diff --git a/dev/CMakeLists.txt b/dev/CMakeLists.txt
index 7b7a501efc210f71d6ca1b156f94993910f3bf0a..b50d7ee9b492990711e2bf7d4b1f66fca73f2ddf 100644
--- a/dev/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/dev/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 set(SOURCES  ugdevices.cc sockcomm.cc
-  ppm/ppm.cc meta/metafile.cc ps/postscript.cc ps/postscriptbw.cc)
+  ppm/ppm.cc meta/metafile.cc)
 set(devinclude_HEADERS  ugdevices.h)
 add_library(devices OBJECT ${SOURCES})
@@ -16,11 +16,4 @@ if(DUNE_BUILD_BOTH_LIBS)
 add_library(devR ${SOURCES} rif/remote.cc)
-  add_library(devX xif/xmain.cc xif/xgraph.cc xif/xshell.cc
-    $<TARGET_OBJECTS:devices>)
-  target_compile_definitions(devX PRIVATE "-DUG_DIM_2")
-  target_link_libraries(devX "${X11_LIBRARIES}")
diff --git a/dev/ps/.gitignore b/dev/ps/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a196b32e949c1a865a1609720cb3852f2f7e9e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/ps/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dev/ps/postscript.cc b/dev/ps/postscript.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e11e6bcc33c607c2f52c7b11c52e7ebf8ad96ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/ps/postscript.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,986 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  postscript.c													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   write graphics postscript files                                                           */
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Henrik Rentz-Reichert                                                                                 */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de						        */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   07.05.96 begin, ug version 3.2								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:   used most of the code of m2ps by P. Bastian					*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "defaults.h"
-#include "fileopen.h"
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "initdev.h"
-#include "general.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-#define TEXTSIZE                        8
-#define CREATOR "ug postscript output"
-/* postscript defaults */
-#define  PS_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH     1
-#define  PS_DEFAULT_FONT           "Monaco"
-#define  PS_FONT_FACTOR            10
-#define  LW_FACTOR                 0.03
-#define  LW_SCALE                  50.0
-#define  PAPER_X                   600
-#define  PAPER_Y                   850
-#define REL_CHARWIDTH                      0.7
-#define COLORS          256
-#define GRAY                    0.5
-#define GRAY_CC                 (~(short)0)
-#define TRFMX(pt) (((float)(pt.x))*mxx + ((float)(pt.y))*mxy + tx)
-#define TRFMY(pt) (((float)(pt.x))*myx + ((float)(pt.y))*myy + ty)
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-typedef struct {
-  FILE *psfile;                                         /* output file							*/
-  short landscape;                                      /* landscape format						*/
-  /* transformation */
-  float tx,ty;                                          /* translation							*/
-  float mxx,mxy,myx,myy;                        /* matrix								*/
-  short PSmarker;
-  short PSmarkersize;
-  short PSlw;
-  short PSts;
-  short PScc;
-static OUTPUTDEVICE *PSOutputDevice=NULL; /* outputdevice that has been ini*/
-static PSWINDOW *currPSW=NULL;          /* current postscript window			*/
-static FILE *currPSF;                   /* current postscript file				*/
-static short PSmarker;
-static short PSmarkersize;
-static SHORT_POINT PScp;
-static short PSlw, PSts;
-static short PScc;
-static float tx,ty,mxx,myy,mxy,myx;
-static short landscape;
-/* static color table for all postscript files */
-static float red[COLORS];
-static float green[COLORS];
-static float blue[COLORS];
-/*																			*/
-/* forward declarations of functions used before they are defined			*/
-/*																			*/
-static void PSDefaultValues( PSWINDOW *psw )
-  currPSW = psw;
-  currPSW->psfile = currPSF = NULL;
-  currPSW->landscape = landscape = 0;
-  currPSW->tx = tx = 0.0;
-  currPSW->ty = ty = 0.0;
-  currPSW->mxx = mxx = 0.0;
-  currPSW->mxy = mxy = 0.0;
-  currPSW->myx = myx = 0.0;
-  currPSW->myy = myy = 0.0;
-  currPSW->PSmarker = PSmarker = 0;
-  currPSW->PSmarkersize = PSmarkersize = 1;
-  currPSW->PScp.x = PScp.x = 0;
-  currPSW->PScp.y = PScp.y = 0;
-  currPSW->PSlw = PSlw = -1;
-  currPSW->PSts = PSts = -1;
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = 0;
-static void PSMoveTo (SHORT_POINT point)
-  currPSW->PScp.x = PScp.x = point.x; currPSW->PScp.y = PScp.y = point.y;
-  return;
-static void PSDrawTo (SHORT_POINT point)
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M %g %g S\n",
-          TRFMX(PScp),TRFMY(PScp),TRFMX(point),TRFMY(point));
-  currPSW->PScp.x = PScp.x = point.x; currPSW->PScp.y = PScp.y = point.y;
-  return;
-static void PSCircle (SHORT_POINT point, short r)
-  short xr,yr;
-  xr = mxy*r;
-  yr = myy*r;
-  r  = sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(point)+r,TRFMY(point));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g %g %g %g arc\n",TRFMX(point),TRFMY(point),(float)r,(float)0,(float)360);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"stroke\n");
-  return;
-static void PSFilledCircle (SHORT_POINT point, short r)
-  short xr,yr;
-  xr = mxy*r;
-  yr = myy*r;
-  r  = sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(point)+r,TRFMY(point));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g %g %g %g arc\n",TRFMX(point),TRFMY(point),(float)r,(float)0,(float)360);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"C\n");
-  return;
-static void PSPolyline (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  int i;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(points[0]),TRFMY(points[0]));
-  for (i=1; i<nb; i++)
-    fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g L\n",TRFMX(points[i]),TRFMY(points[i]));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"stroke\n");
-  return;
-static void PSPolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  int i;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(points[0]),TRFMY(points[0]));
-  for (i=1; i<nb; i++)
-    fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g L\n",TRFMX(points[i]),TRFMY(points[i]));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"C\n");
-  return;
-static void PSShadedPolygon(SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb, DOUBLE intensity)
-  int i;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%4.3f I\n",intensity);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(points[0]),TRFMY(points[0]));
-  for (i=1; i<nb; i++)
-    fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g L\n",TRFMX(points[i]),TRFMY(points[i]));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"C\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = -1;
-static void PSInversePolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  return;
-static void PSPrintColor (float color)
-  if (color==0.0) fprintf(currPSF,"%d ",0);
-  else if (color==1.0) fprintf(currPSF,"%d ",1);
-  else fprintf(currPSF,"%.3f ",color);
-  return;
-static void PSErasePolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  long saved;
-  saved = PScc;
-  PSPrintColor(1.0);
-  PSPrintColor(1.0);
-  PSPrintColor(1.0);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  PSPolygon(points,nb);
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[PScc]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[PScc]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[PScc]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  return;
-static void PSGrayForeground (void)
-  if (PScc==GRAY_CC) return;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%.1f %.1f %.1f R\n",GRAY,GRAY,GRAY);
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = GRAY_CC;
-  return;
-static void PSForeground (long index)
-  if (PScc==index) return;
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[index]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = index;
-  return;
-static void PSMarker (short n, short s, SHORT_POINT point)
-  short top, left, bottom, right;
-  SHORT_POINT points[10],pt;
-  unsigned long cc;
-  s = s/2;
-  top = point.y+s; bottom = point.y-s;
-  left = point.x-s; right = point.x+s;
-  n = n%NMARKERS;
-  switch (n)
-  {
-    points[0].x = left;  points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right; points[1].y = bottom;
-    points[2].x = right; points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;  points[3].y = top;
-    points[4].x = left;  points[4].y = bottom;
-    PSPolyline(points,5);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = left;  points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right; points[1].y = bottom;
-    points[2].x = right; points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;  points[3].y = top;
-    cc = PScc;
-    PSGrayForeground();
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    PSForeground(cc);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = left;  points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right; points[1].y = bottom;
-    points[2].x = right; points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;  points[3].y = top;
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    break;
-    PSCircle(point,s);
-    break;
-    PSGrayForeground();
-    PSFilledCircle(point,s);
-    cc = PScc;
-    PSForeground(cc);
-    break;
-    PSFilledCircle(point,s);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = point.x;      points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right;        points[1].y = point.y;
-    points[2].x = point.x;      points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;         points[3].y = point.y;
-    points[4].x = point.x;      points[4].y = bottom;
-    PSPolyline(points,5);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = point.x;      points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right;        points[1].y = point.y;
-    points[2].x = point.x;      points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;         points[3].y = point.y;
-    cc = PScc;
-    PSGrayForeground();
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    PSForeground(cc);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = point.x;      points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right;        points[1].y = point.y;
-    points[2].x = point.x;      points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;         points[3].y = point.y;
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    break;
-  case PLUS_MARKER :
-    pt.x = point.x; pt.y = bottom;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = point.x; pt.y = top;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    pt.x = right; pt.y = point.y;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = left; pt.y = point.y;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    break;
-  case CROSS_MARKER :
-    pt.x = left; pt.y = bottom;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = right; pt.y = top;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    pt.x = right; pt.y = bottom;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = left; pt.y = top;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    break;
-  }
-static void PSPolymark (short n, SHORT_POINT *points)
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
-    PSMarker(PSmarker,PSmarkersize,points[i]);
-  return;
-static void PSInvPolymark (short n, SHORT_POINT *points)
-static void PrintPSString (const char *s)
-  fputc('(',currPSF);
-  while (*s != '\0')
-  {
-    switch (*s)
-    {
-    case '\\' :
-    case '(' :
-    case ')' : fputc('\\',currPSF);
-    default  : fputc(*s,currPSF);
-    }
-    s++;
-  }
-  fputc(')',currPSF);
-static void PSDrawText (const char *s, INT mode)
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(PScp),TRFMY(PScp));
-  if (landscape) fprintf(currPSF,"90 rotate\n");
-  PrintPSString(s);
-  fprintf(currPSF," show N\n");
-  if (landscape) fprintf(currPSF,"-90 rotate\n");
-  return;
-static void PSCenteredText (SHORT_POINT point, const char *s, INT mode)
-  /* centering?? */
-  point.x -= 0.5*REL_CHARWIDTH*PSts*strlen(s);
-  PSMoveTo(point);
-  PSDrawText(s,mode);
-static void PSClearViewPort (void)
-  return;
-static void PSSetLineWidth (short n)
-  if (n<1) n=1;
-  if (n==PSlw) return;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%.3f W\n",LW_FACTOR+((float)(n-1))*LW_SCALE*LW_FACTOR);
-  currPSW->PSlw = PSlw = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetTextSize (short n)
-  if (n==PSts) return;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"/%s findfont %d scalefont setfont\n",PS_DEFAULT_FONT,(int)n);
-  currPSW->PSts = PSts = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetMarker (short n)
-  currPSW->PSmarker = PSmarker = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetMarkerSize (short n)
-  currPSW->PSmarkersize = PSmarkersize = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetPaletteEntry (long index, short r, short g, short b)
-  red[index]   = ((float)r)/255.0;
-  green[index] = ((float)g)/255.0;
-  blue[index]  = ((float)b)/255.0;
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[index]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = index;
-  return;
-static void PSSetPalette (long x, long count, short *r, short *g, short *b)
-  int i,y;
-  y = x+count;
-  for (i=x; i<y; i++)
-  {
-    red[i]   = ((float)r[i-x])/255.0;
-    green[i] = ((float)g[i-x])/255.0;
-    blue[i]  = ((float)b[i-x])/255.0;
-  }
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[x]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[x]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[x]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = (unsigned char) x;
-  return;
-static void PSGetPaletteEntry (long index, short *r, short *g, short *b)
-  return;
-static void PSFlush (void)
-  return;
-   InitPSPort - init port structure of output device 'ps'
-   static void InitPSPort (OUTPUTDEVICE *thePort);
-   .  thePort - port structure to initialize
-   This function inits port structure of output device 'ps'
-   void
- */
-static void InitPSPort (OUTPUTDEVICE *thePort)
-  short r,g,b,delta,i,j,max,res;
-  /* init pointers to basic drawing functions */
-  thePort->Move                   = PSMoveTo;
-  thePort->Draw                   = PSDrawTo;
-  thePort->Polyline               = PSPolyline;
-  thePort->Polygon                = PSPolygon;
-  thePort->ShadedPolygon  = PSShadedPolygon;
-  thePort->InversePolygon = PSInversePolygon;
-  thePort->ErasePolygon   = PSErasePolygon;
-  thePort->Polymark               = PSPolymark;
-  thePort->InvPolymark    = PSInvPolymark;
-  thePort->DrawText               = PSDrawText;
-  thePort->CenteredText   = PSCenteredText;
-  thePort->ClearViewPort  = PSClearViewPort;
-  /* init pointers to set functions */
-  thePort->SetLineWidth   = PSSetLineWidth;
-  thePort->SetTextSize    = PSSetTextSize;
-  thePort->SetMarker              = PSSetMarker;
-  thePort->SetMarkerSize  = PSSetMarkerSize;
-  thePort->SetColor               = PSForeground;
-  thePort->SetPaletteEntry= PSSetPaletteEntry;
-  thePort->SetNewPalette  = PSSetPalette;
-  /* init pointers to miscellaneous functions */
-  thePort->GetPaletteEntry        = PSGetPaletteEntry;
-  thePort->Flush                          = PSFlush;
-  thePort->PlotPixelBuffer    = NULL;
-  /* fill port */
-  thePort->black = 255;
-  thePort->gray = 1;
-  thePort->white = 0;
-  thePort->red = 254;
-  thePort->green = 128;
-  thePort->blue = 2;
-  thePort->cyan = 65;
-  thePort->orange = 220;
-  thePort->yellow = 191;
-  thePort->darkyellow = 205;
-  thePort->magenta = 1;
-  thePort->hasPalette = 1;
-  thePort->range = 256;
-  thePort->spectrumStart = 2;
-  thePort->spectrumEnd = 254;
-  thePort->signx = 1;
-  thePort->signy = 1;
-  /* initialize color table */
-  res = 63;
-  delta = 4;
-  max = 252;
-  i = 0;
-  /* fixed colors */
-  red[i] = 255; green[i] = 255; blue[i++] = 255;        /* 0 = white */
-  red[i] = 180; green[i] = 180; blue[i++] = 180;    /* 1 = gray  */
-  /* color spectrum */
-  r = g = 0; b = max;
-  red[i] = r; green[i] = g; blue[i++] = b;                      /* 2 = blue */
-  /* blue to cyan */
-  for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-  {
-    g += delta;
-    red[i] = r; green[i] = g; blue[i++] = b;
-  }                                                             /* 65 = cyan */
-  /* cyan to green */
-  for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-  {
-    b -= delta;
-    red[i] = r; green[i] = g; blue[i++] = b;
-  }                                                             /* 128 = green */
-  /* green to yellow */
-  for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-  {
-    r += delta;
-    red[i] = r; green[i] = g; blue[i++] = b;
-  }                                                             /* 191 = yellow */
-  /* yellow to rot */
-  for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-  {
-    g -= delta;
-    red[i] = r; green[i] = g; blue[i++] = b;
-  }                                                             /* 254 = red */
-  red[i] = 0  ; green[i] = 0  ; blue[i++] = 0;          /* 255 = black */
-  for (j=0; j<i; j++)
-  {
-    red[j]   /= 255.0;
-    green[j] /= 255.0;
-    blue[j]  /= 255.0;
-  }
-  return;
-static INT WritePSHeader (FILE *file, const char *title, INT x, INT y, INT w, INT h)
-  time_t tp;
-  char date[64];
-  /* read date */
-  if (time(&tp)!=-1)
-    strcpy(date,ctime(&tp));
-  else
-    strcpy(date,"\n");
-  /* write header */
-  fprintf(file,"%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Title: %s\n", title);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Creator: %s\n",CREATOR);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%CreationDate: %s", date);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
-          (int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h );
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Pages: 1\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%DocumentsFonts: %s\n",PS_DEFAULT_FONT);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Copyright 1994 ug-group - All Rights Reserved Worldwide\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%EndComments\n\n");
-  /* write initialisation */
-  fprintf(file,"1 setlinejoin\n");
-  fprintf(file,"1 setlinecap\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/%s findfont %d scalefont setfont\n", PS_DEFAULT_FONT, PS_FONT_FACTOR);
-  fprintf(file,"\n");
-  /* defines */
-  fprintf(file,"/M {moveto} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/S {lineto stroke} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/L {lineto} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/C {closepath fill} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/N {newpath} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/R {setrgbcolor} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/W {setlinewidth} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/I {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul R} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"\n");
-  /* write end of prolog */
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Endprolog\n%%\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Page: 1 1\n%%\n\n");
-  return (0);
-static INT ComputeTransformation (PSWINDOW *PSWindow,INT *ox,INT *oy,INT *sx,INT *sy, INT ls)
-  short j;
-  /* compute transformation */
-  if (!ls)
-  {
-    /* regular format */
-    tx  = (float) (*ox);
-    ty  = (float) (*oy);
-    mxx = (float) (*sx);
-    myy = (float) (*sy);
-    mxy = myx = 0.0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    /* landscape format */
-    tx  = (float) (PAPER_X-(*ox));
-    ty  = (float) (*oy);
-    mxy =-(float) (*sy);
-    myx = (float) (*sx);
-    mxx = myy = 0.0;
-    *ox = PAPER_X-(*ox)-(*sy);
-    j   = *sx;
-    *sx = *sy;
-    *sy = j;
-  }
-  PSWindow->landscape = landscape = ls;
-  PSWindow->tx  = tx;
-  PSWindow->ty  = ty;
-  PSWindow->mxx = mxx;
-  PSWindow->mxy = mxy;
-  PSWindow->myx = myx;
-  PSWindow->myy = myy;
-  return (0);
-   OpenDocumentWindow - Open a postscript file
-   static WINDOWID OpenPSWindow (char *title, INT x, INT y, INT width,
-   INT height, INT *Global_LL, INT *Global_UR, INT *Local_LL, INT *Local_UR,
-   INT *error);
-   .  title -
-   .  x -
-   .  y -
-   .  width -
-   .  height -
-   .  Global_LL -
-   .  Global_UR -
-   .  Local_LL -
-   .  Local_UR -
-   .  error -
-   This function opens a psfile.
-   .n   pointer to the window struct
-   .n   NULL if an error occured.
- */
-static WINDOWID OpenPSWindow (const char *title, INT rename, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height, INT *Global_LL, INT *Global_UR, INT *Local_LL, INT *Local_UR, INT *error)
-  char pspath[BUFFLEN];
-  INT sx,sy;
-  *error = 0;
-  /* create PSWINDOW structure */
-  currPSW = (PSWINDOW*)malloc(sizeof(PSWINDOW));
-  if (currPSW==NULL) {*error=1; return(0);}
-  /* set default values */
-  PSDefaultValues( currPSW );
-  /* init postscript window */
-  if (GetDefaultValue(DEFAULTSFILENAME,"psfilesdir",pspath)==0)
-    currPSW->psfile = FileOpenUsingSearchPath_r(title,"w",pspath,rename);
-  else
-    currPSW->psfile = fileopen(title,"w");
-  if (currPSW->psfile==NULL)
-  {
-    free(currPSW);
-    currPSW = NULL;
-    *error = 1;
-    return (0);
-  }
-  /* set currents */
-  currPSF = currPSW->psfile;
-  /* return corners in devices coordinate system (before they are changed by ComputeTransformation) */
-  Global_LL[0] = Local_LL[0] = x;  Global_LL[1] = Local_LL[1] = y;
-  Global_UR[0] = Local_UR[0] = x + width;
-  Global_UR[1] = Local_UR[1] = y + height;
-  /* transformation with default origin, scale and format (how could they be made to be changable?) */
-  sx = sy = 1;
-  ComputeTransformation(currPSW,&x,&y,&sx,&sy,0);
-  /* init psfile */
-  WritePSHeader(currPSF,title,x,y,sx*width,sy*height);
-  /* write pallette */
-  /* PSSetPalette(0,256,red,green,blue); */
-  /* default palette */
-  PSSetLineWidth(1);
-  PSSetTextSize(10);
-  /* return window ptr */
-  return((WINDOWID)currPSW);
-   ClosePSPort - write trailer and close file
-   static INT ClosePSWindow (WINDOWID win);
-   .  win -
-   This function writes the trailer and closes the file.
-   INT
-   .n    0 if operation ok
-   .n    1 if an error occured.
- */
-static INT ClosePSWindow (WINDOWID win)
-  currPSW = (PSWINDOW *) win;
-  if (currPSW==NULL) return (1);
-  currPSF = currPSW->psfile;
-  if (currPSF==NULL) return (0);
-  /* write trailer */
-  fprintf(currPSF,"\nshowpage\n\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%%%%Trailer\n");
-  fclose(currPSF);
-  free(currPSW);
-  currPSW = NULL;
-  currPSF = NULL;
-  return (0);
-   SetPSOutput - Activate the window associated with theView
-   static INT SetPSOutput (WINDOWID win);
-   .  win -
-   This function activates the window associated with theView.
-   INT
-   .n    0 if operation ok
-   .n    1 if an error occured.
- */
-static INT SetPSOutput (WINDOWID win)
-  /* set current output window */
-  currPSW = (PSWINDOW *) win;
-  currPSF = currPSW->psfile;
-  /* set current transformation */
-  tx  = currPSW->tx;
-  ty  = currPSW->ty;
-  mxx = currPSW->mxx;
-  mxy = currPSW->mxy;
-  myx = currPSW->myx;
-  myy = currPSW->myy;
-  PSmarker = currPSW->PSmarker;
-  PSmarkersize = currPSW->PSmarkersize;
-  PScp.x = currPSW->PScp.x;
-  PScp.y = currPSW->PScp.y;
-  PSlw = currPSW->PSlw;
-  PSts = currPSW->PSts;
-  PScc = currPSW->PScc;
-  landscape = currPSW->landscape;
-  return(0);
-   UpdateOutput - Draws all controls and highlights active tool
-   static INT UpdatePSOutput (WINDOWID win, char *s, INT tool)
-   .  win -
-   .  s -
-   .  tool
-   This function draws all controls and highlights active tool.
-   INT
-   0, when OK
-   1, when error
- */
-static INT UpdatePSOutput (WINDOWID win, INT tool)
-  return(0);
-   InitPSOutputDevice	- Create psfile output device
-   static OUTPUTDEVICE *InitPSOutputDevice (void);
-   .  void
-   This file creates psfile output device.
-   .n    pointer to output device
-   .n    NULL if an error occured.
- */
-static OUTPUTDEVICE *InitPSOutputDevice (void)
-  /* create output device */
-  if ( (PSOutputDevice=CreateOutputDevice("ps")) == NULL ) return(NULL);
-  /* init output device 'meta' */
-  PSOutputDevice->OpenOutput       = OpenPSWindow;
-  PSOutputDevice->CloseOutput      = ClosePSWindow;
-  PSOutputDevice->ActivateOutput = SetPSOutput;
-  PSOutputDevice->UpdateOutput     = UpdatePSOutput;
-  PSOutputDevice->v.locked                 = 1;
-  PSOutputDevice->PixelRatio       = (DOUBLE) 1.0;
-  InitPSPort (PSOutputDevice);
-  UserWrite("output device 'ps' created\n");
-  return (PSOutputDevice);
-   InitPostScript - Initialize psfile
-   INT InitPS (void);
-   .  void
-   This function initializes psfile.
-   INT
-   .n   0 if ok
-   .n   1 if an error occured.
