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Feature/simd for multi rhs

Merged Christian Engwer requested to merge feature/simd-for-multi-rhs into master

Update the solvers to solve for multiple rhs vectors simultaniously. This makes use of SIMD abstractions in dune-common (see dune-common!16 (merged)) to use vectors of SIMD vectors as FieldType of the right-hand-side. By this we can make immediate use of SIMD units in modern processors. Using SSE for example we get a speedup of 2 basically for free. This extension is useful whenever the same operator has to be solved for many rhs vectors, e.g. in the case of MS-FEM.

AMG Ist working as long as the coarse grid solver is an iterative solver. I therefore added an additional preprocessor macro to disable the direct coarse solver explicitly.

What is missing currently is multi-rhs support for the direct solvers. I'm preparing a separate merge request for this feature, which will add multi-rhs direct-coarse-grid support for the AMG.

See also: dune-common!81 (merged), dune-geometry!13 (closed).

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  • mentioned in merge request dune-common!16 (merged)

  • I'm hoping for comments here :smiley:

  • Moving the general discussion to the issue where it belongs and not cluttering the merge request any longer.

    The reference stuff was meant as a wish for improvement, independent of the other part of the message.

    N4184 and N4185 were not in shape last year, I don't know whether this has changed.

    I am opposed to solution that make it into Dune, that are used by very few people. The feature might be great, but we have a lot of code only these few people take care of. As a release manager it is hard to test all these balconies. And if bugs appear, only few people can or are willing to do so. And once some code becomes part of Dune, it is very difficult to get rid of it. If other developers are in favor of your VC bindings, I do not oppose your merge request. I like the idea of using SIMD for free. Let's see how others feel.

  • @gruenich I have the feeling you added the comment to the wrong merge-request?

    I like the idea of using SIMD for free.

    I'm not sure I understand what you imply here? Do you want to say the compiler does this for free, or does "for free" refer to the proposed feature?

    Regarding "only few people". I think you miss a major fact. Many people use things like MS-FEM and all these users immediately profit from such a feature once the high-level parts, like fem, pdelab or dumux pick this up. Apart from this there are already two projects, one in my group and one in Marios group where we need this feature. There are many places in DUNE where we will need support for SIMD, but the changes will be far more invasive than in this simple case, thus I'm not suggesting to merge them soon.

  • Immediate questions popping up is:

    Does it work in parallel? I guess it should as VC vector size seems static and the default MPITraits should work, right? Anyway in the long run we need to add a proper MPITrait for it.

    In your experience are the number of iterations till convergence that similar for the different right hand sides that this pays off?

    Do you have any performance numbers?

    For direct methods this makes totally sense. As SuperLU supports multiple right hand sides it propbably should support it.

    Concerning AMG I guess it would suffice to port the Transfer classes that prolongate and restrict. I can hardly imagine that there could be other places that matter.

    BTW: The above discussed extension look like a nice low hanging GSoc/ESoc project. I am sure that there would be a few applications for it.

  • @markus.blatt I did tests with random RHS and it behaves as expected. As the convergence rate for the CG only depends on the condition number of the operator, it should (in theory) be independent from the RHS (as we do the orthogonalization separately for each RHS). This is also the observed behavior. Let it differ by one iteration in practical tests.

    I didn't test in parallel. You are right the correct MPITraits are something we will need on the long run.

    Rearding the AMG I agree. I don't expect many problems, but I didn't even try to run it yet.

  • Christian Engwer Added 3 commits:

    Added 3 commits:

    • 871edb71 - [test] changes in Vc force us (atm) to skip any mixed-precision tests
    • 8092a52c - [amg] allow to explicitly disable the coarse direct solver
    • 25ccf8d5 - [test] multirhs also works for amg
  • Nice update, when disabling the coarse direct solve, the test immediately works to the AMG.

  • Can we decide whether we want (to keep) Vc in common/istl? I still think the name is utter nonsense. Ever tried googling Vc? CMake is right, venture capital cannot be found on my hard-drive.

    Can we set up a vote or similar? Time is pressing as people are already fixing the accidentally merged branch.

  • If this was merged by mistake and without consensus, and if it already breaks things, then let's get it out again. Why can't we simply git revert the offending patches? After a proper discussion we can still decide to take it back in again.

  • @gruenich

    CMake is right, venture capital cannot be found on my hard-drive.

    how about beeing a bit more explicit?

    I don't care about the name, but I do care about the functionality. I definitely want that feature in. We can discuss about design decision and so on, but up to now you never brought up a reason with regards to content, I think we should rather fix arising issues instead of creating an utter mess by reverting back and forth.

