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  • Carsten Gräser's avatar
    Improve multi index in global basis · c3c3c2e9
    Carsten Gräser authored
    * We now separate the stored and exported multi index type
      `MultiIndexStorage` and `MultiIndex` in the `LocalView`.
    * `MultiIndexStorage` will always have dynamic size and may need
      a larger capacity compared to `MultiIndex`s size.
    * If it is clear that the multi indices generated by the `PreBasis`
      have a static length, the`MultiIndex` has static size, while
      the `MultiIndexStorage` is an `OverflowArray<MultiIndex, ...>`.
      Otherwise the `MultiIndex` is a `ReservedVector`.
    * If the size of multi indices is guaranteed to be one, then the
      `MultiIndex` can be cast to the plain index to avoid using `[0]`
      in simple cases.
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