- */
-INT NS_PREFIX InitPostScript (void)
-  if ((InitPSOutputDevice()) == NULL) return (1);
-  return (0);
diff --git a/dev/ps/postscriptbw.cc b/dev/ps/postscriptbw.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index ae238e90eedf0501de354a8c967534a80d026e2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/ps/postscriptbw.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  postscript.c													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   write graphics postscript files                                                           */
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Henrik Rentz-Reichert                                                                                 */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de						        */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   07.05.96 begin, ug version 3.2								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:   used most of the code of m2ps by P. Bastian					*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "defaults.h"
-#include "fileopen.h"
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "initdev.h"
-#include "general.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-#define TEXTSIZE                        8
-#define CREATOR "ug postscript output"
-/* postscript defaults */
-#define  PS_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH     1
-#define  PS_DEFAULT_FONT           "Monaco"
-#define  PS_FONT_FACTOR            10
-#define  LW_FACTOR                 0.03
-#define  LW_SCALE                  50.0
-#define  PAPER_X                   600
-#define  PAPER_Y                   850
-#define REL_CHARWIDTH                      0.7
-#define COLORS          256
-#define GRAY                    0.5
-#define GRAY_CC                 (~(short)0)
-#define TRFMX(pt) (((float)(pt.x))*mxx + ((float)(pt.y))*mxy + tx)
-#define TRFMY(pt) (((float)(pt.x))*myx + ((float)(pt.y))*myy + ty)
-/*                                                                          */
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)        */
-/*                                                                          */
-typedef struct {
-  FILE *psfile;                                         /* output file							*/
-  short landscape;                                      /* landscape format						*/
-  /* transformation */
-  float tx,ty;                                          /* translation							*/
-  float mxx,mxy,myx,myy;                        /* matrix								*/
-  short PSmarker;
-  short PSmarkersize;
-  short PSlw;
-  short PSts;
-  short PScc;
-static OUTPUTDEVICE *PSOutputDevice=NULL; /* outputdevice that has been ini*/
-static PSWINDOW *currPSW=NULL;          /* current postscript window			*/
-static FILE *currPSF;                   /* current postscript file				*/
-static short PSmarker;
-static short PSmarkersize;
-static SHORT_POINT PScp;
-static short PSlw, PSts;
-static short PScc;
-static float tx,ty,mxx,myy,mxy,myx;
-static short landscape;
-/* static color table for all postscript files */
-static float red[COLORS];
-static float green[COLORS];
-static float blue[COLORS];
-/*																			*/
-/* forward declarations of functions used before they are defined			*/
-/*																			*/
-static void PSDefaultValues( PSWINDOW *psw )
-  currPSW = psw;
-  currPSW->psfile = currPSF = NULL;
-  currPSW->landscape = landscape = 0;
-  currPSW->tx = tx = 0.0;
-  currPSW->ty = ty = 0.0;
-  currPSW->mxx = mxx = 0.0;
-  currPSW->mxy = mxy = 0.0;
-  currPSW->myx = myx = 0.0;
-  currPSW->myy = myy = 0.0;
-  currPSW->PSmarker = PSmarker = 0;
-  currPSW->PSmarkersize = PSmarkersize = 1;
-  currPSW->PScp.x = PScp.x = 0;
-  currPSW->PScp.y = PScp.y = 0;
-  currPSW->PSlw = PSlw = -1;
-  currPSW->PSts = PSts = -1;
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = 0;
-static void PSMoveTo (SHORT_POINT point)
-  currPSW->PScp.x = PScp.x = point.x; currPSW->PScp.y = PScp.y = point.y;
-  return;
-static void PSDrawTo (SHORT_POINT point)
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M %g %g S\n",
-          TRFMX(PScp),TRFMY(PScp),TRFMX(point),TRFMY(point));
-  currPSW->PScp.x = PScp.x = point.x; currPSW->PScp.y = PScp.y = point.y;
-  return;
-static void PSCircle (SHORT_POINT point, short r)
-  short xr,yr;
-  aux.x = 0;
-  aux.y = r;
-  xr = TRFMX(aux);
-  yr = TRFMY(aux);
-  r  = sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(point)+r,TRFMY(point));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g %g %g %g arc\n",TRFMX(point),TRFMY(point),(float)r,(float)0,(float)360);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"stroke\n");
-  return;
-static void PSFilledCircle (SHORT_POINT point, short r)
-  short xr,yr;
-  aux.x = 0;
-  aux.y = r;
-  xr = TRFMX(aux);
-  yr = TRFMY(aux);
-  r  = sqrt(xr*xr+yr*yr);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(point)+r,TRFMY(point));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g %g %g %g arc\n",TRFMX(point),TRFMY(point),(float)r,(float)0,(float)360);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"C\n");
-  return;
-static void PSPolyline (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  int i;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(points[0]),TRFMY(points[0]));
-  for (i=1; i<nb; i++)
-    fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g L\n",TRFMX(points[i]),TRFMY(points[i]));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"stroke\n");
-  return;
-static void PSPolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  int i;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(points[0]),TRFMY(points[0]));
-  for (i=1; i<nb; i++)
-    fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g L\n",TRFMX(points[i]),TRFMY(points[i]));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"C\n");
-  return;
-static void PSShadedPolygon(SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb, DOUBLE intensity)
-  int i;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%4.3f I\n",intensity);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"N\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(points[0]),TRFMY(points[0]));
-  for (i=1; i<nb; i++)
-    fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g L\n",TRFMX(points[i]),TRFMY(points[i]));
-  fprintf(currPSF,"C\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = -1;
-static void PSInversePolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  return;
-static void PSErasePolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT nb)
-  return;
-static void PSPrintColor (float color)
-  if (color==0.0) fprintf(currPSF,"%d ",0);
-  else if (color==1.0) fprintf(currPSF,"%d ",1);
-  else fprintf(currPSF,"%.3f ",color);
-  return;
-static void PSGrayForeground (void)
-  if (PScc==GRAY_CC) return;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%.1f %.1f %.1f R\n",GRAY,GRAY,GRAY);
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = GRAY_CC;
-  return;
-static void PSForeground (long index)
-  if (PScc==index) return;
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[index]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = index;
-  return;
-static void PSMarker (short n, short s, SHORT_POINT point)
-  short top, left, bottom, right;
-  SHORT_POINT points[10],pt;
-  unsigned long cc;
-  s = s/2;
-  top = point.y+s; bottom = point.y-s;
-  left = point.x-s; right = point.x+s;
-  n = n%NMARKERS;
-  switch (n)
-  {
-    points[0].x = left;  points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right; points[1].y = bottom;
-    points[2].x = right; points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;  points[3].y = top;
-    points[4].x = left;  points[4].y = bottom;
-    PSPolyline(points,5);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = left;  points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right; points[1].y = bottom;
-    points[2].x = right; points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;  points[3].y = top;
-    cc = PScc;
-    PSGrayForeground();
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    PSForeground(cc);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = left;  points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right; points[1].y = bottom;
-    points[2].x = right; points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;  points[3].y = top;
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    break;
-    PSCircle(point,s);
-    break;
-    PSGrayForeground();
-    PSFilledCircle(point,s);
-    cc = PScc;
-    PSForeground(cc);
-    break;
-    PSFilledCircle(point,s);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = point.x;      points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right;        points[1].y = point.y;
-    points[2].x = point.x;      points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;         points[3].y = point.y;
-    points[4].x = point.x;      points[4].y = bottom;
-    PSPolyline(points,5);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = point.x;      points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right;        points[1].y = point.y;
-    points[2].x = point.x;      points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;         points[3].y = point.y;
-    cc = PScc;
-    PSGrayForeground();
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    PSForeground(cc);
-    break;
-    points[0].x = point.x;      points[0].y = bottom;
-    points[1].x = right;        points[1].y = point.y;
-    points[2].x = point.x;      points[2].y = top;
-    points[3].x = left;         points[3].y = point.y;
-    PSPolygon(points,4);
-    break;
-  case PLUS_MARKER :
-    pt.x = point.x; pt.y = bottom;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = point.x; pt.y = top;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    pt.x = right; pt.y = point.y;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = left; pt.y = point.y;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    break;
-  case CROSS_MARKER :
-    pt.x = left; pt.y = bottom;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = right; pt.y = top;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    pt.x = right; pt.y = bottom;
-    PSMoveTo(pt);
-    pt.x = left; pt.y = top;
-    PSDrawTo(pt);
-    break;
-  }
-static void PSPolymark (short n, SHORT_POINT *points)
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
-    PSMarker(PSmarker,PSmarkersize,points[i]);
-  return;
-static void PSInvPolymark (short n, SHORT_POINT *points)
-static void PrintPSString (const char *s)
-  fputc('(',currPSF);
-  while (*s != '\0')
-  {
-    switch (*s)
-    {
-    case '\\' :
-    case '(' :
-    case ')' : fputc('\\',currPSF);
-    default  : fputc(*s,currPSF);
-    }
-    s++;
-  }
-  fputc(')',currPSF);
-static void PSDrawText (const char *s, INT mode)
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%g %g M\n",TRFMX(PScp),TRFMY(PScp));
-  if (landscape) fprintf(currPSF,"90 rotate\n");
-  PrintPSString(s);
-  fprintf(currPSF," show N\n");
-  if (landscape) fprintf(currPSF,"-90 rotate\n");
-  return;
-static void PSCenteredText (SHORT_POINT point, const char *s, INT mode)
-  /* centering?? */
-  point.x -= 0.5*REL_CHARWIDTH*PSts*strlen(s);
-  PSMoveTo(point);
-  PSDrawText(s,mode);
-static void PSClearViewPort (void)
-  return;
-static void PSSetLineWidth (short n)
-  if (n<1) n=1;
-  if (n==PSlw) return;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%.3f W\n",LW_FACTOR+((float)(n-1))*LW_SCALE*LW_FACTOR);
-  currPSW->PSlw = PSlw = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetTextSize (short n)
-  if (n==PSts) return;
-  fprintf(currPSF,"/%s findfont %d scalefont setfont\n",PS_DEFAULT_FONT,(int)n);
-  currPSW->PSts = PSts = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetMarker (short n)
-  currPSW->PSmarker = PSmarker = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetMarkerSize (short n)
-  currPSW->PSmarkersize = PSmarkersize = n;
-  return;
-static void PSSetPaletteEntry (long index, short r, short g, short b)
-  red[index]   = ((float)r)/255.0;
-  green[index] = ((float)g)/255.0;
-  blue[index]  = ((float)b)/255.0;
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[index]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[index]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = index;
-  return;
-static void PSSetPalette (long x, long count, short *r, short *g, short *b)
-  int i,y;
-  y = x+count;
-  for (i=x; i<y; i++)
-  {
-    red[i]   = ((float)r[i-x])/255.0;
-    green[i] = ((float)g[i-x])/255.0;
-    blue[i]  = ((float)b[i-x])/255.0;
-  }
-  PSPrintColor((float)red[x]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)green[x]);
-  PSPrintColor((float)blue[x]);
-  fprintf(currPSF,"R\n");
-  currPSW->PScc = PScc = (unsigned char) x;
-  return;
-static void PSGetPaletteEntry (long index, short *r, short *g, short *b)
-  return;
-static void PSFlush (void)
-  return;
-   InitPSPort_BlackAndWhite - init port structure of output device 'psbw'
-   static void InitPSPort_BlackAndWhite (OUTPUTDEVICE *thePort);
-   .  thePort - port structure to initialize
-   This function inits port structure of output device 'ps'
-   void
- */
-static void InitPSPort (OUTPUTDEVICE *thePort)
-  short i;
-  /* init pointers to basic drawing functions */
-  thePort->Move                   = PSMoveTo;
-  thePort->Draw                   = PSDrawTo;
-  thePort->Polyline               = PSPolyline;
-  thePort->Polygon                = PSPolygon;
-  thePort->ShadedPolygon  = PSShadedPolygon;
-  thePort->InversePolygon = PSInversePolygon;
-  thePort->ErasePolygon   = PSErasePolygon;
-  thePort->Polymark               = PSPolymark;
-  thePort->InvPolymark    = PSInvPolymark;
-  thePort->DrawText               = PSDrawText;
-  thePort->CenteredText   = PSCenteredText;
-  thePort->ClearViewPort  = PSClearViewPort;
-  /* init pointers to set functions */
-  thePort->SetLineWidth   = PSSetLineWidth;
-  thePort->SetTextSize    = PSSetTextSize;
-  thePort->SetMarker              = PSSetMarker;
-  thePort->SetMarkerSize  = PSSetMarkerSize;
-  thePort->SetColor               = PSForeground;
-  thePort->SetPaletteEntry= PSSetPaletteEntry;
-  thePort->SetNewPalette  = PSSetPalette;
-  /* init pointers to miscellaneous functions */
-  thePort->GetPaletteEntry        = PSGetPaletteEntry;
-  thePort->Flush                          = PSFlush;
-  thePort->PlotPixelBuffer    = NULL;
-  /* fill port */
-  thePort->black = 255;
-  thePort->gray = 1;
-  thePort->white = 0;
-  thePort->red = 150;
-  thePort->green = 100;
-  thePort->blue = 200;
-  thePort->cyan = 65;
-  thePort->orange = 128;
-  thePort->yellow = 25;
-  thePort->darkyellow = 40;
-  thePort->magenta = 128;
-  thePort->hasPalette = 1;
-  thePort->range = 256;
-  thePort->spectrumStart = 2;
-  thePort->spectrumEnd = 225;
-  thePort->signx = 1;
-  thePort->signy = 1;
-  /* initialize color table */
-  for (i=254; i>=2; i--)
-  {
-    red[i] = green[i] = blue[i] = i/255.0;
-  }
-  red[0] = green[0] = blue[0] = 0.999;
-  red[1] = green[1] = blue[1] = 180.0/255.0;
-  red[255] = green[255] = blue[255] = 0.0;
-  return;
-static INT WritePSHeader (FILE *file, const char *title, INT x, INT y, INT w, INT h)
-  time_t tp;
-  char date[64];
-  /* read date */
-  if (time(&tp)!=-1)
-    strcpy(date,ctime(&tp));
-  else
-    strcpy(date,"\n");
-  /* write header */
-  fprintf(file,"%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Title: %s\n", title);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Creator: %s\n",CREATOR);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%CreationDate: %s", date);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n",
-          (int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h );
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Pages: 1\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%DocumentsFonts: %s\n",PS_DEFAULT_FONT);
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Copyright 1994 ug-group - All Rights Reserved Worldwide\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%EndComments\n\n");
-  /* write initialisation */
-  fprintf(file,"1 setlinejoin\n");
-  fprintf(file,"1 setlinecap\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/%s findfont %d scalefont setfont\n", PS_DEFAULT_FONT, PS_FONT_FACTOR);
-  fprintf(file,"\n");
-  /* defines */
-  fprintf(file,"/M {moveto} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/S {lineto stroke} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/L {lineto} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/C {closepath fill} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/N {newpath} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/R {setrgbcolor} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/W {setlinewidth} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"/I {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul R} def\n");
-  fprintf(file,"\n");
-  /* write end of prolog */
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Endprolog\n%%\n");
-  fprintf(file,"%%%%Page: 1 1\n%%\n\n");
-  return (0);
-static INT ComputeTransformation (PSWINDOW *PSWindow,INT *ox,INT *oy,INT *sx,INT *sy, INT ls)
-  short j;
-  /* compute transformation */
-  if (!ls)
-  {
-    /* regular format */
-    tx  = (float) (*ox);
-    ty  = (float) (*oy);
-    mxx = (float) (*sx);
-    myy = (float) (*sy);
-    mxy = myx = 0.0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    /* landscape format */
-    tx  = (float) (PAPER_X-(*ox));
-    ty  = (float) (*oy);
-    mxy =-(float) (*sy);
-    myx = (float) (*sx);
-    mxx = myy = 0.0;
-    *ox = PAPER_X-(*ox)-(*sy);
-    j   = *sx;
-    *sx = *sy;
-    *sy = j;
-  }
-  PSWindow->landscape = landscape = ls;
-  PSWindow->tx  = tx;
-  PSWindow->ty  = ty;
-  PSWindow->mxx = mxx;
-  PSWindow->mxy = mxy;
-  PSWindow->myx = myx;
-  PSWindow->myy = myy;
-  return (0);
-   OpenDocumentWindow - Open a postscript file
-   static WINDOWID OpenPSWindow (char *title, INT x, INT y, INT width,
-   INT height, INT *Global_LL, INT *Global_UR, INT *Local_LL, INT *Local_UR,
-   INT *error);
-   .  title -
-   .  x -
-   .  y -
-   .  width -
-   .  height -
-   .  Global_LL -
-   .  Global_UR -
-   .  Local_LL -
-   .  Local_UR -
-   .  error -
-   This function opens a psfile.
-   .n   pointer to the window struct
-   .n   NULL if an error occured.
- */
-static WINDOWID OpenPSWindow (const char *title, INT rename, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height, INT *Global_LL, INT *Global_UR, INT *Local_LL, INT *Local_UR, INT *error)
-  char pspath[BUFFLEN];
-  INT sx,sy;
-  *error = 0;
-  /* create PSWINDOW structure */
-  currPSW = (PSWINDOW*)malloc(sizeof(PSWINDOW));
-  if (currPSW==NULL) {*error=1; return(0);}
-  /* set default values */
-  PSDefaultValues( currPSW );
-  /* init postscript window */
-  if (GetDefaultValue(DEFAULTSFILENAME,"psfilesdir",pspath)==0)
-    currPSW->psfile = FileOpenUsingSearchPath_r(title,"w",pspath,rename);
-  else
-    currPSW->psfile = fileopen(title,"w");
-  if (currPSW->psfile==NULL)
-  {
-    free(currPSW);
-    currPSW = NULL;
-    *error = 1;
-    return (0);
-  }
-  /* set currents */
-  currPSF = currPSW->psfile;
-  /* return corners in devices coordinate system (before they are changed by ComputeTransformation) */
-  Global_LL[0] = Local_LL[0] = x;  Global_LL[1] = Local_LL[1] = y;
-  Global_UR[0] = Local_UR[0] = x + width;
-  Global_UR[1] = Local_UR[1] = y + height;
-  /* transformation with default origin, scale and format (how could they be made to be changable?) */
-  sx = sy = 1;
-  ComputeTransformation(currPSW,&x,&y,&sx,&sy,0);
-  /* init psfile */
-  WritePSHeader(currPSF,title,x,y,sx*width,sy*height);
-  /* write pallette */
-  /* PSSetPalette(0,256,red,green,blue); */
-  /* default palette */
-  PSSetLineWidth(1);
-  PSSetTextSize(10);
-  /* return window ptr */
-  return((WINDOWID)currPSW);
-   ClosePSPort - write trailer and close file
-   static INT ClosePSWindow (WINDOWID win);
-   .  win -
-   This function writes the trailer and closes the file.
-   INT
-   .n    0 if operation ok
-   .n    1 if an error occured.
- */
-static INT ClosePSWindow (WINDOWID win)
-  currPSW = (PSWINDOW *) win;
-  if (currPSW==NULL) return (1);
-  currPSF = currPSW->psfile;
-  if (currPSF==NULL) return (0);
-  /* write trailer */
-  fprintf(currPSF,"\nshowpage\n\n");
-  fprintf(currPSF,"%%%%Trailer\n");
-  fclose(currPSF);
-  free(currPSW);
-  currPSW = NULL;
-  currPSF = NULL;
-  return (0);
-   SetPSOutput - Activate the window associated with theView
-   static INT SetPSOutput (WINDOWID win);
-   .  win -
-   This function activates the window associated with theView.
-   INT
-   .n    0 if operation ok
-   .n    1 if an error occured.
- */
-static INT SetPSOutput (WINDOWID win)
-  /* set current output window */
-  currPSW = (PSWINDOW *) win;
-  currPSF = currPSW->psfile;
-  /* set current transformation */
-  tx  = currPSW->tx;
-  ty  = currPSW->ty;
-  mxx = currPSW->mxx;
-  mxy = currPSW->mxy;
-  myx = currPSW->myx;
-  myy = currPSW->myy;
-  PSmarker = currPSW->PSmarker;
-  PSmarkersize = currPSW->PSmarkersize;
-  PScp.x = currPSW->PScp.x;
-  PScp.y = currPSW->PScp.y;
-  PSlw = currPSW->PSlw;
-  PSts = currPSW->PSts;
-  PScc = currPSW->PScc;
-  landscape = currPSW->landscape;
-  return(0);
-   UpdateOutput - Draws all controls and highlights active tool
-   static INT UpdatePSOutput (WINDOWID win, char *s, INT tool)
-   .  win -
-   .  s -
-   .  tool
-   This function draws all controls and highlights active tool.
-   INT
-   0, when OK
-   1, when error
- */
-static INT UpdatePSOutput (WINDOWID win, INT tool)
-  return(0);
-   InitPSOutputDevice	- Create psfile output device
-   static OUTPUTDEVICE *InitPSOutputDevice (void);
-   .  void
-   This file creates psfile output device.
-   .n    pointer to output device
-   .n    NULL if an error occured.
- */
-static OUTPUTDEVICE *InitPSOutputDevice (void)
-  /* create output device */
-  if ( (PSOutputDevice=CreateOutputDevice("psbw")) == NULL ) return(NULL);
-  /* init output device 'meta' */
-  PSOutputDevice->OpenOutput       = OpenPSWindow;
-  PSOutputDevice->CloseOutput      = ClosePSWindow;
-  PSOutputDevice->ActivateOutput = SetPSOutput;
-  PSOutputDevice->UpdateOutput     = UpdatePSOutput;
-  PSOutputDevice->v.locked                 = 1;
-  PSOutputDevice->PixelRatio       = (DOUBLE) 1.0;
-  InitPSPort (PSOutputDevice);
-  UserWrite("output device 'ps' created\n");
-  return (PSOutputDevice);
-   InitPostScript - Initialize psfile
-   INT InitPS (void);
-   .  void
-   This function initializes psfile.
-   INT
-   .n   0 if ok
-   .n   1 if an error occured.
