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Feature/avoid overfull hboxes

Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/avoid-overfull-hboxes into master
  • Break long lines (in a uniform way)

    • Break some more long lines to avoid overfull hboxes in the manual
    • Unify line breaks according to the following pattern
      • If a line is broken continue with 8 spaces indentation
      • If a line is broken multiple times and all continued lines are semantically on the same 'level' keep 8 spaces
      • If a line is broken multiple times and a continued line is semantically on a deeper 'level' add 2 spaces per level
      • If a function call/signature is broken, prefer to place all arguments in continued lines; if it's broken in multiple lines place each argument in its own line

    IMHO the above rules make broken lines easier to read in contrast to manual case by case fiddling to align continued lines with previous ones.

  • [doc][manual] Properly treat to wide tables/figure

    I have the impression that we cannot squeeze the to an appropriate width. As a workaround we now place them into an explicit \makebox[\textwidth][c]{...} which has two effects: On the one hand we pretend that the tex-box is not to wide avoiding the latex warning. On the otherhand the content is properly centered overlapping on both sides, while a center-environment does not work here an makes the content overflow to the right only.

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