. Each process works on different partitions of the global
-data. Only for this partition it computes updated values. 
-In large scale parallel codes it is advisable to store the data
-partition in a local data structure directly in the local memory of
-the process. Due to data dependencies the process needs to access data
-in the partition of other processes, too. This can either be done by
-communicating these values on demand between the processes whenever
-they are accessed. This results in data structures that are aware of
-the data distribution. Or by augmenting the partition of the process such
-that it additionally includes the data values that the other values
-depend on. Note that now the partitioning is not disjoint any more but
-overlapping. Of course the values other processes compute for need to
-be updated using communication at so called synchronisation points of
-the algorithm
-In the latter case the data structures do not need to know anything
-about the data distribution. 
-This demands more effort from the parallel algorithm designer to make
-sure that the data used for computations is valid, i.e. contains an
-updated value if another process computes the data for it. Still it allows
-for fewer synchronisation points in the algorithms as even in collective
-operations all input data may already be updated from other processes
-due to a previous operation. Between the necessary synchronisation
-points one can take advantage of the fast local memory 
-Consider representing a random access container $x$ on a set of
-processes ${\cal P}=\{0, \ldots, P-1\}$. It is represented by individual
-pieces $x^p$, where $x^p$ is the piece stored on
-process $p$ of the $P$ processes participating in the
-calculation. Although the global representation of the container is
-not available on any process, a process $p$ needs to know how the
-entries of its local piece $x^p$ correspond to the entries of the
-global container $x$, which would be used in a sequential program. 
-\section{Communication Software Components}
-From an abstract point of view a random access container $x: I
-\rightarrow K$ provides a
-mapping from an index set $I \subset \N_0$ onto a set of objects
-$K$. Note that we do not require $I$ to be consecutive. The piece
-$x_p$ of the container $x$ stored on process $p$ is a mapping $x_p:I_p
-\rightarrow K$, where $I_p \subset I$. Due to efficiency the entries
-of $x_p$ should be stored consecutively in memory. 
-This means that for the local computation the data must be addressable
-by a consecutive index starting from $0$. 
-When using adaptive
-discretisation methods there might be the need to reorder the indices
-after adding and/or deleting some of the discretisation
-points. Therefore this index does not need to be persistent
-and can easily be changed. We will call this index {\em\index{local index}local index}.
-For the communication phases of our algorithms these locally stored
-entries must also be addressable by a global identifier. It is used to
-store the received values at and to retrieve the values to be sent from the
-correct local position in the consecutive  memory chunk. To ease the
-addition and removal of discretisation points this global identifier has
-to be persistent but does not need to be consecutive. We
-will call this global identifier {\em\index{global index}global index}.
-  Let $I \subset \N_0$ be an arbitrary, not necessarily consecutive,
-  index set identifying all discretisation points of the computation.
-  Furthermore, let 
-  $$({I}_p)_{p\in {\cal P}}, \quad
-  \bigcup\limits_{p \in {\cal P}} {I}_p = I$$ be an overlapping decomposition of the global index set
-  $I$ into the sets of indices ${I}_p$ corresponding to the
-  global indices of the values stored locally in the chunk of process $p$.
-  Then the class 
-  \begin{lstlisting}{}
-  template<typename TG, typename TL>  class ParallelIndexSet;
-  \end{lstlisting} 
-  realises the one to one mapping 
-  $$
-  \gamma_p\::\: {I}_p \longrightarrow {I}^{\loc}_p := [0, n_p)
-  $$
-  of the globally unique index onto the local index. 
-  The template parameter \lstinline!TG! is the type of the global
-  index and
-  \lstinline!TL! is the type of the local index. The only prerequisite
-  of \lstinline!TG! is that objects of this type are comparable using
-  the less-than-operator \lstinline!<!. Not that this prerequisite
-  still allows attaching further 
-  information to the global index or even using this information as
-  the global index. The type \lstinline!TL! has to
-  be convertible to  \lstinline!std::size_t! as it is used to address array
-  elements. 
-  The pairs of global and local indices are
-  ordered by ascending global index. It is possible to access the pairs via
-\lstinline!operator[](TG& global)! in $log(n)$ time, where $n$ is the
-number of pairs in the set. In an efficient code it is advisable to
-access the index pairs using the provided iterators over the index pairs.
-Due to the ordering, the index set can only be changed, i.e. index pairs
-added or deleted, in a special resize phase. By calling the functions
-\lstinline!beginResize()! and \lstinline!endResize()! the programmer
-indicates that the resize phase starts and ends, respectively. During
-the call of \lstinline!endResize()! the deleted indices will be
-removed and the added index pairs will be sorted and merged with the existing
-When dealing with overlapping index sets in distributed computing
-there often is the need to distinguish different partitions of an index
-set.%, e.g. $I_i$ and $\tilde{I}_i\setminus I_i$ as introduced in Section \ref{sec:domain_decomposition}.
-This is accomplished by using the class
-  template<typename TA> class ParallelLocalIndex;
-as the type for the local index of class \lstinline!ParallelIndexSet!.
-Here the template parameter \lstinline!TA! is the type of the
-attributes used, e.g. an enumeration \lstinline!Flags! defined by
-  enum Flags {owner, ghost};
-\lstinline!owner! marks the indices $k \in I_p$ owned by process
-$p$ and \lstinline!ghost! the indices $k\not\in I_p$ owned
-by other processes.
-As an example let us look at an array distributed between two
-processes. In Figure \ref{fig:redistarray} one can see the array
-$a$ as it appears in a sequential program. Below there are two
-different distributions of that array. The local views $s_0$ and
-$s_1$ are the parts process $0$ and $1$ store in the case that $a$ is
-divided into two 
-blocks. The local views $t_0$ and $t_1$  are the parts of $a$ that
-process $0$ and $1$ store in the case that $a$ is divided into 4
-blocks and process 
-$0$ stores the first and third block and process $1$ the second and
-fourth block. The decompositions have an overlap of one and the indices have
-the attributes \lstinline!owner! and \lstinline!ghost! visualised by
-white and shaded cells, respectively.
-The index sets $I_s$ and $I_t$ corresponding to the decompositions $s_p$
-and $t_p$, $p \in \{0,1\}$, are shown in Figure \ref{fig:redistindex} as sets of triples
-$(g,l,a)$. Here $g$ is the global index, $l$ is the local index and
-$a$ is the attribute (either o for \lstinline!owner! or {g}
-for \lstinline!ghost!).
-  \centering
-  \psfrag{Is}{$I_s$}
-  \psfrag{It}{$I_t$}
-  \epsfig{file=figures/distindex.eps,width=.5\textwidth}
-  \caption{Index sets for array redistribution}
-  \label{fig:redistindex}
-  \centering
-  \psfrag{a0:}{$s_0$:}
-  \psfrag{a1:}{$s_1$:}
-  \psfrag{b0:}{$t_0$:}
-  \psfrag{b1:}{$t_1$:}
-  \epsfig{file=figures/distarray.eps,width=.9\textwidth}
-  \caption{Redistributed array}
-  \label{fig:redistarray}
-The following code snippet demonstrates how to set up the index set
-$I_s$ on process $0$:
-\subsection{Remote Indices}
-To set up communication between the processes every process needs to
-know which indices are also known to other processes and which
-attributes are attached to them on the remote side.
-There are scenarios where data is exchanged between different
-index sets, e.g. if the data is agglomerated on lesser processes or
-redistributed. Therefore communication is allowed to occur between different
-decompositions of the same index set.
-Let $I \subset \N$ be the global index set and 
-(I^s_p)_{p\in{\cal P}},\quad \bigcup_{p\in{\cal P}} I^s_p = I,\quad
-\text{ and } \quad
-(I^t_p)_{p\in{\cal P}}, \quad\bigcup_{p\in{\cal P}} I^t_p = I
-$$ be two overlapping
-decompositions of the same index set $I$. Then an instance of class
-\lstinline!RemoteIndices! on process $p \in {\cal P}$
-stores the sets of triples
-  \label{eq:ri_s_set}
-  \begin{split}
-  r_{p \rightarrow q}^{s} = \{ (g,(l,a),b) \,|\, g \in I^s_q \wedge g \in I_p^t,
-l=\gamma_p^s(g),  a = \alpha_p^s(l), b =
-  \label{eq:ri_t_set}
-  \begin{split}
-  r_{p \rightarrow q}^{t} = \{ (g,(l,a),b) \,|\, g \in I^s_q \wedge g \in I_p^t,
-  l=\gamma_p^t(g), a = \alpha_p^t(l), b =
-  \alpha_p^s(\gamma_p^s(g))\}\,,
-  \end{split}
-for all $q\in{\cal P}$.
