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Feature/mmesh adaptation

Samuel Burbulla requested to merge feature/mmesh-adaptation into master

I implemented a possibility for non-hierarchical adaptation used by dune-mmesh. As this needs new interface functions for the adaptation process, I want to open a discussion.

My idea is to project a discrete function using an intermediate entity-like object middle which is assumed to be spatially contained in both of the two entities where data should be projected from and onto.

We have

  father    ->    middle    ->    son
        (geoProlong)    (geoRestrict)

where we perform a prolongation in the first step and a restriction in the second step. Both geometries define the spatial embedding of middle in father and son, respectively.

Both steps should be performed in one call, because middle may not really exist within the grid.

With the changes below, I am able to project DG functions with dune-mmesh already, using the callback adaptation method.

The temporary storage in the restrictprolonginterface.hh may be an issue for continuous spaces.

What do you think, can we introduce such kind of interface functions for non-hierarchical adaptation?

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