From e7cf80d1523ea4648f38b54cf8ac94f4a65ba591 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Santiago Ospina De Los Rios <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:49:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Solve nested type BCRSMatrix and FieldVector with recursion

Also, resolve the UMFPackCreator type with SFINAE on the UMFPackVectorChooser instead of arbitrary rules of the creator (the vector chooser already knows the rules, there is no need to repeat them)
 dune/istl/umfpack.hh | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dune/istl/umfpack.hh b/dune/istl/umfpack.hh
index 63fa05dcd..8fc9b8729 100644
--- a/dune/istl/umfpack.hh
+++ b/dune/istl/umfpack.hh
@@ -171,30 +171,35 @@ namespace Dune {
   namespace Impl
-    template<class M>
+    template<class M, class = void>
     struct UMFPackVectorChooser
-    template<typename T, typename A, int n, int m>
-    struct UMFPackVectorChooser<BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<T,n,m>,A > >
+    template<class M>
+    struct UMFPackVectorChooser<M, std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same<M,double>::value) || (std::is_same<M,std::complex<double> >::value)>>
+    {
+      using domain_type = M;
+      using range_type  = M;
+    };
+    template<typename T, int n, int m>
+    struct UMFPackVectorChooser<FieldMatrix<T,n,m>>
       /** @brief The type of the domain of the solver */
-      using domain_type = BlockVector<
-                              FieldVector<T,m>,
-                              typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<FieldVector<T,m> > >;
+      using domain_type = FieldVector<T,m>;
       /** @brief The type of the range of the solver */
-      using range_type  = BlockVector<
-                              FieldVector<T,n>,
-                              typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<FieldVector<T,n> > >;
+      using range_type  = FieldVector<T,n>;
     template<typename T, typename A>
     struct UMFPackVectorChooser<BCRSMatrix<T,A> >
+      using sub_domain_type = typename UMFPackVectorChooser<T>::domain_type;
+      using sub_range_type = typename UMFPackVectorChooser<T>::range_type;
       /** @brief The type of the domain of the solver */
-      using domain_type = BlockVector<T, A>;
+      using domain_type = BlockVector<sub_domain_type, typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<sub_domain_type>>;
       /** @brief The type of the range of the solver */
-      using range_type  = BlockVector<T, A>;
+      using range_type  = BlockVector<sub_range_type, typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<sub_domain_type>>;
     // to make the `UMFPackVectorChooser` work with `MultiTypeBlockMatrix`, we need to add an intermediate step for the rows, which are typically `MultiTypeBlockVector`
@@ -783,15 +788,21 @@ namespace Dune {
   struct UMFPackCreator {
-    template<class F,class=void> struct isValidBlock : std::false_type{};
-    template<class B> struct isValidBlock<B, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename FieldTraits<B>::real_type,double>::value>> : std::true_type {};
+    template<class M> using DomainType = typename Impl::UMFPackVectorChooser<M>::domain_type;
+    template<class M> using RangeType = typename Impl::UMFPackVectorChooser<M>::range_type;
+    template<class TL, class M,class=void> struct isValidBlock : std::false_type{};
+    template<class TL, class M> struct isValidBlock<TL,M,
+      std::enable_if_t<
+           std::is_same_v<DomainType<M>, typename Dune::TypeListElement<1,TL>::type>
+        && std::is_same_v<RangeType<M>,  typename Dune::TypeListElement<2,TL>::type>
+      >> : std::true_type {};
     template<typename TL, typename M>
-    std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
-                                          typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
+    std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<DomainType<M>,RangeType<M>>>
     operator() (TL /*tl*/, const M& mat, const Dune::ParameterTree& config,
-      std::enable_if_t<
-                isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
+      std::enable_if_t<isValidBlock<TL, M>::value,int> = 0) const
       int verbose = config.get("verbose", 0);
       return std::make_shared<Dune::UMFPack<M>>(mat,verbose);
@@ -802,11 +813,20 @@ namespace Dune {
     std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
                                           typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
     operator() (TL /*tl*/, const M& /*mat*/, const Dune::ParameterTree& /*config*/,
-      std::enable_if_t<
-                !isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
+      std::enable_if_t<!isValidBlock<TL, M>::value,int> = 0) const
+      using D = typename Dune::TypeListElement<1,TL>::type;
+      using R = typename Dune::TypeListElement<2,TL>::type;
+      using DU = Std::detected_t<DomainType, M>;
+      using RU = Std::detected_t<RangeType, M>;
-        "Unsupported Type in UMFPack (only double and std::complex<double> supported)");
+        "Unsupported Types in UMFPack:\n"
+        "Matrix: " << className<M>() << ""
+        "Domain provided: " << className<D>() << "\n"
+        "Domain required: " << className<DU>() << "\n"
+        "Range provided: " << className<R>() << "\n"
+        "Range required: " << className<RU>() << "\n"
+      );