-Here $\alpha^s_p$ and $\alpha^t_p$ denote the mapping of local
-indices on process $p$ onto attributes for the index set $I^s_p$ and
-$I^t_p$ as realised by \lstinline!ParallelLocalIndex!. 
-Note that the sets $r_{p \rightarrow q}^{s}$ and $r_{p \rightarrow
-  q}^{t}$ will only be nonempty if the processes $p$ and $q$ manage
-overlapping index sets.
-For our example in Figure \ref{fig:redistarray} and Figure
-\ref{fig:redistindex} the interface between $I_s$ and $I_t$ on process
-$0$ is:
-  r_{0\rightarrow 0}^{s} = \{&(0,(0,o),o), (1,(1,o),o), (2,(2,o),o),
-  (3,(3,o),g), (5,(5,o),g), (6,(6,g),o)\}\\
-  r_{0\rightarrow 0}^{t} = \{&(0,(0,o),o), (1,(1,o),o), (2,(2,o),o),
-  (3,(3,g),o), (5,(4,g),o), (6,(5,o),g)\}\\
-  r_{0\rightarrow 1}^{s} = \{&(2(2,o),g), (3,(3,o),o), (4,(4,o),o),
-  (5,(5,o),o), (6,(6,g),g)\}\\
-  r_{0\rightarrow 1}^{t} = \{&(5,(4,g),g), (6,(5,o),o), (7,(6,o),o),
-  (8,(7,o),o), (9,(8,g),o)\}
-This information can either be calculated automatically by
-communicating all indices in a ring or set up by hand if the user has
-this information available. Assuming that \lstinline!sis! is the index set
-$I_s$ and \lstinline!tis! the index set $I_t$ set up as described in
-the previous subsection  and \lstinline!comm! is an MPI communicator
-then the simple call
-on all processes automatically calculates this information and
-stores it in \lstinline!riRedist!. For a
-parallel calculation on the local views $s_0$ and $s_1$ calling
-on all processes builds the necessary information in \lstinline!riS!.
-\subsection{Communication Interface}
-With the information provided by class \lstinline!RemoteIndices! the
-user can set up arbitrary communication interfaces. These interfaces
-are realised in \lstinline!template<typename T> class Interface!,
-where the template parameter \lstinline!T! is the custom type of the
-\lstinline!ParallelIndexSet! representing the index sets. 
-Using the attributes attached to the indices by
-\lstinline!ParallelLocalIndex! the user can select subsets of the
-indices for exchanging data, e.g. send data from indices marked
-as \lstinline!owner! to indices marked as \lstinline!ghost!.
-Basically the interface on process $p$ manages two sets for each
-process $q$ it shares common indices with:
-i_{p\rightarrow q}^{s} = \{ l | (g,(l,a),b) \in r_{p\rightarrow q}^{s} |
-a \in A_s \wedge b \in A_t\}
-i_{p\rightarrow q}^{t} = \{ l | (g, (l,a), b) \in r_{p\rightarrow q}^{t} |
-a \in A_t \wedge b \in A_s\}\,,
-where $A_s$ and $A_t$ are the attributes marking the indices where the
-source and target of the communication will be, respectively.
-In our example these sets on process $0$ will be stored for
-communication if $A_s=\{o\}$ and $A_t=\{o, g\}$:
-  i_{0\rightarrow 0}^{s} =  \{0, 1, 3, 5\}\quad & \quad
-  i_{0\rightarrow 0}^{t} =  \{0, 1, 3, 4\}\\
-  i_{0\rightarrow 1}^{s} =  \{2, 3, 4, 5\}\quad & \quad
-  i_{0\rightarrow 1}^{t} =  \{5, 6, 7, 8\}\,.
-The following code snippet would build the interface above in
-\lstinline!infRedist! as well as the interface \lstinline!infS!
-to communicate between
-indices marked as \lstinline!owner! and \lstinline!ghost! on the local
-array views $s_0$ and $s_1$:
-Using the classes from the previous sections all information about the
-communication is available and we are set to communicate data values
-of arbitrary
-container types. The only prerequisite for the container type is that
-its values are addressable via \lstinline!operator[](size_t index)!.
-This should be safe to assume. 
-An important feature of our communicators is that we are not only able to
-send one data item per index, but also different numbers of data
-elements (of the same type) for each index. This is
-supported in a generic way by the traits class 
-\lstinline!template<class V> struct CommPolicy! 
-describing the container type \lstinline!V!. The 
-\lstinline!typedef IndexedType! is the atomic type to be communicated and
-\lstinline!typedef IndexedTypeFlag! is either \lstinline!SizeOne! if
-there is only one data item per index or \lstinline!VariableSize! if the
-number of data items per index is variable.
-The default implementation works for all
-array-like containers which provide only one data item per index. For all
-other containers the user has to provide its own custom
-%For the vector classes of ISTL (up to two block levels)
-%those specialisations are already implemented.
-The class \lstinline!template<class T> class BufferedCommunicator!
-performs the 
-actual communication. The template parameter \lstinline!T! describes
-the type of the parallel index set.
-It uses the information about the communication interface provided by
-an object of class \lstinline!Interface! to set up communication
-buffers for a container containing a specific data type. It is also
-responsible for gathering the data before and scattering the data
-after the communication step. The strict separation of the interface
-description from the actual buffering and communication allows for
-reusing the interface information with various different container and
-data types.
-Before the communication can start one has to call the
-\lstinline!build! method with the data source and target containers as
-well as the communication interface as arguments. Assuming
-\lstinline!s! and \lstinline!t! as arrays $s_i$ and $t_i$,
-respectively, then
-demonstrates how to set up the communicator \lstinline!bCommRedist! for the array
-redistribution and \lstinline!bComm! for a parallel calculation on the
-local views $s_i$. The
-\lstinline!build! function
-calculates the size of the messages to send to other processes and
-allocates buffers for the send and receive actions. The
-representatives \lstinline!s! and \lstinline!t! are
-needed to get the number of data values at each index in the case of
-variable numbers of data items per index. Note that, due to the generic
-programming techniques used, the compiler knows if the number of data
-points is constant for each index and will apply a specialised
-algorithm for calculating the message size without querying neither
-\lstinline!s! nor  \lstinline!t!. Clean up of allocated
-resources is done either by calling the method \lstinline!free()! or
-automatically in the destructor.
-The actual communication takes place if one of the methods
-and \lstinline!backward! is called. In our case in
-\lstinline!bCommRedist! the \lstinline!forward! method
-sends data from the local views $s_i$ to the local views $t_i$
-according to the interface information and the \lstinline!backward!
-method in the opposite direction. 
-The following code snippet first redistributes the local views $s_i$
-of the global array to the local views $t_i$ and
-performs some calculation on this representation. Afterwards the
-result is communicated backwards.
-Note that both methods have a different template parameter, either
-\lstinline!CopyData! or \lstinline!AddData!. These are policies for
-gathering and scattering the data items. The former just copies
-the data from and to the location. The latter copies from the source
-location but adds the received data items to the target
-entries. Assuming our data is stored in simple C-arrays
-\lstinline!AddData! could be implemented like this:
-Note that arbitrary
-manipulations can be applied to the communicated data in both methods.
-For containers with multiple data items associated with one index
-the methods \lstinline!gather! and \lstinline!scatter! must have an additional
-integer argument specifying the sub-index. 
-\section{Collective Communication}
-While communicating entries of array-like structures is a prominent
-task in scientific computing  codes one must not neglect
-collective communication operations, like gathering and scattering data
- from and to all processes, respectively, or waiting for other processes. An
-abstraction for these operations is crucial for decoupling the
-communication from the parallel programming paradigm used.
-Therefore we designed 
-\lstinline!template<class T> class CollectiveCommunication! which provides
-information of the underlying parallel programming paradigm as well as
-the collective communication operations as known from MPI. See Table
-\ref{tab:col-comm} for a list of all functions. 
-  \centering
-  \begin{tabular}{p{.5\textwidth}|p{.4\textwidth}}
-    Function&Description\\\hline\hline
-    \lstinline!int rank()!&Get the rank of the process\\
-    \lstinline!int size()!&Get the number of processes\\
-    \lstinline!template<typename T> T sum (T& in)!& Compute global
-    sum\\
-    \lstinline!template<typename T> T prod (T& in)!&Compute global
-    product\\
-    \lstinline!template<typename T> T min (T& in)!&Compute global minimum\\
-    \lstinline!template<typename T> T max (T& in)!&Compute global
-    maximum\\
-    \lstinline!void barrier()!& Wait for all processes.\\
-    \lstinline!template<typename T> int broadcast (T* inout, int len, int root)! 
