CurvedGeometry ============== The `CurvedGeometry` is a Geometry parametrized by a local-to-global mapping that is interpolated into a local basis. In the Traits type the local basis in encoded by a LocalFiniteElement Cache type, that allows to construct a local FiniteElement and with this also the local basis. ```c++ // <dune/curvedgeometry/curvedgeometry.hh> template <class ctype, int mydim, int corddim, class Traits> class CurvedGeometry; ``` The following type requirements must be fulfilled: - `ctype`: Type of the coordiante vector components, i.e., representation for R. This type should be an *Arithmetic* type. - `mydim`: Dimension of the entity-coordinate system this geometry is bound to. - `coorddim`: Dimension of the global coordinates this geometry maps into. There is a specialization of that type for Lagrange basis functions: ```c++ template <class ctype, int mydim, int corddim, int order> using LagrangeCurvedGeometry = CurvedGeometry<ctype,mydim,corddim, CurvedGeometryTraits<ctype, LagrangeLocalFiniteElementCache<ctype,ctype,mydim,order>> >; ``` with - `order`: Polynomial order of the lagrange basis functions. Should be > 0. Example ------- ```c++ // construct a reference grid Grid grid(...); // define the geometry type const int order = 3; using Geometry = LagrangeCurvedGeometry<double, Grid::dimension, 3, order>; using LocalCoordinate = typename Geometry::LocalCoordinate; using GlobalCoordinate = typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate; for (const auto& e : elements(grid.leafGridView())) { // sphere projection from local to global coordinates auto X = [geo=e.geometry()](const LocalCoordinate& local) -> GlobalCoordinate { auto x =; return x / x.two_norm(); }; // create a curved geometry Geometry geometry(e.type(), X); } ``` LocalFunctionGeometry ===================== The `LocalFunctionGeometry` is a Geometry parametrized by a local-function bound to an element. The local-function is evaluated in the coordinates provided by a local-geometry mapping that allows to construct also geometries of intersections. ```c++ // <dune/curvedgeometry/localfunctiongeometry.hh> template <class LocalFunction, class LocalGeometry, class Traits> class LocalFunctionGeometry; ``` The following type requirements must be fulfilled: - `LocalGeometry` represents a geometric mapping from an entity of codim `c` to the element with codim `0`. - `LocalFunction` represents a differentiable mapping with from the global coordinates of the `LocalGeometry` to the global coordinate of the target geometry. It must be bound to an element and must provide a free function `derivative(LocalFunction)` that creates the jacobian mapping of the coordinate mapping. A sepcial form of `LocalFunctionGeometry` could be defined that lives in elements (codim = 0) of a host grid: ```c++ template <class LocalFunction, class ctype, int mydim> using ElementLocalFunctionGeometry = LocalFunctionGeometry<LocalFunction, DefaultLocalGeometry<ctype,mydim,mydim>, LocalFunctionGeometryTraits<ctype> >; ``` Example ------- ```c++ // construct a reference grid Grid grid(...); // sphere-mapping grid function auto sphereGridFct = analyticGridFunction<Grid>([](const auto& x) { return x / x.two_norm(); }); auto sphereLocalFct = localFunction(sphereGridFct); // define the geometry type using Geometry = ElementLocalFunctionGeometry<decltype(sphereLocalFct), double, Grid::dimension>; using LocalCoordinate = typename Geometry::LocalCoordinate; using GlobalCoordinate = typename Geometry::GlobalCoordinate; for (const auto& e : elements(grid.leafGridView())) { sphereLocalFct.bind(e); // create a curved geometry Geometry geometry(e.type(), sphereLocalFct); sphereLocalFct.unbind(); } ``` Installation Instructions ========================= `dune-curvedgeometry` requires the DUNE core modules, version 2.7 or later. Please see the [general instructions for building DUNE modules]( for detailed instructions on how to build the module.