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Exchange troubled cell

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@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
#include <dune/fem/quadrature/cornerpointset.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/operator/1order/localmassmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/adaptationmanager.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/basesetlocalkeystorage.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/capabilities.hh>
@@ -23,6 +21,7 @@
#include <dune/fem/space/finitevolume.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/adaptivefunction.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/localfunction/bindable.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/compatibility.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/threads/threadmanager.hh>
@@ -36,10 +35,10 @@
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/limiter/limiterdiscretemodel.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/limiter/lpreconstruction.hh>
//#define WANT_DUNE_OPTIM 0
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/limiter/smoothness.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/limiter/indicatorbase.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/dg/defaultquadrature.hh>
@@ -88,7 +87,8 @@ namespace Fem
// call problem checkDirection
const typename BaseType::EntityType &entity = intersection.inside();
return discreteModel().checkPhysical( entity, entity.geometry().local( intersection.geometry().global( quadrature.localPoint( qp ) ) ), ranges_ );
//return discreteModel().checkPhysical( entity, entity.geometry().local( intersection.geometry().global( quadrature.localPoint( qp ) ) ), ranges_ );
return discreteModel().checkPhysical( entity, quadrature.point( qp ), ranges_ );
// check whether we have inflow or outflow direction
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace Fem
assert( quadPoint_ == qp );
// call checkDirection() on discrete model
return discreteModel().checkDirection( intersection, time(), quadrature.localPoint( qp ), ranges_ );
return discreteModel().checkDirection( intersection, quadrature.localPoint( qp ), quadrature.point( qp ), ranges_ );
using BaseType::discreteModel;
@@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ namespace Fem
typedef AdaptationMethod<GridType> AdaptationMethodType;
//! id for choosing admissible linear functions
enum AdmissibleFunctions { DGFunctions = 0, ReconstructedFunctions = 1 , BothFunctions = 2 };
//! _default refers to muscl(1) on simplices and LP limiter (3) on cubes and polygons
enum AdmissibleFunctions { dgonly = 0, muscl = 1 , muscldg = 2, lp = 3, _default = 4 };
//! returns true if pass is currently active in the pass tree
using BaseType :: active ;
@@ -261,8 +262,10 @@ namespace Fem
//! type of Cartesian grid checker
typedef CheckCartesian< GridPartType > CheckCartesianType;
//! function describing an external troubled cell indicator
typedef std::shared_ptr< TroubledCellIndicatorBase<ArgumentFunctionType> > TroubledCellIndicatorType;
typedef typename GridPartType :: GridViewType GridViewType ;
struct BoundaryValue
@@ -280,7 +283,78 @@ namespace Fem
typedef Dune::FV::LPReconstruction< GridViewType, RangeType, BoundaryValue > LinearProgramming;
struct ConstantFunction :
public Dune::Fem::BindableGridFunction< GridPartType, Dune::Dim<dimRange> >
typedef Dune::Fem::BindableGridFunction<GridPartType, Dune::Dim<dimRange> > Base;
typedef typename Base::RangeType RangeType;
using Base::Base;
RangeType value_;
template <class Quadrature, class RangeArray>
void evaluateQuadrature(const Quadrature& quadrature, RangeArray &values) const
const int nop = quadrature.nop();
values.resize( nop );
std::fill( values.begin(), values.end(), value_ );
template <class Point>
void evaluate(const Point &x, typename Base::RangeType &ret) const
ret = value_;
bool isConstant() const { return true; }
unsigned int order() const { return 0; }
std::string name() const { return "LimmitPass::ConstantFunction"; } // needed for output
struct LinearFunction : public ConstantFunction
DomainType center_;
GradientType gradient_;
typedef ConstantFunction Base;
typedef typename Base::RangeType RangeType;
using Base::Base;
using Base::value_;
template <class Quadrature, class RangeArray>
void evaluateQuadrature(const Quadrature& quadrature, RangeArray &values) const
const int nop = quadrature.nop();
values.resize( nop );
for( int qp = 0; qp<nop; ++qp )
evaluate( quadrature[ qp ], values[ qp ] );
template <class Point>
void evaluate(const Point &x, RangeType &ret) const
Base::evaluate( x, ret );
// get global coordinate
auto point = Base::global( x );
point -= center_;
// evaluate linear function
for( int r = 0; r < dimRange; ++r )
ret[ r ] += (gradient_[ r ] * point);
bool isConstant() const { return gradient_.infinity_norm() < 1e-10; }
unsigned int order() const { return 1; }
std::string name() const { return "LimmitPass::LinearFunction"; } // needed for output
@@ -297,20 +371,39 @@ namespace Fem
PreviousPassType& pass,
const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& spc,
const int vQ = -1,
const int fQ = -1 ) :
const int fQ = -1,
const bool verbose = Dune::Fem::Parameter::verbose() )
: LimitDGPass(problem, pass, spc, Dune::Fem::Parameter::container(), vQ, fQ, verbose )
//- Public methods
/** \brief constructor
* \param problem Actual problem definition (see problem.hh)
* \param pass Previous pass
* \param spc Space belonging to the discrete function local to this pass
* \param parameter Parameter reader for dynamic parameters
* \param vQ order of volume quadrature
* \param fQ order of face quadrature
LimitDGPass(DiscreteModelType& problem,
PreviousPassType& pass,
const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& spc,
const Dune::Fem::ParameterReader &parameter = Dune::Fem::Parameter::container(),
const int vQ = -1,
const int fQ = -1,
const bool verbose = Dune::Fem::Parameter::verbose() ) :
BaseType(pass, spc),
caller_( 0 ),
linProg_( static_cast< GridViewType > (gridPart_), BoundaryValue( *this ),
Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("finitevolume.linearprogramming.tol", 1e-8 )
linearFunction_( gridPart_ ),
indexSet_( gridPart_.indexSet() ),
localIdSet_( gridPart_.grid().localIdSet()),
@@ -322,32 +415,46 @@ namespace Fem
argOrder_( spc_.order() ),
tolFactor_( getTolFactor() ),
tol_1_( 1.0/getTol() ),
indicator_( getIndicator(parameter) ),
tol_1_( 2./ parameter.getValue("femdg.limiter.tolerance", double(1.0) ) ),
geoInfo_( gridPart_.indexSet() ),
faceGeoInfo_( geoInfo_.geomTypes(1) ),
phi0_( 0 ),
matrixCacheVec_( gridPart_.grid().maxLevel() + 1 ),
localMassMatrix_( spc_ , 2*spc_.order() ),
cartesianGrid_( CheckCartesianType::check( gridPart_ ) ),
stepTime_(3, 0.0),
admissibleFunctions_( getAdmissibleFunctions() ),
usedAdmissibleFunctions_( admissibleFunctions_ ),
admissibleFunctions_( getAdmissibleFunctions( parameter ) ),
usedAdmissibleFunctions_( usedAdmissibleFunctions() ),
extTroubledCellIndicator_( indicator_ == 3
? new ModalSmoothnessIndicator< ArgumentFunctionType >() : nullptr ),
counter_( 0 )
if( Parameter :: verbose () )
if( usedAdmissibleFunctions_ == lp )
std::cout << "LimitPass: Grid is ";
linProg_.reset( new LinearProgramming( static_cast< GridViewType > (gridPart_), BoundaryValue( *this ),
parameter.getValue<double>("finitevolume.linearprogramming.tol", 1e-8 )) );
if( verbose )
std::cout << "LimitDGPass (Grid is ";
if( cartesianGrid_ )
std::cout << "cartesian";
std::cout << "cartesian) ";
std::cout << "unstructured";
//std::cout << "! LimitEps: "<< limitEps_ << ", LimitTol: "<< 1./tol_1_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "! Limiter.tolerance: "<< 1./tol_1_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "unstructured) ";
std::cout << "parameters: " << std::endl;
std::cout << " femdg.limiter.tolerance: " << 1./tol_1_ << std::endl;
std::cout << " femdg.limiter.indicator: " << indicator_ << std::endl;
std::string adFctName( admissibleFctNames()[ admissibleFunctions_ ] );
if( admissibleFunctions_ != usedAdmissibleFunctions_ )
adFctName += "("+admissibleFctNames()[ usedAdmissibleFunctions_ ] + ")";
std::cout << " femdg.limiter.admissiblefunctions: " << adFctName << std::endl;
// we need the flux here
@@ -356,19 +463,24 @@ namespace Fem
//! Destructor
virtual ~LimitDGPass() {
std::cout << "~LimitDGPass: op calls " << counter_ << std::endl;
// std::cout << "~LimitDGPass: op calls " << counter_ << std::endl;
void setTroubledCellIndicator(TroubledCellIndicatorType indicator)
extTroubledCellIndicator_ = indicator;
//! return default face quadrature order
static int defaultVolumeQuadratureOrder( const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& space, const EntityType& entity )
return (2 * space.order( entity ));
return DefaultQuadrature< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType >::volumeOrder( space.order( entity ) );
//! return default face quadrature order
static int defaultFaceQuadratureOrder( const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& space, const EntityType& entity )
return (2 * space.order( entity )) + 1;
return DefaultQuadrature< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType >::faceOrder( space.order( entity ) );
@@ -384,7 +496,6 @@ namespace Fem
return ( faceQuadOrd_ < 0 ) ? defaultFaceQuadratureOrder( spc_, entity ) : faceQuadOrd_ ;
//! get tolerance factor for shock detector
double getTolFactor() const
@@ -395,21 +506,43 @@ namespace Fem
//! get tolerance for shock detector
double getTol() const
double getIndicator( const Dune::Fem::ParameterReader &parameter ) const
double tol = 1.0;
tol = Parameter::getValue("femdg.limiter.tolerance", tol );
return tol;
static const std::string indicators[] = { "user", "none", "jump" ,"modal", "always" };
std::string key( "femdg.limiter.indicator" );
return parameter.getEnum( key, indicators, 2);
static const std::string (&admissibleFctNames())[5]
static const std::string admissiblefct[] = { "dgonly" , "muscl", "muscl+dg", "lp", "default" };
return admissiblefct;
//! get tolerance for shock detector
AdmissibleFunctions getAdmissibleFunctions() const
AdmissibleFunctions getAdmissibleFunctions( const Dune::Fem::ParameterReader &parameter ) const
std::string key( "femdg.limiter.admissiblefunctions" );
return (AdmissibleFunctions) parameter.getEnum( key, admissibleFctNames(), _default );
AdmissibleFunctions usedAdmissibleFunctions() const
// default value
int val = 1;
val = Parameter::getValue("femdg.limiter.admissiblefunctions", val);
assert( val >= DGFunctions || val <= BothFunctions );
return (AdmissibleFunctions) val;
if( admissibleFunctions_ == _default )
if( ! geoInfo_.multipleGeomTypes() && geoInfo_.geomTypes(0)[0].isSimplex() )
// default for simplices is muscl reconstruction because it
// seems to work better for simplex grids
return muscl;
// default for all other element types is lp reconstruction
return lp;
return admissibleFunctions_;
template <class S1, class S2>
@@ -551,7 +684,7 @@ namespace Fem
return tmp;
size_t leafElements() const
size_t numberOfElements() const
return elementCounter_;
@@ -578,12 +711,16 @@ namespace Fem
assign( U , dest, firstThread );
// if case of finite volume scheme set admissible functions to reconstructions
usedAdmissibleFunctions_ = reconstruct_ ? ReconstructedFunctions : admissibleFunctions_;
if( reconstruct_ && ! linProg_ )
// if linProg is not available then the only other FV reconstruction is muscl
usedAdmissibleFunctions_ = muscl;
// in case of reconstruction
if( reconstruct_ )
// in case of non-adaptive scheme indicator not needed
// for FV scheme in case of non-adaptive scheme indicator not needed
calcIndicator_ = adaptive_;
// adjust quadrature orders
@@ -602,7 +739,7 @@ namespace Fem
currentTime_ = this->time();
// initialize caller
caller_ = new DiscreteModelCallerType( *arg_, discreteModel_ );
caller_.reset( new DiscreteModelCallerType( *arg_, discreteModel_ ) );
// calculate maximal indicator (if necessary)
@@ -624,21 +761,12 @@ namespace Fem
matrixCacheVec_.resize( numLevels );
// helper class for evaluation of average value of discrete function
EvalAverage average( *this, U, discreteModel_);
values_.resize( size );
// evaluate average values on all cells
for( const auto& element : Dune::elements( gridPart_ ) )
if( linProg_ )
average.evaluate( element, values_[ gridPart_.indexSet().index( element ) ] );
values_.resize( size );
valuesComputed_.resize( size );
std::fill( valuesComputed_.begin(), valuesComputed_.end(), false );
gradients_.resize( size );
// get reconstructions
linProg_( gridPart_.indexSet(), values_, gradients_ );
//! Some management (interface version)
@@ -667,11 +795,9 @@ namespace Fem
// finalize caller
if( caller_ )
delete caller_;
caller_ = 0;
// reset usedAdmissibleFunction value to class default
usedAdmissibleFunctions_ = usedAdmissibleFunctions();
//! apply local is virtual
@@ -739,9 +865,6 @@ namespace Fem
// timer for shock detection
Dune::Timer indiTime;
// extract types
enum { dim = EntityType :: dimension };
// check argument is not zero
assert( arg_ );
@@ -749,6 +872,9 @@ namespace Fem
// set entity to caller
caller().setEntity( en );
// initialize linear function
linearFunction_.bind( en );
// get function to limit
const ArgumentFunctionType &U = *(std::get< argumentPosition >( *arg_ ));
@@ -756,13 +882,17 @@ namespace Fem
const LocalFunctionType uEn = U.localFunction(en);
// get geometry
const Geometry& geo = en.geometry();
const Geometry& geo = linearFunction_.geometry();
// cache geometry type
const GeometryType geomType = geo.type();
// get bary center of element
const LocalDomainType& x = geoInfo_.localCenter( geomType );
const DomainType enBary = x );
const LocalDomainType& wLocal = geoInfo_.localCenter( geomType );
DomainType& enBary = linearFunction_.center_;
// compute barycenter of element
enBary = geomType.isNone() ? : wLocal );
const IntersectionIteratorType endnit = gridPart_.iend( en );
IntersectionIteratorType niter = gridPart_.ibegin(en);
@@ -774,7 +904,7 @@ namespace Fem
RangeType shockIndicator(0);
RangeType adaptIndicator(0);
RangeType enVal;
RangeType& enVal = linearFunction_.value_;
// if limiter is true then limitation is done
// when we want to reconstruct in any case then
@@ -796,9 +926,8 @@ namespace Fem
// otherwise everything may be corrupted
// get barycenter of entity
const DomainType& enBaryLocal = (int(dimGrid) == int(dimDomain)) ?
geoInfo_.localCenter( geomType ) :
geo.local( enBary ) ;
const DomainType& enBaryLocal = (int(dimGrid) == int(dimDomain) && ! geomType.isNone() ) ?
wLocal : geo.local( enBary ) ;
// check that average value is physical
if( discreteModel_.hasPhysical() &&
@@ -824,8 +953,8 @@ namespace Fem
else if ( calcIndicator_ ) // otherwise compute shock indicator
// check shock indicator
limiter = calculateIndicator(en, uEn, geo, limiter, // parameter
limit, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator); // return values
limiter = calculateIndicator(U, uEn, geo, limiter, // parameter
limit, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator); // return values
else if( !reconstruct_ )
@@ -879,10 +1008,12 @@ namespace Fem
EvalAverage average( *this, U, discreteModel_, geo.volume() );
// setup neighbors barycenter and mean value for all neighbors
LimiterUtilityType::setupNeighborValues( gridPart_, en, average, enBary, enVal,
LimiterUtilityType::setupNeighborValues( gridPart_, en, average, enBary, enVal, uEn,
StructuredGrid, flags, barys_, nbVals_ );
const unsigned int enIndex = indexSet_.index( en );
// mark entity as finished, even if not limited everything necessary was done
assert( indexSet_.index( en ) < int(visited_.size()) );
visited_[ indexSet_.index( en ) ] = true ;
@@ -893,15 +1024,18 @@ namespace Fem
// increase number of limited elements
const unsigned int enIndex = indexSet_.index( en );
bool useLinProg = true ;
if( useLinProg )
GradientType& gradient = linearFunction_.gradient_;
// use linear function from LP reconstruction
if( usedAdmissibleFunctions_ == lp )
deoMod_ = gradients_[ enIndex ];
// compute average values on neighboring elements
fillAverageValues( en, enIndex, U, enVal );
assert( linProg_ );
// compute optimal linear reconstruction
linProg_->applyLocal( en, gridPart_.indexSet(), values_, gradient );
// obtain combination set
ComboSetType& comboSet = storedComboSets_[ nbVals_.size() ];
@@ -912,26 +1046,26 @@ namespace Fem
// reset values
if( usedAdmissibleFunctions_ >= ReconstructedFunctions )
if( usedAdmissibleFunctions_ == muscl || usedAdmissibleFunctions_ == muscldg )
// level is only needed for Cartesian grids to access the matrix caches
const int matrixCacheLevel = ( flags.cartesian ) ? en.level() : 0 ;
assert( matrixCacheLevel < (int) matrixCacheVec_.size() );
MatrixCacheType& matrixCache = matrixCacheVec_[ matrixCacheLevel ];
// calculate linear functions, stored in deoMods_ and comboVec_
// calculate linear functions, stored in gradients_ and comboVec_
LimiterUtilityType::calculateLinearFunctions( comboSet, geomType, flags,
barys_, nbVals_,
comboVec_ );
// add DG Function
if( (usedAdmissibleFunctions_ % 2) == DGFunctions )
if( usedAdmissibleFunctions_ == dgonly || usedAdmissibleFunctions_ == muscldg )
addDGFunction( en, geo, uEn, enVal, enBary );
@@ -939,10 +1073,10 @@ namespace Fem
// Limiting
std::vector< RangeType > factors;
discreteModel_.limiterFunction(), comboVec_, barys_, nbVals_, deoMods_, factors );
discreteModel_.limiterFunction(), comboVec_, barys_, nbVals_, gradients_, factors );
// take maximum of limited functions
LimiterUtilityType::getMaxFunction(deoMods_, deoMod_, factors_[ enIndex ], numbers_[ enIndex ], factors );
LimiterUtilityType::getMaxFunction(gradients_, gradient, factors_[ enIndex ], numbers_[ enIndex ], factors );
} // end if linProg
@@ -954,8 +1088,8 @@ namespace Fem
// get local funnction for limited values
DestLocalFunctionType limitEn = dest_->localFunction(en);
// project deoMod_ to limitEn
L2project(en, geo, enBary, enVal, limit, deoMod_, limitEn );
// project linearFunction onto limitEn
interpolate( en, geo, limit, linearFunction_, limitEn );
assert( checkPhysical(en, geo, limitEn) );
@@ -965,6 +1099,34 @@ namespace Fem
void fillAverageValues( const EntityType& en, const unsigned int enIndex,
const ArgumentFunctionType &U, const RangeType& enVal ) const
// helper class for evaluation of average value of discrete function
EvalAverage average( *this, U, discreteModel_);
if( ! valuesComputed_[ enIndex ] )
values_[ enIndex ] = enVal;
valuesComputed_[ enIndex ] = true;
const auto& indexSet = gridPart_.indexSet();
for (const auto& intersection : intersections(gridPart_, en) )
if( intersection.neighbor() )
const auto neighbor = intersection.outside();
const unsigned int nbIndex = indexSet.index( neighbor );
if( ! valuesComputed_[ nbIndex ] )
average.evaluate( neighbor, values_[ nbIndex ] );
valuesComputed_[ nbIndex ] = true;
// add linear components of the DG function
void addDGFunction(const EntityType& en,
const Geometry& geo,
@@ -1014,7 +1176,7 @@ namespace Fem rhs, D[ r ]);
deoMods_.push_back( D );
gradients_.push_back( D );
std::vector<int> comb( nbVals_.size() );
const size_t combSize = comb.size();
for (size_t i=0;i<combSize; ++i) comb[ i ] = i;
@@ -1050,7 +1212,6 @@ namespace Fem
const Geometry& geo,
const LocalFunctionImp& uEn) const
enum { dim = dimGrid };
if( discreteModel_.hasPhysical() )
if( en.type().isNone() )
@@ -1104,63 +1265,42 @@ namespace Fem
// L2 projection
template <class LocalFunctionImp>
void L2project(const EntityType& en,
const Geometry& geo,
const DomainType& enBary,
const RangeType& enVal,
const FieldVector<bool,dimRange>& limit,
const GradientType& deoMod,
LocalFunctionImp& limitEn,
const bool constantValue = false ) const
void interpolate(const EntityType& en,
const Geometry& geo,
const FieldVector<bool,dimRange>& limit,
const LinearFunction& linearFunction,
LocalFunctionImp& limitEn ) const
enum { dim = dimGrid };
// true if geometry mapping is affine
const bool affineMapping = localMassMatrix_.affine();
const bool affineMapping = geo.affine();
// set zero dof to zero
uTmpLocal_.init( en );
// get quadrature for destination space order
VolumeQuadratureType quad( en, spc_.order() + 1 );
const auto interpolation = spc_.interpolation( en );
const int quadNop = quad.nop();
for(int qP = 0; qP < quadNop ; ++qP)
const bool constantValue = linearFunction.isConstant();
if( constantValue )
// get quadrature weight
const double intel = (affineMapping) ?
quad.weight(qP) : // affine case
quad.weight(qP) * geo.integrationElement( quad.point(qP) ); // general case
RangeType retVal( enVal );
// if we don't have only constant value then evaluate function
if( !constantValue )
// get global coordinate
DomainType point = quad.point( qP ) );
point -= enBary;
// evaluate linear function
for( int r = 0; r < dimRange; ++r )
retVal[ r ] += (deoMod[ r ] * point);
retVal *= intel;
uTmpLocal_.axpy( quad[ qP ], retVal );
const ConstantFunction& constFct = linearFunction;
interpolation( constFct, uTmpLocal_.localDofVector() );
interpolation( linearFunction, uTmpLocal_.localDofVector() );
if( !affineMapping )
localMassMatrix_.applyInverse( en, uTmpLocal_ );
// check physicality of projected data
if ( (! constantValue) && (! checkPhysical(en, geo, uTmpLocal_)) )
// for affine mapping we only need to set higher moments to zero
if( affineMapping )
if( Dune::Fem::Capabilities::isHierarchic< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > :: v &&
affineMapping )
{ // note: the following assumes an ONB made up of moments and affine mapping
const int numBasis = uTmpLocal_.numDofs()/dimRange;
for(int i=1; i<numBasis; ++i)
@@ -1173,9 +1313,9 @@ namespace Fem
// if not physical project to mean value
L2project(en,geo,enBary,enVal,limit,deoMod_, limitEn, true);
return ;
// general interpolation of constant value
const ConstantFunction& constFct = linearFunction;
interpolation( constFct, uTmpLocal_.localDofVector() );
@@ -1189,7 +1329,7 @@ namespace Fem
// copy to limitEn skipping components that should not be limited
const int numBasis = uTmpLocal_.numDofs()/dimRange;
for(int i=1; i<numBasis; ++i)
for(int i=0; i<numBasis; ++i)
for( const auto& r : discreteModel_.model().limitedRange() )
@@ -1202,7 +1342,7 @@ namespace Fem
template <class BasisFunctionSetType, class PointType>
const RangeType& evaluateConstantBasis( const BasisFunctionSetType& basisSet,
const PointType& x ) const
const PointType& x ) const
// calculate constant part of the basis functions
if( ! (phi0_[ 0 ] > 0 ) )
@@ -1231,8 +1371,9 @@ namespace Fem
RangeType& val) const
bool notphysical = false;
if( Dune::Fem::Capabilities::isHierarchic< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > :: v
&& localMassMatrix_.affine() )
const Geometry& geo = en.geometry();
if( Dune::Fem::Capabilities::isHierarchic< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > :: v && geo.affine() )
// get point quadrature
VolumeQuadratureType quad( en, 0 );
@@ -1253,8 +1394,6 @@ namespace Fem