  • I am against adding third party libraries virtually nobody is using to the core modules. It becomes a personal feature only few people care and maintain. Unless several people want (to use) this feature, I prefer to put in a dune module of its own.

    Features introduced, used and maintained by too few people were/are IMHO: psurface, amiramesh, grape, netbib (some function spaces stuff formerly used in geometry and localfunctions). Some were removed, some moved to dedicated dune modules, some bitrot.

    As a release manager it is difficult to get these dependencies. I never got netbib running, Grape and Amiramesh are a major hassle.

    Overall I don't see that people are overly enthusiastic about Vc. Markus showed some interest, Jö seems to us it. Seems a perfect fit for an additional dune module, doesn't it?

    Edited by Christoph Grüninger
  • You are repeating yourself and still don't contribute anything new to the discussion. You are currently stating that nobody would use this feature, which is totally ungrounded, while there are imho sufficient options to use it and there are already different potential users. It can also not be implemented externally as it requires some minor, but explicit changes in istl to actually use it and I hope you are not actually suggesting to fork major parts of istl. Also you are the only one arguing against it.

  • And you are the only one arguing in favor of it.

    I don't have any more arguments. I am concerned about the lack of interst by other developers. If several developers state that they are ok with the merge and are interested in this feature, I shut up.

  • I intend to use for grid patches. The problem for me is that I need at least some support in the core modules -- specifically dune-geometry.

    I need a version of MultilinearGeometry where I can use SimdArray<double, vector_lanes> as the ctype. MultilinearGeometry uses a class MatrixHelper, which includes code like

    assert( xDiag > FieldType( 0 ) );

    Here, xDiag and FieldType would be SimdArrays, so the result of the comparison is not a simple bool, but a vector of bools. And we want the assert() to trigger if any of the bools in the vector is false. The problem here is that there is no canonical way to interpret this vector of bools as a single bool. In this case you want to use && when accumulating the vector entries, but there are other cases where || is appropriate. There are even cases where you now need to enter both branches of an if statement if the condition vector contains both true and false values, and you need to mask the operations within each branch. There are ways to do that, but still, hopefully those cases will not occur too often.

    To express that correctly the above code needs to be modified:

    assert( all_true( xDiag > FieldType( 0 ) ) );

    This uses the syntax that @christi introduced in dune-common!16 (merged).

    This illustrates why I cannot do this purely as an external library. For the MatrixHelper in dune-geometry to be able to use all_true() there must be at least all_true(bool) available in dune-geometry or dune-common, so the matrix helper works with the fundamental types. If not, I can of course still implement my own version of the MatrixHelper in my own module and instantiate the MultiLinearGeometry with that, but that would essentially be a copy of the one from dune-geometry with all_true() added or the assert() removed. And since the MatrixHelper won't be the only place where modifications are needed, over time I'd end up copying large parts of the core modules into my own module.

  • Now, Vc is not the only vectorization library out there. So it is not totally absurd to keep things like all_true(bool) in dune-common, but to put all_true(Vc::MaskArray) (if that was the correct name) into some bindings modules (e.g. dune-vc). That way support for e.g. vectorclass could go into another bindings module. But we still need the basic operations for the fundamental types in dune-common, even if they do essentially nothing, because those are the hooks for the bindings modules.

    The reason why I'm not 100% certain about this is that I do know Vc, but I don't really know any of the other vectorization libraries. They will all follow similar ideas, but I am not sure whether it is possible to design hooks that will suit them all. In particular when masked operations are needed.

  • Having a closer look, trying to figure out which parts of dune-common!16 (merged) could go into a bindings module and which ones would need to stay in dune-common:

    • dune-common: conditional.hh, rangeutilities.hh, the typetraits.hh snippet
    • Vc bindings module: AddVcFlags.cmake, the actual find_package(Vc) call, the config.h.cmake snippet, simd.hh
  • First something on the fundamental discussion: I think it is reasonable to have "experimental features" in the core even if at first they will only be used by a few people. They should just be set up in such a way that potentially a large group of people could use them, i.e., they shouldn't be special features that then later on are only usably through dune-fem, pdelab or some other single module - or at least in that case this needs to be discussed separately. The release manager's job should not be made more difficult by this, i.e., they are experimental and consequently will not always work. It's not only release management but simple changes to the core that will now and again break these experimental features (just adding another assert like the one in the MatrixHelper would do that and developers can't be expected to test features like this when adding such an assert). That must be the understood risk of people using them.

    This request started off with a use case in dune-istl and the changed could then perhaps be made there; but now it seems to have broadened out to "grid patches". What is the use case here?