- */
-INT NS_PREFIX InitPostScriptBW (void)
-  if ((InitPSOutputDevice()) == NULL) return (1);
-  return (0);
diff --git a/dev/ugdevices.cc b/dev/ugdevices.cc
index 52e354df24798ed44cde4b7e6b470a445c665a9e..f853d7d96456d70f40803d1ee362dfdb1feedac2 100644
--- a/dev/ugdevices.cc
+++ b/dev/ugdevices.cc
@@ -824,21 +824,6 @@ else
     return (error);
-  /* init postscript device */
-  if (InitPostScript()!=0)
-  {
-    SetHiWrd(error,__LINE__);
-    return (error);
-  }
-  /* init postscript device */
-  if (InitPostScriptBW()!=0)
-  {
-    SetHiWrd(error,__LINE__);
-    return (error);
-  }
   /* init ppm device */
   if (InitPPMDevice()!=0)
diff --git a/dev/xif/.gitignore b/dev/xif/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a196b32e949c1a865a1609720cb3852f2f7e9e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dev/xif/shades.h b/dev/xif/shades.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d3be3921435d237caf498c6cd5f72b5d8ff6ae8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/shades.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  shades.h														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   patterns for shading polygons                                     */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Michael Lampe                                                                                 */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de						        */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   10 .97 begin                                                                              */
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files							*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifndef __SHADES__
-#define __SHADES__
-#define NO_PATTERNS  65
-#define PATTERN_SIZE 8
-static unsigned char pattern_data[NO_PATTERNS][8] = {
-  {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
-  {0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
-  {0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
-  {0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
-  {0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
-  {0x88, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
-  {0x88, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00},
-  {0x88, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00},
-  {0x88, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00},
-  {0xa8, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00},
-  {0xa8, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x8a, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x00, 0xa2, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x2a, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x2a, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x40, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x40, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x04, 0xaa, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x04, 0xaa, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x10, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x00},
-  {0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x10, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x01},
-  {0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x01},
-  {0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x11},
-  {0xaa, 0x54, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x11},
-  {0xaa, 0x54, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x45, 0xaa, 0x11},
-  {0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x45, 0xaa, 0x11},
-  {0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x11},
-  {0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x51, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x11},
-  {0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x51, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x15},
-  {0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x15},
-  {0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55},
-  {0xea, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55},
-  {0xea, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xae, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55},
-  {0xee, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xae, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55},
-  {0xee, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xee, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55},
-  {0xee, 0x55, 0xba, 0x55, 0xee, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55},
-  {0xee, 0x55, 0xba, 0x55, 0xee, 0x55, 0xab, 0x55},
-  {0xee, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55, 0xee, 0x55, 0xab, 0x55},
-  {0xee, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55, 0xee, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55},
-  {0xfe, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55, 0xee, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55},
-  {0xfe, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55, 0xef, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55, 0xef, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0x55, 0xfb, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xbb, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0x55, 0xfb, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xbf, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xbf, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0xd5, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0xd5, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x5d, 0xff, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0x5d, 0xff, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x55, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x75, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x55},
-  {0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x75, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x57},
-  {0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x77, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x57},
-  {0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x77, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x77},
-  {0xff, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x77, 0xff, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x77},
-  {0xff, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x77, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xff, 0x77},
-  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x77, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xff, 0x77},
-  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x77, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x77},
-  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x77},
-  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf7, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f},
-  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f},
-  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}
diff --git a/dev/xif/shell-icon b/dev/xif/shell-icon
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f112721f1b05436269b6c70d910b0682213ab9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/shell-icon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#define shell_icon_width 40
-#define shell_icon_height 40
-static unsigned char shell_icon_bits[] = {
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08,
-   0x88, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x48, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x48, 0x10,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x48, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x48, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x18, 0x48, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xcf, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,
-   0x20, 0x04, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04,
-   0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x20, 0x04, 0xf0, 0x13, 0xe0, 0x23, 0x04, 0x10, 0xf0,
-   0x33, 0x22, 0x04, 0x10, 0x30, 0x16, 0x23, 0x04, 0x10, 0x10, 0xf4, 0x21,
-   0x0c, 0xf0, 0x11, 0x14, 0x20, 0x08, 0x00, 0x13, 0x34, 0xc0, 0x39, 0x00,
-   0x1a, 0xe4, 0x03, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x11, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool0 b/dev/xif/tool0
deleted file mode 100644
index 91b2e5b73121239c8b2925b6cec75dd4b5d69556..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool0_width 24
-#define tool0_height 24
-static unsigned char tool0_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0xf1, 0x01, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xe1, 0x1f, 0x00,
-   0xc1, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x81, 0x39, 0x00,
-   0x81, 0x70, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x01, 0x80, 0x03,
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x07, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x01, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x01, 0x00, 0x08,
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool1 b/dev/xif/tool1
deleted file mode 100644
index 07071293c872dae44248483c8d20f4545a2d7fc7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool1_width 24
-#define tool1_height 24
-static unsigned char tool1_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x19, 0x00, 0x18,
-   0x39, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x71, 0x00, 0x0e, 0xe1, 0x00, 0x07, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x03,
-   0x81, 0xc3, 0x01, 0x01, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x01, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x01, 0x3c, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x81, 0xc3, 0x01,
-   0xc1, 0x81, 0x03, 0xe1, 0x00, 0x07, 0x71, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x39, 0x00, 0x1c,
-   0x19, 0x00, 0x18, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool2 b/dev/xif/tool2
deleted file mode 100644
index a4fc3d7281605608c0f65c448aa0246d49838ce5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool2_width 24
-#define tool2_height 24
-static unsigned char tool2_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x3f,
-   0xfd, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool3 b/dev/xif/tool3
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d82aade35e93bb1a7c0bc29cc261cc0e3dfd5cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool3_width 24
-#define tool3_height 24
-static unsigned char tool3_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x7c, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0xff, 0x01, 0xc1, 0x83, 0x07, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x06, 0x61, 0x00, 0x0c,
-   0x61, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x31, 0x00, 0x18, 0x31, 0x00, 0x18, 0x31, 0x00, 0x18,
-   0x31, 0x00, 0x18, 0x31, 0x00, 0x18, 0x61, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x61, 0x00, 0x0c,
-   0xc1, 0x00, 0x06, 0xc1, 0x83, 0x07, 0x01, 0xff, 0x01, 0x01, 0x7c, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool4 b/dev/xif/tool4
deleted file mode 100644
index 09380b0bb0deb3ead848e61de344a019f4d80fb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool4_width 24
-#define tool4_height 24
-static unsigned char tool4_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x3b, 0x00, 0x81, 0x2e, 0x00, 0x81, 0xa6, 0x07,
-   0xc1, 0xe6, 0x04, 0x41, 0x64, 0x04, 0x41, 0x64, 0x1c, 0x79, 0x44, 0x24,
-   0x6d, 0x44, 0x24, 0x45, 0x44, 0x24, 0x45, 0x40, 0x36, 0x05, 0x00, 0x16,
-   0x09, 0x00, 0x10, 0x09, 0x00, 0x10, 0x19, 0x00, 0x18, 0x31, 0x00, 0x0c,
-   0x21, 0x00, 0x06, 0x61, 0x80, 0x03, 0xc1, 0xc0, 0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0x00,
-   0x31, 0x80, 0x01, 0x31, 0x80, 0x01, 0xf1, 0xff, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool5 b/dev/xif/tool5
deleted file mode 100644
index 20996ca25aab94cd734884d7baa17fb1a57a272f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool5_width 24
-#define tool5_height 24
-static unsigned char tool5_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf1, 0x80, 0x0f,
-   0x19, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x05, 0x66, 0x20, 0x05, 0x3c, 0x20, 0x05, 0x18, 0x20,
-   0x05, 0x18, 0x20, 0x05, 0x00, 0x20, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x20, 0x09, 0x00, 0x10,
-   0x19, 0x00, 0x18, 0x31, 0x00, 0x08, 0x21, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x61, 0x00, 0x06,
-   0xc1, 0x00, 0x03, 0x81, 0x81, 0x01, 0x01, 0x63, 0x00, 0x01, 0x3c, 0x00,
-   0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/tool6 b/dev/xif/tool6
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e74890146d4dfe47e471f52fd657211c4f8ed2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/tool6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#define tool6_width 24
-#define tool6_height 24
-static unsigned char tool6_bits[] = {
-   0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf9, 0xff, 0x1f,
-   0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe9, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x29, 0x00, 0x10, 0xa9, 0xff, 0x17,
-   0xa9, 0x00, 0x14, 0xa9, 0xfe, 0x15, 0xa9, 0x02, 0x15, 0xa9, 0x7a, 0x15,
-   0xa9, 0x5a, 0x15, 0xa9, 0x42, 0x15, 0xa9, 0x7e, 0x15, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x15,
-   0xa9, 0xff, 0x15, 0x29, 0x00, 0x14, 0xe9, 0xff, 0x17, 0x09, 0x00, 0x10,
-   0xf9, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/view-icon b/dev/xif/view-icon
deleted file mode 100644
index 739d26e5da47932d98ba78290c64aa7ffad3d8ec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/view-icon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#define view_icon_width 40
-#define view_icon_height 40
-static unsigned char view_icon_bits[] = {
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18,
-   0x08, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x88, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x88, 0x40,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x8c, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x44, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x18, 0x46, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xc3, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
-   0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0xe0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x40, 0x10, 0x08, 0xc3, 0x4c, 0x40, 0x10, 0x08,
-   0x41, 0x48, 0x40, 0x10, 0x08, 0x41, 0xcc, 0x40, 0x10, 0x88, 0xc1, 0x87,
-   0x40, 0x30, 0x8c, 0x40, 0x80, 0x4c, 0x20, 0x84, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x4f, 0x20,
-   0x82, 0x80, 0x01, 0x5b, 0x60, 0x83, 0x00, 0x3f, 0x33, 0x80, 0x81, 0x03,
-   0x00, 0x22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-   0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
diff --git a/dev/xif/xgraph.cc b/dev/xif/xgraph.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 46d6527af8865518b224a6c7c1e7270b32dc6120..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/xgraph.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1891 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      xgraph.c                                                      */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   graphical output for ug based on X11                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:    Peter Bastian / Klaus Johannsen                               */
-/*            Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen   */
-/*            Universitaet Heidelberg                                       */
-/*            Im Neuenheimer Feld 368                                       */
-/*            6900 Heidelberg                                               */
-/* email:     ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de                                      */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* History:   17.02.94 begin, ug version 3.0								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*			  this version uses read only color cells, therefore no                 */
-/*			  it does not allow to change the color table during run time	*/
-/*																			*/
-/*			  Changing text size is not supported yet						*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-/* X11 includes */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/Xresource.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include <X11/X.h>
-/* standard C includes */
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstring>
-/* interface includes */
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "initdev.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "pixel.h"
-/* Xif includes */
-#include "xmain.h"
-#include "xgraph.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-#define CSIZE                   256                     /* ug supports at most 256 colors	*/
-#define DEFAULTXPOS     50
-#define DEFAULTYPOS     100
-#define DEFAULTFONT     "9x15"
-#define DEFAULTMINX     100
-#define DEFAULTMINY     100
-#define DEFAULTBORDER   4
-#define GRAPHICONNAME   "ug3 view"
-#define GRAPHWINNAME    "ug3 view"
-#define RESOURCENAME    "ug3"
-#define NTOOLS                  7                               /* this is the number of tools		*/
-/* bitmaps for icons */
-#include "view-icon"
-#include "tool0"
-#include "tool1"
-#include "tool2"
-#include "tool3"
-#include "tool4"
-#include "tool5"
-#include "tool6"
-#include "shades.h"
-/* hack for C++ */
-#define CLASS c_class
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-/* current context */
-static GraphWindow *gw;                                 /* active output					*/
-static XColor ctab[CSIZE];                              /* one static color table for all wi*/
-static int ncolors=0;                                   /* number of entries used			*/
-static unsigned long pixels[CSIZE];     /* array to free color cells		*/
-static OUTPUTDEVICE *X11OutputDevice;   /* outputdevice that has been initi */
-static GraphWindow *windowList=NULL;    /* list of our windows				*/
-static Visual *default_visual;
-static int default_depth;
-static Pixmap tools[NTOOLS];                    /* bitmaps for toolbox				*/
-static Cursor cursors[NTOOLS];                  /* id in cursor font				*/
-static int MoveMouse = 1;                               /* some local vars for mouse ops	*/
-static int StoredMousePos = 0;
-static int MouseX,MouseY;
-static Colormap our_cmap;             /* may be a private one               */
-static int true_color;                /* whether we have true color visual  */
-static int current_color;             /* index to current foreground color  */
-/* pixmaps for shading patterns */
-static Pixmap pattern[NO_PATTERNS];
-/* pixel structure for true color visual */
-static unsigned long red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask;
-static int red_shift, green_shift, blue_shift;
-unsigned long NS_PREFIX UGBlack (void)
-  return(ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel);
-unsigned long NS_PREFIX UGWhite (void)
-  return(ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel);
-/*																			*/
-/* Initialization and port functions										*/
-/*																			*/
-static void IFMove (SHORT_POINT point)
-  gw->x = (int) point.x;
-  gw->y = (int) point.y;
-static void IFDraw (SHORT_POINT point)
-  int x1, y1, x2, y2;
-  /* always draw from left to right to get the same pixels */
-  if (point.x <= gw->x) {
-    x1 = point.x;  y1 = point.y;
-    x2 = gw->x;    y2 = gw->y;
-  }
-  else {
-    x1 = gw->x;    y1 = gw->y;
-    x2 = point.x;  y2 = point.y;
-  }
-  XDrawLine(display,gw->win,gw->gc,x1,y1,x2,y2);
-  if (!gw->backing_store)
-    XDrawLine(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,x1,y1,x2,y2);
-  gw->x = (int) point.x;
-  gw->y = (int) point.y;
-static void IFPolyline (SHORT_POINT *points, INT n)
-  XDrawLines(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,CoordModeOrigin);
-  if (!gw->backing_store)
-    XDrawLines(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,CoordModeOrigin);
-static void IFInversePolyline (SHORT_POINT *points, INT n)
-  XGCValues values_return;
-  unsigned long valuemask,plane_mask;
-  int function;
-  valuemask = GCPlaneMask;
-  XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-  plane_mask = values_return.plane_mask;
-  valuemask = GCFunction;
-  XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-  function = values_return.function;
-  XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,GXinvert);
-  XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-  XDrawLines(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,CoordModeOrigin);
-  if (!gw->backing_store)
-    XDrawLines(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,CoordModeOrigin);
-  XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,function);
-  XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,plane_mask);
-static void IFPolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT n)
-  XFillPolygon(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-  if (!gw->backing_store)
-    XFillPolygon(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-static void IFShadedPolygon(SHORT_POINT *points, INT n, DOUBLE intensity)
-  if (!true_color) {
-    int s;
-    XSetBackground(display,gw->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel);
-    s = (int)(0.5 + intensity * (DOUBLE)(NO_PATTERNS-1));
-    XSetFillStyle(display, gw->gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
-    XSetStipple(display, gw->gc, pattern[s]);
-    XFillPolygon(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XFillPolygon(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-    XSetFillStyle(display, gw->gc, FillSolid);
-    XSetBackground(display,gw->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel);
-  }
-  else {
-    unsigned long pixel;
-    DOUBLE red, green, blue;
-    pixel = ctab[current_color].pixel;
-    red   = (pixel & red_mask  ) >> red_shift;
-    green = (pixel & green_mask) >> green_shift;
-    blue  = (pixel & blue_mask ) >> blue_shift;
-    red   *= intensity;
-    green *= intensity;
-    blue  *= intensity;
-    pixel = ((unsigned long)(red  +0.5) << red_shift  ) +
-            ((unsigned long)(green+0.5) << green_shift) +
-            ((unsigned long)(blue +0.5) << blue_shift );
-    XSetForeground(display, gw->gc, pixel);
-    XFillPolygon(display, gw->win, gw->gc, (XPoint *)points, n, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XFillPolygon(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-    XSetForeground(display, gw->gc, ctab[current_color].pixel);
-  }
-static void IFInversePolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT n)
-  XGCValues values_return;
-  unsigned long valuemask,plane_mask;
-  int function;
-  valuemask = GCPlaneMask;
-  XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-  plane_mask = values_return.plane_mask;
-  valuemask = GCFunction;
-  XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-  function = values_return.function;
-  XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,GXinvert);
-  XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-  XFillPolygon(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-  if (!gw->backing_store)
-    XFillPolygon(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-  XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,function);
-  XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,plane_mask);
-static void IFErasePolygon (SHORT_POINT *points, INT n)
-  XGCValues gcv;
-  XGetGCValues(display, gw->gc, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv);
-  XSetForeground(display,gw->gc,gcv.background);
-  XFillPolygon(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-  XDrawLines(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,CoordModeOrigin);
-  XDrawLine(display,gw->win,gw->gc,(int)points[n-1].x,(int)points[n-1].y,(int)points[0].x,(int)points[0].y);
-  if (!gw->backing_store) {
-    XFillPolygon(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
-    XDrawLines(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(XPoint *)points,n,CoordModeOrigin);
-    XDrawLine(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,(int)points[n-1].x,(int)points[n-1].y,(int)points[0].x,(int)points[0].y);
-  }
-  XSetForeground(display,gw->gc,gcv.foreground);
-static void Marker (short n, short s, SHORT_POINT point)
-  short x,y;
-  short top, left, bottom, right;
-  x = point.x;
-  y = point.y;
-  top = y-s/2; bottom = y+s/2;
-  left = x-s/2; right = x+s/2;
-  n = n%11;
-  switch (n)
-  {
-  case 0 :
-    XDrawRectangle(display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawRectangle(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    break;
-  case 1 :
-    XDrawRectangle(display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawRectangle(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    break;
-  case 2 :
-    XFillRectangle(display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XFillRectangle(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    break;
-  case 3 :
-    XDrawArc( display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawArc( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    break;
-  case 4 :
-    XDrawArc( display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawArc( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    break;
-  case 5 :
-    XFillArc( display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s+1, s+1, 0, 360*64);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XFillArc( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s+1, s+1, 0, 360*64);
-    break;
-  case 6 :
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-  case 7 :
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-  case 8 :
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-  case 9 :
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x+s/2, y);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x+s/2, y);
-    }
-    break;
-  case 10 :
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y+s/2, x+s/2, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y-s/2, x+s/2, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y+s/2, x+s/2, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y-s/2, x+s/2, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-static void IFPolymark (short n, SHORT_POINT *points)
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i<n; i++) Marker(gw->marker_id,gw->marker_size,points[i]);
-static void InvMarker (short n, short s, SHORT_POINT point)
-  XGCValues values_return;
-  unsigned long valuemask,plane_mask;
-  int function;
-  short x,y;
-  short top, left, bottom, right;
-  x = point.x;
-  y = point.y;
-  top = y-s/2; bottom = y+s/2;
-  left = x-s/2; right = x+s/2;
-  n = n%11;
-  /* save values */
-  valuemask = GCPlaneMask;
-  XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-  plane_mask = values_return.plane_mask;
-  valuemask = GCFunction;
-  XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-  function = values_return.function;
-  XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,GXinvert);
-  switch (n)
-  {
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawRectangle(display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawRectangle(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawRectangle(display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawRectangle(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XFillRectangle(display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XFillRectangle(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s);
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawArc( display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawArc( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawArc( display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawArc( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s, s, 0, 360*64);
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XFillArc( display, gw->win, gw->gc, left, top, s+1, s+1, 0, 360*64);
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XFillArc( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, left, top, s+1, s+1, 0, 360*64);
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x+s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x+s/2, y, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y-s/2, x-s/2, y);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-  case PLUS_MARKER :
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x+s/2, y);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x, y+s/2, x, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y, x+s/2, y);
-    }
-    break;
-  case CROSS_MARKER :
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y+s/2, x+s/2, y-s/2);
-    XDrawLine( display, gw->win, gw->gc, x-s/2, y-s/2, x+s/2, y+s/2);
-    if (!gw->backing_store) {
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y+s/2, x+s/2, y-s/2);
-      XDrawLine( display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, x-s/2, y-s/2, x+s/2, y+s/2);
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  /* restore values */
-  XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,function);
-  XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,plane_mask);
-static void IFInvPolymark (short n, SHORT_POINT *points)
-  int i;
-  for (i=0; i<n; i++) Marker(gw->marker_id,gw->marker_size,points[i]);
-static void IFDrawText (const char *s, INT mode)
-  XGCValues values_return;
-  unsigned long valuemask,plane_mask;
-  int function;
-  if (mode==TEXT_REGULAR)
-  {
-    XDrawString(display,gw->win,gw->gc,gw->x,gw->y,s,strlen(s));
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawString(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,gw->x,gw->y,s,strlen(s));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    valuemask = GCPlaneMask;
-    XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-    plane_mask = values_return.plane_mask;
-    valuemask = GCFunction;
-    XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-    function = values_return.function;
-    XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,GXinvert);
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawString(display,gw->win,gw->gc,gw->x,gw->y,s,strlen(s));
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawString(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,gw->x,gw->y,s,strlen(s));
-    XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,function);
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,plane_mask);
-  }
-static void IFCenteredText (SHORT_POINT point, const char *s, INT mode)
-  int ts,w;
-  XGCValues values_return;
-  unsigned long valuemask,plane_mask;
-  int function;
-  w = XTextWidth(gw->font_info,s,strlen(s));
-  ts = gw->font_height;
-  if (mode==TEXT_REGULAR)
-  {
-    XDrawString(display,gw->win,gw->gc,((int)point.x)-w/2,((int)point.y)+ts/2,s,strlen(s));
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawString(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,((int)point.x)-w/2,((int)point.y)+ts/2,s,strlen(s));
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    valuemask = GCPlaneMask;
-    XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-    plane_mask = values_return.plane_mask;
-    valuemask = GCFunction;
-    XGetGCValues(display,gw->gc,valuemask,&values_return);
-    function = values_return.function;
-    XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,GXinvert);
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    XDrawString(display,gw->win,gw->gc,((int)point.x)-w/2,((int)point.y)+ts/2,s,strlen(s));
-    if (!gw->backing_store)
-      XDrawString(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,((int)point.x)-w/2,((int)point.y)+ts/2,s,strlen(s));
-    XSetFunction(display,gw->gc,function);
-    XSetPlaneMask(display,gw->gc,plane_mask);
-  }
-static void IFClearViewPort (void)
-  XClearArea(display,gw->win,0,0,gw->window_width,gw->window_height-CONTROLSIZE-1,0);
-static void IFSetLineWidth (short w)
-  XGCValues gcv;
-  if (w==1)
-    gcv.line_width = 0;
-  else
-    gcv.line_width = (int)w;
-  XChangeGC( display, gw->gc, GCLineWidth, &gcv);
-static void IFSetTextSize (short s)
-  return;
-static void IFSetMarkerSize (short s)
-  gw->marker_size = s;
-  return;
-static void IFSetMarker (short s)
-  gw->marker_id = s;
-  return;
-static void IFSetColor (long index)
-  if (index<0 || index>=CSIZE)
-    return;
-  XSetForeground(display,gw->gc,ctab[(int)index].pixel);
-  current_color = index;
-static void IFSetPaletteEntry (long index, short r, short g, short b)
-  return;
-static void IFSetNewPalette (long start, long count, short *r, short *g, short *b)
-  return;
-static void IFGetPaletteEntry (long index, short *r, short *g, short *b)
-  *r = (short) ctab[(int)index].red>>8;
-  *g = (short) ctab[(int)index].green>>8;
-  *b = (short) ctab[(int)index].blue>>8;
-static void IFFlush (void)
-  if (gw->gc==NULL) return;
-  XFlushGC(display,gw->gc);
-  return;
-*   Convert pixel buffer to XImage data: one has to copy the 16 or 32      *
-*   lower bits of the pixel values keeping the clients byte order.         *
-static void MakeXImageData(void *buffer, void *data, int len, int pad)
-  int i, c;
-  unsigned long pixel, r, g, b, f;
-  char *d;
-  PIXEL *p;
-  p = (PIXEL *)buffer;
-  d = (char  *)data;
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    c = p->cindex;
-    f = p->intensity;
-    p++;
-    r = (ctab[c].pixel & red_mask  ) >> red_shift;
-    g = (ctab[c].pixel & green_mask) >> green_shift;
-    b = (ctab[c].pixel & blue_mask ) >> blue_shift;
-    r = r*f/255;
-    g = g*f/255;
-    b = b*f/255;
-    pixel = (r << red_shift) + (g << green_shift) + (b << blue_shift);
-    switch (pad)
-    {
-    case 16 :
-#ifdef __SWAPBYTES__
-      d[0] = ((char*)&pixel)[0];
-      d[1] = ((char*)&pixel)[1];
-      d[0] = ((char*)&pixel)[sizeof(pixel)-2];
-      d[1] = ((char*)&pixel)[sizeof(pixel)-1];
-      d += 2;
-      break;
-    case 32 :
-#ifdef __SWAPBYTES__
-      d[0] = ((char*)&pixel)[0];
-      d[1] = ((char*)&pixel)[1];
-      d[2] = ((char*)&pixel)[2];
-      d[3] = ((char*)&pixel)[3];
-      d[0] = ((char*)&pixel)[sizeof(pixel)-4];
-      d[1] = ((char*)&pixel)[sizeof(pixel)-3];
-      d[2] = ((char*)&pixel)[sizeof(pixel)-2];
-      d[3] = ((char*)&pixel)[sizeof(pixel)-1];
-      d += 4;
-    }
-  }
-*   write the pixel buffer to the screen                                   *
-static void IFPlotPixelBuffer(void *buffer, void *data,
-                              int x, int y, int w, int h)
-  HEAP *heap;
-  XImage *image;
-  int bitmap_pad;
-  INT mem_allocated, key;
-  /* We support only TrueColor, this is 2004! */
-  if (default_visual->CLASS != TrueColor) {
-    UserWrite("IFPlotPixelBuffer: Sorry, only TrueColor visuals supported.\n");
-    return;
-  }
-  /* how many bits per pixel do we need? */
-  if (default_depth <= 16)
-    bitmap_pad = 16;
-  else
-    bitmap_pad = 32;
-  /* allocate mem for XImage data if necessary */
-  mem_allocated = NO;
-  if (data == NULL) {
-    heap = GetCurrentMultigrid()->theHeap;
-    MarkTmpMem(heap, &key);
-    if ((data = GetTmpMem(heap, w*h*bitmap_pad/8, key)) == NULL) {
-      UserWrite("IFPlotPixelBuffer: Sorry, not enough memory.\n");
-      ReleaseTmpMem(heap, key);
-      return;
-    }
-    mem_allocated = YES;
-  }
-  MakeXImageData(buffer, data, w*h, bitmap_pad);
-  /* create XImage structure and write image to the screen */
-  image = XCreateImage(display, default_visual, default_depth, ZPixmap, 0,
-                       (char*)data, w, h, bitmap_pad, 0);
-#ifdef __SWAPBYTES__
-  image->byte_order = LSBFirst;
-  image->byte_order = MSBFirst;
-  XPutImage(display, gw->win, gw->gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, w, h);
-  if (!gw->backing_store)
-    XPutImage(display, gw->pixmap, gw->gc, image, 0, 0, x, y, w, h);
-  image->data = NULL;
-  XDestroyImage(image);
-  if (mem_allocated) ReleaseTmpMem(heap, key);
-static int get_component_shift(unsigned long mask)
-  int shift;
-  shift=0;
-  while (!(mask & 1)) {
-    shift++;
-    mask >>= 1;
-  }
-  return shift;
-   InitXPort - implement basic drawing functions by X11
-   void InitXPort (OUTPUTDEVICE *thePort);
-   .  thePort - PORT structure to initialize
-   This function  implements basic drawing functions by X11.
