dunecontrol fails to "make install" fem-dg
I’ve been trying to install dune-fem-dg module but been unsuccessful so far. I think I have successfully built the following modules (all from the master branch); see ‘dunecontrol_build.log':
- dune-common
- dune-geometry
- dune-grid
- dune-alugrid
- dune-istl
- dune-localfunctions
- dune-fem
- dune-fem-dg
- dune-grid-howto
- dune-curvilineargeometry
- dune-curvilineargrid
- dune-typetree
- dune-functions
using the following command (the config file, 'dune_config.opts' is attached)
% dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dune_config.opts all
But I am getting an error (see dunecontrol_install.log) when I issue the following command
% dune-common/bin/dunecontrol make install
I am using GCC 6.2.0.
The content of the directory where the dune modules are located is also attached: