from ufl import * from dune.ufl import Space import dune.fem class Transport1D: dimRange = 1 def F_c(t,x,U): return as_matrix( [ [U[0], 0] ] ) boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u: u} def maxWaveSpeed(t,x,U,n): return abs(n[0]) def velocity(t,x,U): return as_vector([1,0]) def physical(t,x,U): return 1 def jump(t,x,U,V): return U-V def LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,eps): if v is not None: v = as_vector(v) class Model: dimRange = 1 if v is not None: def F_c(t,x,U): return as_matrix( [[ *(v*U[0]) ]] ) def maxWaveSpeed(t,x,U,n): return abs(dot(v,n)) def velocity(t,x,U): return v if eps is not None: def F_v(t,x,U,DU): return eps*DU # TODO: this method is used in an IMEX method allough the # diffusion is implicit - should we change that behaviour? # commented out for test of IMEX def maxDiffusion(t,x,U): return eps def physical(t,x,U): return 1 def jump(t,x,U,V): return abs(U-V) return Model def LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(v,eps,bnd): class Model(LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,eps)): def dirichletValue(t,x,u): return bnd(t,x) def zeroFlux(t,x,u,n): return 0 def zeroDiffFlux(t,x,u,du,n): return 0 if v is not None and eps is not None: boundary = {(1,2): dirichletValue, (3,4): [zeroFlux,zeroDiffFlux] } else: boundary = {(1,2): dirichletValue, (3,4): zeroFlux } return Model def LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DDirichlet(v,eps,bnd): class Model(LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,eps)): def dirichletValue(t,x,u): return bnd(t,x) boundary = { range(1,5): dirichletValue } return Model def LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DPeriodic(v,eps): class Model(LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,eps)): def zeroFlux(t,x,u,n): return 0 def zeroDiffFlux(t,x,u,du,n): return 0 if v is not None and eps is not None: boundary = {(3,4): [zeroFlux,zeroDiffFlux] } else: boundary = {(3,4): zeroFlux } return Model # burgers problems still need to be adapted to new API class Burgers1D: dimRange = 1 def F_c(t,x,U): return as_matrix( [ [U[0]*U[0]/2, 0] ] ) boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u: u} def maxWaveSpeed(t,x,U,n): return abs(U[0]*n[0]) def velocity(t,x,U): return as_vector( [U[0],0] ) def physical(t,x,U): return 1 def jump(t,x,U,V): return U-V space = Space(2,1) x = SpatialCoordinate(space) def riemanProblem(x,x0,UL,UR): return conditional(x<x0,as_vector(UL),as_vector(UR)) def constantTransport(): Model=Transport1D Model.initial=as_vector( [0.1] ) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime=0.1"constant" return Model def shockTransport(): Model=Transport1D Model.initial=riemanProblem(x[0],-0.5, [1], [0]) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime=1.0"shockTransport" return Model def sinAdvDiffProblem(): eps = 0.5 v = [4,0] u0 = lambda t,x: as_vector( [sin(2*pi*(x[0]-t*v[0]))*exp(-t*eps*(2*pi)**2)] ) Model = Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(v,eps,u0) Model.initial = u0(0,x) Model.domain = [[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime = 0.01 = "sin" Model.exact = lambda t: u0(t,x) return Model def sinDiffProblem(): eps = 0.5 u0 = lambda t,x: as_vector( [sin(2*pi*x[0])*exp(-t*eps*(2*pi)**2)] ) Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(None,eps,u0) Model.initial=u0(0,x) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime=0.2"sin" Model.exact=lambda t: u0(t,x) return Model def sinTransportProblem(): v = [1,0] u0 = lambda t,x: as_vector( [sin(2*pi*(x[0]-t*v[0]))] ) Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DDirichlet(v,None,u0) # Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(v,None,u0) # Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,None) # Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DPeriodic(v,None) Model.initial=u0(0,x) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.2], [25, 7]] Model.endTime=0.5"sin" Model.exact=lambda t: u0(t,x) return Model def pulse(eps=None): center = as_vector([ 0.5,0.5 ]) x0 = x[0] - center[0] x1 = x[1] - center[1] ux = -4.0*x1 uy = 4.0*x0 def u0(t,x): sig2 = 0.004 if eps is None: sig2PlusDt4 = sig2 else: sig2PlusDt4 = sig2+(4.0*eps*t) xq = ( x0*cos(4.0*t) + x1*sin(4.0*t)) + 0.25 yq = (-x0*sin(4.0*t) + x1*cos(4.0*t)) return as_vector( [(sig2/ (sig2PlusDt4) ) * exp (-( xq*xq + yq*yq ) / sig2PlusDt4 )] ) Model=LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DDirichlet([ux,uy],eps,u0) Model.initial=u0(0,x) Model.domain=[[0, 0], [1, 1], [16,16]] Model.endTime=1.0"pulse"+str(eps) Model.exact=lambda t: u0(t,x) return Model def diffusivePulse(): return pulse(0.001) def burgersShock(): UL = 1 UR = 0 speed = (UL-UR)/2. u0 = lambda t,x: riemanProblem(x[0],-0.5+t*speed,[UL],[UR]) Model = Burgers1D Model.initial=u0(0,x) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime=1"burgersShock" Model.exact=lambda t: u0(t,x) return Model def burgersVW(): Model = Burgers1D Model.initial=riemanProblem(x[0],0,[-1],[1]) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime=0.7"burgersShock" return Model def burgersStationaryShock(): u0 = lambda t,x: riemanProblem(x[0],0,[1],[-1]) Model = Burgers1D Model.initial=u0(0,x) Model.domain=[[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7]] Model.endTime=0.2"burgersShock" Model.exact=lambda t: u0(t,x) return Model problems = [ constantTransport, shockTransport,\ sinDiffProblem, sinTransportProblem, sinAdvDiffProblem,\ pulse, diffusivePulse,\ burgersShock, burgersVW, burgersStationaryShock ]