-   void
- */
-static void InitXPort (OUTPUTDEVICE *thePort)
-  Colormap default_cmap;
-  int i,j,Private;
-  unsigned short res,delta,max,r,g,b;
-  if (ncolors!=0) return;
-  thePort->signx          = 1;
-  thePort->signy          = -1;
-  /* init color table */
-  ncolors = 0;
-  /* get default values */
-  default_depth =  DefaultDepth(display,screen_num);
-  default_visual = DefaultVisual(display,screen_num);
-  default_cmap =   DefaultColormap(display,screen_num);
-  /* print display type */
-  switch (default_visual->CLASS)
-  {
-  case PseudoColor :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","PseudoColor",default_depth);
-    break;
-  case GrayScale :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","GrayScale",default_depth);
-    break;
-  case DirectColor :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","DirectColor",default_depth);
-    break;
-  case TrueColor :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","TrueColor",default_depth);
-    break;
-  case StaticGray :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","StaticGray",default_depth);
-    break;
-  case StaticColor :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","StaticColor",default_depth);
-    break;
-  default :
-    printf("visual=%s depth=%d\n","unknown",default_depth);
-    break;
-  }
-  /* get info on pixel structure if true color */
-  if (true_color = (default_visual->CLASS == TrueColor)) {
-    red_mask   = default_visual->red_mask;
-    green_mask = default_visual->green_mask;
-    blue_mask  = default_visual->blue_mask;
-    red_shift  = get_component_shift(red_mask);
-    green_shift= get_component_shift(green_mask);
-    blue_shift = get_component_shift(blue_mask);
-  }
-  our_cmap = default_cmap;
-  /* check for B&W */
-  if (default_depth==1)
-  {
-    ncolors = 2;
-    ctab[0].pixel = WhitePixel(display,screen_num);
-    ctab[0].red = 0xFFFF;
-    ctab[0].green = 0xFFFF;
-    ctab[0].blue = 0xFFFF;
-    ctab[1].pixel = BlackPixel(display,screen_num);
-    ctab[1].red = 0;
-    ctab[1].green = 0;
-    ctab[1].blue = 0;
-    thePort->black                          = 1;
-    thePort->gray               = 1;
-    thePort->white                          = 0;
-    thePort->red                            = 1;
-    thePort->green                          = 1;
-    thePort->blue                           = 1;
-    thePort->cyan                           = 1;
-    thePort->orange                         = 1;
-    thePort->yellow                         = 1;
-    thePort->darkyellow             = 1;
-    thePort->magenta                        = 1;
-    thePort->hasPalette             = 0;
-    thePort->range                          = 2;
-    thePort->spectrumStart          = 0;
-    thePort->spectrumEnd            = 1;
-    printf("Using B&W color map\n");
-  }
-  if ((default_depth>=6)&&(ncolors==0)&&((default_visual->CLASS==GrayScale)||(default_visual->CLASS==StaticGray)))
-  {
-    /* lets try 64 gray scale map */
-    ncolors = 64;
-    for (i=0; i<64; i++)
-    {
-      ctab[63-i].red = 1024*i;
-      ctab[63-i].green = 1024*i;
-      ctab[63-i].blue = 1024*i;
-      if (XAllocColor(display,our_cmap,&(ctab[i]))==0)
-      {
-        ncolors = 0;
-        for (j=0; j<i; j++) pixels[j] = ctab[j].pixel;
-        XFreeColors(display,our_cmap,pixels,i,0);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    thePort->black = 63;
-    thePort->gray = 48;
-    thePort->white = 0;
-    thePort->red = 36;
-    thePort->green = 27;
-    thePort->blue = 54;
-    thePort->cyan = 18;
-    thePort->yellow = 9;
-    thePort->darkyellow  = 10;
-    thePort->magenta = 42;
-    thePort->orange = 29;
-    thePort->hasPalette = 1;
-    thePort->range = 64;
-    thePort->spectrumStart = 6;
-    thePort->spectrumEnd = 63;
-    if (ncolors>0) printf("Using 64 grayscale color map\n");
-  }
-  if ((default_depth>=4)&&(ncolors==0)&&((default_visual->CLASS==GrayScale)||(default_visual->CLASS==StaticGray)))
-  {
-    /* lets try a 16 gray scale map */
-    ncolors = 16;
-    for (i=0; i<16; i++)
-    {
-      ctab[15-i].red = 4096*i;
-      ctab[15-i].green = 4096*i;
-      ctab[15-i].blue = 4096*i;
-      if (XAllocColor(display,our_cmap,&(ctab[i]))==0)
-      {
-        ncolors = 0;
-        for (j=0; j<i; j++) pixels[j] = ctab[j].pixel;
-        XFreeColors(display,our_cmap,pixels,i,0);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    thePort->black = 15;
-    thePort->gray = 13;
-    thePort->white = 0;
-    thePort->red = 11;
-    thePort->green = 9;
-    thePort->blue = 13;
-    thePort->cyan = 5;
-    thePort->yellow = 5;
-    thePort->darkyellow = 5;
-    thePort->magenta = 7;
-    thePort->orange = 10;
-    thePort->hasPalette = 1;
-    thePort->range = 16;
-    thePort->spectrumStart = 1;
-    thePort->spectrumEnd = 15;
-    if (ncolors>0) printf("Using 16 grayscale color map\n");
-  }
-  if ((default_depth>=8)&&(ncolors==0))
-  {
-    /* should be a color device */
-    res = 31;
-    delta = 2048;
-    max = 63488;
-    /* fixed colors */
-    i = 0;
-    ctab[i].red = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].green = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].blue = 0xFFFF; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0xD000; ctab[i].green = 0xD000; ctab[i].blue = 0xD000; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].green = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].blue = 0x0   ; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].green = 0x0       ; ctab[i].blue = 0xFFFF; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].green = 0x0       ; ctab[i].blue = 0x0   ; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0x0       ; ctab[i].green = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].blue = 0xFFFF; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0x0       ; ctab[i].green = 0xFFFF; ctab[i].blue = 0x0   ; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0x0       ; ctab[i].green = 0x0   ; ctab[i].blue = 0xFFFF; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 0x0       ; ctab[i].green = 0x0   ; ctab[i].blue = 0x0   ; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 65520 ; ctab[i].green = 32240 ; ctab[i].blue = 0x0   ; i++;
-    ctab[i].red = 65520 ; ctab[i].green = 60000 ; ctab[i].blue = 0x0   ; i++;
-    /* color spectrum */
-    r = g = 0; b = max;
-    ctab[i].red = r; ctab[i].green = g; ctab[i].blue = b; i++;
-    /* blau nach cyan */
-    for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-    {
-      g += delta;
-      ctab[i].red = r; ctab[i].green = g; ctab[i].blue = b; i++;
-    }
-    /* cyan nach gruen */
-    for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-    {
-      b -= delta;
-      ctab[i].red = r; ctab[i].green = g; ctab[i].blue = b; i++;
-    }
-    /* gruen nach gelb */
-    for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-    {
-      r += delta;
-      ctab[i].red = r; ctab[i].green = g; ctab[i].blue = b; i++;
-    }
-    /* gelb nach rot */
-    for (j=0; j<res; j++)
-    {
-      g -= delta;
-      ctab[i].red = r; ctab[i].green = g; ctab[i].blue = b; i++;
-    }
-    thePort->black = 8;
-    thePort->gray = 1;
-    thePort->white = 0;
-    thePort->red = 4;
-    thePort->green = 6;
-    thePort->blue = 7;
-    thePort->cyan = 5;
-    thePort->yellow = 2;
-    thePort->darkyellow = 10;
-    thePort->magenta = 3;
-    thePort->orange = 9;
-    thePort->hasPalette = 1;
-    thePort->range = i;
-    thePort->spectrumStart = 11;
-    thePort->spectrumEnd = i-1;
-    ncolors = i;
-    Private = NO;
-    for (i=0; i<ncolors; i++)
-      if (!XAllocColor(display, our_cmap, &ctab[i])) {
-        Private = YES;
-        our_cmap = XCopyColormapAndFree(display, our_cmap);
-        i--;                          /* allocate the color that failed again! */
-      }
-    if (Private)
-      printf("Using private color map with %d entries\n",ncolors);
-    else
-      printf("Using default color map with %d entries\n",ncolors);
-  }
-  if (ncolors==0)
-  {
-    /* settle with b&w */
-    ncolors = 2;
-    ctab[0].pixel = WhitePixel(display,screen_num);
-    ctab[0].red = 0xFFFF;
-    ctab[0].green = 0xFFFF;
-    ctab[0].blue = 0xFFFF;
-    ctab[1].pixel = BlackPixel(display,screen_num);
-    ctab[1].red = 0;
-    ctab[1].green = 0;
-    ctab[1].blue = 0;
-    thePort->black                          = 1;
-    thePort->gray               = 1;
-    thePort->white                          = 0;
-    thePort->red                            = 1;
-    thePort->green                          = 1;
-    thePort->blue                           = 1;
-    thePort->cyan                           = 1;
-    thePort->orange                         = 1;
-    thePort->yellow                         = 1;
-    thePort->darkyellow             = 1;
-    thePort->magenta                        = 1;
-    thePort->hasPalette             = 0;
-    thePort->range                          = 2;
-    thePort->spectrumStart          = 0;
-    thePort->spectrumEnd            = 1;
-    printf("Using B&W color map\n");
-  }
-  thePort->PixelRatio = 1;
-  /* init pointers to basic drawing functions */
-  thePort->Move                   = IFMove;
-  thePort->Draw                   = IFDraw;
-  thePort->Polyline               = IFPolyline;
-  thePort->InversePolyline= IFInversePolyline;
-  thePort->Polygon                = IFPolygon;
-  thePort->ShadedPolygon  = IFShadedPolygon;
-  thePort->InversePolygon = IFInversePolygon;
-  thePort->ErasePolygon   = IFErasePolygon;
-  thePort->Polymark               = IFPolymark;
-  thePort->InvPolymark    = IFInvPolymark;
-  thePort->DrawText               = IFDrawText;
-  thePort->CenteredText   = IFCenteredText;
-  thePort->ClearViewPort  = IFClearViewPort;
-  /* init pointers to set functions */
-  thePort->SetLineWidth           = IFSetLineWidth;
-  thePort->SetTextSize            = IFSetTextSize;
-  thePort->SetMarker                      = IFSetMarker;
-  thePort->SetMarkerSize          = IFSetMarkerSize;
-  thePort->SetColor                       = IFSetColor;
-  thePort->SetPaletteEntry        = IFSetPaletteEntry;
-  thePort->SetNewPalette          = IFSetNewPalette;
-  /* init pointers to miscellaneous functions */
-  thePort->GetPaletteEntry        = IFGetPaletteEntry;
-  thePort->Flush                          = IFFlush;
-  thePort->PlotPixelBuffer    = IFPlotPixelBuffer;
-/*																			*/
-/* The windows controls (statistics, toolbox, ...)							*/
-/*																			*/
-   InitControls - Load bitmaps from "tooli" include files
-   int InitControls (Window win);
-   .  win -
-   This function loads bitmaps from "tooli" include files.
-   int
-   .n     0 if ok
-   .n     1 if error occured.
- */
-int NS_PREFIX InitControls (Window win)
-  int i;
-  /* make bitmaps from included files */
-  tools[0] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool0_bits,tool0_width,tool0_height);
-  tools[1] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool1_bits,tool1_width,tool1_height);
-  tools[2] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool2_bits,tool2_width,tool2_height);
-  tools[3] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool3_bits,tool3_width,tool3_height);
-  tools[4] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool4_bits,tool4_width,tool4_height);
-  tools[5] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool5_bits,tool5_width,tool5_height);
-  tools[6] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,win,(const char*)tool6_bits,tool6_width,tool6_height);
-  /* set cursor id's */
-  cursors[0] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_top_left_arrow);
-  cursors[1] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_X_cursor);
-  cursors[2] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_crosshair);
-  cursors[3] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_circle);
-  cursors[4] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_hand1);
-  cursors[5] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_heart);
-  cursors[6] = XCreateFontCursor(display,XC_box_spiral);
-  /* make stipples for shading */
-  if (!true_color)
-    for (i = 0; i < NO_PATTERNS; i++)
-      pattern[i] = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, win, (const char*)pattern_data[i],
-                                         PATTERN_SIZE, PATTERN_SIZE);
-  return 0;
-   WhichTool - check if a tool has been hit
-   int WhichTool (GraphWindow *gwin, int x, int y, int *tool);
-   .  gwin -
-   .  x - pointer to the array of coordinates
-   .  y - pointer to the array of coordinates
-   .  tool - return tool number
-   INT
-   .n     0 if no tool has been hit
-   .n     1 if a valid tool number is returned in tool
- */
-INT NS_PREFIX WhichTool (WINDOWID win, const INT mouse[2], INT *tool)
-  GraphWindow *gwin;
-  int xx,yy,w,h,i;
-  gwin = (GraphWindow *)(win);
-  xx = gwin->window_width-NTOOLS*CONTROLSIZE;
-  yy = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE;
-  w = mouse[0]-xx;
-  h = mouse[1]-yy;
-  if ((h<0)||(h>=CONTROLSIZE)||(w<0)) return(0);
-  if ((i<0)||(i>=NTOOLS)) return(0);
-  *tool = i;
-  return(1);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   DrawRegion													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    check if draw region has been hit							*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   GraphWindow *gwin the window                                                                 */
-/*			   int x			 where										*/
-/*			   int y														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   0: draw region has not been hit								*/
-/*			   1: draw region has been hit									*/
-/*																			*/
-int NS_PREFIX DrawRegion (GraphWindow *gwin, int x, int y)
-  int xx,yy;
-  xx = gwin->window_width;
-  yy = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE;
-  if ((x<0)||(x>xx)) return(0);
-  if ((y<0)||(y>yy)) return(0);
-  return(1);
-void NS_PREFIX DrawInfoBox (WINDOWID win, const char *info)
-  GraphWindow *gwin;
-  XRectangle rect;
-  int h,x,y,w;
-  int ts;
-  /*char buffer[INFO_SIZE];
-     strncpy(buffer,info,INFO_SIZE);
-     buffer[INFO_LEN] = '\0';*/
-  gw = gwin = (GraphWindow *)(win);
-  /* set clipping region to info box */
-  rect.x = x = 0;
-  rect.y = y = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE;
-  rect.width = w = gwin->window_width-NTOOLS*CONTROLSIZE;
-  rect.height = h = CONTROLSIZE-1;
-  XSetClipRectangles(display,gwin->gc,0,0,&rect,1,YSorted);
-  /* erase info box */
-  XClearArea(display,gwin->win,x,y,w,h,0);
-  /* draw info string */
-  IFSetColor(X11OutputDevice->black);
-  x = (gwin->window_width-NTOOLS*CONTROLSIZE)/2;
-  y = gwin->window_height-(CONTROLSIZE/2);
-  w = XTextWidth(gwin->font_info,info,strlen(info));
-  ts = gwin->font_height;
-  XDrawString(display,gwin->win,gwin->gc,x-w/2,y+ts/2,info,strlen(info));
-  if (!gwin->backing_store)
-    XDrawString(display,gwin->pixmap,gwin->gc,x-w/2,y+ts/2,info,strlen(info));
-  /* restore clipping region */
-  rect.x = 0;
-  rect.y = 0;
-  rect.width = gwin->window_width;
-  rect.height = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE-1;
-  XSetClipRectangles(display,gwin->gc,0,0,&rect,1,YSorted);
-/*																			*/
-/* Outputdevice functions													*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   WhichGW														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    return GraphWindow with a given window						*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   Window win	  window to find								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   GraphWIndow *  if found										*/
-/*			   NULL                   if not found									*/
-/*																			*/
-GraphWindow *NS_PREFIX WhichGW (Window win)
-  GraphWindow *g;
-  for (g=windowList; g!=NULL; g=g->next)
-    if (g->win==win) return(g);
-  return(NULL);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   SetCurrentGW                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    set active output window                                                                         */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   GraphWindow *g												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void NS_PREFIX SetCurrentGW (GraphWindow *g)
-  gw = g;
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   GraphOpen													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    Open a graph window and initialize a GraphWindow data str.	*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   GraphWindow *gw												*/
-/*			   char *window_name											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   0: OK														*/
-/*			   1: error, could not complete                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-static int GraphOpen (GraphWindow *gw, char *window_name, int x, int y, int width, int height)
-  unsigned int border_width = DEFAULTBORDER;
-  char *icon_name = (char *) GRAPHICONNAME;
-  const char *Fontname;
-  const char *ug_name = RESOURCENAME;
-  unsigned long valuemask = 0;
-  static char dash_list[] = {12,24};
-  XGCValues values;
-  XSizeHints size_hints;
-  XWMHints wm_hints;
-  XClassHint class_hints;
-  XEvent report;
-  /* first load font to know size of window */
-  Fontname = XGetDefault(display,ug_name,"viewfont");
-  if (Fontname==NULL)
-    strcpy(gw->font_name,DEFAULTFONT);
-  else
-    strcpy(gw->font_name,Fontname);
-  if ( (gw->font_info=XLoadQueryFont(display,gw->font_name))==NULL)
-  {
-    /* font could not be loaded, try default font */
-    strcpy(gw->font_name,DEFAULTFONT);
-    if ( (gw->font_info=XLoadQueryFont(display,gw->font_name))==NULL)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr,"%s could not load font %s\n",prog_name,gw->font_name);
-      return(1);
-    }
-  }
-  gw->font_ascent = gw->font_info->ascent;
-  gw->font_height = gw->font_info->ascent+gw->font_info->descent;
-  gw->font_width = gw->font_info->max_bounds.width;
-  /* open a window */
-  gw->window_width = width;
-  gw->window_height = height;
-  gw->window_x = x;
-  gw->window_y = y;
-  gw->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,RootWindow(display,screen_num),
-                                x,y,width,height,border_width,ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel,
-                                ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel);
-  /* use backing store for window if possible */
-  {
-    XSetWindowAttributes attr;
-    unsigned long mask;
-    if (gw->backing_store = DoesBackingStore(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display))) {
-      attr.backing_store = Always;
-      mask = CWBackingStore;
-      XChangeWindowAttributes(display, gw->win, mask, &attr);
-    }
-  }
-  /* set the window's color map (may be a private one) */
-  XSetWindowColormap(display, gw->win, our_cmap);
-  /* create a pixmap with white background	*/
-  if (!gw->backing_store) {
-    gw->pixmap_depth=DefaultDepth(display,screen_num);
-    gw->pixmap_width=gw->window_width;
-    gw->pixmap_height=gw->window_height;
-    gw->pixmap=XCreatePixmap(display,gw->win,gw->pixmap_width,gw->pixmap_height,gw->pixmap_depth);
-    gw->gc=XCreateGC(display,gw->win, valuemask,&values);
-    XSetForeground(display,gw->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel);
-    XFillRectangle(display,gw->pixmap,gw->gc,0,0,gw->pixmap_width,gw->pixmap_height);
-    XFreeGC(display,gw->gc);
-  }
-  /* generate icon, needed for properties */
-  gw->icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,gw->win,(const char*)view_icon_bits,view_icon_width,
-                                          view_icon_height);
-  /* set standard properties */
-  size_hints.flags = USPosition | USSize | PMinSize;
-  size_hints.min_width = DEFAULTMINX;
-  size_hints.min_height = DEFAULTMINY;
-  if (XStringListToTextProperty(&window_name,1,&(gw->window_name))==0)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s: structure alloc for window_name failed.\n",prog_name);
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  if (XStringListToTextProperty(&icon_name,1,&(gw->icon_name))==0)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s: structure alloc for icon_name failed.\n",prog_name);
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  wm_hints.initial_state = NormalState;
-  wm_hints.input = True;
-  wm_hints.icon_pixmap = gw->icon_pixmap;
-  wm_hints.flags = StateHint | IconPixmapHint | InputHint;
-  class_hints.res_name = prog_name;
-  class_hints.res_class = (char*) ug_name;
-  XSetWMProperties(display,gw->win,&gw->window_name,&gw->icon_name,if_argv,if_argc,
-                   &size_hints,&wm_hints,&class_hints);
-  /* select event types that will be received */
-  XSelectInput(display,gw->win,EnterWindowMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|PointerMotionMask|
-               ButtonPressMask|StructureNotifyMask|ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask|PointerMotionHintMask);
-  /* prepare graphics context */
-  gw->gc = XCreateGC(display,gw->win,valuemask,&values);
-  XSetFont(display,gw->gc,gw->font_info->fid);
-  XSetForeground(display,gw->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel);
-  XSetBackground(display,gw->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel);
-  XSetLineAttributes(display,gw->gc,0,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinRound);
-  XSetDashes(display,gw->gc,0,dash_list,2);
-  /* now map the window */
-  XMapWindow(display,gw->win);
-  /* create a region to accumulate update region */
-  gw->region = XCreateRegion();
-  /* wait here for window to become visible, i.e. wait for			*/
-  /* first expose event. I'm not sure that this is the best way, but  */
-  /* if opened from a script we will not be in the event loop for       */
-  /* a long time.                                                                                                       */
-  while (1) {
-    XNextEvent(display,&report);
-    if (report.xexpose.window==gw->win) break;
-  }
-  /* und tschuess */
-  return(0);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:  OpenDocumentWindow											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   open a X window and associate it with theView                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	  char *Windowtitle: window title								*/
-/*			  UGWINDOW *theUgWindow: view for that window					*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	  void *: pointer the window struct or							*/
-/*					  NULL if an error occured								*/
-/*																			*/
-static WINDOWID X11_OpenOutput (const char *title, INT rename, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height, INT *Global_LL, INT *Global_UR, INT *Local_LL, INT *Local_UR, INT *error)
-  GraphWindow *gw;
-  *error = 0;
-  /* create GraphWindow structure */
-  gw = (GraphWindow *) malloc(sizeof(GraphWindow));
-  if (gw==NULL) return((WINDOWID) NULL);
-  gw->next = windowList;
-  windowList = gw;
-  /* x,y,width,height is in coordinate system with x to the right and y up */
-  /* clip requested window against screen and return clipped values		 */
-  if (x<0) x=0;
-  if (y<0) y=0;
-  if ((x)+(width)>display_width) width = display_width-x;
-  if ((y)+(height)+CONTROLSIZE>display_height) height = display_height-y-CONTROLSIZE;
-  if ((width<DEFAULTMINX)||(height<DEFAULTMINY))
-  {
-    *error=1;
-    UserWriteF("X11_OpenOutput(): ERROR inappropriate window size\n");
-    return(0);
-  }
-  /* open new window */
-  /* the following (char *) cast is ugly, but can not really be avoided, since the
-          XStringListToTextProperty in GraphOpen wansts a (char **) pointer */
-  if (GraphOpen(gw,(char *)title,x,display_height-y-height-CONTROLSIZE,width+1,height+CONTROLSIZE+2)>0)
-  {
-    *error=1;
-    UserWriteF("X11_OpenOutput(): ERROR failed to open window\n");
-    return(0);
-  }
-  /* fill lower left and upper right in the devices coordinate system */
-  Global_LL[0] = x; Global_LL[1] = display_height-y;
-  Global_UR[0] = Global_LL[0]+width; Global_UR[1] = Global_LL[1]+height;
-  Local_LL[0] = 0; Local_LL[1] = height;
-  Local_UR[0] = width; Local_UR[1] = 0;
-  /* return window ptr */
-  return((WINDOWID)gw);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:  CloseDocumentWindow											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   close the X11 window associated with theView					*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	  VIEW *theView: Port of that View will be inited				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	  INT: 0 if all was done well									*/
-/*				   1 if an error ocurred									*/
-/*																			*/
-static INT X11_CloseOutput (WINDOWID win)
-  GraphWindow *old,*g;
-  /* get window */
-  old = (GraphWindow *)(win);
-  /* remove from window list */
-  if (windowList==old)
-    windowList = old->next;
-  else
-  {
-    for (g=windowList; g!=NULL; g=g->next)
-      if (g->next==old) break;
-    if (g==NULL) return(1);             /* not found */
-    g->next = old->next;
-  }
-  /* close window on screen */
-  XDestroyWindow(display,old->win);
-  /* free memory */
-  free(old);
-  /* no error */
-  return(0);
-/*																			*/
-/* Functions: X11_ActivateOutput											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   activate the window win										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	  WINDOWID win													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	  0 is OK														*/
-/*																			*/
-static INT X11_ActivateOutput (WINDOWID win)
-  XRectangle rect;
-  /* set current output window */
-  gw = (GraphWindow *)(win);
-  /* set proper clipping region without toolbox */
-  rect.x = 0;
-  rect.y = 0;
-  rect.width = gw->window_width;
-  rect.height = gw->window_height-CONTROLSIZE-1;
-  XSetClipRectangles(display,gw->gc,0,0,&rect,1,YSorted);
-  return(0);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   UpdateOutput                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    Draws all controls and highlights active tool				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   GraphWindow *gwin											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   0: OK														*/
-/*			   1: error, could not complete                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-static INT X11_UpdateOutput (WINDOWID win, INT tool)
-  int x,y,w,h,i;
-  int lw;
-  unsigned long fg,bg;
-  XGCValues gcv;
-  XRectangle rect;
-  GraphWindow *gwin;
-  IFDEBUG(dev,1)
-  printf("Draw Controls\n");
-    gwin = (GraphWindow *) win;
-  /* save some values of graphics context */
-  XGetGCValues(display, gwin->gc, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCLineWidth, &gcv);
-  lw = gcv.line_width;
-  fg = gcv.foreground;
-  bg = gcv.background;
-  /* check window and pixmap size */
-  if (!gwin->backing_store) {
-    if((gwin->window_width!=gwin->pixmap_width)||(gwin->window_height!=gwin->pixmap_height))
-    {                   /* window size has changed, create a new empty pixmap with the new size */
-      XFreePixmap(display,gwin->pixmap);
-      gwin->pixmap_width=gwin->window_width;
-      gwin->pixmap_height=gwin->window_height;
-      gwin->pixmap=XCreatePixmap(display,gwin->win,gwin->pixmap_width,gwin->pixmap_height,gwin->pixmap_depth);
-      XSetForeground(display,gwin->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel);
-      XFillRectangle(display,gwin->pixmap,gwin->gc,0,0,gwin->pixmap_width,gwin->pixmap_height);
-      XSetForeground(display,gwin->gc,ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel);
-    }
-    else
-    {                   /* no changes in size */
-      XClearWindow(display,gwin->win);
-      XCopyArea(display, gwin->pixmap, gwin->win,gwin->gc, 0, 0,gwin->pixmap_width,gwin->pixmap_height,0,0);
-    }
-  }
-  /* set clipping to whole window */
-  rect.x = 0;
-  rect.y = 0;
-  rect.width = gwin->window_width;
-  rect.height = gwin->window_height;
-  XSetClipRectangles(display,gwin->gc,0,0,&rect,1,YSorted);
-  /* set to black onto white and lw=1, important for copy plane */
-  gcv.line_width = 0;
-  gcv.foreground = ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel;
-  gcv.background = ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel;
-  XChangeGC(display, gwin->gc, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCLineWidth, &gcv);
-  /* clear controls area including line */
-  x = 0;
-  y = gwin->window_height-1-CONTROLSIZE;
-  w = gwin->window_width;
-  XClearArea(display,gwin->win,x,y,w,h,0);
-  /* draw tools */
-  y = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE;
-  w = h = CONTROLSIZE;
-  for (i=0; i<NTOOLS; i++)
-  {
-    x = gwin->window_width-(NTOOLS-i)*CONTROLSIZE;
-    XCopyPlane(display,tools[i],gwin->win,gwin->gc,0,0,w,h,x,y,1);
-    if (!gwin->backing_store)
-      XCopyPlane(display,tools[i],gwin->pixmap,gwin->gc,0,0,w,h,x,y,1);
-  }
-  /* highlite active tool */
-  i = tool;
-  if ((i<0)||(i>=NTOOLS)) i=0;
-  x = gwin->window_width-(NTOOLS-i)*CONTROLSIZE;
-  y = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE;
-  w = h = CONTROLSIZE;
-  gcv.foreground = ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel;
-  gcv.background = ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel;
-  XChangeGC(display, gwin->gc, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv);
-  XCopyPlane(display,tools[i],gwin->win,gwin->gc,0,0,w,h,x,y,1);
-  gcv.foreground = ctab[X11OutputDevice->black].pixel;
-  gcv.background = ctab[X11OutputDevice->white].pixel;
-  XChangeGC(display, gwin->gc, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv);
-  /* set cursor */
-  XDefineCursor(display,gwin->win,cursors[i]);
-  /* draw separation line */
-  y = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE-1;
-  w = gwin->window_width;
-  XDrawLine(display,gwin->win,gwin->gc,0,y,w-1,y);
-  if (!gwin->backing_store)
-    XDrawLine(display,gwin->pixmap,gwin->gc,0,y,w-1,y);
-  /* restore GC */
-  gcv.line_width = lw;
-  gcv.foreground = fg;
-  gcv.background = bg;
-  XChangeGC(display, gwin->gc, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCLineWidth, &gcv);
-  /* restore clipping region */
-  rect.x = 0;
-  rect.y = 0;
-  rect.width = gwin->window_width;
-  rect.height = gwin->window_height-CONTROLSIZE-1;
-  XSetClipRectangles(display,gwin->gc,0,0,&rect,1,YSorted);
-  return(0);
-   InitOutputDevice - Install output device 'x11'
-   OUTPUTDEVICE *InitXOutputDevice (void);
-   .  void
-   This function installs output device 'x11'.
