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  • Carsten Gräser's avatar
    Break long lines (in a uniform way) · 65ab7f89
    Carsten Gräser authored
    * Break some more long lines to avoid overfull hboxes in the manual
    * Unify line breaks according to the following pattern
      * If a line is broken continue with 8 spaces indentation
      * If a line is broken multiple times and all continued
        lines are semantically on the same 'level' keep 8 spaces
      * If a line is broken multiple times and a continued
        line is semantically on a deeper 'level' add 2 spaces per level
      * If a function call/signature is broken, prefer to place all
        arguments in continued lines; if it's broken in multiple lines
        place each argument in its own line
    IMHO the above rules make broken lines easier to read in contrast
    to manual case by case fiddling to align continued lines with previous