-& Broadcast an array from root to all other processes\\
-\lstinline!template<typename T> int gather (T* in, T* out, int len, int root)!&
-Gather arrays at a root process\\
-\lstinline!template<typename BinaryFunction, typename Type> int allreduce(Type* in, Type* out, int len)!&
-Combine values from all processes on all processes. Combine function
-is given with \lstinline!BinaryFunction!
-  \end{tabular}
-  \caption{Collective Communication Functions}
-  \label{tab:col-comm}
-Currently there is a default implementation for sequential programs
-as well as a specialisation working with MPI. This approach allows for
-running parallel programs sequentially without any parallel overhead
-simply by choosing the sequential specialisation at compile time.
-Note that the interface is far more convenient to use than the C++
-interface of MPI. The latter is a simple wrapper around the C
-implementation without taking advantage of the power of generic programming.
-The collective communication classes were developed before the release
-of Boost.MPI \cite{boost_mpi}. In contrast to Boost.MPI it was never
-meant as a full generic implementation of all MPI functions. Instead it
-is restricted to the most basic subset of collective operations needed
-to implement finite element methods and iterative solver using the
-previously described components. This lean interface should make it
-possible to easily port this approach to
-thread based parallelisation as well as other parallelisation
-paradigms. This would allow code to easily switch between different paradigms
-%%% Local Variables: 
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End: 
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-46.69856 351.92176 47.010734 352.90613 47.010742 354.16394 curveto
-47.010734 355.4172 46.69856 356.40157 46.074219 357.11707 curveto
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-52.028316 354.61056 51.857418 355.63823 51.515625 356.67273 curveto
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-48.890625 359.83093 lineto
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-50.544919 355.68608 50.69531 354.64246 50.695312 353.58972 curveto
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-37.918945 327.5946 moveto
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-52.433914 327.59461 53.306634 328.04806 53.908203 328.95496 curveto
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-73.694006 321.30945 74.149735 321.20919 74.46875 321.00867 curveto
-74.787755 320.80359 74.94726 320.51648 74.947266 320.14734 curveto
-74.94726 319.80554 74.831049 319.5435 74.598633 319.36121 curveto
-74.370763 319.17892 73.867183 319.00346 73.087891 318.83484 curveto
-72.650391 318.7323 lineto
-71.871092 318.56824 71.308267 318.31759 70.961914 317.98035 curveto
-70.615559 317.63855 70.442382 317.17143 70.442383 316.57898 curveto
-70.442382 315.85893 70.69759 315.30294 71.208008 314.91101 curveto
-71.718422 314.51909 72.443031 314.32313 73.381836 314.32312 curveto
-73.846675 314.32313 74.284175 314.35731 74.694336 314.42566 curveto
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-6.3125 439.27167 moveto
-5.7018192 440.31985 5.2483691 441.35664 4.9521484 442.38202 curveto
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-4.50781 446.55194 4.6559218 447.59556 4.9521484 448.63007 curveto
-5.2529264 449.66001 5.7063765 450.6968 6.3125 451.74042 curveto
-5.21875 451.74042 lineto
-4.5351537 450.66945 4.0224589 449.61672 3.6806641 448.58221 curveto
-3.3434231 447.54771 3.1748035 446.52004 3.1748047 445.49921 curveto
-3.1748035 444.48294 3.3434231 443.45982 3.6806641 442.42987 curveto
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-9.7509743 446.20103 9.9287084 447.25149 10.28418 447.95331 curveto
-10.644203 448.65057 11.179684 448.99921 11.890625 448.99921 curveto
-12.606115 448.99921 13.141596 448.65057 13.49707 447.95331 curveto
-13.85709 447.25149 14.037103 446.20103 14.037109 444.80194 curveto
-14.037103 443.3983 13.85709 442.34785 13.49707 441.65057 curveto
-13.141596 440.94876 12.606115 440.59785 11.890625 440.59784 curveto
-11.890625 439.50409 moveto
-13.0345 439.5041 13.90722 439.95755 14.508789 440.86444 curveto
-15.114901 441.76679 15.417961 443.07929 15.417969 444.80194 curveto
-15.417961 446.52004 15.114901 447.83254 14.508789 448.73944 curveto
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-10.746741 450.09296 9.8717424 449.64178 9.265625 448.73944 curveto
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-8.3632803 443.07929 8.6640613 441.76679 9.265625 440.86444 curveto
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-17.995117 448.15839 lineto
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-23.122068 446.20103 23.299802 447.25149 23.655273 447.95331 curveto
-24.015296 448.65057 24.550778 448.99921 25.261719 448.99921 curveto
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-25.261719 439.50409 moveto
-26.405593 439.5041 27.278314 439.95755 27.879883 440.86444 curveto
-28.485995 441.76679 28.789055 443.07929 28.789062 444.80194 curveto
-28.789055 446.52004 28.485995 447.83254 27.879883 448.73944 curveto
-27.278314 449.64178 26.405593 450.09296 25.261719 450.09296 curveto
-24.117835 450.09296 23.242836 449.64178 22.636719 448.73944 curveto
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-32.808594 449.33417 lineto
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-31.366211 449.33417 lineto
-31.366211 448.15839 lineto
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-39.138667 449.02655 39.669591 448.76223 40.061523 448.23358 curveto
-40.453444 447.70494 40.649408 446.98489 40.649414 446.07343 curveto
-40.649408 445.16653 40.453444 444.44876 40.061523 443.9201 curveto
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-38.46875 442.05389 moveto
-39.562495 442.0539 40.421543 442.40937 41.045898 443.1203 curveto
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-34.955077 444.81562 35.264973 443.83124 35.884766 443.1203 curveto
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-46.999996 446.52004 46.829097 447.54771 46.487305 448.58221 curveto
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-43.862305 451.74042 lineto
-44.468423 450.6968 44.919594 449.66001 45.21582 448.63007 curveto
-45.516599 447.59556 45.666989 446.55194 45.666992 445.49921 curveto
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-50.146482 446.55194 50.294594 447.59556 50.59082 448.63007 curveto
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-50.857422 451.74042 lineto
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-48.813475 444.48294 48.982095 443.45982 49.319336 442.42987 curveto
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-57.057617 439.68866 lineto
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-70.428711 439.68866 lineto
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-84.107422 442.05389 moveto
-85.201166 442.0539 86.060215 442.40937 86.68457 443.1203 curveto
-87.308912 443.83124 87.621086 444.81562 87.621094 446.07343 curveto
-87.621086 447.32668 87.308912 448.31106 86.68457 449.02655 curveto
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-92.638668 446.52004 92.467769 447.54771 92.125977 448.58221 curveto
-91.788734 449.61672 91.278317 450.66945 90.594727 451.74042 curveto
-89.500977 451.74042 lineto
-90.107095 450.6968 90.558266 449.66001 90.854492 448.63007 curveto
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-50.146482 466.0871 50.294594 467.13072 50.59082 468.16522 curveto
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-50.857422 471.27557 lineto
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-48.813475 464.01809 48.982095 462.99498 49.319336 461.96503 curveto
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-60.010742 460.38593 lineto
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-55.854492 462.88788 lineto
-56.05501 462.81953 56.255531 462.7694 56.456055 462.73749 curveto
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-60.762688 467.25377 60.420891 468.10826 59.737305 468.71893 curveto
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-59.38183 465.44452 59.151687 464.8817 58.691406 464.46698 curveto
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-63.633789 467.69354 lineto
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-81.88574 470.91555 82.250323 471.06366 82.610352 471.15936 curveto