-   .n      pointer to
-   .n      NULL if an error occured.
- */
-OUTPUTDEVICE *NS_PREFIX InitXOutputDevice (void)
-  /* create output device */
-  if ((X11OutputDevice=CreateOutputDevice("screen"))==NULL) return(NULL);
-  /* init output device 'x11' */
-  X11OutputDevice->OpenOutput  = X11_OpenOutput;
-  X11OutputDevice->CloseOutput  = X11_CloseOutput;
-  X11OutputDevice->ActivateOutput  = X11_ActivateOutput;
-  X11OutputDevice->UpdateOutput  = X11_UpdateOutput;
-  X11OutputDevice->v.locked = 1;
-  InitXPort(X11OutputDevice);
-  printf("output device 'screen' for x11 window manager created\n");
-  return(X11OutputDevice);
-   MousePosition - Get current mouse position
-   void MousePosition (INT *ScreenPoint);
-   .  ScreenPoint - return result in this vector
-   This function gets current mouse position.
-   void
- */
-void NS_PREFIX MousePosition (INT *ScreenPoint)
-  XEvent report;
-  int where_x,where_y;
-  int exitLoop;
-  int root_x,root_y;
-  Window root,child;
-  unsigned int keys_buttons;
-  /* if a mouse pos is stored, return it */
-  if (StoredMousePos)
-  {
-    ScreenPoint[0] = MouseX;
-    ScreenPoint[1] = MouseY;
-    StoredMousePos = 0;
-    return;
-  }
-  /* get events until the mouse has been moved or button released */
-  exitLoop=0;
-  while (!exitLoop)
-  {
-    /* get next event, all events except button and motion are discarded */
-    XNextEvent(display,&report);
-    /* examine event */
-    switch (report.type)
-    {
-    case ButtonRelease :
-      MoveMouse = 0;
-      where_x = report.xbutton.x;
-      where_y = report.xbutton.y;
-      exitLoop=1;
-      break;
-    case MotionNotify :
-      while (XCheckMaskEvent(display,ButtonMotionMask,&report)) ;
-      if (!XQueryPointer(display,report.xmotion.window,&root,&child,
-                         &root_x,&root_y,&where_x,&where_y,&keys_buttons))
-        break;
-      exitLoop=1;
-      break;
-    default :
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  ScreenPoint[0] = where_x;
-  ScreenPoint[1] = where_y;
-  return;
-   MouseStillDown - Determine if mouse button is still pressed
-   INT MouseStillDown (void);
-   no parameters
-   This function returns true (1) if the mouse button is still pressed.
-   The function should only be called after a button pressed event has been
-   reported.
-   INT
-   .n 0 if mouse button has been released
-   .n 1 if mouse button is still pressed
- */
-static Bool callback (Display *d, XEvent *report, char *arg)
-  return(True);
-INT NS_PREFIX MouseStillDown (void)
-  XEvent report;
-  int where_x,where_y;
-  int root_x,root_y;
-  Window root,child;
-  unsigned int keys_buttons;
-  /* if button has been released already */
-  if (MoveMouse==0)
-  {
-    MoveMouse = 1;
-    return(0);
-  }
-  /* get next event, all events except button and motion are discarded */
-  if (!XCheckIfEvent(display,&report,callback,NULL)) return(1);
-  /* examine event */
-  switch (report.type)
-  {
-  case ButtonRelease :
-    MoveMouse = 1;
-    return(0);
-  case MotionNotify :
-    while (XCheckMaskEvent(display,ButtonMotionMask,&report)) ;
-    if (!XQueryPointer(display,report.xmotion.window,&root,&child,
-                       &root_x,&root_y,&where_x,&where_y,&keys_buttons))
-      break;
-    StoredMousePos = 1;
-    MouseX = where_x;
-    MouseY = where_y;
-    return(1);
-  default :
-    break;
-  }
-  return (1);
diff --git a/dev/xif/xgraph.h b/dev/xif/xgraph.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad22dd62c011c8b73b366329e2555bf7c2a800f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/xgraph.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* File:          xgraph.h                                                                                                              */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* Purpose:   header file for graph window functionality                                        */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* Author:        Peter Bastian                                                                                                 */
-/*                        Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen   */
-/*                        Universitaet Heidelberg                                                                               */
-/*                        Im Neuenheimer Feld 368                                                                               */
-/*                        6900 Heidelberg                                                                                               */
-/*                        internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de                                    */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* History:   17.02.94 begin, ug version 3.0                                                            */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files                                                       */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-#ifndef __XGRAPH__
-#define __XGRAPH__
-#include "namespace.h"
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* defines in the following order                                                                                       */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/*                compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)        */
-/*                other constants                                                                                                       */
-/*                macros                                                                                                                        */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-#define CONTROLSIZE     24                              /* total size is 32 including line      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* data structures exported by the corresponding source file                            */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-typedef struct graphwindow {
-  /* this is a linked list */
-  struct graphwindow *next;                                     /* pointer to next window               */
-  /* drawing parameters */
-  short marker_size;                                                    /* size of markers in pixels    */
-  short marker_id;                                                      /* number of marker                     */
-  /* font metrics for fast access */
-  int font_ascent;                                                      /* font ascent                                  */
-  int font_height;                                                      /* ascent+descent                               */
-  int font_width;                                                       /* widest character                     */
-  /* window size and position to filter resize & drag events */
-  int window_x;
-  int window_y;
-  int window_width;
-  int window_height;
-  /* pixmap size and depth */
-  Pixmap pixmap;
-  int pixmap_depth;
-  int pixmap_width;
-  int pixmap_height;
-  /* windows current point */
-  int x;
-  int y;
-  /* X things */
-  Window win;                                                           /* window id                                    */
-  GC gc;                                                                        /* a graphics context                   */
-  XFontStruct *font_info;                                       /* the font structure                   */
-  Region region;                                                        /* accumulate clipping region   */
-  char font_name[128];                                          /* font name from resource              */
-  Pixmap icon_pixmap;                                           /* icon to use                                  */
-  XTextProperty icon_name;                                      /* icons name                                   */
-  XTextProperty window_name;                                    /* windows name                                 */
-  int backing_store;
-} GraphWindow ;
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* definition of exported global variables                                                                      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* function declarations                                                                                                        */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-NS_PREFIX OUTPUTDEVICE  *InitXOutputDevice      (void);
-unsigned long   UGBlack                         (void);
-unsigned long   UGWhite                         (void);
-int                     DrawControls            (GraphWindow *gw);
-int                     InitControls            (Window win);
-int                     DrawRegion                      (GraphWindow *gwin, int x, int y);
-GraphWindow     *WhichGW                        (Window win);
-void                    SetCurrentGW            (GraphWindow *g);
diff --git a/dev/xif/xmain.cc b/dev/xif/xmain.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a6da7112be1bb190f3f99c2e19f60d6eb076541a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/xmain.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,766 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																		*/
-/* File:	  xmain.c														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   main file for X11 interface									*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Klaus Johannsen												*/
-/*			  Peter Bastian                                                                                                 */
-/*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*/
-/*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*/
-/*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*/
-/*			  6900 Heidelberg												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   15.02.94 begin, ug3.0                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-#include <config.h>
-/* X11 includes */
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/Xresource.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-/* Xt & Xaw includes */
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-#include <X11/Vendor.h>
-#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
-#include <X11/Shell.h>
-#include <X11/Xaw/XawInit.h>
-#include <X11/Xaw/AsciiText.h>
-#include <X11/Xaw/Text.h>
-#endif /* USE_XAW */
-/* standard C includes */
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cassert>
-/* interface includes */
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "initdev.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "general.h"
-/* Xif includes */
-#include "xshell.h"
-#include "xgraph.h"
-#include "xmain.h"
-#ifdef __GUI__
-#include "gui.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-#define DBG_LEVEL               4
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-static ShellWindow shell;                                       /* our only shell window		*/
-FILE *i_pipe=NULL;                          /* input to ug                  */
-FILE *o_pipe=NULL;                                                  /* output from ug               */
-/*																			*/
-/* export global variables													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* global data needed everywhere */
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-XtAppContext context;   /* application context */
-Widget toplevel,
-       ugshell;
-XawTextPosition CursorPos,
-                CutBeginPos = 0;
-Display * NS_PREFIX display;                                                    /* the display					*/
-int NS_PREFIX screen_num;                                                       /* screen on display			*/
-char * NS_PREFIX prog_name;                                                     /* my own name					*/
-Screen * NS_PREFIX screen_ptr;                                          /* dont know for what			*/
-unsigned int NS_PREFIX display_width;                           /* size of screen if needed     */
-unsigned int NS_PREFIX display_height;
-int NS_PREFIX if_argc;                                                          /* command line args			*/
-char ** NS_PREFIX if_argv;
-#ifndef __GUI__
-int NS_PREFIX user_interface = XUI;                                     /* user interface to open       */
-int NS_PREFIX user_interface = GUI;                                     /* user interface to open       */
-int cui = 0;                                /* reset toggle for cui         */
-/*																			*/
-/* export global variables per function call								*/
-/*																			*/
-   GetScreenSize - Return sreen size
-   INT GetScreenSize (INT size[2]);
-   .  size[2] - pointer to the size of screen
-   INT
-   .n     0 if ok
-   .n     1 if error occured.
- */
-INT NS_PREFIX GetScreenSize (INT size[2])
-  size[0] = display_width;
-  size[1] = display_height;
-  return (true);
-/*										*/
-/* Function:  GUI_GetNextEvent							*/
-/*										*/
-/* Purpose:   process an event from the system and pass it to ug if nec.	*/
-/*										*/
-/* Input:	  EVENT *theEvent	 pointer to ug event to be filled	*/
-/*										*/
-/* return: INT 0: no event occurred (ug or system)				*/
-/*			   1: an event occurred (ug or system)			*/
-/*										*/
-static Bool callback (Display *d, XEvent *report, char *arg)
-  return(True);
-   GUI_GetNextEvent - Process an event from the system and pass it to ug
-   INT GetNextUGEvent (EVENT *theEvent, INT EventMask);
-   .  theEvent - pointer to ug event
-   .  EventMask -
-   This function processes an event from the system and passes it to ug if necessary.
-   INT
-   .n     0 if no event occurred (ug or system)
-   .n     1 if an event occurred (ug or system).
- */
-static INT GetNextUGEvent_XUI (EVENT *theEvent, INT Eventmask);
-void PUI_CreatePipes (char *extension)
-  char i_name[128];
-  char o_name[128];
-  sprintf(i_name,".I_PIPE_%s",extension);
-  sprintf(o_name,".O_PIPE_%s",extension);
-  o_pipe=fopen(o_name,"w");
-  assert(o_pipe!=NULL);
-  fflush(o_pipe);
-  i_pipe=fopen(i_name,"r");
-  assert(i_pipe!=NULL);
-  return;
-static INT GetNextUGEvent_PUI (EVENT *theEvent, INT EventMask)
-  /* no event as default */
-  theEvent->Type = NO_EVENT;
-  theEvent->NoEvent.InterfaceEvent = 0;
-  /* we have no command keys */
-  if (EventMask==TERM_CMDKEY) return(0);
-  /* read in a string from the user and store it in event structure */
-  if (i_pipe==NULL) return(0);
-  fgets(theEvent->TermString.String,INPUTBUFFERLEN,i_pipe);
-  theEvent->Type = TERM_STRING;
-  /* ready */
-  return(0);
-static INT GetNextUGEvent_CUI (EVENT *theEvent, INT EventMask)
-  /* cancel X events */
-  if(!NUI_ON) GetNextUGEvent_XUI(theEvent,EventMask);
-  /* no event as default */
-  theEvent->Type = NO_EVENT;
-  theEvent->NoEvent.InterfaceEvent = 0;
-  /* we have no command keys */
-  if (EventMask==TERM_CMDKEY) return(0);
-  /* read in a string from the user and store it in event structure */
-  if (fgets(theEvent->TermString.String,INPUTBUFFERLEN,stdin) == NULL) {
-    /* stop if input is at EOF */
-    theEvent->Type = TERM_GOAWAY;
-    return 0;
-  };
-  theEvent->Type = TERM_STRING;
-  /* ready */
-  return(0);
-static INT GetNextUGEvent_XUI (EVENT *theEvent, INT Eventmask)
-  XEvent report;
-  Window root,child;
-  int root_x,root_y;
-  char *s;
-  GraphWindow *gw;
-  int where_x,where_y;
-  INT tool,pt[2];
-  int x,y,w,h;
-  int cmdKey, onlyCmdKey;
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-  int flag;
-  unsigned int keys_buttons;
-  static int count = 0;
-  /* no event as default */
-  theEvent->Type = NO_EVENT;
-  theEvent->NoEvent.InterfaceEvent = 0;
-  theEvent->NoEvent.GraphWinActive = 0;
-  /*if (!XQueryPointer(display,report.xmotion.window,&root,&child,
-                                     &root_x,&root_y,&where_x,&where_y,&keys_buttons))*/
-  /* event loop */
-  switch (Eventmask)
-  {
-  case EVERY_EVENT :
-    if (!XCheckIfEvent(display,&report,callback,NULL)) return(0);
-    PRINTDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL,("XCheckIfEvent(): matching event found count=%d\n",count++));
-    onlyCmdKey = 0;
-    break;
-  case TERM_STRING :
-    if (!XCheckMaskEvent(display,KeyPressMask,&report)) return(0);
-    onlyCmdKey = 0;
-    break;
-  case TERM_CMDKEY :
-    if (!XCheckMaskEvent(display,KeyPressMask,&report)) return(0);
-    onlyCmdKey = 1;
-    break;
-  default :
-    return (0);
-  }
-  switch (report.type)
-  {
-  case Expose :
-    if (report.xexpose.window==shell.win)
-    {
-                                #ifndef USE_XAW
-      ShellHandleExposeEvent(&shell,&report);
-                                #endif
-      theEvent->NoEvent.InterfaceEvent = 1;
-      break;
-    }
-    if (report.xexpose.count!=0) return(0);
-    gw = WhichGW(report.xexpose.window);
-    if (gw==NULL) break;
-    theEvent->Type = DOC_UPDATE;
-    theEvent->DocUpdate.win = (WINDOWID) gw;
-    break;
-  case EnterNotify :
-    gw = WhichGW(report.xcrossing.window);
-    if (gw==NULL) break;
-    theEvent->Type = DOC_ACTIVATE;
-    theEvent->DocActivate.win = (WINDOWID) gw;
-    SetCurrentGW(gw);
-    /*
-       IFDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL)
-       printf("reporting DOC_ACTIVATE for view %s\n",MY_VIEW(gw)->name);
-       ENDDEBUG
-     */
-    break;
-  case ConfigureNotify :
-    if (report.xconfigure.window==shell.win)
-    {
-                                #ifdef USE_XAW
-      flag=XtDispatchEvent(&report);
-      if (flag==false) {
-        PRINTDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL,("XtDispatchEvent(): NO handler for this event found\n"));
-      }
-      else {
-        PRINTDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL,("XtDispatchEvent(): handler for this event found\n"));
-      }
-                                #else /* USE_XAW */
-      ShellHandleResizeEvent(&shell,&report);
-      theEvent->NoEvent.InterfaceEvent = 1;
-                                #endif /* USE_XAW */
-      break;
-    }
-    gw = WhichGW(report.xconfigure.window);
-    if (gw==NULL) break;
-    /* check if size of window changed */
-    if (  (report.xconfigure.width!=gw->window_width)
-          ||(report.xconfigure.height!=gw->window_height))
-    {
-      /* new size, origin may have changed also ! */
-      /* CAUTION: windows new position could not be determined ! */
-      x = report.xconfigure.x;
-      y = report.xconfigure.y;
-      w = report.xconfigure.width;
-      h = report.xconfigure.height;
-      theEvent->Type = DOC_GROW;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.win = (WINDOWID) gw;
-      /*theEvent->DocGrow.Global_LL[0] = x;
-         theEvent->DocGrow.Global_LL[1] = display_height-y;
-         theEvent->DocGrow.Global_UR[0] = x+w;
-         theEvent->DocGrow.Global_UR[1] = display_height-(y+h);*/
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Global_LL[0] = x;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Global_LL[1] = y+h;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Global_UR[0] = x+w;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Global_UR[1] = y;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Local_LL[0] = 0;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Local_LL[1] = h-CONTROLSIZE-2;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Local_UR[0] = w-1;
-      theEvent->DocGrow.Local_UR[1] = 0;
-      gw->window_x = x;
-      gw->window_y = y;
-      gw->window_width = w;
-      gw->window_height = h;
-      /*
-         IFDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL)
-         printf("reporting DOC_GROW dxmin=%g dymin=%g dxmax=%g dymax=%g\n",
-              theEvent->DocGrow.LowerLeft[0],theEvent->DocGrow.LowerLeft[1],
-              theEvent->DocGrow.UpperRight[0],theEvent->DocGrow.UpperRight[1]);
-         ENDDEBUG
-       */
-      break;
-    }
-    if (  (report.xconfigure.x!=gw->window_x)
-          ||(report.xconfigure.y!=gw->window_y))
-    {
-      /* it's a drag event */
-      x = report.xconfigure.x;
-      y = report.xconfigure.y;
-      w = gw->window_width;
-      h = gw->window_height;
-      theEvent->Type = DOC_DRAG;
-      theEvent->DocDrag.win = (WINDOWID) gw;
-      theEvent->DocDrag.Global_LL[0] = x;
-      theEvent->DocDrag.Global_LL[1] = display_height-y;
-      theEvent->DocDrag.Global_UR[0] = x+w;
-      theEvent->DocDrag.Global_UR[1] = display_height-(y+h);
-      gw->window_x = report.xconfigure.x;
-      gw->window_y = report.xconfigure.y;
-      /*
-         IFDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL)
-         printf("reporting DOC_DRAG dxmin=%g dymin=%g dxmax=%g dymax=%g\n",
-              theEvent->DocDrag.LowerLeft[0],theEvent->DocDrag.LowerLeft[1],
-              theEvent->DocDrag.UpperRight[0],theEvent->DocDrag.UpperRight[1]);
-         ENDDEBUG
-       */
-      break;
-    }
-    break;
-  case ButtonPress :
-                        #ifdef USE_XAW
-    if (report.xbutton.window == shell.win)
-    {
-      if (report.xbutton.button == Button1 ||
-          report.xbutton.button == Button3 )
-      {
-        CursorPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(shell.wid);
-        XawTextDisplayCaret(shell.wid,false);
-        if (report.xbutton.button == Button3)
-          XawTextSetInsertionPoint(shell.wid,CutBeginPos);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-                        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-    gw = WhichGW(report.xbutton.window);
-    if (gw==NULL) break;
-    pt[0] = where_x = report.xbutton.x;
-    pt[1] = where_y = report.xbutton.y;
-    if (WhichTool((WINDOWID)gw,pt,&tool))
-    {
-      theEvent->Type = DOC_CHANGETOOL;
-      theEvent->DocChangeTool.win = (WINDOWID) gw;
-      theEvent->DocChangeTool.Tool = tool;
-      theEvent->DocChangeTool.MousePosition[0] = where_x;
-      theEvent->DocChangeTool.MousePosition[1] = where_y;
-      printf("reporting DOC_CHANGETOOL tool=%d\n",tool);
-      break;
-    }
-    if (DrawRegion(gw,where_x,where_y))
-    {
-      theEvent->Type = DOC_CONTENTCLICK;
-      theEvent->DocContentClick.win = (WINDOWID) gw;
-      theEvent->DocContentClick.MousePosition[0] = where_x;
-      theEvent->DocContentClick.MousePosition[1] = where_y;
-    }
-    break;
-                #ifdef USE_XAW
-  case ButtonRelease :
-    if (report.xbutton.window == shell.win)
-    {
-      if (report.xbutton.button == Button2)
-      {
-        char *cutbuffer;
-        int cnt;
-        cutbuffer = XFetchBytes(display,&cnt);
-        if (cutbuffer == NULL)
-        {
-          IFDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL)
-          printf("cut buffer empty\n");
-          ENDDEBUG
-          break;
-        }
-        IFDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL)
-        printf("ButtonRelease with cnt=%d cutbuffer=%s\n",cnt,cutbuffer);
-        ENDDEBUG
-        AppendOrInsertCutbuffer(&shell,cutbuffer,cnt);
-        XFree(cutbuffer);
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-                #endif /* USE_XAW */
-  case KeyPress :
-    s = ShellHandleKeybordEvent(&shell,&report,&cmdKey,onlyCmdKey);
-    if (s==NULL)
-    {
-      theEvent->NoEvent.InterfaceEvent = 1;
-      break;
-    }
-    if (cmdKey)
-    {
-      theEvent->Type = TERM_CMDKEY;
-      theEvent->TermCmdKey.CmdKey = s[0];
-      break;
-    }
-    theEvent->Type = TERM_STRING;
-    strcpy(theEvent->TermString.String,s);
-    break;
-  case MotionNotify :
-    while (XCheckMaskEvent(display,PointerMotionMask,&report)) ;
-    if (!XQueryPointer(display,report.xmotion.window,&root,&child,
-                       &root_x,&root_y,&where_x,&where_y,&keys_buttons))
-      break;
-    gw = WhichGW(report.xmotion.window);
-    if (gw!=NULL)
-    {
-      theEvent->NoEvent.GraphWinActive = (WINDOWID) gw;
-      theEvent->NoEvent.Mouse[0] = where_x;
-      theEvent->NoEvent.Mouse[1] = where_y;
-    }
-    break;
-  default :
-    break;
-  }
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  /* Send all events to shell widget */
-  flag=XtDispatchEvent(&report);
-  if (flag==false) {
-    PRINTDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL,("XtDispatchEvent(): NO handler for this event found\n"));
-  }
-  else {
-    PRINTDEBUG(dev,DBG_LEVEL,("XtDispatchEvent(): Handler for this event found\n"));
-  }
-  switch (report.type)
-  {
-  case ButtonRelease :
-    if (report.xbutton.window == shell.win)
-    {
-      if (report.xbutton.button == Button1)
-        CutBeginPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(shell.wid);
-      if (report.xbutton.button == Button1 ||
-          report.xbutton.button == Button3 )
-      {
-        XawTextSetInsertionPoint(shell.wid,CursorPos);
-        XawTextDisplayCaret(shell.wid,true);
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-        #endif
-  return(0);
-INT NS_PREFIX GetNextUGEvent (EVENT *theEvent, INT EventMask)
-  if (PUI_ON) GetNextUGEvent_PUI (theEvent,EventMask);
-  else if (CUI_ON) GetNextUGEvent_CUI (theEvent,EventMask);
-  else if (!NUI_ON) GetNextUGEvent_XUI (theEvent,EventMask);
-  return(0);
-   InitScreen - Init rest of GUI and return pointer to screen outputdevice
-   OUTPUTDEVICE *InitScreen (int *argcp, char **argv, INT *error);
-   .  argcp - pointer to argument counter
-   .  argv  - argument vector
-   .  error - errorcode
-   This function inits rest of GUI and return ptr to screen outputdevice.
