diff --git a/dune/uggrid/gm/cw.cc b/dune/uggrid/gm/cw.cc
index fab7c44753cf3b1fb9089a7d0b54daf828347b10..47c8f85d5528db3927b60280918e63cdff6b85df 100644
--- a/dune/uggrid/gm/cw.cc
+++ b/dune/uggrid/gm/cw.cc
@@ -233,240 +233,6 @@ static CONTROL_ENTRY_PREDEF ce_predefines[MAX_CONTROL_ENTRIES] = {
         #endif /* ModelP */
-/** \brief Print all control entries of an objects control word
- * @param obj - object pointer
- * @param offset - controlword offset in (UINT) in object
-   This function prints the contents of all control entries of an objects control word at a
-   given offset.
- */
-void NS_DIM_PREFIX ListCWofObject (const void *obj, UINT offset)
-  INT i,n,ce,last_ce,sub,min,cw_objt,oiw;
-  ASSERT(obj!=NULL);
-  cw_objt = BITWISE_TYPE(OBJT(obj));
-  sub = -1;
-  last_ce = -1;
-  /* print control word entries in ascending order of offsets in word */
-  do
-  {
-    min = INT_MAX;
-    for (i=0; i<MAX_CONTROL_ENTRIES; i++)
-      if (control_entries[i].used)
-        if (control_entries[i].objt_used & cw_objt)
-          if (control_entries[i].offset_in_object==offset)
-          {
-            oiw = control_entries[i].offset_in_word;
-            if ((oiw<min) && (oiw>=sub))
-            {
-              if ((oiw==sub) && (i<=last_ce))
-                continue;
-              ce = i;
-              min = oiw;
-            }
-          }
-    if (min==INT_MAX)
-      break;
-    n = CW_READ(obj,ce);
-    UserWriteF("  ce %s with offset in cw %3d: %10d\n",control_entries[ce].name,min,n);
-    sub = min;
-    last_ce = ce;
-  }
-  while (true);
-  ASSERT(sub>=0);
-/** \brief Print all control entries of all control words of an object
- * @param obj - object pointer
-   This function prints the contents of all control entries of all control words
-   of the object. 'ListCWofObject' is called.
- */
-void NS_DIM_PREFIX ListAllCWsOfObject (const void *obj)
-  INT i,cw,last_cw,sub,min,cw_objt,offset;
-  ASSERT(obj!=NULL);
-  cw_objt = BITWISE_TYPE(OBJT(obj));
-  sub = -1;
-  last_cw = -1;
-  /* print control word contents in ascending order of offsets */
-  do
-  {
-    min = INT_MAX;
-    for (i=0; i<MAX_CONTROL_WORDS; i++)
-      if (control_words[i].used)
-        if (control_words[i].objt_used & cw_objt)
-        {
-          offset = control_words[i].offset_in_object;
-          if ((offset<min) && (offset>=sub))
-          {
-            if ((offset==sub) && (i<=last_cw))
-              continue;
-            cw = i;
-            min = offset;
-          }
-        }
-    if (min==INT_MAX)
-      break;
-    UserWriteF("cw %s with offset %3d:\n",control_words[cw].name,min);
-    ListCWofObject(obj,min);
-    sub = min;
-    last_cw = cw;
-  }
-  while (true);
-  ASSERT(sub>=0);
-/** \brief Print used pattern of all control entries of an object types control word
- * @param obj - object pointer
- * @param offset - controlword offset in (UINT) in object
- * @param myprintf - pointer to a printf function (maybe UserWriteF)
-   This function prints the used pattern of all control entries of an object types control word at a
-   given offset.