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-86.178711 468.08319 lineto
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-87.436523 468.47968 lineto
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-92.966793 466.0552 92.795894 467.08287 92.454102 468.11737 curveto
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-108.52734 451.98846 lineto
-109.08789 449.80096 lineto
-109.08789 448.62518 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-114.59082 449.1994 moveto
-119.41016 449.1994 lineto
-119.41016 450.36151 lineto
-112.92969 450.36151 lineto
-112.92969 449.1994 lineto
-113.45377 448.65709 114.16699 447.9302 115.06934 447.01874 curveto
-115.97623 446.10273 116.54589 445.51256 116.77832 445.24823 curveto
-117.22037 444.75149 117.52799 444.33222 117.70117 443.99042 curveto
-117.8789 443.64407 117.96777 443.30455 117.96777 442.97186 curveto
-117.96777 442.42955 117.77636 441.9875 117.39355 441.64569 curveto
-117.01529 441.3039 116.52083 441.133 115.91016 441.133 curveto
-115.47721 441.133 115.0192 441.2082 114.53613 441.35858 curveto
-114.05762 441.50898 113.54492 441.73685 112.99805 442.04218 curveto
-112.99805 440.64764 lineto
-113.55403 440.42435 114.07357 440.25573 114.55664 440.14178 curveto
-115.03971 440.02786 115.48177 439.9709 115.88281 439.97089 curveto
-116.9401 439.9709 117.7832 440.23522 118.41211 440.76385 curveto
-119.04101 441.29251 119.35546 441.99889 119.35547 442.883 curveto
-119.35546 443.30227 119.27571 443.70104 119.11621 444.07928 curveto
-118.96126 444.45299 118.67643 444.89505 118.26172 445.40546 curveto
-118.14778 445.53762 117.78548 445.92043 117.1748 446.55389 curveto
-116.56412 447.1828 115.7028 448.06464 114.59082 449.1994 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-122.45898 448.62518 moveto
-123.90137 448.62518 lineto
-123.90137 449.80096 lineto
-122.78027 451.98846 lineto
-121.89844 451.98846 lineto
-122.45898 449.80096 lineto
-122.45898 448.62518 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-129.56152 443.5871 moveto
-128.88704 443.5871 128.35384 443.85143 127.96191 444.38007 curveto
-127.56998 444.90416 127.37402 445.62421 127.37402 446.54022 curveto
-127.37402 447.45624 127.56771 448.17857 127.95508 448.70721 curveto
-128.347 449.2313 128.88248 449.49335 129.56152 449.49335 curveto
-130.23144 449.49335 130.76236 449.22903 131.1543 448.70038 curveto
-131.54622 448.17173 131.74218 447.45168 131.74219 446.54022 curveto
-131.74218 445.63333 131.54622 444.91555 131.1543 444.3869 curveto
-130.76236 443.85371 130.23144 443.5871 129.56152 443.5871 curveto
-129.56152 442.52069 moveto
-130.65527 442.5207 131.51432 442.87617 132.13867 443.5871 curveto
-132.76301 444.29804 133.07519 445.28241 133.0752 446.54022 curveto
-133.07519 447.79348 132.76301 448.77785 132.13867 449.49335 curveto
-131.51432 450.20428 130.65527 450.55975 129.56152 450.55975 curveto
-128.46321 450.55975 127.60189 450.20428 126.97754 449.49335 curveto
-126.35775 448.77785 126.04785 447.79348 126.04785 446.54022 curveto
-126.04785 445.28241 126.35775 444.29804 126.97754 443.5871 curveto
-127.60189 442.87617 128.46321 442.5207 129.56152 442.52069 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-134.95508 439.73846 moveto
-136.04883 439.73846 lineto
-136.73242 440.81399 137.24284 441.86673 137.58008 442.89667 curveto
-137.92187 443.92662 138.09277 444.94973 138.09277 445.966 curveto
-138.09277 446.98684 137.92187 448.01451 137.58008 449.04901 curveto
-137.24284 450.08352 136.73242 451.13625 136.04883 452.20721 curveto
-134.95508 452.20721 lineto
-135.5612 451.16359 136.01237 450.12681 136.30859 449.09686 curveto
-136.60937 448.06236 136.75976 447.01874 136.75977 445.966 curveto
-136.75976 444.91327 136.60937 443.87421 136.30859 442.84882 curveto
-136.01237 441.82343 135.5612 440.78665 134.95508 439.73846 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-5.1376953 458.27362 moveto
-4.5270145 459.32181 4.0735644 460.35859 3.7773438 461.38397 curveto
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-3.3330053 465.5539 3.4811171 466.59752 3.7773438 467.63202 curveto
-4.0781217 468.66197 4.5315718 469.69875 5.1376953 470.74237 curveto
-4.0439453 470.74237 lineto
-3.360349 469.67141 2.8476542 468.61867 2.5058594 467.58417 curveto
-2.1686184 466.54966 1.9999988 465.522 2 464.50116 curveto
-1.9999988 463.48489 2.1686184 462.46178 2.5058594 461.43182 curveto
-2.8430969 460.40188 3.3557917 459.34915 4.0439453 458.27362 curveto
-5.1376953 458.27362 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-11.946289 463.39374 moveto
-12.60709 463.53502 13.122063 463.82896 13.491211 464.27557 curveto
-13.864901 464.72219 14.05175 465.27362 14.051758 465.92987 curveto
-14.05175 466.93703 13.705396 467.71633 13.012695 468.26776 curveto
-12.319981 468.81919 11.335607 469.09491 10.05957 469.09491 curveto
-9.6311815 469.09491 9.1891247 469.05162 8.7333984 468.96503 curveto
-8.2822245 468.883 7.8151026 468.75767 7.3320312 468.58905 curveto
-7.3320312 467.25604 lineto
-7.7148423 467.47935 8.1341127 467.64797 8.5898438 467.7619 curveto
-9.0455701 467.87584 9.5218066 467.9328 10.018555 467.9328 curveto
-10.884435 467.9328 11.542963 467.7619 11.994141 467.4201 curveto
-12.449864 467.07831 12.677728 466.58157 12.677734 465.92987 curveto
-12.677728 465.32831 12.465814 464.85891 12.041992 464.52167 curveto
-11.622716 464.17988 11.037105 464.00898 10.285156 464.00897 curveto
-9.0957031 464.00897 lineto
-9.0957031 462.87421 lineto
-10.339844 462.87421 lineto
-11.018875 462.87421 11.538406 462.73977 11.898438 462.47089 curveto
-12.258458 462.19746 12.43847 461.80553 12.438477 461.2951 curveto
-12.43847 460.77102 12.251622 460.36998 11.87793 460.09198 curveto
-11.508784 459.80944 10.97786 459.66816 10.285156 459.66815 curveto
-9.9068974 459.66816 9.5012988 459.70918 9.0683594 459.7912 curveto
-8.6354143 459.87324 8.1591778 460.00084 7.6396484 460.17401 curveto
-7.6396484 458.94354 lineto
-8.1637351 458.79772 8.6536434 458.68834 9.109375 458.61542 curveto
-9.5696582 458.54251 10.0026 458.50605 10.408203 458.50604 curveto
-11.456375 458.50605 12.285801 458.74531 12.896484 459.22382 curveto
-13.507154 459.69778 13.812492 460.34036 13.8125 461.15155 curveto
-13.812492 461.71666 13.650709 462.19518 13.327148 462.5871 curveto
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-16.820312 467.16034 moveto
-18.262695 467.16034 lineto
-18.262695 468.33612 lineto
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-16.820312 468.33612 lineto
-16.820312 467.16034 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-25.317383 463.39374 moveto
-25.978184 463.53502 26.493157 463.82896 26.862305 464.27557 curveto
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-27.422844 466.93703 27.07649 467.71633 26.383789 468.26776 curveto
-25.691075 468.81919 24.706701 469.09491 23.430664 469.09491 curveto
-23.002275 469.09491 22.560218 469.05162 22.104492 468.96503 curveto
-21.653318 468.883 21.186196 468.75767 20.703125 468.58905 curveto
-20.703125 467.25604 lineto
-21.085936 467.47935 21.505206 467.64797 21.960938 467.7619 curveto
-22.416664 467.87584 22.8929 467.9328 23.389648 467.9328 curveto
-24.255529 467.9328 24.914057 467.7619 25.365234 467.4201 curveto
-25.820957 467.07831 26.048822 466.58157 26.048828 465.92987 curveto
-26.048822 465.32831 25.836908 464.85891 25.413086 464.52167 curveto
-24.99381 464.17988 24.408198 464.00898 23.65625 464.00897 curveto
-22.466797 464.00897 lineto
-22.466797 462.87421 lineto
-23.710938 462.87421 lineto
-24.389969 462.87421 24.9095 462.73977 25.269531 462.47089 curveto
-25.629551 462.19746 25.809564 461.80553 25.80957 461.2951 curveto
-25.809564 460.77102 25.622715 460.36998 25.249023 460.09198 curveto
-24.879878 459.80944 24.348954 459.66816 23.65625 459.66815 curveto
-23.277991 459.66816 22.872393 459.70918 22.439453 459.7912 curveto
-22.006508 459.87324 21.530272 460.00084 21.010742 460.17401 curveto
-21.010742 458.94354 lineto
-21.534829 458.79772 22.024737 458.68834 22.480469 458.61542 curveto
-22.940752 458.54251 23.373694 458.50605 23.779297 458.50604 curveto
-24.827469 458.50605 25.656895 458.74531 26.267578 459.22382 curveto
-26.878248 459.69778 27.183586 460.34036 27.183594 461.15155 curveto
-27.183586 461.71666 27.021803 462.19518 26.698242 462.5871 curveto
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-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-30.191406 467.16034 moveto
