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Range value initialization in DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction.

Max Kahnt requested to merge max.kahnt/dune-functions:patch-3 into master

A LocalFunction of a DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction evaluates by creating a Range-value y like so

auto y = Range(0);

before adding up the actual values via the LocalEvaluateVisitor. I do not understand why this is not a

Range y(0);

in the first place, as it potentially saves a copy. My actual issue though is, that the semantic Range(0) does not go well along with some kinds of reasonable ranges. In particular, vector types that have no constructor which is setting all entries to a scalar fail here (e.g. MultiTypeBlockVector or BlockVector -- the latter expects the passed value to be a size argument (though resizeable Range types are a bad idea here anyway)). I suggest to use

Range y;
y = 0;


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