#!/bin/bash # # TODO: # # * In case of an installed Dune, it should not be necessary to pass the # dune-common dir to autogen.sh. # * Check module names entered as dependencies. set -e canonicalname(){ if test $# -ne 1; then echo Usage: canonicalname path >&2 return 1 fi file="`eval echo $1`" # expand ~ if test ! -e "$file"; then echo $file: file not found >&2 return 1 fi # if this is a symlink, then follow the symlink if test -L "$file"; then fdir="`dirname \"$file\"`" flink="`readlink \"$file\"`" if test -e "$flink"; then # these are absolute links, or links in the CWD canonicalname "$flink" else canonicalname "$fdir/$flink" fi else # if this is a file, then remember the filename and # canonicalize the directory name if test -f "$file"; then fdir="`dirname \"$file\"`" fname="`basename \"$file\"`" fdir="`canonicalname \"$fdir\"`" echo "$fdir/$fname" fi # if this is a directory, then create an absolute # directory name and we are done if test -d "$file"; then (cd "$file"; pwd) fi fi } canonicalpath(){ if test $# -ne 1; then echo Usage: canonicalpath path >&2 return 1 fi dirname "$(canonicalname "$1")" } pkg_config_dependencies(){ if test $# -ne 1; then echo Usage: pkg_config_dependencies name >&2 return 1 fi name="$1" depends="`pkg-config --variable=DEPENDENCIES $name| sed -e 's/,/ /g'`" for pkg in $depends; do depends="$depends `pkg_config_dependencies $pkg`" done echo $depends } modulesexist(){ allfound=0 for dep in $1; do found=0 for module in $2; do if [ "$dep" = "$module" ]; then found=1 break fi done if [ "$found" = "0" ]; then # Module not found in list, try pkg-config pkg-config $module &> /dev/null found=$? fi if [ "$found" = "0" ]; then echo "ERROR:">&2 echo "Module with name $dep was not found" >&2 echo "Did you forget to specify it's location" >&2 echo "in the DUNE_CONTROL_PATH variable?">&2 echo >&2 allfound=1 fi done return $allfound } make_unique(){ if [ "$#" = "1" ]; then # take first word for exclude_word in $1; do break; done make_unique $exclude_word "$1" 0 else local exclude_word="$1" local words="$2" local pos="$3" local length=0 local i=0 local new_words="" local cur=0 for word in $words; do if [ $i -le $pos ]; then i=$((i+1)) length=$((length+1)) new_words="$new_words $word" continue fi if [ "$word" != "$exclude_word" ]; then new_words="$new_words $word" if [ "$((length-1))" = "$pos" ]; then next_word="$word" fi length=$((length+1)) fi done if [ "$pos" -lt "$length" ]; then # process next word make_unique "$next_word" "$new_words" $((pos+1)) else export UNIQUE_WORDS="$new_words" fi fi } echo echo == Dune project/module generator == echo echo duneproject will assist you in the creation of a new Dune application. echo During this process a new directory with the name of your project will be echo created. This directory will hold all configuration and Makefiles and a echo simple example application. echo ################## FIND AVAILABLE MODULES ################## . "$(canonicalpath $0)/../lib/dunemodules.lib" export PREFIX_DIR="`canonicalpath "$0"`/.." extract_multiarch_pkg_config_path # search for modules, both installed and src modules find_modules_in_path # sort modules to remove duplicates sort_modules $FOUND_MODULES FOUND_MODULES=$MODULES # get the real module names MODULES="" for i in $FOUND_MODULES; do mod=$(eval echo \$NAME_$i) MODULES="$MODULES$mod " done if [ "$MODULES" = "" ]; then echo "ERROR:">&2 echo " No dune modules were found!">&2 echo " Did you forget to specify the places where ">&2 echo " you installed your modules in the ">&2 echo " DUNE_CONTROL_PATH environment variable">&2 echo " and adjusted the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment">&2 echo " accordingly?" >&2 exit 1; fi ################## READ CMDLINE OPTIONS ########## PROJECT="$1" DEPENDENCIES="$2" VERSION="$3" MAINTAINER="$4" ################## READ OPTIONS ################## while [ "$DATACORRECT" != "y" -a "$DATACORRECT" != "Y" ]; do while [ -z $PROJECT ]; do read -p "1) Name of your new Project? (e.g.: dune-grid): " PROJECT if echo "$MODULES" | grep -q ^$PROJECT$; then read -p " A module named $PROJECT already exists. Continue anyway? [y/N] " CONT if test x$DELETE = xy -o x$DELETE = xY; then PROJECT="" fi fi done MODULE="$PROJECT" DEPOK=1 while [ "$DEPOK" != 0 ]; do echo "2) Which modules should this module depend on?" echo " Following modules are found:" echo " $MODULES" # for i in $MODULES; do echo -n " $i"; done # echo "" while [ -z "$DEPENDENCIES" ]; do read -p " Enter space separated list: " DEPENDENCIES done set +e modulesexist "$DEPENDENCIES" "$MODULES" DEPOK=$? set -e if [ "$DEPOK" != 0 ]; then DEPENDENCIES="" fi done while [ -z $VERSION ]; do read -p "3) Project/Module version? " VERSION done while [ -z "$MAINTAINER" ]; do read -p "4) Maintainer's email address? " MAINTAINER done echo echo "creating Project \"$PROJECT\", version $VERSION " echo "which depends on \"$DEPENDENCIES\"" echo "with maintainer \"$MAINTAINER\"" read -p "Are these informations correct? [y/N] " DATACORRECT # reset data if necessary if [ "$DATACORRECT" != "y" -a "$DATACORRECT" != "Y" ]; then PROJECT="" DEPENDENCIES="" VERSION="" MAINTAINER="" fi done echo echo "A sample code $MODULE.cc is generated in the \"$PROJECT\" directory." echo "Look at the README and dune.module files there." echo "Now you can run the dunecontrol script which will setup the new module." echo "Sometimes you may have to tweak configure.ac a bit." if test -d $PROJECT; then echo WARNING: echo "A directory with the name $PROJECT already exists." echo "Do you want to continue anyway?" read -p "Type Y to overwrite the old directory, N to abort. [y/N] " DELETE if test x$DELETE != xy -a x$DELETE != xY; then echo Abort... exit 1 fi rm -rf "$PROJECT" fi mkdir "$PROJECT" ################## dune.module ################## cat > "$PROJECT/dune.module" <<C_DELIM ################################ # Dune module information file # ################################ #Name of the module Module: $MODULE Version: $VERSION Maintainer: $MAINTAINER #depending on Depends: $DEPENDENCIES C_DELIM ################## CONFIGURE.AC ################## ## Create the parameters passed to DUNE_CHECK_ALL # save module list of dunemodules.inc save_MODULES=$MODULES for name in $DEPENDENCIES; do mod="`fix_variable_name $name`" if test "x$(eval echo \$HAVE_$mod)" != "x"; then # found via dunemodules.inc sort_modules "$mod" for mod in $MODULES; do M_DEPS="$M_DEPS $(eval echo \$NAME_$mod)" done MODULES=$save_MODULES else # found via pkg-config M_DEPS="`pkg_config_dependencies $name` $name" fi for dep in $M_DEPS; do CHECK="$CHECK [$dep]" done done set +x make_unique "$CHECK" # insert , between modules j=0 for dep in $UNIQUE_WORDS; do if [ "$j" = "0" ]; then CHECK="$dep" j=1 else CHECK="$CHECK, $dep" fi done echo "------------------------------------------" echo "writing initial files:" # we need the module with _ instead of - to not confuse automake fix_and_assign CMODULE $MODULE NAME=`echo $PROJECT | sed -e 's/dune[_-]//' | tr '-' '_'` UNAME=`echo $PROJECT | tr '-' '_' | sed 's/\(.*\)/\U\1/'` ################## CONFIGURE.AC ################## echo "- $PROJECT/configure.ac" cat > "$PROJECT/configure.ac" <<C_DELIM # -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.62]) DUNE_AC_INIT # gets module version from dune.module file AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/$CMODULE.cc]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) # we need no more than the standard DE-stuff # this module depends on $DEPENDENCIES # this implies checking for $CHECK DUNE_CHECK_ALL # implicitly set the Dune-flags everywhere AC_SUBST(AM_CPPFLAGS, \$DUNE_CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(AM_LDFLAGS, \$DUNE_LDFLAGS) LIBS="\$DUNE_LIBS" AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile src/Makefile cmake/Makefile cmake/modules/Makefile doc/Makefile doc/doxygen/Makefile doc/doxygen/Doxyfile dune/Makefile dune/$NAME/Makefile m4/Makefile $MODULE.pc ]) AC_OUTPUT # finally print the summary information DUNE_SUMMARY_ALL C_DELIM ################## README ################## echo "- $PROJECT/README" cat > "$PROJECT/README" <<R_DELIM Preparing the Sources ========================= Additional to the software mentioned in README you'll need the following programs installed on your system: automake >= 1.9 autoconf >= 2.62 libtool Getting started --------------- If these preliminaries are met, you should run dunecontrol all which will find all installed dune modules as well as all dune modules (not installed) which sources reside in a subdirectory of the current directory. Note that if dune is not installed properly you will either have to add the directory where the dunecontrol script resides (probably ./dune-common/bin) to your path or specify the relative path of the script. On your project and all uninstalled DUNE source modules found the script will then calls the GNU autoconf/automake to create a ./configure-script and the Makefiles. Afterwards that configure script will be called and the modules will be build using make all Most probably you'll have to provide additional information to dunecontrol (e. g. compilers, configure options) and/or make options. The most convenient way is to use options files in this case. The files defining three variables: AUTOGEN_FLAGS flags passed to autogen CONFIGURE_FLAGS flags passed to configure MAKE_FLAGS flags passed to make An example options file might look like this: #use this options to autogen, configure and make if no other options are given AUTOGEN_FLAGS="--ac=2.50 --ac=1.8" #Forces automake 2,50 and autoconf 1.8 CONFIGURE_FLAGS="CXX=g++-3.4 --prefix=/install/path" #force g++-3.4 as compiler MAKE_FLAGS=install #Per default run make install instead of simply make If you save this information into example.opts you can path the opts file to dunecontrol via the --opts option, e. g. dunecontrol --opts=example.opts all To get a full list of available configure flags just run dunecontrol configure --help after running at least dunecontrol autogen More info --------- See dunecontrol --help for further options. The full build-system is described in the dune-common/doc/buildsystem (SVN version) or under share/doc/dune-common/buildsystem if you installed DUNE! \$Id$ R_DELIM ################## MAKEFILE.AM ################## DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS= for name in $DEPENDENCIES; do capital=`echo $name | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]'` DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=$DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS"--with-${name}=\$(${capital}_ROOT) " done echo "- $PROJECT/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/Makefile.am" << M_DELIM # \$Id$ # we need the module file to be able to build via dunecontrol EXTRA_DIST = dune.module \\ CMakeLists.txt \\ config.h.cmake SUBDIRS = src m4 dune doc cmake if BUILD_DOCS # TODO: set up documentation tree automatically #SUBDIRS += doc endif # don't follow the full GNU-standard # we need automake 1.9 or newer AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.9 # pass most important options when "make distcheck" is used DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = $DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS CXX="\$(CXX)" CC="\$(CC)" include \$(top_srcdir)/am/top-rules include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules # Generate package configuration files for finding # installed modules with CMake include \$(top_srcdir)/am/cmake-pkg-config M_DELIM ################## CMakeLists.txt ################## echo "- $PROJECT/CMakeLists.txt" cat> "$PROJECT/CMakeLists.txt" << M_DELIM cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.6) project($PROJECT CXX) if(NOT (dune-common_DIR OR dune-common_ROOT OR "\${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" MATCHES ".*dune-common.*")) string(REPLACE \${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} dune-common dune-common_DIR \${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() #find dune-common and set the module path find_package(dune-common REQUIRED) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" \${dune-common_MODULE_PATH}) #include the dune macros include(DuneMacros) # start a dune project with information from dune.module dune_project() add_subdirectory("src") add_subdirectory("m4") add_subdirectory("dune") add_subdirectory("doc") add_subdirectory("cmake/modules") # finalize the dune project, e.g. generating config.h etc. finalize_dune_project(GENERATE_CONFIG_H_CMAKE) M_DELIM ################## STAMP-VC ################## echo "- $PROJECT/stamp-vc" echo 'A stamp file to signify that this directory comes from a version control system, not an unpacked tarball' > $PROJECT/stamp-vc ################## PROJECT.PC.IN ################## echo "- $PROJECT/$MODULE.pc.in" cat> "$PROJECT/$MODULE.pc.in" << CC_DELIM prefix=@prefix@ exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ libdir=@libdir@ includedir=@includedir@ CXX=@CXX@ CC=@CC@ DEPENDENCIES=@REQUIRES@ Name: @PACKAGE_NAME@ Version: @VERSION@ Description: $MODULE module URL: http://dune-project.org/ Requires: ${DEPENDENCIES} Libs: -L${libdir} Cflags: -I${includedir} CC_DELIM echo " Please remember to update your $PROJECT/$MODULE.pc.in," echo " Description and URL are missing right now." ################# config.h.cmake ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/config.h.cmake" cat> "$PROJECT/config.h.cmake" <<EOF /* begin $NAME put the definitions for config.h specific to your project here. Everything above will be overwritten */ /* begin private */ /* Name of package */ #define PACKAGE "@DUNE_MOD_NAME" /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "@DUNE_MAINTAINER@" /* Define to the full name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_NAME "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@" /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_STRING "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@ @DUNE_MOD_VERSION@" /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@" /* Define to the home page for this package. */ #define PACKAGE_URL "@DUNE_MOD_URL@" /* Define to the version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_VERSION "@DUNE_MOD_VERSION@" /* end private */ /* Define to the version of $PROJECT */ #define ${UNAME}_VERSION "@${UNAME}_VERSION@" /* Define to the major version of $PROJECT */ #define ${UNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR @${UNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR@ /* Define to the minor version of $PROJECT */ #define ${UNAME}_VERSION_MINOR @${UNAME}_VERSION_MINOR@ /* Define to the revision of $PROJECT */ #define ${UNAME}_VERSION_REVISION @${UNAME}_VERSION_REVISION@ /* end $NAME Everything below here will be overwritten */ EOF ## done ############################################################### ################## The source subdirectory #################### ############################################################### mkdir "$PROJECT/src" ################## src/CMakeLists.txt ################## echo "- $PROJECT/src/CMakeLists.txt" cat> "$PROJECT/src/CMakeLists.txt" << M_DELIM add_executable("${CMODULE}" ${CMODULE}.cc) target_link_dune_default_libraries("${CMODULE}") M_DELIM ################## src/MAKEFILE.AM ################## echo "- $PROJECT/src/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/src/Makefile.am" << M_DELIM SUBDIRS = noinst_PROGRAMS = ${CMODULE} ${CMODULE}_SOURCES = $CMODULE.cc ${CMODULE}_CPPFLAGS = \$(AM_CPPFLAGS) \\ \$(DUNEMPICPPFLAGS) \\ \$(UG_CPPFLAGS) \\ \$(AMIRAMESH_CPPFLAGS) \\ \$(ALBERTA_CPPFLAGS) \\ \$(ALUGRID_CPPFLAGS) # The libraries have to be given in reverse order (most basic libraries # last). Also, due to some misunderstanding, a lot of libraries include the # -L option in LDFLAGS instead of LIBS -- so we have to include the LDFLAGS # here as well. ${CMODULE}_LDADD = \\ \$(DUNE_LDFLAGS) \$(DUNE_LIBS) \\ \$(ALUGRID_LDFLAGS) \$(ALUGRID_LIBS) \\ \$(ALBERTA_LDFLAGS) \$(ALBERTA_LIBS) \\ \$(AMIRAMESH_LDFLAGS) \$(AMIRAMESH_LIBS) \\ \$(UG_LDFLAGS) \$(UG_LIBS) \\ \$(DUNEMPILIBS) \\ \$(LDADD) ${CMODULE}_LDFLAGS = \$(AM_LDFLAGS) \\ \$(DUNEMPILDFLAGS) \\ \$(UG_LDFLAGS) \\ \$(AMIRAMESH_LDFLAGS) \\ \$(ALBERTA_LDFLAGS) \\ \$(ALUGRID_LDFLAGS) \\ \$(DUNE_LDFLAGS) # don't follow the full GNU-standard # we need automake 1.9 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.9 # pass most important options when "make distcheck" is used DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = $DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS CXX="\$(CXX)" CC="\$(CC)" EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules M_DELIM ################## PROJECT.CC ################## echo "- $PROJECT/src/$CMODULE.cc" cat> "$PROJECT/src/$CMODULE.cc" << CC_DELIM #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <iostream> #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh> // An initializer of MPI #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh> // We use exceptions int main(int argc, char** argv) { try{ //Maybe initialize Mpi Dune::MPIHelper& helper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv); std::cout << "Hello World! This is ${PROJECT}." << std::endl; if(Dune::MPIHelper::isFake) std::cout<< "This is a sequential program." << std::endl; else std::cout<<"I am rank "<<helper.rank()<<" of "<<helper.size() <<" processes!"