-   .n      POINTER if all is o.k.
-   .n      NULL if an error occurred.
- */
-OUTPUTDEVICE * NS_PREFIX InitScreen (int *argcp, char **argv, INT *error)
-  static char buf[128];
-  char buffer[128];
-  int i,j;
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  int n;
-  Arg args[20];
-        #endif
-  /* copy parameters to globals */
-  if_argc = *argcp;
-  if_argv = argv;
-  /* connect procedure */
-  prog_name = argv[0];
-  strcpy(buf,SHELLWINNAME);
-  argv[0] = buf;
-  /* now set user interface */
-  for (i=1; i<*argcp; i++)
-    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ui")==0)
-    {
-      int ok = 0;
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"%s",buffer)!=1)
-      {
-        fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid use of option -ui [selected_ui]\n",prog_name);
-        fprintf(stderr,"%s: choose for option -ui [" XUI_STRING "|" CUI_STRING "|"
-                NUI_STRING "|" GUI_STRING "|" XGUI_STRING "|"
-                CGUI_STRING "|" CNUI_STRING "]\n",prog_name);
-        exit(-1);
-      }
-      user_interface=0;
-      if (strcmp(buffer,XUI_STRING)==0)       { user_interface |= XUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (strcmp(buffer,CUI_STRING)==0)       { user_interface |= CUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (strcmp(buffer,GUI_STRING)==0)       { user_interface |= GUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (strcmp(buffer,NUI_STRING)==0)       { user_interface |= NUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (strcmp(buffer,XGUI_STRING)==0)      { user_interface |= XGUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (strcmp(buffer,CGUI_STRING)==0)      { user_interface |= CGUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (strcmp(buffer,CNUI_STRING)==0)      { user_interface |= CNUI; ok = 1; }
-      if (!ok)
-      {
-        fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid use of option -ui [selected_ui]\n",prog_name);
-        fprintf(stderr,"%s: choose for option -ui [" XUI_STRING "|" CUI_STRING "|"
-                NUI_STRING "|" GUI_STRING "|" XGUI_STRING "|"
-                CGUI_STRING "|" CNUI_STRING "]\n",prog_name);
-        exit(-1);
-      }
-      /* erase arguments from arglist */
-      for (j=i+2; j<*argcp; j++) argv[j-2] = argv[j];
-      i -= 1;
-      *argcp -= 2;
-    }
-    else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-np")==0)
-    {
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"%s",buffer)!=1)
-      {
-        fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid use of option -np\n",prog_name);
-        fprintf(stderr,"%s: choose for option -np name extension for named pipes\n",prog_name);
-        exit(-1);
-      }
-      user_interface |= PUI;
-      PUI_CreatePipes(buffer);
-      /* erase arguments from arglist */
-      for (j=i+2; j<*argcp; j++) argv[j-2] = argv[j];
-      i -= 1;
-      *argcp -= 2;
-    }
-  if (NUI_ON) { *error = 0; return(NULL); }
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  /* set input focus to true, due to problems with some
-     window manager implemtations, DEC, LINUX, SUN      */
-  n=0;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], XtNinput, true); n++;
-  toplevel = XtAppInitialize (&context, "Xug3",
-                              (XrmOptionDescRec*)NULL, 0,
-                              argcp, argv,
-                              (String*)NULL,
-                              args, n);
-  display = XtDisplay(toplevel);
-        #else /* USE_XAW */
-  display=XOpenDisplay(NULL);
-        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-  if (display == NULL)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot connect to X server %s\n",prog_name,XDisplayName(NULL));
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  screen_num = DefaultScreen(display);
-  screen_ptr = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display);
-  display_width = DisplayWidth(display,screen_num);
-  display_height = DisplayHeight(display,screen_num);
-  /* make output device first to have color table */
-  d = InitXOutputDevice();
-  if (d==NULL) {*error=1; return(NULL);}
-  /* create shell window */
-  ShellOpen(&shell);
-  /* init cursors and tools */
-  InitControls(shell.win);
-    #ifdef __GUI__
-  /* init gui */
-  if(GUI_Init(display,context))
-  {
-    printf("InitScreen(): GUI_Init() returned error");
-    return(NULL);
-  }
-    #endif
-  *error = 0;
-  return(d);
-void NS_PREFIX ExitScreen ()
-   WriteString - write a string to a terminal window
-   void WriteString (const char *s);
-   .  s -
-   This function writes a string to a terminal window.
-   void
- */
-void NS_PREFIX WriteString (const char *s)
-  if (PUI_ON)
-  {
-    if (o_pipe==NULL) return;
-    fprintf(o_pipe,"%s",s);
-    fflush(o_pipe);
-  }
-  else if (CUI_ON)
-  {
-    fputs(s,stdout);
-                #ifdef Debug
-    fflush(stdout);
-                #endif
-    /* printf("%s",s); */
-  }
-  else if (!NUI_ON)
-  {
-    ShellInsertString(&shell,s);
-    return;
-  }
diff --git a/dev/xif/xmain.h b/dev/xif/xmain.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d608ef9f7396bf1ad3d2ee0718ba5b27df013ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/xmain.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* File:          xmain.h                                                                                                               */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* Purpose:   global variables exported by xmain                                                        */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* Author:        Peter Bastian                                                                                                 */
-/*                        Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen   */
-/*                        Universitaet Heidelberg                                                                               */
-/*                        Im Neuenheimer Feld 368                                                                               */
-/*                        6900 Heidelberg                                                                                               */
-/*                        internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de                                    */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* History:   17.02.94 begin, ug version 3.0                                                            */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files                                                       */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-#ifndef __XMAIN__
-#define __XMAIN__
-#include "namespace.h"
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* defines in the following order                                                                                       */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/*                compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)        */
-/*                other constants                                                                                                       */
-/*                macros                                                                                                                        */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-#define XUI             0x1
-#define CUI             0x2
-#define GUI             0x4
-#define NUI             0x8
-#define XGUI            0x5
-#define CGUI            0x6
-#define CNUI            0xa
-#define PUI             0x10
-#define CUITOGGLE               0x2
-#define XUI_STRING      "x"
-#define CUI_STRING      "c"
-#define GUI_STRING      "g"
-#define NUI_STRING      "n"
-#define XGUI_STRING     "xg"
-#define CGUI_STRING     "cg"
-#define CNUI_STRING     "cn"
-#define CUI_ON          (user_interface & CUI)
-#define XUI_ON          (user_interface & XUI)
-#define GUI_ON          (user_interface & GUI)
-#define NUI_ON          (user_interface & NUI)
-#define PUI_ON          (user_interface & PUI)
-#define SET_CUI_ON      (user_interface |= CUI)
-#define SET_XUI_ON      (user_interface |= XUI)
-#define SET_GUI_ON      (user_interface |= GUI)
-#define SET_NUI_ON      (user_interface |= NUI)
-#define SET_CUI_OFF     (user_interface &= ~CUI)
-#define SET_XUI_OFF     (user_interface &= ~XUI)
-#define SET_GUI_OFF     (user_interface &= ~GUI)
-#define SET_NUI_OFF     (user_interface &= ~NUI)
-#define TOGGLE_CUI      {int tmp=cui; cui=CUI_ON; \
-                         if (tmp) SET_CUI_ON;else SET_CUI_OFF;}
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* data structures exported by the corresponding source file                            */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* definition of exported global variables                                                                      */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-extern Display *display;                                        /* the display                                  */
-extern int screen_num;                                          /* screen on display                    */
-extern char *prog_name;                                         /* my own name                                  */
-extern Screen *screen_ptr;                                      /* dont know for what                   */
-extern unsigned int display_width;                      /* size of screen if needed     */
-extern unsigned int display_height;
-extern int if_argc;                                             /* command line args                    */
-extern char **if_argv;
-extern int user_interface;                                      /* user interface to open       */
-extern int cui;                                                         /* toggle for cui               */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
-/* function declarations                                                                                                        */
-/*                                                                                                                                                      */
diff --git a/dev/xif/xshell.cc b/dev/xif/xshell.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5900cc14b6ca897fa3b185d403437db5f941177b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/xshell.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1358 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  xshell.c														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   shell window for ug3 based on Xlib or X Athena Widget set     */
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Peter Bastian                                                                                                 */
-/*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*/
-/*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*/
-/*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*/
-/*			  6900 Heidelberg												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de		                                */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   16.02.94 begin, ug version 3.0								*/
-/*            06.06.95 implementation of Athena Text widget as Shellwindow      */
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-#include <config.h>
-/* X11 includes */
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xos.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/Xresource.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-/* Xt & Xaw includes */
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-#include <X11/Vendor.h>
-#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
-#include <X11/Xaw/XawInit.h>
-#include <X11/Xaw/AsciiText.h>
-#include <X11/Xaw/Text.h>
-#endif /* USE_XAW */
-/* standard C includes */
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* interface includes */
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "initdev.h"
-#include "defaults.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-/* Xif includes */
-#include "xmain.h"
-#include "xshell.h"
-#include "xgraph.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-/* hardcoded default values */
-#define DEFAULTXPOS     50
-#define DEFAULTYPOS     100
-#define DEFAULTLINES    24
-#define DEFAULTCOLS     80
-#define DEFAULTFONT     "9x15"
-#define DEFAULTMINX     300
-#define DEFAULTMINY     200
-#define DEFAULTBORDER   4
-/* bitmaps for icons */
-#include "shell-icon"
-/* macros for access to text buffer */
-#define MIN(x,y)                (((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y))
-#define MAX(x,y)                (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y))
-#define TEXTLINE(sh,i)          (sh)->lineStart[((sh)->topLine+(i))%((sh)->numLines)]
-#define XPOS(sh,i,j)    XTextWidth((sh)->font_info,TEXTLINE(sh,j),MIN(strlen(TEXTLINE(sh,j)),i))
-#define YPOS(sh,i,j)    (sh)->font_ascent+(j)*((sh)->font_height)
-/* change color */
-#define BLACK(sh)               XSetForeground(display,(sh)->gc,UGBlack())
-#define WHITE(sh)               XSetForeground(display,(sh)->gc,UGWhite())
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-#define HISTLEN         30
-/*																			*/
-/* data structures used in this source file (exported data structures are	*/
-/*		  in the corresponding include file!)								*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of exported global variables									*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-extern Widget toplevel;
-extern Widget ugshell;
-extern XtAppContext context;
-#endif /* USE_XAW */
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-static char buf[INPUTBUFFERLEN];                        /* input line buffer			*/
-static int nchars=0;                                            /* number of charcters in input */
-static char cmdKeyBuf;                                          /* buffer for a command key     */
-static int AltFlag;                                             /* 1 if Alt has been pressed	*/
-static int InsertPos=0;                                         /* only used with Xaw			*/
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-static int HistLastPos=0;
-static int HistInsertPos=0;
-static int HistReadPos=0;
-static int MaxLines=400;
-static int s=0;
-static int      *LineBuffer;
-static int LineFirst=0;
-static int LineInsert=0;
-/*																			*/
-/* forward declarations of functions used before they are defined			*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-void UpAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
-void DownAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
-void LeftAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
-void RightAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellShowCursor, ShellHideCursor                                                         */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    show/hide cursor at current point							*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellShowCursor (ShellWindow *sh)
-  int x,y;
-  /* get current position */
-  x = XPOS(sh,sh->col,sh->line);
-  y = YPOS(sh,sh->col,sh->line);
-  BLACK(sh);
-  XFillRectangle(display,sh->win,sh->gc,x,y-sh->font_ascent,sh->font_width,sh->font_height);
-void ShellHideCursor (ShellWindow *sh)
-  int x,y;
-  /* get current position */
-  x = XPOS(sh,sh->col,sh->line);
-  y = YPOS(sh,sh->col,sh->line);
-  WHITE(sh);
-  XFillRectangle(display,sh->win,sh->gc,x,y-sh->font_ascent,sh->font_width,sh->font_height);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellOpen													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    Open a shell window and initialize a ShellWindow data str.	*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   0: OK														*/
-/*			   1: error, could not complete                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-int ShellOpen (ShellWindow *sh)
-  unsigned int width, height;
-  int x, y, i;
-  unsigned int border_width = DEFAULTBORDER;
-  const char *window_name = SHELLWINNAME;
-  const char *icon_name = SHELLICONNAME;
-  char *Geometry, *Fontname;
-  const char *ug_name = RESOURCENAME;
-  int flags;
-  unsigned long valuemask = 0;
-  static char dash_list[] = {12,24};
-  XGCValues values;
-  XSizeHints size_hints;
-  XWMHints wm_hints;
-  XClassHint class_hints;
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  char buffer[128];
-  int n;
-  Arg args[20];
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  XtActionsRec actions[] = {
-    {(char*) "UpAction", UpAction},
-    {(char*) "DownAction", DownAction},
-    {(char*) "LeftAction", LeftAction},
-    {(char*) "RightAction",RightAction},
-  };
-        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-  /* allocate text buffer see, to know that memory is sufficient */
-  sh->topLine = 0;
-  sh->line = 0;
-  sh->col = 0;
-  for (i=0; i<MAXLINES; i++)
-  {
-    /* malloc a buffer line */
-    sh->lineStart[i] = (char *)calloc(MAXCOLS+1,sizeof(char));
-    if (sh->lineStart[i] == NULL)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr,"%s could not allocate line %d\n",prog_name,i);
-      return(1);
-    }
-  }
-  /* find out geometry */
-  width = DEFAULTCOLS;
-  height = DEFAULTLINES;
-  Geometry = XGetDefault(display,ug_name,"shellgeom");
-  if (Geometry!=NULL)
-  {
-    flags = XParseGeometry(Geometry,&x,&y,&width,&height);
-    if (!(WidthValue & flags)) width = DEFAULTCOLS;
-    if (!(HeightValue & flags)) height = DEFAULTLINES;
-    if (XValue & flags)
-      if (XNegative&flags) x = display_width+x;
-    if (YValue & flags)
-      if (YNegative&flags) y = display_height+y;
-  }
-  width = MIN(width,MAXCOLS);       /* width & height in characters! */
-  height = MIN(height,MAXLINES);
-  sh->numLines = height;
-  sh->numCols = width;
-  /* first load font to know size of window */
-  Fontname = XGetDefault(display,ug_name,"shellfont");
-  if (Fontname==NULL)
-  {
-    printf("font 'shellfont' not found in Xdefaults\n"
-           "using default " DEFAULTFONT "\n");
-    strcpy(sh->font_name,DEFAULTFONT);
-  }
-  else
-    strcpy(sh->font_name,Fontname);
-  if ( (sh->font_info=XLoadQueryFont(display,sh->font_name))==NULL)
-  {
-    /* font could not be loaded, try default font */
-    strcpy(sh->font_name,DEFAULTFONT);
-    if ( (sh->font_info=XLoadQueryFont(display,sh->font_name))==NULL)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr,"%s could not load font %s\n",prog_name,sh->font_name);
-      return(1);
-    }
-  }
-  sh->font_ascent = sh->font_info->ascent;
-  sh->font_height = sh->font_info->ascent+sh->font_info->descent;
-  sh->font_width = sh->font_info->max_bounds.width;
-  width = width*sh->font_width;
-  height = height*sh->font_height;
-  sh->window_width = width;
-  sh->window_height = height;
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  n=0;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNx, x); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNy, y); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNwidth, width+sh->font_width); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNheight, height+sh->font_height+sh->font_info->descent); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNborderWidth, border_width); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNscrollVertical, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNscrollHorizontal, XawtextScrollWhenNeeded); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNstring, sh->lineStart[0]); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNlength, MAXLINES*(MAXCOLS+1)); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNpieceSize, MAXLINES*(MAXCOLS+1)); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); n++;
-  /* TODO: delete this, line wrapping does not work correctly
-     XtSetArg(args[n],  XtNwrap,XawtextWrapLine); n++; */
-  XtSetArg(args[n], (char*) XtNfont,sh->font_info); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], XtNbackground,WhitePixel(display,screen_num)); n++;
-  XtSetArg(args[n], XtNforeground,BlackPixel(display,screen_num)); n++;
-  ugshell = XtCreateManagedWidget ("ugshell", asciiTextWidgetClass,
-                                   toplevel, args, n);
-  /* modify Translation table */
-  NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                      ("<Key>BackSpace: no-op(RingBell)\n\
-						  <Key>Delete:    no-op(RingBell)\n\
-						  <Key>Up:        no-op(RingBell)\n\
-						  <Key>Down:      no-op(RingBell)\n\
-						  <Key>Left:      no-op(RingBell)\n\
-						  <Key>Right:     no-op(RingBell)\n");
-  /*
-     Ctrl<Key>/:     search(forward,"")\n\
-     Ctrl Shift<Key>/: search(backward,"")\n");
-   */
-  XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  /* add special actions */
-  XtAppAddActions(context,actions,XtNumber(actions));
-  /* realize widget tree */
-  if (XUI_ON)
-    XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
-  sh->wid = ugshell;
-  if (XUI_ON)
-    sh->win = XtWindow(ugshell);
-  else
-    sh->win = RootWindow(display,screen_num);
-        #else /* USE_XAW */
-  /* open a window */
-  sh->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,RootWindow(display,screen_num),
-                                x,y,width,height,border_width,BlackPixel(display,screen_num),
-                                WhitePixel(display,screen_num));
-        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-  /* use backing store for window if possible */
-  {
-    XSetWindowAttributes attr;
-    unsigned long mask;
-    if (DoesBackingStore(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display))) {
-      attr.backing_store = Always;
-      mask = CWBackingStore;
-      XChangeWindowAttributes(display, sh->win, mask, &attr);
-    }
-  }
-  /* generate icon, needed for properties */
-  sh->icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,sh->win,(const char*)shell_icon_bits,shell_icon_width,
-                                          shell_icon_height);
-  /* set standard properties */
-  size_hints.flags = USPosition | USSize | PMinSize;
-  size_hints.min_width = DEFAULTMINX;
-  size_hints.min_height = DEFAULTMINY;
-  if (XStringListToTextProperty((char**) &window_name,1,&(sh->window_name))==0)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s: structure alloc for window_name failed.\n",prog_name);
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  if (XStringListToTextProperty((char**) &icon_name,1,&(sh->icon_name))==0)
-  {
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s: structure alloc for icon_name failed.\n",prog_name);
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  wm_hints.initial_state = NormalState;
-  wm_hints.input = True;
-  wm_hints.icon_pixmap = sh->icon_pixmap;
-  wm_hints.flags = StateHint | IconPixmapHint | InputHint;
-  class_hints.res_name = prog_name;
-  class_hints.res_class = (char*) ug_name;
-  XSetWMProperties(display,sh->win,&sh->window_name,&sh->icon_name,if_argv,if_argc,
-                   &size_hints,&wm_hints,&class_hints);
-        #ifndef USE_XAW
-  /* select event types that will be received */
-  XSelectInput(display,sh->win,ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask|StructureNotifyMask);
-        #endif
-  /* prepare graphics context */
-  sh->gc = XCreateGC(display,sh->win,valuemask,&values);
-  XSetFont(display,sh->gc,sh->font_info->fid);
-  XSetForeground(display,sh->gc,BlackPixel(display,screen_num));
-  XSetLineAttributes(display,sh->gc,0,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinRound);
-  XSetDashes(display,sh->gc,0,dash_list,2);
-  /* now map the window */
-  if (XUI_ON)
-    XMapWindow(display,sh->win);
-  /* create a region to accumulate update region */
-  sh->region = XCreateRegion();
-        #ifndef USE_XAW
-  /* show cursor for first time */
-  ShellShowCursor(sh);
-        #endif
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  if (GetDefaultValue(DEFAULTSFILENAME,"shellbuffersize",buffer)==0)
-  {
-    sscanf(buffer," %d ",&n);
-    if (n>0) MaxLines = n;
-    else printf("shellbuffersize variable in defaults file = %d  - should be a positive integer (>0)\n",n);
-  }
-  LineBuffer = (int *) calloc(MaxLines,sizeof(int));
-        #endif
-  /* und tschuess */
-  return(0);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellScrollLine												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    scroll forward and backward by a number of lines                         */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellScrollLine (ShellWindow *sh)
-  /* copy area up one line */
-  XCopyArea(display,sh->win,sh->win,sh->gc,0,sh->font_height,sh->window_width,
-            sh->window_height-sh->font_height,0,0);
-  /* delete last line */
-  WHITE(sh);
-  XFillRectangle(display,sh->win,sh->gc,0,sh->window_height-sh->font_height,
-                 sh->window_width,sh->font_height);
-  /* wrap text buffer */
-  sh->topLine = (sh->topLine+1)%(sh->numLines);
-  return;
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellInsertChar												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    Insert a character into shell window                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   char c														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellInsertChar (ShellWindow *sh, char c)
-  int x,y;
-  int error;
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  Cardinal n;
-  Arg args[10];
-  XawTextPosition appendPos;
-  XawTextBlock text;
-  char t = c;
-  char NewString[INPUTBUFFERLEN];
-  text.firstPos = 0;
-  text.length = 1;
-  text.ptr = &t;
-  text.format = FMT8BIT;
-  appendPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(sh->wid);
-  if (nchars > InsertPos)
-  {
-    n=0;
-    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); n++;
-    XtSetValues(ugshell,args,n);
-  }
-  error = XawTextReplace(sh->wid,appendPos,appendPos,&text);
-  if (nchars > InsertPos)
-  {
-    n=0;
-    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNeditType, XawtextAppend); n++;
-    XtSetValues(ugshell,args,n);
-  }
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(sh->wid,appendPos+1);
-        #else /* USE_XAW */
-  /* hide cursor */
-  ShellHideCursor(sh);
-  switch (c)
-  {
-  /* backspace */
-  case 8 :
-    /* decrement buffer position */
-    if (sh->col>0)
-      (sh->col)--;
-    else
-    {
-      if (sh->line>0)
-      {
-        (sh->line)--;
-        sh->col = strlen(TEXTLINE(sh,sh->line))-1;
-      }
-    }
-    /* put 0 character at new position */
-    TEXTLINE(sh,sh->line)[sh->col] = (char) 0;
-    break;
-  /* return */
-  case '\n' :
-    if (sh->line==sh->numLines-1)
-      ShellScrollLine(sh);
-    else
-      (sh->line)++;
-    sh->col = 0;
-    TEXTLINE(sh,sh->line)[sh->col] = (char) 0;
-    break;
-  /* printable */
-  default :
-    if ((c<32)||(c>=127)) break;
-    /* print character on screen */
-    x = XPOS(sh,sh->col,sh->line);
-    y = YPOS(sh,sh->col,sh->line);
-    BLACK(sh);
-                        #ifndef USE_XAW
-    XDrawString(display,sh->win,sh->gc,x,y,&c,1);
-                        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-    /* insert character in text buffer */
-    TEXTLINE(sh,sh->line)[sh->col] = c;
-    /* place end of string after character */
-    TEXTLINE(sh,sh->line)[sh->col+1] = (char) 0;
-    /* advance cursor */
-    (sh->col)++;
-    if (sh->col>=sh->numCols) {
-      if (sh->line==sh->numLines-1)
-        ShellScrollLine(sh);
-      else
-        (sh->line)++;
-      sh->col = 0;
-    }
-    IFDEBUG(dev,1)
-    printf("char = %d x=%d y=%d line=%d col=%d bufferline=%d\n",(int)c,x,y,sh->line,sh->col,
-           (sh->topLine+sh->line)%sh->numLines);
-    break;
-  }
-  /* show cursor again */
-  ShellShowCursor(sh);
-        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-/*									*/
-/* Function:	ShellUpdateTextBuffer					*/
-/*									*/
-/* Purpose:     Update the buffer of a shell window			*/
-/*									*/
-/* Input:	ShellWindow *sh						*/
-/*		number of characters to remove   int i                  */
-/*									*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                 */
-/*									*/
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-void ShellUpdateTextBuffer (ShellWindow *sh,int i)
-  XawTextPosition appendPos;
-  XawTextBlock textInsert;
-  textInsert.firstPos = 0;
-  textInsert.length = 0;
-  textInsert.ptr = NULL;
-  textInsert.format = FMT8BIT;
-  LineInsert=LineInsert%MaxLines;
-  LineBuffer[LineInsert]=i;
-  LineInsert=(LineInsert+1)%MaxLines;
-  if(LineInsert==LineFirst)
-  {
-    appendPos=XawTextGetInsertionPoint(sh->wid);
-    LineFirst=(LineFirst+1)%MaxLines;
-    XawTextReplace(sh->wid,0,LineBuffer[LineInsert]-s,&textInsert);
-    s=LineBuffer[LineInsert];
-    XawTextSetInsertionPoint(sh->wid,appendPos);
-  }
