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Cleanup poisson-mfem

Carsten Gräser requested to merge feature/cleanup-poisson-mfem into master
  • Fix quadrature order for operator assembly.
  • Improve boundary DOF marking. Mark all flux DOFs associated to subentities of faces contain in a boundary patch. As before the patch is determined using an indicator function. This avoids having to interpolate special functions to filter out the boundary DOFs.
  • Describe boundary normal flux as multiple of boundary vector. The previous version used a scalar function f which will implicitly be multiplied by the one vector (1,...,1). Hence the interpolated normal flux is f(x) <(1,...,1),n(x)> n(x) insetad of the probably intended f(x)n(x).
  • Always write vertex data. While the pressure is piecewise constant for a mixed RT0 discretization, writing it as vertex data is much more helpful, because paraview cannot use 'warp by scalar' for cell data.

This is based on (and contains) !340 (merged).

Merge request reports