<<std::endl; return 0; } catch (Dune::Exception &e){ std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl; } catch (...){ std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!" << std::endl; } } CC_DELIM ################## M4/MAKEFILE #################### mkdir "$PROJECT/m4" echo "- $PROJECT/m4/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/m4/Makefile.am" << CC_DELIM M4FILES = $MODULE.m4 aclocaldir = \$(datadir)/dune/aclocal aclocal_DATA = \$(M4FILES) EXTRA_DIST = \$(M4FILES) CMakeLists.txt include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules CC_DELIM echo "- $PROJECT/m4/CMakeLists.txt" cat> "$PROJECT/m4/CMakeLists.txt" << CC_DELIM install(PROGRAMS $MODULE.m4 DESTINATION \${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/dune/aclocal) CC_DELIM ################## M4/PROJECT.M4 #################### M4_MODULE=`echo $MODULE | tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]'` echo "- $PROJECT/m4/$MODULE.m4" cat> "$PROJECT/m4/$MODULE.m4" << CC_DELIM dnl -*- autoconf -*- # Macros needed to find $MODULE and dependent libraries. They are called by # the macros in \${top_src_dir}/dependencies.m4, which is generated by # "dunecontrol autogen" # Additional checks needed to build $MODULE # This macro should be invoked by every module which depends on $MODULE, as # well as by $MODULE itself AC_DEFUN([${M4_MODULE}_CHECKS]) # Additional checks needed to find $MODULE # This macro should be invoked by every module which depends on $MODULE, but # not by $MODULE itself AC_DEFUN([${M4_MODULE}_CHECK_MODULE], [ DUNE_CHECK_MODULES([$MODULE],[$NAME/$NAME.hh]) ]) CC_DELIM ################################################################ ################## The headers subdirectory #################### ################################################################ echo "- $PROJECT/dune/$NAME" mkdir "$PROJECT/dune" mkdir "$PROJECT/dune/$NAME" ################## dune/Makefile.am #################### echo "- $PROJECT/dune/Makefile.am" cat> $PROJECT/dune/Makefile.am <<EOF SUBDIRS = $NAME EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules EOF echo "- $PROJECT/dune/CMakeLists.txt" cat> $PROJECT/dune/CMakeLists.txt <<EOF add_subdirectory($NAME) EOF ################## dune/$NAME/Makefile.am ############## echo "- $PROJECT/dune/$NAME/Makefile.am" cat> $PROJECT/dune/$NAME/Makefile.am <<EOF ${NAME}includedir = \$(includedir)/dune/${NAME} ${NAME}include_HEADERS = ${NAME}.hh EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules EOF echo "- $PROJECT/dune/$NAME/CMakeLists.txt" cat> $PROJECT/dune/$NAME/CMakeLists.txt <<EOF #install headers install(FILES ${NAME}.hh DESTINATION include/dune/$NAME) EOF ################## dune/$NAME/$NAME.hh ################# echo "- $PROJECT/dune/$NAME/$NAME.hh" cat> $PROJECT/dune/$NAME/$NAME.hh <<EOF #ifndef DUNE_$NAME.hh #define DUNE_$NAME.hh // add your classes here #endif // DUNE_$NAME.hh EOF ############################################################### ################## The doc subdirectory #################### ############################################################### mkdir "$PROJECT/doc" ################## doc/Makefile.am #################### echo "- $PROJECT/doc/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/doc/Makefile.am" << CC_DELIM SUBDIRS = doxygen CURDIR = doc BASEDIR = .. # add list of html files to generate from wml PAGES= docdir=\$(datadir)/doc/${PROJECT} EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt include \$(top_srcdir)/am/webstuff include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules CC_DELIM echo "- $PROJECT/doc/CMakeLists.txt" cat> "$PROJECT/doc/CMakeLists.txt" << CC_DELIM add_subdirectory("doxygen") CC_DELIM ############################################################### ############### The doc/doxygen subdirectory ################## ############################################################### mkdir "$PROJECT/doc/doxygen" #################### basic Doxylocal ########################## echo "- $PROJECT/doc/doxygen/Doxylocal" if [ "x`which doxygen`" == "x" ]; then echo "Doxygen is not installed! Your documentation will not work without." fi # Where to search and which files to use cat> $PROJECT/doc/doxygen/Doxylocal << CC_DELIM # This file contains local changes to the doxygen configuration # please us '+=' to add file/directories to the lists # The INPUT tag can be used to specify the files and/or directories that contain # documented source files. You may enter file names like "myfile.cpp" or # directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories # with spaces. INPUT += @top_srcdir@/dune/ # see e.g. dune-grid for the examples of mainpage and modules # INPUT += @srcdir@/mainpage \ # @srcdir@/modules # The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should # excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a # subdirectory from a directory tree whose root is specified with the INPUT tag. # EXCLUDE += @top_srcdir@/dune/$NAME/test # The EXAMPLE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or # directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see # the \include command). # EXAMPLE_PATH += @top_srcdir@/src # The IMAGE_PATH tag can be used to specify one or more files or # directories that contain image that are included in the documentation (see # the \image command). # IMAGE_PATH += @top_srcdir@/dune/$NAME/pics CC_DELIM ################# doc/doxygen/Makefile.am ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/doc/doxygen/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/doc/doxygen/Makefile.am" << CC_DELIM BASEDIR=../.. CURDIR=doc/doxygen EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt include \$(top_srcdir)/am/doxygen include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules CC_DELIM ################# doc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/doc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt" cat> "$PROJECT/doc/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt" << CC_DELIM # shortcut for creating the Doxyfile.in and Doxyfile add_doxygen_target() CC_DELIM ############### The cmake subdirectory ################## ######################################################### mkdir "$PROJECT/cmake" ################# cmake/Makefile.am ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/cmake/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/cmake/Makefile.am" <<EOF SUBDIRS = modules include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules EOF ############### The cmake subdirectory ################## ######################################################### mkdir "$PROJECT/cmake/modules" ################# cmake/modules/Makefile.am ##################### macroname="" for i in $(echo $PROJECT| sed 's/-/ /g'); do firstchar=$(echo $i | sed 's/\(.\).*/\1/') macroname=$macroname$(echo $firstchar | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')$(echo $i | sed 's/.\(.*\)/\1/') done macroname="$macroname""Macros.cmake" echo "- $PROJECT/cmake/modules/Makefile.am" cat> "$PROJECT/cmake/modules/Makefile.am" <<EOF MODULES = $macroname modulesdir = \$(datadir)/dune/cmake/modules dist_modules_DATA = \${MODULES} include \$(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules EXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt EOF ################# cmake/modules/Makefile.am ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/cmake/modules/CMakeLists.txt" cat> "$PROJECT/cmake/modules/CMakeLists.txt" <<EOF set(modules "$macroname") install(FILES \${modules} DESTINATION \${DUNE_INSTALL_MODULEDIR}) EOF ################# cmake/modules/$macroname ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/cmake/modules/$macroname" cat> "$PROJECT/cmake/modules/$macroname" <<EOF # File for module specific CMake tests. EOF ################# stamp-regenerate-config-h ##################### echo "- $PROJECT/stamp-regenerate-config-h" touch $PROJECT/stamp-regenerate-config-h echo echo "done." echo "------------------------------------------" echo "For further details read the Dune Buildsystem-Howto:" echo "http://www.dune-project.org/doc/buildsystem/buildsystem.pdf"