  • Regarding the MR for dune-istl (and potential MR for other core modules): this is tricky. It is kind of important to test istl with a vectorization library if istl supports such a thing, to make sure you did not write all_true() when you meant to write any_true(). This is something that tests that only use the fundamental types cannot detect. It is probably not necessary to test this all the time, but it would still mean that istl must suggest either some vectorization module directly or the corresponding bindings module. Alternatively, we could make a module dune-istl-vc-tests or similiar, but the path leads to an epic proliferation of modules.

    A third alternative would be some kind of dummy vectorization library, that offers the same interface but does not use vectorization primitives, just plain for-loops, and which is included in dune-common. This should be sufficient for testing.

  • If you are not using some standard library then I guess some dummyVC will be required. You are asking people to use 'weird' constructs for example in simple asserts that will only make a difference with some special types that most developers will not have available. So a dummy version with some tests that would trigger a wrong 'assert' also with the dummy version will be necessary I think. Otherwise regular breakage of the feature seems inevitable.

  • @andreas.dedner The idea for grid patches is that you want some data structure for grid information on which you can assemble vectors and matrices while exploiting the CPUs vector units (and some other types of hardware). The idea is that you can assemble for #lanes grid elements at once. Special data structures are needed because in general the grid data structures will require scattered loads, which will kill the performance benefit of vectorization.

    The actual use case is low order methods. For high order you would typically do the vectorization within one element.

    Of course there is a bit more to this: you won't gain anything by copying the mesh coordinates out of the grid into a patch if you are simply going to do Q1 on that. So "grid patch" also includes on-the-fly subrefinement on the patch.

  • From what I gathered in the discussion, we have to issues here:

    1. interface support for vectorization in the DUNE core
    2. including bindings for a specific vectorization library

    Obviously, (1) is somewhat pointless without (2). So, if we want vectorozation support (at least I do), we need (2). But: In my opinion, we do not want to restrict ourselves to one specific implementation of a vectorization library, so we would also need some kind of interface. I think this is what is truely lacking. As proof of concept, I like Andreas' suggestion to have some kind of reference (aka dummy) implementation for the vectorization interface within dune-common to ease testing. As Andreas pointed out, you will hardly be able to require people to test their patches against vectorzation without such an implementation.

    For these reasons, I would suggest keep the bindings in dune-common, but complement them with a separate, well-documented interface. While this causes some work, it seems to me like a clean way out of the mess. Keep in mind that we are not planning a new major release for quite some time. If desired, we could even make this interface a show stopper for 3.0.

    Edited by Martin Nolte
  • PS: I disklie all_true. We agree on camelCase.

  • @martin.nolte this "reference implementation", e.g. a very boiled down version of the Vc feature is something I also had in mind. The reason that the dune-common!16 (merged) didn't receive any updates in the last months is due to the fact that I don't find as much time for programming any more as I'd like to :wink:

    @joe the work on patches and so on is something I think will not land in main-line dune-grid for a while, as this will touch many parts. On the other hand I can imagine quite some places where vectorization libraries will help.

    @andreas.dedner things like proposed patch for dune-istl will be available for everybody and it is not very difficult to incorporate in your code. If you want to use vectorization for more involved things like FEM-assembly, we can surely provide features in the core which you can help implementing this, but I doubt that many people would use such a things without relying on dune-fem, dune-pdelab or alike.

    The reason I started with such a simple thing here is that it gives much benefit with minimal changes.

  • [Continuing the discussion here even though it is slightly the wrong place, because a large part is already here, and atm it is unclear whether dune-common!16 (merged) or dune-common!75 (closed) is the right place to continue]

    Here is an interesting challenge that might serve as a test for a vectorization library interface. Consider a source term for a Poisson:

    template<class RF>
    class F {
      RF value_;
      F(RF value) : value_(value) {}
      template<class Domain>
      auto operator()(const Domain &x) const
        static_assert(x.size() >= 2, "Won't work in 1D");
        using Range = Dune::FieldVector<RF, 1>;
        if(x[0]>0.25 && x[0]<0.375 && x[1]>0.25 && x[1]<0.375)
          return Range(value_);
          return Range(0);

    This defines a square of sources inside the unit square domain, placed slightly to the lower left of the center.

    • x is a coordinate in the global coordinate system of the computational domain.
    • The template parameter Domain is assumed to be of the form FieldVector<ctype, dim>, where ctype may be any of float, double, long double, or an extended precision class type from some library.
    • The template parameter RF may be any fundamental numeric type, some extended precision class type, or std::complex<...> of those.
    • The code that calls this function requires that the result type is of the form FieldVector<..., 1>. (This requirement is here because I want the result of this challenge to be applicable to vector-valued parameter functions.)