const Geometry& geo = en.geometry();
// get quadrature
VolumeQuadratureType quad( en, volumeQuadratureOrder( en ) );
@@ -1287,11 +1426,22 @@ namespace Fem
return notphysical;
template <bool conforming>
bool integrateIntersection(const IntersectionType & intersection,
const EntityType& nb,
RangeType& shockIndicator,
RangeType& adaptIndicator) const
if( ! conformingGridPart && ! intersection.conforming() )
return integrateIntersectionImpl< false >(intersection, nb, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator);
return integrateIntersectionImpl< true >(intersection, nb, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator);
template <bool conforming>
bool integrateIntersectionImpl(const IntersectionType & intersection,
const EntityType& nb,
RangeType& shockIndicator,
RangeType& adaptIndicator) const
// make sure we got the right conforming statement
assert( intersection.conforming() == conforming );
@@ -1381,15 +1531,15 @@ namespace Fem
// calculate shock detector
bool calculateIndicator(const EntityType& en,
bool calculateIndicator(const ArgumentFunctionType& U,
const LocalFunctionType& uEn,
const Geometry& geo,
const bool initLimiter,
FieldVector<bool,dimRange>& limit,
RangeType& shockIndicator,
RangeType& adaptIndicator) const
RangeType& adaptIndicator ) const
enum { dim = EntityType :: dimension };
const EntityType& en = uEn.entity();
// calculate circume during neighbor check
double circume = 0.0;
@@ -1442,7 +1592,6 @@ namespace Fem
shockIndicator = -1;
return true;
{ // non-conforming case
@@ -1496,52 +1645,46 @@ namespace Fem
// add face vol to circume
circume += vol;
// order of quadrature
const int jumpQuadOrd = spc_.order();
// check all neighbors
if (intersection.neighbor())
// internal shock indicator based on Krivodonova et al.
if( ! extTroubledCellIndicator_ )
// get neighbor entity
const EntityType& nb = intersection.outside();
// order of quadrature
const int jumpQuadOrd = spc_.order();
// conforming case
if( ! conformingGridPart && ! intersection.conforming() )
{ // non-conforming case
if (integrateIntersection< false > (intersection, nb, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator))
// check all neighbors
if (intersection.neighbor())
// get neighbor entity
const EntityType& nb = intersection.outside();
if (integrateIntersection(intersection, nb, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator))
shockIndicator = -1;
return true;
// check all neighbors
if ( intersection.boundary() )
if (integrateIntersection< true > (intersection, nb, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator))
FaceQuadratureType faceQuadInner(gridPart_,intersection, jumpQuadOrd, FaceQuadratureType::INSIDE);
// initialize intersection
caller().initializeBoundary( intersection, faceQuadInner );
if (integrateBoundary(en, intersection, faceQuadInner, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator))
shockIndicator = -1;
return true;
// check all neighbors
if ( intersection.boundary() )
FaceQuadratureType faceQuadInner(gridPart_,intersection, jumpQuadOrd, FaceQuadratureType::INSIDE);
// initialize intersection
caller().initializeBoundary( intersection, faceQuadInner );
if (integrateBoundary(en, intersection, faceQuadInner, shockIndicator, adaptIndicator))
shockIndicator = -1;
return true;
} // end intersection iterator
if (indicator_ == 1)
return false;
// calculate max face volume
// min faceVol
@@ -1566,11 +1709,34 @@ namespace Fem
// multiply h pol ord with circume
const double circFactor = (circume > 0.0) ? (hPowPolOrder/(circume * tolFactor_ )) : 0.0;
assert(indicator_!=0 || extTroubledCellIndicator_);
if( extTroubledCellIndicator_ ) // also true for indicator_=3
shockIndicator = ( tol_1_ * (*extTroubledCellIndicator_)( U, uEn ) );
else if( indicator_ == 2 )
for(int r=0; r<dimRange; ++r)
shockIndicator[r] = std::abs(shockIndicator[r]) * circFactor * tol_1_;
else if ( indicator_ == 4 )
// always limit on each cell
shockIndicator = 2.;
std::cout << "wrong indicator selection\n";
for(int r=0; r<dimRange; ++r)
// only scale shock indicator with tolerance
shockIndicator[r] = std::abs(shockIndicator[r]) * circFactor * tol_1_;
adaptIndicator[r] = std::abs(adaptIndicator[r]) * circFactor;
if(shockIndicator[r] > 1.)