-31.633789 467.16034 lineto
-31.633789 468.33612 lineto
-30.512695 470.52362 lineto
-29.630859 470.52362 lineto
-30.191406 468.33612 lineto
-30.191406 467.16034 lineto
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-39.365234 464.97968 moveto
-39.365228 464.06822 39.176101 463.36184 38.797852 462.86053 curveto
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-36.544267 462.10859 36.017901 462.35924 35.639648 462.86053 curveto
-35.265948 463.36184 35.079099 464.06822 35.079102 464.97968 curveto
-35.079099 465.88658 35.265948 466.59068 35.639648 467.09198 curveto
-36.017901 467.59328 36.544267 467.84393 37.21875 467.84393 curveto
-37.897782 467.84393 38.424148 467.59328 38.797852 467.09198 curveto
-39.176101 466.59068 39.365228 465.88658 39.365234 464.97968 curveto
-40.623047 467.94647 moveto
-40.623039 469.24986 40.333652 470.21828 39.754883 470.85175 curveto
-39.176101 471.48976 38.289708 471.80877 37.095703 471.80878 curveto
-36.653642 471.80877 36.23665 471.77459 35.844727 471.70624 curveto
-35.452797 471.64243 35.072264 471.54217 34.703125 471.40546 curveto
-34.703125 470.18182 lineto
-35.072264 470.38234 35.436847 470.53045 35.796875 470.62616 curveto
-36.156898 470.72186 36.52376 470.76971 36.897461 470.76971 curveto
-37.722326 470.76971 38.339838 470.55324 38.75 470.1203 curveto
-39.16015 469.69191 39.365228 469.0425 39.365234 468.17206 curveto
-39.365234 467.54999 lineto
-39.105463 468.00116 38.772781 468.3384 38.367188 468.56171 curveto
-37.961584 468.78501 37.476233 468.89667 36.911133 468.89667 curveto
-35.972328 468.89667 35.215818 468.53892 34.641602 467.82343 curveto
-34.067382 467.10793 33.780273 466.16002 33.780273 464.97968 curveto
-33.780273 463.79478 34.067382 462.84459 34.641602 462.12909 curveto
-35.215818 461.4136 35.972328 461.05586 36.911133 461.05585 curveto
-37.476233 461.05586 37.961584 461.16751 38.367188 461.39081 curveto
-38.772781 461.61412 39.105463 461.95136 39.365234 462.40253 curveto
-39.365234 461.24042 lineto
-40.623047 461.24042 lineto
-40.623047 467.94647 lineto
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-46.153316 465.522 45.982418 466.54966 45.640625 467.58417 curveto
-45.303382 468.61867 44.792966 469.67141 44.109375 470.74237 curveto
-43.015625 470.74237 lineto
-43.621743 469.69875 44.072914 468.66197 44.369141 467.63202 curveto
-44.669919 466.59752 44.82031 465.5539 44.820312 464.50116 curveto
-44.82031 463.44843 44.669919 462.40937 44.369141 461.38397 curveto
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-96.428708 466.0871 96.57682 467.13072 96.873047 468.16522 curveto
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-97.139648 471.27557 lineto
-96.456052 470.20461 95.943357 469.15188 95.601562 468.11737 curveto
-95.264322 467.08287 95.095702 466.0552 95.095703 465.03436 curveto
-95.095702 464.01809 95.264322 462.99498 95.601562 461.96503 curveto
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-98.233398 458.80682 lineto
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-101.96582 466.88918 102.14583 467.47024 102.50586 467.89862 curveto
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-106.72363 459.4494 moveto
-106.72363 460.70721 lineto
-106.37727 460.54316 106.02636 460.41784 105.6709 460.33124 curveto
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-103.71354 460.20136 103.01627 460.50898 102.5332 461.12421 curveto
-102.05468 461.73945 101.78125 462.66914 101.71289 463.91327 curveto
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-103.1302 462.7899 103.57682 462.68281 104.06445 462.6828 curveto
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-107.38671 467.20364 107.07682 468.04446 106.45703 468.67792 curveto
-105.83723 469.31138 105.01236 469.62811 103.98242 469.62811 curveto
-102.80208 469.62811 101.89974 469.17694 101.27539 468.2746 curveto
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-100.33887 462.72382 100.72168 461.43867 101.4873 460.48163 curveto
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-111.3584 468.86932 lineto
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-109.91602 467.69354 lineto
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-119.66406 460.38593 lineto
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-115.50781 462.88788 lineto
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-120.41601 467.25377 120.07421 468.10826 119.39062 468.71893 curveto
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-113.8125 467.80292 lineto
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-119.03515 465.44452 118.80501 464.8817 118.34473 464.46698 curveto
-117.88443 464.05227 117.26009 463.84492 116.47168 463.84491 curveto
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-124.72949 468.86932 lineto
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-123.28711 468.86932 lineto
-123.28711 467.69354 lineto
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-129.71517 462.65546 129.18196 462.91979 128.79004 463.44843 curveto
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-128.20215 466.5246 128.39583 467.24693 128.7832 467.77557 curveto
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-130.38965 461.58905 moveto
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-138.92089 466.0552 138.75 467.08287 138.4082 468.11737 curveto
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-135.7832 471.27557 lineto
-136.38932 470.23195 136.84049 469.19517 137.13672 468.16522 curveto
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-137.58789 463.98163 137.4375 462.94257 137.13672 461.91718 curveto
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-2.3642553 485.12226 2.5123671 486.16588 2.8085938 487.20038 curveto
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-3.0751953 490.31073 lineto
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-1.0312488 483.05325 1.1998684 482.03014 1.5371094 481.00018 curveto
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-4.1689453 477.84198 lineto
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-13.007812 478.84686 lineto
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-236.53223 353.49695 moveto
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-264.99707 353.27136 moveto
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-277.03613 357.92371 277.18424 358.96733 277.48047 360.00183 curveto
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-249 377.2004 249.16862 376.17729 249.50586 375.14734 curveto
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-262.87402 442.6672 262.67805 441.94943 262.28613 441.42078 curveto
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-261.7871 439.55457 262.64615 439.91004 263.27051 440.62097 curveto
-263.89485 441.33192 264.20702 442.31629 264.20703 443.5741 curveto
-264.20702 444.82735 263.89485 445.81173 263.27051 446.52722 curveto
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-257.17969 442.31629 257.48958 441.33192 258.10938 440.62097 curveto
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-283.34277 437.18933 lineto
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-284.79883 444.98914 lineto
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-291.14258 437.68152 lineto
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-300.60352 446.83484 lineto
-300.60352 445.65906 lineto
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-305.51855 444.49012 305.71224 445.21245 306.09961 445.74109 curveto
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-198.49805 460.90808 lineto
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-275.57715 455.77429 moveto
-274.96647 456.82248 274.51302 457.85926 274.2168 458.88464 curveto
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-273.77246 463.05457 273.92057 464.09819 274.2168 465.13269 curveto
-274.51757 466.16264 274.97102 467.19942 275.57715 468.24304 curveto
-274.4834 468.24304 lineto
-273.7998 467.17208 273.28711 466.11934 272.94531 465.08484 curveto
-272.60807 464.05034 272.43945 463.02267 272.43945 462.00183 curveto
-272.43945 460.98556 272.60807 459.96245 272.94531 458.9325 curveto
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-275.57715 455.77429 lineto
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-280.49902 461.55066 279.98177 461.72612 279.60352 462.07703 curveto