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellInsertString											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    Insert a string into shell window							*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   char *s														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellInsertString (ShellWindow *sh, const char *s)
-  int i;
-    #ifdef USE_XAW
-  XawTextPosition appendPos;
-  XawTextBlock text;
-  for (i=0; i<strlen(s); i++)
-    ss[i] = (s[i]== '\r') ? '\n' : s[i];
-  text.firstPos = 0;
-  text.length = strlen(s);
-  text.ptr = ss;
-  text.format = FMT8BIT;
-  appendPos=XawTextGetInsertionPoint(sh->wid);
-  if( text.length!=0 && (s[text.length-1]=='\n') )
-    ShellUpdateTextBuffer(sh,appendPos+text.length);
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(sh->wid,appendPos);
-  XawTextReplace(sh->wid,appendPos,appendPos+text.length,&text);
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(sh->wid,appendPos+text.length);
-    #else
-  for (i=0; i<strlen(s); i++) ShellInsertChar(sh,s[i]);
-    #endif
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellRefresh                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    refresh contents of shell window                                                         */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellRefresh (ShellWindow *sh)
-  int i,x,y,l;
-  XRectangle rectangle;
-  /* set clipping region to accumulated region in shell */
-  XSetRegion(display,sh->gc,sh->region);
-  /* draw characters */
-  BLACK(sh);
-  for (i=0; i<sh->numLines; i++)
-    if ((l=strlen(TEXTLINE(sh,i)))>0)
-    {
-      x = 0;
-      y = YPOS(sh,0,i);
-      XDrawString(display,sh->win,sh->gc,x,y,TEXTLINE(sh,i),l);
-    }
-  /* show cursor */
-  ShellShowCursor(sh);
-  /* set clipping region to whole window for subsequent drawings */
-  rectangle.x = 0;
-  rectangle.y = 0;
-  rectangle.width = (short) sh->window_width;
-  rectangle.height = (short) sh->window_height;
-  XUnionRectWithRegion(&rectangle,sh->region,sh->region);
-  XSetRegion(display,sh->gc,sh->region);
-  /* clear clipping region */
-  XDestroyRegion(sh->region);
-  sh->region = XCreateRegion();
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellResize													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    resize the shell window										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   int width		 new size of window in pixels !                         */
-/*			   int height													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellResize (ShellWindow *sh, int width, int height)
-  int i;
-  int c_width,c_height;
-  int obl,ntl;
-  /* compute new size in characters */
-  c_width = MIN(width/sh->font_width,MAXCOLS);
-  c_height = MIN(height/sh->font_height,MAXLINES);
-  IFDEBUG(dev,1)
-  printf("RESIZE: OLD: top=%2d nl=%2d line=%2d    ",sh->topLine,sh->numLines,sh->line);
-  /* clear lines not in use */
-  for (i=sh->numLines; i<MAXLINES; i++) sh->lineStart[i][0] = (char) 0;
-  /* adjust buffer vertically */
-  if (c_height!=sh->numLines)
-  {
-    obl = (sh->topLine+sh->numLines-1)%sh->numLines;
-    if (c_height>sh->numLines)
-    {
-      ntl = obl+1;
-      for (i=0; i<sh->numLines-ntl; i++)
-        strcpy(sh->lineStart[c_height-1-i],sh->lineStart[sh->numLines-1-i]);
-      for (i=0; i<sh->numLines-ntl; i++)
-        sh->lineStart[ntl+i][0] = (char) 0;
-      sh->line += c_height-sh->numLines;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if (obl<=c_height-1)
-      {
-        ntl = (obl+1)%c_height;
-        for (i=0; i<c_height-1-obl; i++)
-          strcpy(sh->lineStart[(obl+1)+i],sh->lineStart[(sh->numLines-c_height)+(obl+1)+i]);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        ntl = 0;
-        for (i=0; i<=c_height-1; i++)
-          strcpy(sh->lineStart[i],sh->lineStart[obl-c_height+1+i]);
-      }
-      sh->line = MAX(0,sh->line-(sh->numLines-c_height));
-    }
-    sh->topLine = ntl;
-    sh->numLines = c_height;
-  }
-  /* adjust buffer horizontally */
-  for (i=0; i<MAXLINES; i++) sh->lineStart[i][c_width] = (char) 0;
-  sh->numCols = c_width;
-  sh->col = MIN(sh->col,c_width-1);
-  IFDEBUG(dev,1)
-  printf("NEW: top=%2d nl=%2d line=%2d\n",sh->topLine,sh->numLines,sh->line);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellHandleExposeEvent										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    handle expose event for shell window                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   XEvent *report												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellHandleExposeEvent (ShellWindow *sh, XEvent *report)
-  XRectangle rectangle;
-  rectangle.x = (short) report->xexpose.x;
-  rectangle.y = (short) report->xexpose.y;
-  rectangle.width = (short) report->xexpose.width;
-  rectangle.height = (short) report->xexpose.height;
-  XUnionRectWithRegion(&rectangle,sh->region,sh->region);
-  IFDEBUG(dev,1)
-  printf("EXPOSE EVENT: rect= %d %d %d %d cnt= %d\n",rectangle.x,rectangle.y,
-         rectangle.width,rectangle.height,report->xexpose.count);
-  if (report->xexpose.count!=0) return;
-  ShellRefresh(sh);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellHandleResizeEvent										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    handle resize event for shell window                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   XEvent *report												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellHandleResizeEvent (ShellWindow *sh, XEvent *report)
-  XRectangle rectangle;
-  if (  (report->xconfigure.width==sh->window_width)
-        &&(report->xconfigure.height==sh->window_height)) return;
-  rectangle.x = 0;
-  rectangle.y = 0;
-  rectangle.width = (short) report->xconfigure.width;
-  rectangle.height = (short) report->xconfigure.height;
-  XUnionRectWithRegion(&rectangle,sh->region,sh->region);
-  WHITE(sh);
-  XFillRectangle(display,sh->win,sh->gc,0,0,report->xconfigure.width,
-                 report->xconfigure.height);
-  sh->window_width = report->xconfigure.width;
-  sh->window_height = report->xconfigure.height;
-  ShellResize(sh,report->xconfigure.width,report->xconfigure.height);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellHandleKeybordEvent										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    handle keypress event for shell window						*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   XEvent *report												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-char *ShellHandleKeybordEvent (ShellWindow *sh, XEvent *report,int *cmdKey, int onlyCmdKey)
-  char buffer[32];
-  int bufsize = 32;
-  KeySym keysym;
-  XKeyEvent keyevent;
-  XComposeStatus compose;
-  int count;
-  char c;
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  Cardinal n;
-  Arg args[10];
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-        #endif
-  /* no command key is default */
-  *cmdKey = 0;
-  keyevent = report->xkey;
-  count = XLookupString(&keyevent,buffer,bufsize,&keysym,&compose);
-  /* vorher XLookupString(report,buffer,bufsize,&keysym,&compose) */
-  if((keysym==XK_Alt_L)||(keysym==XK_Alt_R)||
-     (keysym==XK_Meta_L)||(keysym==XK_Meta_R))
-  {
-    AltFlag = 1;
-    return(NULL);
-  }
-  else if (((keysym==XK_Return)||(keysym==XK_KP_Enter)||(keysym==XK_Linefeed)) && !onlyCmdKey)
-  {
-    c = '\n';
-                #ifndef USE_XAW
-    ShellInsertChar(sh,c);
-                #endif
-    buf[nchars] = (char) 0;
-                #ifdef USE_XAW
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>BackSpace: no-op(RingBell)\n\
-							  <Key>Delete:    no-op(RingBell)\n\
-							  <Key>Left:	  no-op(RingBell)\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-    if (nchars>0)
-    {
-      memcpy(&HistBuf[HistInsertPos],buf,nchars);
-      NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                          ("<Key>Up:	UpAction()\n\
-								  <Key>Down:no-op(RingBell)\n");
-      XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-      HistInsertPos = HISTNEXT(HistInsertPos);
-      HistBuf[HistInsertPos] = (char) 0;
-      if (HistInsertPos == HistLastPos)
-        HistLastPos = HISTNEXT(HistLastPos);
-      HistReadPos = HistInsertPos;
-    }
-    XawTextSetInsertionPoint(ugshell,XawTextGetInsertionPoint(ugshell)-InsertPos+nchars);
-                #endif /* USE_XAW */
-    nchars = 0;
-    InsertPos = nchars;
-    AltFlag = 0;
-    return(buf);
-  }
-  else if ((keysym==XK_BackSpace)||(keysym==XK_Delete))
-  {
-    if (nchars>0)
-    {
-                        #ifdef USE_XAW
-      if (nchars==InsertPos)
-      {
-                        #endif
-      c = (char)8;
-                                #ifndef USE_XAW
-      ShellInsertChar(sh,c);
-                                #endif
-      nchars--;
-      InsertPos = nchars;
-                        #ifdef USE_XAW
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      memmove(&buf[InsertPos-1],&buf[InsertPos],nchars-InsertPos);
-      nchars--;
-      InsertPos--;
-    }
-                        #endif
-    }
-                #ifdef USE_XAW
-    else
-    {
-      NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                          ("<Key>BackSpace: no-op(RingBell)\n\
-								  <Key>Delete:    no-op(RingBell)\n\
-								  <Key>Left:	  no-op(RingBell)\n");
-      XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-    }
-                #endif
-    AltFlag = 0;
-    return(NULL);
-  }
-  else if (  ((keysym>=XK_KP_Space)&&(keysym<=XK_KP_9))
-             ||((keysym>=XK_space)&&(keysym<=XK_asciitilde)))
-  {
-    /* vorher		if (report->xkey.state&Mod1Mask) */
-    if(AltFlag)
-    {
-      cmdKeyBuf = buffer[0];
-      *cmdKey = 1;
-      AltFlag = 0;
-      return(&cmdKeyBuf);
-    }
-    c = buffer[0];
-                #ifndef USE_XAW
-    ShellInsertChar(sh,c);
-                #else
-    if (nchars==0)
-    {
-      NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                          ("<Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character() \n\
-							  <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character() \n\
-							  <Key>Left:	  LeftAction() \n");
-      XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-    }
-                #endif
-                #ifdef USE_XAW
-    if (InsertPos==nchars)
-    {
-                #endif
-    buf[nchars] = c;
-    nchars++;
-    InsertPos = nchars;
-                #ifdef USE_XAW
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    memmove(&buf[InsertPos+1],&buf[InsertPos],nchars-InsertPos+1);
-    buf[InsertPos] = c;
-    nchars++;
-    InsertPos++;
-  }
-                #endif
-    if (nchars==INPUTBUFFERLEN-1)
-    {
-      buf[nchars] = (char) 0;
-                        #ifdef USE_XAW
-      memcpy(&HistBuf[HistReadPos],buf,nchars);
-      HistInsertPos = HISTNEXT(HistInsertPos);
-      HistReadPos = HistInsertPos;
-                        #endif
-      nchars = 0;
-      InsertPos = nchars;
-      AltFlag = 0;
-      return(buf);
-    }
-    AltFlag = 0;
-    return(NULL);
-  }
-  AltFlag = 0;
-  return(NULL);
-#ifdef USE_XAW
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ShellReplaceString											*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    Replace textposition 'from' to 'to' in shell window by           */
-/*			   string s. The textposition is counted from the end.          */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   ShellWindow *sh												*/
-/*			   char *s														*/
-/*			   int from			                                                                                */
-/*			   int to                                                                                                       */
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ShellReplaceString (ShellWindow *sh, const char *s, int from, int to)
-  XawTextPosition appendPos;
-  XawTextBlock text;
-  text.firstPos = 0;
-  text.length = strlen(s);
-  text.ptr = (char *)s;
-  text.format = FMT8BIT;
-  appendPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(ugshell);
-  XawTextReplace(ugshell,appendPos-from,appendPos-to,&text);
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(ugshell,appendPos+text.length);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   AppendOrInsertCutbuffer                                                                          */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    insert X cutbuffer to the shell cmdline buffer and			*/
-/*			   display modified cmdline in ugshell window, if insertion		*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   char *cutbuf                                                                                         */
-/*			   int  cnt                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void AppendOrInsertCutbuffer (ShellWindow *sh, char *cutbuf, int cnt)
-  int i;
-  Cardinal n;
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  Arg args[10];
-  if (nchars != InsertPos)
-  {
-    n=0;
-    XtSetArg(args[n], XtNeditType, XawtextEdit); n++;
-    XtSetValues(ugshell,args,n);
-  }
-  if (cnt>0)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character() \n\
-							  <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character() \n\
-							  <Key>Left:      LeftAction() \n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(sh->wid,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  for (i=0; (i<cnt) && (nchars<INPUTBUFFERLEN-1); i++)
-  {
-    if (isgraph(cutbuf[i])||isspace(cutbuf[i]))
-    {
-      if (InsertPos==nchars)
-      {
-        buf[nchars] = cutbuf[i];
-        nchars++;
-        InsertPos = nchars;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        memmove(&buf[InsertPos+1],&buf[InsertPos],nchars-InsertPos+1);
-        buf[InsertPos] = cutbuf[i];
-        nchars++;
-        InsertPos++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   ReplaceCmd                                                                                       */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    replace the commandbuffer by a command from history			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   Widget w: widget, which has gotten the action				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void ReplaceCmd(Widget w)
-  char *ActCommandPtr;
-  int ActCommandLen;
-  XawTextPosition ReplacePos;
-  XawTextBlock text;
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  ActCommandPtr = &HistBuf[HistReadPos];
-  ActCommandLen = strlen(ActCommandPtr);
-  memcpy(buf,ActCommandPtr,ActCommandLen);
-  text.firstPos = 0;
-  text.length = ActCommandLen;
-  text.ptr = ActCommandPtr;
-  text.format = FMT8BIT;
-  ReplacePos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(w);
-  XawTextReplace(w,ReplacePos-nchars,ReplacePos,&text);
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(w,ReplacePos-nchars+ActCommandLen);
-  nchars = ActCommandLen;
-  InsertPos = nchars;
-  if (nchars <=0)
-  {
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>BackSpace: no-op(RingBell) \n\
-							  <Key>Delete:    no-op(RingBell) \n\
-							  <Key>Left:      no-op(RingBell) \n\
-							  <Key>Right:     no-op(RingBell) \n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>BackSpace: delete-previous-character() \n\
-							  <Key>Delete:    delete-previous-character() \n\
-							  <Key>Left:      LeftAction() \n\
-							  <Key>Right:     no-op(RingBell) \n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   UpAction                                                                                         */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    display previous command from history, if exists                         */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   Widget w: widget, which has gotten the action				*/
-/*			   XEvent event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params:          */
-/*			                dummy parameter to match funktionprototype				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void UpAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  if (HistReadPos == HistInsertPos)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Down:      DownAction()\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  HistReadPos = HISTPREV(HistReadPos);
-  if (HistReadPos == HistLastPos)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Up:        no-op(RingBell)\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  ReplaceCmd(w);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   DownAction                                                                                       */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    display next command from history, if exists                             */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   Widget w: widget, which has gotten the action				*/
-/*			   XEvent event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params:          */
-/*			                dummy parameter to match funktionprototype				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void DownAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  if (HistReadPos == HistLastPos)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Up:        UpAction()\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  HistReadPos = HISTNEXT(HistReadPos);
-  if (HistReadPos == HistInsertPos)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Down:      no-op(RingBell)\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  ReplaceCmd(w);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   LeftAction                                                                                       */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    move cursor one position left in cmdline                     */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   Widget w: widget, which has gotten the action				*/
-/*			   XEvent event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params:          */
-/*			                dummy parameter to match funktionprototype				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void LeftAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
-  int NewPos;
-  Cardinal n;
-  Arg args[10];
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  if (InsertPos == nchars)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Right:      RightAction()\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  NewPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(ugshell);
-  NewPos--;
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(ugshell,NewPos);
-  InsertPos--;
-  if (InsertPos == 0)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Left:      no-op(RingBell)\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:   RightAction                                                                                      */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:    move cursor one position right in cmdline                    */
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	   Widget w: widget, which has gotten the action				*/
-/*			   XEvent event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params:          */
-/*			                dummy parameter to match funktionprototype				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	   none                                                                                                                 */
-/*																			*/
-void RightAction (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
-  int NewPos;
-  Cardinal n;
-  Arg args[10];
-  XtTranslations NewTranslations;
-  if (InsertPos == 0)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Left:      LeftAction()\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-  NewPos = XawTextGetInsertionPoint(ugshell);
-  NewPos++;
-  XawTextSetInsertionPoint(ugshell,NewPos);
-  InsertPos++;
-  if (InsertPos == nchars)
-  {
-    /* modify Translation table */
-    NewTranslations = XtParseTranslationTable
-                        ("<Key>Right:      no-op(RingBell)\n");
-    XtOverrideTranslations(ugshell,NewTranslations);
-  }
-#endif /* USE_XAW */
diff --git a/dev/xif/xshell.h b/dev/xif/xshell.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1104364fcf21552c637200f83f17e5d05c73d521..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/xif/xshell.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  xshell.h														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   header file for shell window functionality					*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Peter Bastian                                                                                                 */
-/*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*/
-/*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*/
-/*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*/
-/*			  6900 Heidelberg												*/
-/*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					        */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   17.02.94 begin, ug version 3.0								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files							*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifndef __XSHELL__
-#define __XSHELL__
-#ifndef __GENERAL__
-#include "general.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-/* maximum size of text buffer */
-#define MAXLINES                100
-#define MAXCOLS                 130
-#define SHELLICONNAME   UG_VERSION " shell"
-#define SHELLWINNAME    UG_VERSION " shell"
-#define RESOURCENAME    "ug3"
-/*																			*/
-/* data structures exported by the corresponding source file				*/
-/*																			*/
-typedef struct {
-  /* the text buffer */
-  char *lineStart[MAXLINES];                                    /* pointers to start of lines	*/
-  int topLine;                                                          /* index of top line on screen	*/
-  int numLines;                                                         /* current size of shell in x	*/
-  int numCols;                                                          /* current size of shell in y	*/
-  int line;                                                                     /* current line position		*/
-  int col;                                                                      /* current col position                 */
-  /* font metrics for fast access */
-  int font_ascent;                                                      /* font ascent					*/
-  int font_height;                                                      /* ascent+descent				*/
-  int font_width;                                                       /* widest character                     */
-  /* window size to filter resize event */
-  int window_width;
-  int window_height;
-  /* X things */
-        #ifdef USE_XAW
-  Widget wid;                                                                   /* widget id					*/
-        #endif /* USE_XAW */
-  Window win;                                                           /* window id					*/
-  GC gc;                                                                        /* a graphics context			*/
-  XFontStruct *font_info;                                       /* the font structure			*/
-  Region region;                                                        /* accumulate clipping region	*/
-  char font_name[128];                                          /* font name from resource		*/
-  Pixmap icon_pixmap;                                           /* icon to use					*/
-  XTextProperty icon_name;                                       /* icons name					 */
-  XTextProperty window_name;                                    /* windows name                                 */
-} ShellWindow ;
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of exported global variables									*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* function declarations													*/
-/*																			*/
-int   ShellOpen                           (ShellWindow *sh);
-void  ShellInsertChar             (ShellWindow *sh, char c);
-void  ShellInsertString           (ShellWindow *sh, const char *s);
-void  ShellHandleExposeEvent  (ShellWindow *sh, XEvent *report);
-void  ShellHandleResizeEvent  (ShellWindow *sh, XEvent *report);
-char *ShellHandleKeybordEvent (ShellWindow *sh, XEvent *report,int *cmdKey, int onlyCmdKey);
-void AppendOrInsertCutbuffer  (ShellWindow *sh, char *cutbuf, int cnt);
diff --git a/graphics/covise/coviseif.cpp b/graphics/covise/coviseif.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index af54c031a59ca46fa7936b4ddcd4685f37feed1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/graphics/covise/coviseif.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  coviseif.cpp                                                                                                  */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   interface ug <-> covise                                                   */
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Stefan Lang, Klaus Birken										*/
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70550 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   10.12.97 begin                                                                            */
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef __HP__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-extern "C" {
-  /* ug includes */
-#define ListElement UG_ListElement
-#ifdef __HP__
-#undef __cplusplus
-#include "gm.h"
-#include "evm.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#undef ListElement
-#ifdef __HP__
-#define __cplusplus
-#ifdef ModelP
-#include "parallel.h"
-#define DDD_InfoPriority(ddd_hdr)    ((ddd_hdr)->prio)
-} /* extern "C" */
-#ifdef __HP__
-/* covise includes */
-#include "covise_connect.h"
-#include "covise_msg.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order											*/
-/*																			*/
-/*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
-/*		  other constants													*/
-/*		  macros															*/
-/*																			*/
-#define MAX_STRLEN     64
-#define MAX_SOLUTIONS  16
-#define MAX_ITEMS_SENT 4096
-/* communication constants */
-#define DFLT_PORT      31700
-enum CommonConsts {
-/*																			*/
-/* data structures used in this source file (exported data structures are	*/
-/*		  in the corresponding include file!)								*/
-/*																			*/
-/* common data types (for communication UG<->Covise) */
-typedef int INT32;
-typedef float FLOAT32;
-typedef struct
-  INT n_components;
-  /* external name, for user */
-  char name[MAX_STRLEN];
-  /* UG components */
-typedef struct
-  /* multigrid description */
-  INT min_level;        /* coarsest grid level, may be <0 for algebraic methods */
-  INT max_level;        /* ==TOPLEVEL in ug */
-  /* surface grid description */
-  INT n_vertices;       /* number of surface grid vertices */
-  INT n_elems;          /* number of surface grid elements */
-  INT n_conns;          /* sum of corners over all surface elements */
-  /* numerical data */
-  INT num_solutions;       /* number of solutions (may be scalar or vector) */
-  SOLUTION_DESC solutions[MAX_SOLUTIONS];       /* solution descriptors */
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of exported global variables									*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-/* ug: */
-/* covise: */
-static ClientConnection* covise_connection=NULL;
-/*																			*/
-/* forward declarations of functions used before they are defined			*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* functions																*/
-/*																			*/
-static INT ComputeSurfaceGridStats (MULTIGRID *theMG, COVISE_HEADER *covise)
-  NODE *theNode;
-  INT l, n_vertices, n_elem, n_conn;
-  /* surface grid up to current level */
-  n_vertices = n_elem = n_conn = 0;
-  for (l=covise->min_level; l<=covise->max_level; l++)
-  {
-    ELEMENT *theElement;
-    GRID *theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l);
-    /* reset USED flags in all vertices to be counted */
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-    {
-      SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),0);
-    }
-    /* count geometric objects */
-    for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid);
-         theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
-    {
-      if ((EstimateHere(theElement)) || (l==covise->max_level))
-      {
-        int i, coe = CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement);
-        n_elem++;
-        for (i=0; i<coe; i++)
-        {
-          theNode = CORNER(theElement,i);
-          n_conn++;
-          if (USED(MYVERTEX(theNode))) continue;
-          SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
-          if ((SONNODE(theNode)==NULL) || (l==covise->max_level))
-          {
-                                                #ifdef ModelP
-            if (PRIO(theNode) == PrioMaster)
-                                                #endif
-            n_vertices++;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-        #ifdef ModelP
-  n_vertices = UG_GlobalSumINT(n_vertices);
-  n_elem     = UG_GlobalSumINT(n_elem);