limit[r] = true;
@@ -1589,10 +1755,10 @@ namespace Fem
// check whether we have an inflow intersection or not
const int quadNop = quad.nop();
for(int l=0; l<quadNop; ++l)
for(int qp=0; qp<quadNop; ++qp)
// check physicality of value
const bool physical = caller().checkPhysical( intersection, quad, l );
const bool physical = caller().checkPhysical( intersection, quad, qp );
if( checkPhysical && ! physical )
@@ -1603,7 +1769,7 @@ namespace Fem
if( ! inflowIntersection )
// check intersection
if( physical && caller().checkDirection(intersection, quad, l) )
if( physical && caller().checkDirection(intersection, quad, qp) )
inflowIntersection = true;
// in case of physicality check is disabled
@@ -1634,7 +1800,7 @@ namespace Fem
mutable DiscreteModelCallerType *caller_;
mutable std::unique_ptr< DiscreteModelCallerType > caller_;
DiscreteModelType& discreteModel_;
mutable double currentTime_;
@@ -1644,9 +1810,9 @@ namespace Fem
const DiscreteFunctionSpaceType& spc_;
GridPartType& gridPart_;
mutable LinearProgramming linProg_;
mutable LinearFunction linearFunction_;
std::unique_ptr< LinearProgramming > linProg_;
const IndexSetType& indexSet_;
const LocalIdSetType& localIdSet_;
@@ -1665,16 +1831,16 @@ namespace Fem
// tolerance to scale shock indicator
const double tolFactor_;
std::size_t indicator_;
const double tol_1_;
// if true scheme is TVD
const GeometryInformationType geoInfo_;
const FaceGeometryInformationType faceGeoInfo_;
mutable GradientType deoMod_;
mutable RangeType phi0_ ;
mutable std::vector< GradientType > deoMods_;
mutable std::vector< GradientType > gradients_;
mutable std::vector< CheckType > comboVec_;
mutable std::vector< DomainType > barys_;
@@ -1687,7 +1853,6 @@ namespace Fem
// vector for stroing the information which elements have been computed already
mutable std::vector< bool > visited_;
LocalMassMatrixType localMassMatrix_;
//! true if limiter is used in adaptive scheme
const bool adaptive_;
//! true if grid is cartesian like
@@ -1696,18 +1861,21 @@ namespace Fem
mutable std::vector<double> stepTime_;
mutable size_t elementCounter_;
//! true if indicator should be calculated
//! true if troubled cell indicator should be calculated
mutable bool calcIndicator_;
//! true if limiter is used as finite volume scheme of higher order
mutable bool reconstruct_;
// choice of admissible linear functions
const AdmissibleFunctions admissibleFunctions_;
mutable AdmissibleFunctions usedAdmissibleFunctions_ ;
const AdmissibleFunctions admissibleFunctions_;
mutable AdmissibleFunctions usedAdmissibleFunctions_ ;
mutable std::vector< RangeType > values_;
mutable std::vector< GradientType > gradients_;
mutable std::vector< bool > valuesComputed_;
// function pointer to external troubled cell indicator, can be nullptr
TroubledCellIndicatorType extTroubledCellIndicator_;
mutable int counter_;
}; // end DGLimitPass