From 484f8724e9afc268a10c72ec3bdd4ead4a39b1f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Praetorius <>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 15:18:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add corner implementation

 dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh         | 57 +++++++++++--------
 .../curvedgeometrydatacollector.hh            |  5 +-
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh b/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh
index ce397fa..4bdfc7b 100644
--- a/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh
+++ b/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace Dune
    *  This structure provides the default values.
    *  \tparam  ct  coordinate type
-   *  \tparam  LFECache  A LocalFiniteElementVariantCache implementation, 
+   *  \tparam  LFECache  A LocalFiniteElementVariantCache implementation,
    *                     e.g. LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache
   template <class ct, class LFECache>
@@ -107,8 +107,10 @@ namespace Dune
     /// type of local coordinates
     using LocalCoordinate = FieldVector<ctype, mydimension>;
     /// type of global coordinates
     using GlobalCoordinate = FieldVector<ctype, coorddimension>;
     /// type of volume
     using Volume = ctype;
@@ -118,12 +120,9 @@ namespace Dune
     /// type of jacobian inverse transposed
     using JacobianInverseTransposed = FieldMatrix<ctype, coorddimension, mydimension>;
-  protected:
-    using ReferenceElements = Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype, mydimension>;
     /// type of reference element
-    using ReferenceElement = typename ReferenceElements::ReferenceElement;
+    using ReferenceElement = typename ReferenceElements<ctype, mydimension>::ReferenceElement;
     /// Parametrization of the geometry
     using Traits = TraitsType;
@@ -137,6 +136,7 @@ namespace Dune
     using LocalBasisTraits = typename LocalBasis::Traits;
+    // Internal constructor. Must not be called directly since more initialization is necessary
     CurvedGeometry (const ReferenceElement& refElement)
       : refElement_(refElement)
       , localFECache_()
@@ -150,9 +150,8 @@ namespace Dune
      *  \param[in]  refElement  reference element for the geometry
      *  \param[in]  vertices    vertices to store internally
-     *  \note The type of vertices is actually a template argument.
-     *        It is only required that the internal vertex storage can be
-     *        constructed from this object.
+     *  \note The vertices are stored internally, so if possible move an external vertex storedge
+     *        to this constructor
     CurvedGeometry (const ReferenceElement& refElement, std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> vertices)
       : CurvedGeometry(refElement)
@@ -233,13 +232,13 @@ namespace Dune
     /// \brief obtain coordinates of the i-th corner
-     * \note The corners are part of the stored vertices, always stored first before
-     *       higher order vertices.
+     * \todo In some local-bases, the corners are part of the stored vertices, and sometimes
+     *       even stored first before higher order vertices. Maybe this can be utilized somehow.
     GlobalCoordinate corner (int i) const
       assert( (i >= 0) && (i < corners()) );
-      return vertices_[i];
+      return global(refElement_.position(i, mydimension));
     /// \brief obtain the centroid of the mapping's image
@@ -255,7 +254,7 @@ namespace Dune
      *  \f[ global = \sum_i v_i \psi_i(local) \f]
-     *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to map
+     *  \param[in] local  local coordinate to map
      *  \returns corresponding global coordinate
@@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ namespace Dune
      *  \return corresponding local coordinate
-     *  \note For given global coordinate y the returned local coordinate x that minimizes
+     *  \note For given global coordinate `y` the returned local coordinate `x` that minimizes
      *  the following function over the local coordinate space spanned by the reference element.
      *  \code
      *  (global( x ) - y).two_norm()
@@ -297,6 +296,7 @@ namespace Dune
         const GlobalCoordinate dglobal = global(x) - globalCoord;
         const bool invertible = MatrixHelper::xTRightInvA(jacobianTransposed(x), dglobal, dx);
+        // break if jacobian is not invertible
         if (!invertible)
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ namespace Dune
         if (affineMapping)
+        // break if tolerance is reached.
         if (dx.two_norm2() < tolerance)
@@ -315,7 +316,8 @@ namespace Dune
       return x;
-    /// \brief Construct a global coordinate normal of the curvilinear element evaluated at a given local coordinate
+    /// \brief Construct a global coordinate normal of the curvilinear element evaluated at
+    /// a given local coordinate
      * \note Implemented for codim=1 entities only, i.e. edges in 2D and faces in 3D
@@ -338,9 +340,8 @@ namespace Dune
      *  \returns the integration element \f$\mu(x)\f$.