    Challenge: Design a vectorization library interface such that rewriting F::operator() to support vectorization does not become a massive pain.

    In particular there a the following requirements. Let Pack<T, ...> be the vector type of the vectorization library.

    • For the no vectorization case (i.e. when the argument to F::operator() is of a type as described above), everything should work the same as before.
    • When the argument to F::operator() is of the form FieldVector<Pack<ctype,...>,dim>, wherePack<T, ...> is the vector type of the vectorization library, then the result should be vectorized.
      • Only types that the vectorization library can handle need to be supported for ctype (i.e. float and double).
      • Only types that the vectorization library can handle and std::complex<...> of those types need to be supported for RF.

    By "not a massive pain" I mean:

    • There should be no (or at least very little) code duplication required in the implementation of F (i.e. no seperate overloads for the scalar and the vectorized case).
    • Constructing the result type should not be too tricky.
  • The challenge is derived from a slightly modified version of some code I'm currently using. I'm attaching that for reference. (No, it does not meet the requirements of the challenge :wink:).


  • Jö Fahlke mentioned in merge request dune-common!81 (merged)

    mentioned in merge request dune-common!81 (merged)

  • Jö Fahlke Title changed from Feature/simd for multi rhs to [WIP] Feature/simd for multi rhs

    Title changed from Feature/simd for multi rhs to [WIP] Feature/simd for multi rhs

  • mentioned in merge request dune-geometry!13 (closed)

  • What's about this merge request? Dune-common gained support for VC. Do you want to rebase and merge this, too?

  • Yes, but it will take a few days

    1. the merge isn't clean anymore
    2. I want to add multi-rhs specializations for the direct solvers.
    Edited by Christian Engwer
  • Sure, no hurry. I just stumbled over the merge request and left a comment. Could you rebase the branch before merging, please?

  • Christian Engwer added 209 commits

    added 209 commits

    • 25ccf8d5...72231ddd - 191 commits from branch master
    • 03ed8718 - Move various implementation classes into the 'Imp' namespace
    • c90cac7d - [bugfix] This fixes an issue when UMFPack is found and AMG with field type float
    • 65b8f8cf - typo: Petium -> Pentium [ci skip]
    • 1c16215f - [test] reenable solvertest ... got 'lost' in the cmake transition
    • 62a3a39a - Support various numeric types for SuperLU at once.
    • bc9b1856 - [CMake] install superlufunctions.hh
    • d79fd90f - [doc] explicitly structure the doxygen groups
    • f6c4b6a4 - [doc] improve documentation of eigenvalue solvers
    • eab85567 - move the solverhelper to solver.hh
    • 1ababc34 - [solvers] rewrite the solvers to work with the simd infrastructure
    • f0249095 - [test] add test for multiple-rhs computations
    • 25c17d79 - [test] improve the output of multirhstest
    • 63b553f5 - [solvers] rewrite givens rotation in GMRes and MINRes in vectorizable way
    • e76507b2 - [test] improve the tests for multiple rhs
    • fb6c6a21 - [test] changes in Vc force us (atm) to skip any mixed-precision tests
    • 6a64eef5 - [amg] allow to explicitly disable the coarse direct solver
    • 91c6875e - [test] multirhs also works for amg
    • 61f78320 - [test] small cleanup in multiplerhstest

    Compare with previous version

  • Christian Engwer added 25 commits

    added 25 commits

    • 61f78320...b19bfdf0 - 16 commits from branch master
    • 7d1f6fda - [solvers] rewrite the solvers to work with the simd infrastructure
    • f75ecbc0 - [test] add test for multiple-rhs computations
    • 2db51ff1 - [test] improve the output of multirhstest
    • 28f7a456 - [solvers] rewrite givens rotation in GMRes and MINRes in vectorizable way
    • dd48435b - [test] improve the tests for multiple rhs
    • ea3a24ca - [test] changes in Vc force us (atm) to skip any mixed-precision tests
    • f6c1b2a6 - [amg] allow to explicitly disable the coarse direct solver
    • 336a6e18 - [test] multirhs also works for amg
    • 3c3ea202 - [test] small cleanup in multiplerhstest

    Compare with previous version

  • added 1 commit

    • d1a8a621 - [simd,bugfix] fix new givensrotation for complex

    Compare with previous version

  • Christian Engwer unmarked as a Work In Progress

    unmarked as a Work In Progress

  • From my point of view this is ready to merge. All further development should be done in a separate MR.

  • mentioned in commit 7843720d

  • Jö Fahlke mentioned in issue #38 (closed)

    mentioned in issue #38 (closed)

  • mentioned in merge request dune-geometry!13 (closed)

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