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Avoid nesting of SubspaceBasis by resolving nested ones

Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/avoid-subspace-nesting into master

While it is technically allowed and possible to construct a nested SubspaceBasis this is often not intended. This patch avoids such nesting when using the subspaceBasis() method by joining the inner and outer prefixPath and applying it to the root of the root.

Notice that it is still possible to create a nested SubspaceBasis by avoiding the utility function. There are a few potential caveats of this patch:

  • It's an incompatible interface change.
  • Currently only one level of nesting is resolved. But that's enough if you always use the subspaceBasis() method to create a SubspaceBasis
  • Due to automatic class template deduction you can also directly call SubspaceBasis(basis, path) and it currently gives the same result as subspaceBasis(basis, path). This is no longer the case with this patch, because it's not possible to resolve nesting in the former case.

Merge request reports