-     *  \note For affine mappings, it is more efficient to call
-     *        jacobianInverseTransposed before integrationElement, if both
-     *        are required.
+     *  \todo Implement caching of the jacobianTransposed matrix, since it is used fir the
+     *        integrationElement and the jacobianInverseTransposed
     ctype integrationElement (const LocalCoordinate& local) const
@@ -350,10 +351,12 @@ namespace Dune
     /// \brief Obtain the volume of the mapping's image
      * Calculates the volume of the entity by numerical integration
+     *
+     * \todo Check the quadrature order of the volume integral.
     Volume volume () const
-      const int p = 2*localBasis().order(); // TODO: needs to be checked
+      const int p = 2*localBasis().order();
       const auto& quadRule = QuadratureRules<ctype, mydimension>::rule(type(), p);
       Volume vol(0);
       for (auto const& qp : quadRule)
@@ -366,10 +369,7 @@ namespace Dune
      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to evaluate Jacobian in
-     *  \returns a reference to the transposed of the Jacobian
-     *
-     *  \note The returned reference is reused on the next call to
-     *        JacobianTransposed, destroying the previous value.
+     *  \returns the matrix corresponding to the transposed of the Jacobian
     JacobianTransposed jacobianTransposed (const LocalCoordinate& local) const
@@ -410,16 +410,19 @@ namespace Dune
-    ReferenceElement refElement () const
+    // the internal stored reference element
+    const ReferenceElement& refElement () const
       return refElement_;
+    // the local basis of the stored local finite-element
     const LocalBasis& localBasis() const
       return localFE_.localBasis();
+    // normal vector to an edge line-element
     GlobalCoordinate normalEdge (const LocalCoordinate& local, const JacobianTransposed& J) const
       GlobalCoordinate res{
@@ -429,6 +432,7 @@ namespace Dune
       return res /= res.two_norm();
+    // normal vector to a triangle face element
     GlobalCoordinate normalTriangle (const LocalCoordinate& local, const JacobianTransposed& J) const
       GlobalCoordinate res{
@@ -440,13 +444,20 @@ namespace Dune
+    //! Reference of the geometry
     ReferenceElement refElement_;
+    //! Cache to construct finite elements
     LocalFECache localFECache_;
+    //! A cached local finite-element
     LocalFiniteElement const& localFE_;
+    //! The (lagrange) coefficients of the interpolating geometry
     std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> vertices_;
   /// \brief curved geometry parametrized with lagrange basis functions
   template <class ctype, int mydim, int cdim, int order>
   using LagrangeCurvedGeometry = CurvedGeometry<ctype,mydim,cdim,
diff --git a/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometrydatacollector.hh b/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometrydatacollector.hh
index 67b7c4a..ad90e1e 100644
--- a/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometrydatacollector.hh
+++ b/dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometrydatacollector.hh
@@ -18,10 +18,11 @@ namespace Dune
   // and write nonlinear vtk elements
   template <class GridView, class Geometry>
   class CurvedGeometryDataCollector
-      : public UnstructuredDataCollectorInterface<GridView, CurvedGeometryDataCollector<GridView,Geometry>, Partitions::All>
+      : public UnstructuredDataCollectorInterface<GridView,
+          CurvedGeometryDataCollector<GridView,Geometry>, Partitions::All>
     using Self = CurvedGeometryDataCollector;
-    using Super = UnstructuredDataCollectorInterface<GridView, CurvedGeometryDataCollector<GridView,Geometry>, Partitions::All>;
+    using Super = UnstructuredDataCollectorInterface<GridView, Self, Partitions::All>;
     using LocalCoord = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity::Geometry::LocalCoordinate;
     using GlobalCoord = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;