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-279.04297 464.14148 279.22982 464.62455 279.60352 464.97546 curveto
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-283.27441 462.91101 283.08528 462.42794 282.70703 462.07703 curveto
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-279.77441 460.96277 moveto
-279.18196 460.81694 278.7194 460.54122 278.38672 460.13562 curveto
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-277.89453 457.83648 278.18392 457.19162 278.7627 456.71765 curveto
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-284.41601 459.23556 284.24967 459.73003 283.91699 460.13562 curveto
-283.58886 460.54122 283.13085 460.81694 282.54297 460.96277 curveto
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-279.26855 458.7821 moveto
-279.26855 459.31076 279.43261 459.72319 279.76074 460.01941 curveto
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-283.04882 458.25347 282.8802 457.84103 282.54297 457.5448 curveto
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-288.70215 464.66101 lineto
-288.70215 465.83679 lineto
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-287.25977 465.83679 lineto
-287.25977 464.66101 lineto
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-297.00781 456.19128 lineto
-297.00781 457.35339 lineto
-292.85156 457.35339 lineto
-292.85156 459.85535 lineto
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-295.19401 459.65028 296.09635 459.96245 296.76172 460.58679 curveto
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-297.75976 464.22123 297.41796 465.07573 296.73438 465.6864 curveto
-296.05078 466.29252 295.08691 466.59558 293.84277 466.59558 curveto
-293.41438 466.59558 292.97689 466.55912 292.53027 466.48621 curveto
-292.08821 466.41329 291.63021 466.30391 291.15625 466.15808 curveto
-291.15625 464.77039 lineto
-291.5664 464.99369 291.99023 465.16004 292.42773 465.26941 curveto
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-296.3789 462.41199 296.14876 461.84917 295.68848 461.43445 curveto
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-291.58691 456.19128 lineto
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-302.07324 465.83679 lineto
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-300.07031 468.02429 lineto
-300.63086 465.83679 lineto
-300.63086 464.66101 lineto
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-309.80468 461.56889 309.61555 460.86251 309.2373 460.36121 curveto
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-305.51855 463.38725 305.7054 464.09135 306.0791 464.59265 curveto
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-309.61555 464.09135 309.80468 463.38725 309.80469 462.48035 curveto
-311.0625 465.44714 moveto
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-309.61555 468.99044 308.72916 469.30945 307.53516 469.30945 curveto
-307.0931 469.30945 306.6761 469.27527 306.28418 469.20691 curveto
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-305.14258 467.6825 lineto
-305.51172 467.88301 305.8763 468.03113 306.23633 468.12683 curveto
-306.59635 468.22253 306.96321 468.27038 307.33691 468.27039 curveto
-308.16178 468.27038 308.77929 468.05391 309.18945 467.62097 curveto
-309.5996 467.19259 309.80468 466.54317 309.80469 465.67273 curveto
-309.80469 465.05066 lineto
-309.54492 465.50183 309.21223 465.83907 308.80664 466.06238 curveto
-308.40104 466.28569 307.91569 466.39734 307.35059 466.39734 curveto
-306.41178 466.39734 305.65527 466.03959 305.08105 465.3241 curveto
-304.50683 464.6086 304.21973 463.66069 304.21973 462.48035 curveto
-304.21973 461.29546 304.50683 460.34526 305.08105 459.62976 curveto
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-307.91569 458.55653 308.40104 458.66818 308.80664 458.89148 curveto
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-309.80469 458.74109 lineto
-311.0625 458.74109 lineto
-311.0625 465.44714 lineto
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-314.54883 455.77429 lineto
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-316.59277 463.02267 316.42187 464.05034 316.08008 465.08484 curveto
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-313.45508 468.24304 lineto
-314.0612 467.19942 314.51237 466.16264 314.80859 465.13269 curveto
-315.10937 464.09819 315.25976 463.05457 315.25977 462.00183 curveto
-315.25976 460.9491 315.10937 459.91004 314.80859 458.88464 curveto
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-172.50781 483.12293 172.65592 484.16655 172.95215 485.20105 curveto
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-173.21875 488.3114 lineto
-172.53515 487.24044 172.02246 486.1877 171.68066 485.1532 curveto
-171.34342 484.1187 171.1748 483.09103 171.1748 482.07019 curveto
-171.1748 481.05392 171.34342 480.03081 171.68066 479.00085 curveto
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-176.97852 484.99597 lineto
-177.32487 485.16004 177.67578 485.28536 178.03125 485.37195 curveto
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-179.9886 485.50183 180.68359 485.19649 181.16211 484.58582 curveto
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-178.61686 483.00672 177.80794 482.6991 177.21094 482.08386 curveto
-176.61849 481.46408 176.32226 480.6187 176.32227 479.54773 curveto
-176.32226 478.49956 176.63216 477.65874 177.25195 477.02527 curveto
-177.87174 476.39182 178.69661 476.07508 179.72656 476.07507 curveto
-180.9069 476.07508 181.80696 476.52853 182.42676 477.43542 curveto
-183.0511 478.33778 183.36327 479.65028 183.36328 481.37292 curveto
-183.36327 482.98165 182.98046 484.26681 182.21484 485.22839 curveto
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-177.73047 486.49304 177.36133 486.3905 176.97852 486.25378 curveto
-179.72656 481.92664 moveto
-180.34635 481.92664 180.83626 481.71473 181.19629 481.29089 curveto
-181.56087 480.86707 181.74316 480.28602 181.74316 479.54773 curveto
-181.74316 478.81401 181.56087 478.23524 181.19629 477.8114 curveto
-180.83626 477.38303 180.34635 477.16883 179.72656 477.16882 curveto
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-187.4375 485.90515 lineto
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-185.43457 488.09265 lineto
-185.99512 485.90515 lineto
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-191.41601 483.92501 191.59603 484.50606 191.95605 484.93445 curveto
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-196.17383 476.48523 moveto
-196.17383 477.74304 lineto
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-193.16373 477.23719 192.46647 477.54481 191.9834 478.16003 curveto
-191.50488 478.77528 191.23144 479.70496 191.16309 480.9491 curveto
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-194.54003 479.71863 195.34895 480.03081 195.94141 480.65515 curveto
-196.5384 481.27495 196.83691 482.12032 196.83691 483.19128 curveto
-196.83691 484.23946 196.52701 485.08028 195.90723 485.71375 curveto
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-206.46875 478.62488 moveto
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-209.98241 483.89767 209.67024 484.88204 209.0459 485.59753 curveto
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-268.58691 488.8114 lineto
-269.19303 487.76778 269.6442 486.731 269.94043 485.70105 curveto
-270.24121 484.66655 270.3916 483.62293 270.3916 482.57019 curveto
-270.3916 481.51746 270.24121 480.4784 269.94043 479.453 curveto
-269.6442 478.42762 269.19303 477.39084 268.58691 476.34265 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-276.49121 476.34265 moveto
-275.88053 477.39084 275.42708 478.42762 275.13086 479.453 curveto
-274.83463 480.4784 274.68652 481.51746 274.68652 482.57019 curveto
-274.68652 483.62293 274.83463 484.66655 275.13086 485.70105 curveto
-275.43164 486.731 275.88509 487.76778 276.49121 488.8114 curveto
-275.39746 488.8114 lineto
-274.71386 487.74044 274.20117 486.6877 273.85938 485.6532 curveto
-273.52213 484.6187 273.35351 483.59103 273.35352 482.57019 curveto
-273.35351 481.55392 273.52213 480.53081 273.85938 479.50085 curveto
-274.19661 478.47092 274.70931 477.41818 275.39746 476.34265 curveto
-276.49121 476.34265 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-279.35547 485.80359 moveto
-281.61133 485.80359 lineto
-281.61133 478.01746 lineto
-279.15723 478.50964 lineto
-279.15723 477.25183 lineto
-281.59766 476.75964 lineto
-282.97852 476.75964 lineto
-282.97852 485.80359 lineto