- */
-static void ListCWofObjectType (INT objt, UINT offset, PrintfProcPtr myprintf)
-  INT i,ce,last_ce,sub,min,cw_objt,oiw;
-  char bitpat[33];
-  cw_objt = BITWISE_TYPE(objt);
-  sub = -1;
-  last_ce = -1;
-  /* print control word entries in ascending order of offsets in word */
-  do
-  {
-    min = INT_MAX;
-    for (i=0; i<MAX_CONTROL_ENTRIES; i++)
-      if (control_entries[i].used)
-        if (control_entries[i].objt_used & cw_objt)
-          if (control_entries[i].offset_in_object==offset)
-          {
-            oiw = control_entries[i].offset_in_word;
-            if ((oiw<min) && (oiw>=sub))
-            {
-              if ((oiw==sub) && (i<=last_ce))
-                continue;
-              ce = i;
-              min = oiw;
-            }
-          }
-    if (min==INT_MAX)
-      break;
-    INT_2_bitpattern(control_entries[ce].mask,bitpat);
-    myprintf("  ce %-20s offset in cw %3d, len %3d: %s\n",
-             control_entries[ce].name,
-             control_entries[ce].offset_in_word,
-             control_entries[ce].length,
-             bitpat);
-    sub = min;
-    last_ce = ce;
-  }
-  while (true);
-  if (sub==-1)
-    myprintf(" --- no ce found with objt %d\n",objt);
-/** \brief Print used pattern of all control entries of all
-    control words of an object type
- * @param obj - object pointer
- * @param myprintf - pointer to a printf function (maybe UserWriteF)
-   This function prints the used pattern of all control entries of all control words
-   of an object type. 'ListCWofObjectType' is called.
- */
-static void ListAllCWsOfObjectType (INT objt, PrintfProcPtr myprintf)
-  INT i,cw,last_cw,sub,min,cw_objt,offset;
-  cw_objt = BITWISE_TYPE(objt);
-  sub = -1;
-  last_cw = -1;
-  /* print control word contents in ascending order of offsets */
-  do
-  {
-    min = INT_MAX;
-    for (i=0; i<MAX_CONTROL_WORDS; i++)
-      if (control_words[i].used)
-        if (control_words[i].objt_used & cw_objt)
-        {
-          offset = control_words[i].offset_in_object;
-          if ((offset<min) && (offset>=sub))
-          {
-            if ((offset==sub) && (i<=last_cw))
-              continue;
-            cw = i;
-            min = offset;
-          }
-        }
-    if (min==INT_MAX)
-      break;
-    myprintf("cw %-20s with offset in object %3d (UINTs):\n",control_words[cw].name,min);
-    ListCWofObjectType(objt,min,myprintf);
-    sub = min;
-    last_cw = cw;
-  }
-  while (true);
-  if (sub==-1)
-    printf(" --- no cw found with objt %d\n",objt);
-/** \brief Print used pattern of all control entries of all
-    control words of all object types
- * @param obj - object pointer
- * @param myprintf - pointer to a printf function (maybe UserWriteF)
-   This function prints the used pattern of all control entries of all control words
-   of all object types. 'ListAllCWsOfObjectType' is called.
- */
-void NS_DIM_PREFIX ListAllCWsOfAllObjectTypes (PrintfProcPtr myprintf)
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(IVOBJ,myprintf);
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(IEOBJ,myprintf);
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(EDOBJ,myprintf);
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(NDOBJ,myprintf);
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(VEOBJ,myprintf);
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(GROBJ,myprintf);
-  ListAllCWsOfObjectType(MGOBJ,myprintf);
 /** \brief Initialize control words
@@ -609,10 +375,6 @@ static INT InitPredefinedControlEntries (void)
-  IFDEBUG(gm,1)
-  ListAllCWsOfAllObjectTypes(printf);
   /* TODO: enable next lines for error control */
   if (error)
diff --git a/dune/uggrid/gm/gm.h b/dune/uggrid/gm/gm.h
index e5b81baab0aab13bbe680df7b5bcfe9bea01b659..8cd6bcc9d237ded902dba5c54fdd98f90b47a05e 100644
--- a/dune/uggrid/gm/gm.h
+++ b/dune/uggrid/gm/gm.h
@@ -3173,9 +3173,6 @@ INT             CheckSubdomains                 (MULTIGRID *theMG);
 /* multigrid user data space management (using the heaps.c block heap management) */
 INT             AllocateControlEntry    (INT cw_id, INT length, INT *ce_id);
 INT             FreeControlEntry                (INT ce_id);
-void            ListCWofObject                  (const void *obj, UINT offset);
-void            ListAllCWsOfObject              (const void *obj);
-void            ListAllCWsOfAllObjectTypes (PrintfProcPtr myprintf);
 UINT ReadCW                                     (const void *obj, INT ce);
 void            WriteCW                                 (void *obj, INT ce, INT n);