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Provide a dune-functions-like wrapper around AdolC

Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/adolc-function into master

Given a callback f this allows to compute a differentiable function in the sense of dune-functions where the derivative is provided using automated differentiation via the AdolC library. The interface is very close to makeDifferentiableFunctionFromCallables() from dune-functions. You only need to ensure that the passed callable is AdolC compatible by carefully using deduced types as local variables.


// Define a function as generic lambda.
// By deducing the Field type from x, we ensure that
// this is AdolC-compatible.
auto f_raw = [](auto x) {
  using Field = std::decay_t<decltype(x[0])>;
  Field y = x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[2];
  return y*y;

// Specify function signature explicitly
using Domain = Dune::FieldVector<double,3>;
using Range = double;
using SignatureTag = Dune::Functions::SignatureTag<Range(Domain)>;

// Create differentiable function
auto f = Dune::Fufem::makeAdolCFunction(SignatureTag(), f_raw);

// Obtain derivative
auto df = derivative(f);

// Obtain second derivative
auto ddf = derivative(df);

// Evaluate function (no AdolC-layer involved)

// Evaluate derivative (this first lets AdolC tape f and then uses the tape to compute the Jacobian)

// Evaluate second derivative (this first lets AdolC tape f and then uses the tape to compute the Hessian)

To make this work as general as possible it can be customized for different domain-, range-, and Jacobian-types via specialization of certain helper templates.

Edited by Carsten Gräser

Merge request reports