-285.23438 485.80359 lineto
-285.23438 486.9657 lineto
-279.35547 486.9657 lineto
-279.35547 485.80359 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-288.26953 485.80359 moveto
-290.52539 485.80359 lineto
-290.52539 478.01746 lineto
-288.07129 478.50964 lineto
-288.07129 477.25183 lineto
-290.51172 476.75964 lineto
-291.89258 476.75964 lineto
-291.89258 485.80359 lineto
-294.14844 485.80359 lineto
-294.14844 486.9657 lineto
-288.26953 486.9657 lineto
-288.26953 485.80359 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-297.08789 485.22937 moveto
-298.53027 485.22937 lineto
-298.53027 486.40515 lineto
-297.40918 488.59265 lineto
-296.52734 488.59265 lineto
-297.08789 486.40515 lineto
-297.08789 485.22937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-304.35449 482.11902 moveto
-303.69824 482.11902 303.18099 482.29448 302.80273 482.64539 curveto
-302.42903 482.9963 302.24219 483.47937 302.24219 484.0946 curveto
-302.24219 484.70984 302.42903 485.19291 302.80273 485.54382 curveto
-303.18099 485.89474 303.69824 486.07019 304.35449 486.07019 curveto
-305.01074 486.07019 305.52799 485.89474 305.90625 485.54382 curveto
-306.2845 485.18836 306.47363 484.70528 306.47363 484.0946 curveto
-306.47363 483.47937 306.2845 482.9963 305.90625 482.64539 curveto
-305.53255 482.29448 305.01529 482.11902 304.35449 482.11902 curveto
-302.97363 481.53113 moveto
-302.38118 481.3853 301.91862 481.10958 301.58594 480.70398 curveto
-301.25781 480.29839 301.09375 479.80392 301.09375 479.22058 curveto
-301.09375 478.40483 301.38314 477.75998 301.96191 477.28601 curveto
-302.54524 476.81206 303.34277 476.57508 304.35449 476.57507 curveto
-305.37076 476.57508 306.16829 476.81206 306.74707 477.28601 curveto
-307.32584 477.75998 307.61523 478.40483 307.61523 479.22058 curveto
-307.61523 479.80392 307.44889 480.29839 307.11621 480.70398 curveto
-306.78808 481.10958 306.33007 481.3853 305.74219 481.53113 curveto
-306.40755 481.68608 306.9248 481.98914 307.29395 482.44031 curveto
-307.66764 482.89148 307.85448 483.44292 307.85449 484.0946 curveto
-307.85448 485.08354 307.55142 485.84233 306.94531 486.37097 curveto
-306.34374 486.89962 305.48014 487.16394 304.35449 487.16394 curveto
-303.22884 487.16394 302.36295 486.89962 301.75684 486.37097 curveto
-301.15527 485.84233 300.85449 485.08354 300.85449 484.0946 curveto
-300.85449 483.44292 301.04134 482.89148 301.41504 482.44031 curveto
-301.78874 481.98914 302.30827 481.68608 302.97363 481.53113 curveto
-302.46777 479.35046 moveto
-302.46777 479.87912 302.63183 480.29155 302.95996 480.58777 curveto
-303.29264 480.884 303.75748 481.03211 304.35449 481.0321 curveto
-304.94694 481.03211 305.4095 480.884 305.74219 480.58777 curveto
-306.07942 480.29155 306.24804 479.87912 306.24805 479.35046 curveto
-306.24804 478.82183 306.07942 478.40939 305.74219 478.11316 curveto
-305.4095 477.81694 304.94694 477.66883 304.35449 477.66882 curveto
-303.75748 477.66883 303.29264 477.81694 302.95996 478.11316 curveto
-302.63183 478.40939 302.46777 478.82183 302.46777 479.35046 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-310.45898 485.22937 moveto
-311.90137 485.22937 lineto
-311.90137 486.40515 lineto
-310.78027 488.59265 lineto
-309.89844 488.59265 lineto
-310.45898 486.40515 lineto
-310.45898 485.22937 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-317.56152 480.19128 moveto
-316.88704 480.19129 316.35384 480.45561 315.96191 480.98425 curveto
-315.56998 481.50835 315.37402 482.2284 315.37402 483.14441 curveto
-315.37402 484.06043 315.56771 484.78276 315.95508 485.3114 curveto
-316.347 485.83549 316.88248 486.09754 317.56152 486.09753 curveto
-318.23144 486.09754 318.76236 485.83321 319.1543 485.30457 curveto
-319.54622 484.77592 319.74218 484.05587 319.74219 483.14441 curveto
-319.74218 482.23751 319.54622 481.51974 319.1543 480.99109 curveto
-318.76236 480.45789 318.23144 480.19129 317.56152 480.19128 curveto
-317.56152 479.12488 moveto
-318.65527 479.12489 319.51432 479.48035 320.13867 480.19128 curveto
-320.76301 480.90223 321.07519 481.8866 321.0752 483.14441 curveto
-321.07519 484.39767 320.76301 485.38204 320.13867 486.09753 curveto
-319.51432 486.80847 318.65527 487.16394 317.56152 487.16394 curveto
-316.46321 487.16394 315.60189 486.80847 314.97754 486.09753 curveto
-314.35775 485.38204 314.04785 484.39767 314.04785 483.14441 curveto
-314.04785 481.8866 314.35775 480.90223 314.97754 480.19128 curveto
-315.60189 479.48035 316.46321 479.12489 317.56152 479.12488 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-322.95508 476.34265 moveto
-324.04883 476.34265 lineto
-324.73242 477.41818 325.24284 478.47092 325.58008 479.50085 curveto
-325.92187 480.53081 326.09277 481.55392 326.09277 482.57019 curveto
-326.09277 483.59103 325.92187 484.6187 325.58008 485.6532 curveto
-325.24284 486.6877 324.73242 487.74044 324.04883 488.8114 curveto
-322.95508 488.8114 lineto
-323.5612 487.76778 324.01237 486.731 324.30859 485.70105 curveto
-324.60937 484.66655 324.75976 483.62293 324.75977 482.57019 curveto
-324.75976 481.51746 324.60937 480.4784 324.30859 479.453 curveto
-324.01237 478.42762 323.5612 477.39084 322.95508 476.34265 curveto
-gsave [1.436848 0 0 0.806571 118.9493 72.56034] concat
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1.5 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-154.5 482.61218 moveto
-154.5 515.59418 125.716 542.36218 90.25 542.36218 curveto
-54.784 542.36218 26 515.59418 26 482.61218 curveto
-26 449.63018 54.784 422.86218 90.25 422.86218 curveto
-125.716 422.86218 154.5 449.63018 154.5 482.61218 curveto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-244.37402 420.15613 moveto
-245.75488 420.15613 lineto
-245.75488 430.36218 lineto
-244.37402 430.36218 lineto
-244.37402 420.15613 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-249.69238 420.5321 moveto
-249.69238 422.70593 lineto
-252.2832 422.70593 lineto
-252.2832 423.68347 lineto
-249.69238 423.68347 lineto
-249.69238 427.83972 lineto
-249.69238 428.46407 249.77669 428.86511 249.94531 429.04285 curveto
-250.11849 429.22058 250.46712 429.30945 250.99121 429.30945 curveto
-252.2832 429.30945 lineto
-252.2832 430.36218 lineto
-250.99121 430.36218 lineto
-250.0205 430.36218 249.35058 430.18217 248.98145 429.82214 curveto
-248.6123 429.45756 248.42773 428.79675 248.42773 427.83972 curveto
-248.42773 423.68347 lineto
-247.50488 423.68347 lineto
-247.50488 422.70593 lineto
-248.42773 422.70593 lineto
-248.42773 420.5321 lineto
-249.69238 420.5321 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-250.25488 525.79089 moveto
-250.25488 529.62585 lineto
-251.99121 529.62585 lineto
-252.63378 529.62586 253.13053 529.45952 253.48145 529.12683 curveto
-253.83235 528.79415 254.00781 528.3202 254.00781 527.70496 curveto
-254.00781 527.09429 253.83235 526.62261 253.48145 526.28992 curveto
-253.13053 525.95724 252.63378 525.7909 251.99121 525.79089 curveto
-250.25488 525.79089 lineto
-248.87402 524.65613 moveto
-251.99121 524.65613 lineto
-253.13509 524.65614 253.99869 524.9159 254.58203 525.43542 curveto
-255.16991 525.95041 255.46386 526.70692 255.46387 527.70496 curveto
-255.46386 528.71212 255.16991 529.47319 254.58203 529.98816 curveto
-253.99869 530.50314 253.13509 530.76062 251.99121 530.76062 curveto
-250.25488 530.76062 lineto
-250.25488 534.86218 lineto
-248.87402 534.86218 lineto
-248.87402 524.65613 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-257.68555 533.70007 moveto
-259.94141 533.70007 lineto
-259.94141 525.91394 lineto
-257.4873 526.40613 lineto
-257.4873 525.14832 lineto
-259.92773 524.65613 lineto
-261.30859 524.65613 lineto
-261.30859 533.70007 lineto
-263.56445 533.70007 lineto
-263.56445 534.86218 lineto
-257.68555 534.86218 lineto
-257.68555 533.70007 lineto
-0 0 0 setrgbcolor
-[] 0 setdash
-1 setlinewidth
-0 setlinejoin
-0 setlinecap
-155 302.36218 moveto
-154.5 534.36218 lineto
diff --git a/doc/comm/ b/doc/comm/
deleted file mode 100644
index adc4fe01b..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-// $Id$
-#include "config.h"
-#include <dune/common/parallel/indexset.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/plocalindex.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "buildindexset.hh"
-#include "reverse.hh"
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  // This is a parallel programm so we need to
-  // initialize mpi first.
-  Dune::MPIHelper& helper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
-  // The rank of our process
-  int rank = helper.rank();
-  // The type used as the local index
-  typedef Dune::ParallelLocalIndex<Flag> LocalIndex;
-  // The type used as the global index
-  typedef int GlobalIndex;
-  // The index set we use to identify the local indices with the globally
-  // unique ones
-  typedef Dune::ParallelIndexSet<GlobalIndex,LocalIndex,100> ParallelIndexSet;
-  // The index set
-  ParallelIndexSet indexSet;
-  build(helper, indexSet);
-  // Print the index set
-  std::cout<<indexSet<<std::endl;
-  reverseLocalIndex(indexSet);
-  // Print the index set
-  if(rank==0)
-    std::cout<<"Reordered lcoal indices:"<<std::endl;
-  // Wait for all processes
-  helper.getCollectiveCommunication().barrier();
-  std::cout<<indexSet<<std::endl;
-  // Assign new local indices
-  return 0;
diff --git a/doc/comm/ b/doc/comm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f43ffbaa..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-# include "config.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh> // We use exceptions
-#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh> // An initializer of MPI
-#include <dune/common/parallel/indexset.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/plocalindex.hh>
-enum Flags { owner, ghost };
-struct Bla
-  /** @brief The local index. */
-  size_t localIndex_;
-  /** @brief An attribute for the index. */
-  char attribute_;
-  /** @brief True if the index is also known to other processors. */
-  bool public_;
-  /**
-   * @brief The state of the index.
-   *
-   * Has to be one of LocalIndexState!
-   * @see LocalIndexState.
-   */
-  char state_;
-template<typename T1, typename T2>
-void buildBlockedIndexSet(T1& indexset, int N, const T2& comm)
-  int rank=comm.rank();
-  int size=comm.size();
-  int localsize=N/size;
-  int bigger=N%size;
-  int start, end;
-  if(rank<bigger) {
-    start=rank*(localsize+1);
-    end=start+(localsize+1);
-  }else{
-    start=bigger*(localsize+1)+(rank-bigger)*localsize;
-    end=start+localsize;
-  }
-  indexset.beginResize();
-  int index=0;
-  int gindex=start;
-  typedef typename T1::LocalIndex LocalIndex;
-  std::cout<<sizeof(LocalIndex)<<" "<<sizeof(Bla)<<std::endl;
-  if(start>0)
-    indexset.add(gindex-1,LocalIndex(index++,ghost));
-  for(int i=start; i<end; i++,index++,gindex++)
-    indexset.add(gindex,LocalIndex(index,owner,true));
-  if(end<N)
-    indexset.add(gindex,LocalIndex(index,ghost,true));
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-  int n=100;
-  try{
-    using namespace Dune;
-    //Maybe initialize Mpi
-    MPIHelper& helper = MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
-    std::cout << "Hello World! This is poosc08." << std::endl;
-    if(Dune::MPIHelper::isFake)
-      std::cout<< "This is a sequential program." << std::endl;
-    else{
-      typedef ParallelIndexSet<int,ParallelLocalIndex<Flags> > IndexSet;
-      IndexSet blockedSet;
-      buildBlockedIndexSet(blockedSet, n, helper.getCollectiveCommunication());
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  catch (Dune::Exception &e) {
-    std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
-  }
-  catch (...) {
-    std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!" << std::endl;
-  }
diff --git a/doc/comm/ b/doc/comm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bef04175..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-# include "config.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh> // We use exceptions
-#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh> // An initializer of MPI
-#include <dune/common/parallel/indexset.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/remoteindices.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/communicator.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/plocalindex.hh>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/interface.hh>
-#include <dune/common/enumset.hh>
-enum Flags { owner, ghost };
-template<typename T>
-struct AddData {
-  typedef typename T::value_type IndexedType;
-  static const IndexedType& gather(const T& v, int i){
-    return v[i];
-  }
-  static void scatter(T& v, const IndexedType& item, int i){
-    v[i]+=item;
-  }
-template<typename T>
-struct CopyData {
-  typedef typename T::value_type IndexedType;
-  static const IndexedType& gather(const T& v, int i){
-    return v[i];
-  }
-  static void scatter(T& v, const IndexedType& item, int i){
-    v[i]=item;
-  }
-template<class T>
-void doCalculations(T& t){}
-void test()
-  int rank;
-  MPI_Comm comm=(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
-  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
-  using namespace Dune;
-  // shortcut for index set type
-  typedef ParallelLocalIndex<Flags> LocalIndex;
-  typedef ParallelIndexSet<int, LocalIndex > PIndexSet;
-  PIndexSet sis;
-  sis.beginResize();
-  if(rank==0) {
-    sis.add(11, LocalIndex(0, ghost));
-    for(int i=1; i<=6; i++)
-      sis.add(i-1, LocalIndex(i, owner, i<=1||i>5));
-    sis.add(6, LocalIndex(7, ghost));
-  }else{
-    sis.add(5, LocalIndex(0, ghost));
-    for(int i=1; i<=6; i++)
-      sis.add(5+i, LocalIndex(i, owner, i<=1||i>5));
-    sis.add(0,LocalIndex(7, ghost));
-  }
-  sis.endResize();
-  PIndexSet tis;
-  tis.beginResize();
-  int l=0;
-  for(int i=0; i<2; ++i)
-    for(int j=0; j<5; ++j) {
-      int g=rank*3-1+i*6+j;
-      if(g<0||g>11)
-        continue;
-      Flags flag=(j>0&&j<4) ? owner : ghost;
-      tis.add(g, LocalIndex(l++, flag));
-    }
-  tis.endResize();
-  std::cout<<rank<<" isxset: "<<sis<<std::endl;
-  RemoteIndices<PIndexSet> riRedist(sis, tis, comm);
-  riRedist.rebuild<true>();
-  std::vector<int> v;
-  RemoteIndices<PIndexSet> riS(sis,sis, comm, v, true);
-  riS.rebuild<false>();
-  std::cout<<std::endl<<"begin"<<rank<<" riS="<<riS<<" end"<<rank<<std::endl<<std::endl;
-  Combine<EnumItem<Flags,ghost>,EnumItem<Flags,owner>,Flags> ghostFlags;
-  EnumItem<Flags,owner> ownerFlags;
-  Combine<EnumItem<Flags,ghost>, EnumItem<Flags,owner> > allFlags;
-  Interface infRedist;
-  Interface infS;
-, ownerFlags, allFlags);
-, ownerFlags, ghostFlags);
-  std::cout<<"inf "<<rank<<": "<<infS<<std::endl;
-  typedef std::vector<double> Container;
-  Container s(sis.size(),3), t(tis.size());
-  s[sis.size()-1]=-1;
-  BufferedCommunicator bComm;
-  BufferedCommunicator bCommRedist;
-, s, infS);
-  //, t, infRedist);
-  for(std::size_t i=0; i<sis.size(); i++)
-    std::cout<<s[i]<<" ";
-  std::cout<<std::endl;
-  bComm.forward<CopyData<Container> >(s,s);
-  for(std::size_t i=0; i<sis.size(); i++)
-    std::cout<<s[i]<<" ";
-  std::cout<<std::endl;
-  //bCommRedist.forward<CopyData<Container> >(s,t);
-  // calculate on the redistributed array
-  doCalculations(t);
-  bCommRedist.backward<AddData<Container> >(s,t);
-#endif // HAVE_MPI
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
-  try{
-    using namespace Dune;
-    //Maybe initialize Mpi
-    MPIHelper& helper = MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
-    std::cout << "Hello World! This is poosc08. rank=" <<helper.rank()<< std::endl;
-    test();
-    return 0;
-    std::cout<< "Test poosc08_test disabled because MPI is not available." << std::endl;
-    return 77;
-#endif // HAVE_MPI
-  }
-  catch (Dune::Exception &e) {
-    std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
-  }
-  catch (...) {
-    std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!" << std::endl;
-  }
diff --git a/doc/comm/reverse.hh b/doc/comm/reverse.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f8959648..000000000
--- a/doc/comm/reverse.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-// $Id$
-#ifndef REVERSE_HH
-#define REVERSE_HH
-#include "buildindexset.hh"
- * @brief Reverse the local indices of an index set.
- *
- * Let the index set have N entries than the index 0 will become N-1,
- * 1 become N-2, ..., and N-1 will become 0.
- * @param indexSet The index set to reverse.
- */
-template<typename TG, typename TL, int N>
-void reverseLocalIndex(Dune::ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>& indexSet)
-  // reverse the local indices
-  typedef typename Dune::ParallelIndexSet<TG,TL,N>::iterator iterator;
-  iterator end = indexSet.end();
-  size_t maxLocal = 0;
-  // find the maximal local index
-  for(iterator index = indexSet.begin(); index != end; ++index) {
-    // Get the local index
-    LocalIndex& local = index->local();
-    maxLocal = std::max(maxLocal, local.local());
-  }
-  for(iterator index = indexSet.begin(); index != end; ++index) {
-    // Get the local index
-    LocalIndex& local = index->local();
-    local = maxLocal--;
-  }