-  n_conn     = UG_GlobalSumINT(n_conn);
-        #endif
-  covise->n_vertices = n_vertices;
-  covise->n_elems    = n_elem;
-  covise->n_conns    = n_conn;
-  return(0);
-static INT GetSolutionDescs (MULTIGRID *theMG, COVISE_HEADER *covise)
-  /* TODO replace by UI */
-  covise->num_solutions = 2;
-  strcpy(covise->solutions[0].name, "Concentration");
-  covise->solutions[0].n_components = 1;
-  covise->solutions[0].comps[0]      = 0;
-  strcpy(covise->solutions[1].name, "Pressure");
-  covise->solutions[1].n_components = 1;
-  covise->solutions[1].comps[0]      = 1;
-  return(0);
-static INT FillCoviseHeader (MULTIGRID *theMG, COVISE_HEADER *covise)
-  /* extract multigrid statistics */
-  /* currently no negative levels, complete grid up to TOPLEVEL */
-  covise->min_level = 0;
-  covise->max_level = TOPLEVEL(theMG);
-  /* extract surface grid statistics */
-  ComputeSurfaceGridStats(theMG, covise);
-  /* extract solution descriptions */
-  GetSolutionDescs(theMG, covise);
-  return(0);
-static INT ResetVertexFlags (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT min_level, INT max_level)
-  INT l;
-  /* reset used flags in vertices */
-  for (l=min_level; l<=max_level; l++)
-  {
-    NODE *theNode;
-    GRID *theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l);
-    /* reset USED flags in all vertices */
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-    {
-      SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),0);
-    }
-  }
-  return(0);       /* no error */
-/* TODO renumber doesn't work in parallel */
-static INT RenumberVertices (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT min_level, INT max_level)
-  INT l, i;
-  ResetVertexFlags(theMG, min_level, max_level);
-  /* reset used flags in vertices */
-  i = 0;
-  for (l=min_level; l<=max_level; l++)
-  {
-    NODE *theNode;
-    GRID *theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l);
-    /* reset USED flags in all vertices */
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-    {
-      if (USED(MYVERTEX(theNode))) continue;
-      SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
-      ID(MYVERTEX(theNode)) = i;
-      i++;
-    }
-  }
-  return(0);
-static INT SendSurfaceGrid (MULTIGRID *theMG, COVISE_HEADER *covise)
-  INT l, remaining, sent;
-  TokenBuffer tb;
-  Message* msg = new Message;
-  msg->type = (covise_msg_type)0;
-  printf("CoviseIF: SendSurfaceGrid start\n");
-  /* renumber vertex IDs */
-  /* TODO doesn't work in ModelP */
-  RenumberVertices(theMG, covise->min_level, covise->max_level);
-  /* send surface vertices, part1: set flags */
-  ResetVertexFlags(theMG, covise->min_level, covise->max_level);
-  /* send surface vertices, part2: send data */
-  sent = 0;
-  /* start first buffer */
-  tb.reset();
-  remaining = MIN(covise->n_vertices,MAX_ITEMS_SENT);
-  tb << MT_UGGRIDV;
-  tb << remaining;
-  for (l=covise->min_level; l<=covise->max_level; l++)
-  {
-    NODE *theNode;
-    GRID *theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l);
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-    {
-      INT vid;
-      DOUBLE *pos;
-      if (USED(MYVERTEX(theNode))) continue;
-      SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
-      /* extract data from vertex */
-      /* TODO use VXGID in ModelP */
-      vid = ID(MYVERTEX(theNode));
-      pos = CVECT(MYVERTEX(theNode));
-      tb << (INT32)vid;
-      tb << (FLOAT32)pos[0];
-      tb << (FLOAT32)pos[1];
-      tb << (FLOAT32)pos[2];
-      remaining--;
-      sent++;
-      if (remaining==0)
-      {
-        /* send this buffer */
-        msg->data = (char*)tb.get_data();
-        msg->length = tb.get_length();
-        covise_connection->send_msg(msg);
-        /* start next buffer */
-        tb.reset();
-        tb << MT_UGGRIDV;
-        remaining = MIN(covise->n_vertices - sent, MAX_ITEMS_SENT);
-        tb << remaining;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  printf("CoviseIF: SendSurfaceGrid ...\n");
-  /* next buffer */
-  tb.reset();
-  tb << MT_UGGRIDE;
-  remaining = MIN(covise->n_elems,MAX_ITEMS_SENT);
-  tb << remaining;
-  sent = 0;
-  /* send surface elems and connectivity */
-  for (l=covise->min_level; l<=covise->max_level; l++)
-  {
-    ELEMENT *theElement;
-    GRID *theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l);
-    for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid);
-         theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
-    {
-      if ((EstimateHere(theElement)) || (l==covise->max_level))
-      {
-        int i, coe = CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement);
-        tb << (INT32)coe;
-        for (i=0; i<coe; i++)
-        {
-          NODE *theNode = CORNER(theElement,i);
-          INT vid;
-          vid = ID(MYVERTEX(theNode));
-          /* TODO use VXGID in ModelP */
-          tb << (INT32)vid;
-        }
-        remaining--;
-        sent++;
-        if (remaining==0)
-        {
-          /* send this buffer */
-          msg->data = (char*)tb.get_data();
-          msg->length = tb.get_length();
-          covise_connection->send_msg(msg);
-          /* start next buffer */
-          tb.reset();
-          tb << MT_UGGRIDE;
-          remaining = MIN(covise->n_elems - sent, MAX_ITEMS_SENT);
-          tb << remaining;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* cleanup */
-  delete msg;
-  printf("CoviseIF: SendSurfaceGrid stop\n");
-  return(0);
-static INT SendSolution (MULTIGRID *theMG, COVISE_HEADER *covise, INT idx_sol)
-  INT l, remaining, sent, n_comp_sol;
-  TokenBuffer tb;
-  Message* msg = new Message;
-  msg->type = (covise_msg_type)0;
-  printf("CoviseIF: SendSolution start, idx_sol=%d\n", idx_sol);
-  n_comp_sol = covise->solutions[idx_sol].n_components;
-  /* reset vertex flags */
-  ResetVertexFlags(theMG, covise->min_level, covise->max_level);
-  /* start first buffer */
-  tb.reset();
-  remaining = MIN(covise->n_vertices,MAX_ITEMS_SENT);
-  tb << MT_UGSCALAR;
-  tb << idx_sol;
-  tb << remaining;
-  sent = 0;
-  /* extract data, loop from max_level to min_level! */
-  /* TODO: special handling in ModelP */
-  for (l=covise->max_level; l>=covise->min_level; l--)
-  {
-    NODE *theNode;
-    GRID *theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l);
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-    {
-      VECTOR *theVector;
-      INT i;
-      INT vid;
-      if (USED(MYVERTEX(theNode))) continue;
-      SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
-      /* NOTE: vid is sent along with data! this increases msg sizes, but
-         is the secure solution (resistent to message order a.s.o.) */
-      vid = ID(MYVERTEX(theNode));
-      tb << (INT32)vid;
-      theVector = NVECTOR(theNode);
-      /* extract data from vector */
-      for(i=0; i<n_comp_sol; i++)
-      {
-        INT comp = covise->solutions[idx_sol].comps[i];
-        tb << (FLOAT32) VVALUE(theVector,comp);
-      }
-      remaining--;
-      sent++;
-      if (remaining==0)
-      {
-        /* send this buffer */
-        msg->data = (char*)tb.get_data();
-        msg->length = tb.get_length();
-        covise_connection->send_msg(msg);
-        /* start next buffer */
-        tb.reset();
-        remaining = MIN(covise->n_vertices - sent, MAX_ITEMS_SENT);
-        tb << MT_UGSCALAR;
-        tb << idx_sol;
-        tb << remaining;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  delete msg;
-  printf("CoviseIF: SendSolution stop\n");
-  return(0);
-extern "C" INT ConnectCovise (MULTIGRID *theMG, char *hostname)
-  COVISE_HEADER covise;
-  Host *remotehost=new Host(hostname);
-  int quit_loop;
-  printf("CoviseIF: trying to connect to %s\n", hostname);
-  int wait_for_header=FALSE;
-  if (covise_connection==NULL)
-  {
-    covise_connection =
-      new ClientConnection(remotehost, DFLT_PORT, 0, (sender_type)0, 0);
-    printf("CoviseIF: new ClientConnection =%08x\n");
-    if (! covise_connection->is_connected())
-    {
-      delete covise_connection;
-      covise_connection=NULL;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      wait_for_header=TRUE;
-    }
-  }
-  if (covise_connection!=NULL && covise_connection->is_connected())
-  {
-    printf("CoviseIF: ok, connected to %s\n", hostname);
-    Message* msg = new Message();
-    int i;
-    if (covise_connection->check_for_input()||wait_for_header)
-    {
-      printf("CoviseIF: input from %s\n", hostname);
-      quit_loop = FALSE;
-      do {
-        covise_connection->recv_msg(msg);
-        printf("CoviseIF: received msg from %s, type %d\n", hostname, msg->type);
-        switch (msg->type)
-        {
-        case (covise_msg_type)0 :
-        {
-          TokenBuffer tb(msg);
-          int headerRequest,gridRequest,numSolutions,solutions[MAX_SOLUTIONS];
-          tb >> headerRequest;
-          tb >> gridRequest;
-          tb >> numSolutions;
-          for(i=0; i<numSolutions; i++)
-            tb >> solutions[i];
-          if (headerRequest)
-          {
-            printf("CoviseIF: headerRequest\n");
-            TokenBuffer rtb;
-            FillCoviseHeader(theMG, &covise);
-            rtb << MT_UGHEADER;
-            rtb << covise.min_level;
-            rtb << covise.max_level;
-            rtb << covise.n_vertices;
-            rtb << covise.n_elems;
-            rtb << covise.n_conns;
-            rtb << covise.num_solutions;
-            for(i=0; i<covise.num_solutions; i++)
-            {
-              printf("CoviseIF: sol #%d: comp=%d name=%s\n", i, covise.solutions[i].n_components, covise.solutions[i].name);
-              rtb << covise.solutions[i].n_components;
-              rtb << covise.solutions[i].name;
-            }
-            Message rmsg(rtb);
-            rmsg.type = (covise_msg_type)0;
-            covise_connection->send_msg(&rmsg);
-          }
-          if (gridRequest)
-          {
-            printf("CoviseIF: gridRequest\n");
-            SendSurfaceGrid(theMG, &covise);
-          }
-          if (numSolutions>0)
-          {
-            printf("CoviseIF: solRequest, numSol=%d\n", numSolutions);
-            for(i=0; i<numSolutions; i++)
-            {
-              SendSolution(theMG,&covise,solutions[i]);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-        /* 'continue without sending grid or solution' message */
-        case (covise_msg_type)1 :
-        {
-          printf("CoviseIF: continue\n");
-          quit_loop = TRUE;
-        }
-        break;
-        case SOCKET_CLOSED :
-        case CLOSE_SOCKET :
-        case EMPTY :
-        {
-          printf("CoviseIF: SOCKET_CLOSED\n");
-          delete covise_connection;
-          covise_connection = NULL;
-          quit_loop = TRUE;
-        }
-        break;
-        case QUIT :
-        {
-          printf("CoviseIF: QUIT\n");
-          delete covise_connection;
-          covise_connection = NULL;
-          quit_loop = TRUE;
-          /* TODO exit UG itself */
-        }
-        break;
-        }
-      } while (!quit_loop);
-    }
-    delete msg;
-  }
-  /* cleanup */
-  delete remotehost;
-  return(0);       /* no error */
-extern "C" INT InitCoviseIF (void)
-  return(0);       /* no error */
-extern "C" INT ExitCoviseIF (void)
-  if (covise_connection!=NULL)
-  {
-    delete covise_connection;
-    covise_connection=NULL;
-  }
-  return(0);       /* no error */
diff --git a/graphics/covise/coviseif.h b/graphics/covise/coviseif.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e26ea4f8b22f067350afeb365c953d115348b58b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/graphics/covise/coviseif.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*																			*/
-/* File:	  coviseif.h                                                                                                    */
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   header for Covise<->UG interface                                  */
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Stefan Lang, Klaus Birken										*/
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					                */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   971216 begin                                                                      */
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:                                                                                                                             */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files							*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifndef __COVISEIF_H__
-#define __COVISEIF_H__
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#ifndef __UGENV__
-#include "ugenv.h"
-/*																			*/
-/*	constants																*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/*	macros																	*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/*	data types																*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* function exported by this module                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-/* initialization and clean up */
-INT InitCoviseIF                                (void);
-INT ExitCoviseIF              (void);
-/* connect */
-INT ConnectCovise(MULTIGRID *, char *);
diff --git a/graphics/graphics.cc b/graphics/graphics.cc
index f008e11848d5aa6046f4647344d5a401f76b8400..8300e02fd2e0122fb2df98729a3f8e1be25ef3f1 100644
--- a/graphics/graphics.cc
+++ b/graphics/graphics.cc
@@ -50,12 +50,6 @@
 #include "initgraph.h"
-#ifdef _COVISE
-#include "coviseif.h"
-#ifdef _PV3
-#include "pv3if.h"
 /* own header */
 #include "graphics.h"
@@ -134,19 +128,6 @@ INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitGraphics (void)
   if (error!=0)
-#ifdef _COVISE
-  /* init Covise interface */
-  error = InitCoviseIF();
-  if (error!=0)
-    return(error);
-#ifdef _PV3
-  error = InitPV3();
-  if (error!=0)
-    return(error);
   return(0);         /* no error */
@@ -154,14 +135,5 @@ INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitGraphics (void)
 INT NS_DIM_PREFIX ExitGraphics (void)
-        #ifdef _COVISE
-  INT error;
-  /* close Covise interface */
-  error = ExitCoviseIF();
-  if (error!=0)
-    return(error);
-        #endif
   return(0);         /* no error */
diff --git a/graphics/pv3/.gitignore b/graphics/pv3/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index eb8d0d2f2d816222a3957a87d0fe7e7e061c3532..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/graphics/pv3/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/graphics/pv3/pv3if.c b/graphics/pv3/pv3if.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c74d56c76dd2bb72bf0d34d239a95a1511495f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/graphics/pv3/pv3if.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      pv3if.c                                                       */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   Interface to pV3                                              */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:    Michael Lampe                                                 */
-/*            IWR Uni Heidelberg                                            */
-/*            Im Neuenheimer Feld 368                                       */
-/*            69120 Heidelberg                                              */
-/*            Email: Michael.Lampe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* History:   20030130 begin, ug3.8                                         */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:   Don't despair. pV3 is written in Fortran 77 ;-)               */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*            TODO: 1) support for on-line visualization                    */
-/*                  2) give pV3 info about partition boundaries             */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			  system include files											*/
-/*			  application include files                                                                     */
-/*																			*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pV3.h>
-#include "general.h"
-#include "parallel.h"
-#include "gm.h"
-#include "shapes.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "pv3if.h"
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order										        */
-/*																			*/
-/*		compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)		*/
-/*		other constants												                */
-/*		macros																*/
-/*																			*/
-#define MAX_ITEM    50
-#undef MIN
-#define MIN(a, b)   ((a)<=(b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define SURFACE_LOOP_BEGIN(mg, e) \
-  { \
-    int _i; \
-    for (_i = 0; _i <= TOPLEVEL(mg); _i++) \
-      for (e = FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg, _i)); e != NULL; e = SUCCE(e)) { \
-        if (!EstimateHere(e)) continue;
-  } \
-  }
-/*                                                                          */
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)        */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* initialization data */
-static char title[]="UG Output";     /* title string                        */
-static int cid;                      /* client id                           */
-static char cname[]=" ";             /* client name                         */
-static char dname[]=" ";             /* not needed                          */
-static int iopt;                     /* unsteady control parameter          */
-static int npgcut=0;                 /* # of programmer defined cuts        */
-static char tpgcut[MAX_ITEM][32];    /* title for each cut                  */
-static int nkeys=0;                  /* # of active keyboard keys           */
-static int ikeys[MAX_ITEM];          /* X-keypress return code for each key */
-static char tkeys[MAX_ITEM][32];     /* title for each key                  */
-static int fkeys[MAX_ITEM];          /* type of function controlled         */
-static float flims[MAX_ITEM][2];     /* function limits/scales              */
-static int mirror=0;                 /* not needed                          */
-static float repmat[16];             /* not needed                          */
-static int maxblk=0;                 /* not needed                          */
-static int istat;                    /* startup/terminate state             */
-/* evaluation data */
-static union {
-  EVALUES *s;
-  EVECTOR *v;
-} eval[MAX_ITEM];
-static char eval_name[MAX_ITEM][NAMESIZE];
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    utility functions                                                     */
-/*                                                                          */
-static void fstring(char *d, const char *s, size_t n)
-  int i;
-  strncpy(d, s, n);
-  for(i = MIN(strlen(s), n); i < n; i++)
-    d[i]=' ';
-static void ClearVertexMarkers(MULTIGRID *mg)
-  VERTEX *v;
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i <= TOPLEVEL(mg); i++)
-    for (v = FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg, i)); v != NULL; v = SUCCV(v))
-      SETUSED(v,0);
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    callback for grid statistics                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-void pVSTRUC(int *knode, int *kequiv, int *kcel1, int *kcel2, int *kcel3,
-             int *kcel4, int *knptet, int *kptet, int *knblock, int *blocks,
-             int *kphedra, int *ksurf, int *knsurf, int *hint)
-  ELEMENT *e;
-  VERTEX *v;
-  int i;
-  *knode = *kcel1 = *kcel2 = *kcel3 = *kcel4 = *ksurf = 0;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  ClearVertexMarkers(mg);
-  switch (TAG(e))
-  {
-    (*kcel1)++;
-    break;
-  case PYRAMID :
-    (*kcel2)++;
-    break;
-  case PRISM :
-    (*kcel3)++;
-    break;
-  case HEXAHEDRON :
-    (*kcel4)++;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < CORNERS_OF_ELEM(e); i++) {
-    v = MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, i));
-    if (USED(v)) continue;
-    SETUSED(v, 1);
-    ID(v) = *knode;                           /* number vertices */
-    (*knode)++;
-  }
-  /* check for domain boundary sides */
-  if (OBJT(e) == BEOBJ) {
-    for (i = 0; i < SIDES_OF_ELEM(e); i++)
-      if (SIDE_ON_BND(e, i) && !InnerBoundary(e, i))
-        (*ksurf)++;
-  }
-  *kequiv  = 0;
-  *knptet  = 0;
-  *kptet   = 0;
-  *knblock = 0;
-  *kphedra = 0;
-  *knsurf  = 1;
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    callback for element vertices                                         */
-/*                                                                          */
-void pVCELL(int *cel1, int *cel2, int *cel3, int *cel4, int *nptet, int *ptet)
-  ELEMENT *e;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  switch (TAG(e))
-  {
-    cel1[0] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 3)))+1;
-    cel1[1] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 0)))+1;
-    cel1[2] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 1)))+1;
-    cel1[3] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 2)))+1;
-    cel1 += 4;
-    break;
-  case PYRAMID :
-    cel2[0] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 0)))+1;
-    cel2[1] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 1)))+1;
-    cel2[2] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 2)))+1;
-    cel2[3] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 3)))+1;
-    cel2[4] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 4)))+1;
-    cel2 += 5;
-    break;
-  case PRISM :
-    cel3[0] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 1)))+1;
-    cel3[1] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 4)))+1;
-    cel3[2] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 5)))+1;
-    cel3[3] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 2)))+1;
-    cel3[4] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 3)))+1;
-    cel3[5] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 0)))+1;
-    cel3 += 6;
-    break;
-  case HEXAHEDRON :
-    cel4[0] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 0)))+1;
-    cel4[1] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 1)))+1;
-    cel4[2] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 2)))+1;
-    cel4[3] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 3)))+1;
-    cel4[4] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 4)))+1;
-    cel4[5] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 5)))+1;
-    cel4[6] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 6)))+1;
-    cel4[7] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, 7)))+1;
-    cel4 += 8;
-    break;
-  }
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    callback for vertex coordinates                                       */
-/*                                                                          */
-void pVGRID(float *xyz)
-  ELEMENT *e;
-  VERTEX *v;
-  int i;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  ClearVertexMarkers(mg);
-  for (i = 0; i < CORNERS_OF_ELEM(e); i++) {
-    v = MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, i));
-    if (USED(v)) continue;
-    SETUSED(v, 1);
-    *xyz++ = XC(v);
-    *xyz++ = YC(v);
-    *xyz++ = ZC(v);
-  }
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    callback for surface data                                             */
-/*                                                                          */
-void pVSURFACE(int *nsurf, int *scon, int *scel, char *tsurf, int tsurf_len)
-  ELEMENT *e;
-  VERTEX *v;
-  int i, j, n;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  /* domain surface */
-  n = 0;
-  if (OBJT(e) == BEOBJ) {
-    for (i = 0; i < SIDES_OF_ELEM(e); i++)
-      if (SIDE_ON_BND(e, i) && !InnerBoundary(e, i)) {
-        *scon++ = 0;
-        scel[3] = 0;
-        for (j = 0; j < CORNERS_OF_SIDE(e, i); j++)
-          scel[j] = ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, CORNER_OF_SIDE(e, i, j))))+1;
-        scel += 4;
-        n++;
-      }
-  }
-    nsurf[0] = n;
-  nsurf[1] = 2;
-  nsurf[2] = 1;
-  fstring(tsurf, "Domain Surface", 20);
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    callback for scalar data                                              */
-/*                                                                          */
-void pVSCAL(int *key, float *s)
-  ELEMENT *e;
-  VERTEX *v;
-  PreprocessingProcPtr pre;
-  ElementEvalProcPtr foo;
-  double *cc[MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM], lc[3];
-  int i, k;
-  k = (*key)-1;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  pre = eval[k].s->PreprocessProc;
-  if (pre != NULL) pre(eval_name[k], mg);
-  foo = eval[k].s->EvalProc;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  ClearVertexMarkers(mg);
-  for (i = 0; i < CORNERS_OF_ELEM(e); i++)
-    cc[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, i)));
-  for (i = 0; i < CORNERS_OF_ELEM(e); i++) {
-    v = MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, i));
-    if (USED(v)) continue;
-    SETUSED(v, 1);
-    LocalCornerCoordinates(3, TAG(e), i, lc);
-    *s++ = (float)foo(e, cc, lc);
-  }
-/*                                                                          */
-/*    callback for vector data                                              */
-/*                                                                          */
-void pVVECT(int *key, float *V)
-  ELEMENT *e;
-  VERTEX *v;
-  PreprocessingProcPtr pre;
-  ElementVectorProcPtr foo;
-  double *cc[MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM], lc[3], vv[3];
-  int i, k;
-  k = (*key)-1;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  pre = eval[k].v->PreprocessProc;
-  if (pre != NULL) pre(eval_name[k], mg);
-  foo = eval[k].v->EvalProc;
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  ClearVertexMarkers(mg);
-  for (i = 0; i < CORNERS_OF_ELEM(e); i++)
-    cc[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, i)));
-  for (i = 0; i < CORNERS_OF_ELEM(e); i++) {
-    v = MYVERTEX(CORNER(e, i));
-    if (USED(v)) continue;
-    SETUSED(v, 1);
-    LocalCornerCoordinates(3, TAG(e), i, lc);
-    foo(e, cc, lc, vv);
-    *V++ = (float)vv[0];
-    *V++ = (float)vv[1];
-    *V++ = (float)vv[2];
-  }
-/*                                                                          */
-/*   pv3scal $k <key> $T <title> $ns <eval> $s <scal> $f <from> $t <to>      */
-/*                                                                          */
-static INT pv3ScalCommand(INT argc, char **argv)
-  char k, T[32], ns[NAMELEN], s[NAMELEN];
-  float f, t;
-  if (strncmp(argv[1],"k",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[1], "k %c", &k);
-  if (strncmp(argv[2],"T",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[2], "T %s", T);
-  if (strncmp(argv[3],"ns",2) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[3], "ns %s", ns);
-  if (strncmp(argv[4],"s",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[4], "s %s", s);
-  if (strncmp(argv[5],"f",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[5], "f %f", &f);
-  if (strncmp(argv[6],"t",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[6], "t %f", &t);
-  ikeys[nkeys] = k;
-  fstring(tkeys[nkeys], T, 32);
-  fkeys[nkeys] = 1;
-  flims[nkeys][0] = f;
-  flims[nkeys][1] = t;
-  eval[nkeys].s = GetElementValueEvalProc(ns);
-  strcpy(eval_name[nkeys], s);
-  nkeys++;
-  return OKCODE;
-/*                                                                          */
-/*   pv3vect $k <key> $T <title> $nv <eval> $s <vect> $f <scale>            */
-/*                                                                          */
-static INT pv3VectCommand(INT argc, char **argv)
-  char k, T[32], nv[NAMELEN], s[NAMELEN];
-  float f;
-  if (strncmp(argv[1],"k",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[1], "k %c", &k);
-  if (strncmp(argv[2],"T",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[2], "T %s", T);
-  if (strncmp(argv[3],"nv",2) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[3], "nv %s", nv);
-  if (strncmp(argv[4],"s",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[4], "s %s", s);
-  if (strncmp(argv[5],"f",1) != 0) return PARAMERRORCODE;
-  sscanf(argv[5], "f %f", &f);
-  ikeys[nkeys] = k;
-  fstring(tkeys[nkeys], T, 32);
-  fkeys[nkeys] = 2;
-  flims[nkeys][0] = f;
-  flims[nkeys][1] = f;
-  eval[nkeys].v = GetElementVectorEvalProc(nv);
-  strcpy(eval_name[nkeys], s);
-  nkeys++;
-  return OKCODE;
-/*                                                                          */
-/*   pv3plot                                                                */
-/*                                                                          */
-static INT pv3PlotCommand(INT argc, char **argv)
-  iopt  = 0;       /* steady grid & data */
-  istat = 3;       /* wait for and terminate with pV3 server */
-  cid   = me+1;
-  pV_INIT(title, &cid, cname, dname, &iopt, &npgcut, tpgcut[0],
-          &nkeys, ikeys, tkeys[0], fkeys, flims[0], &mirror, repmat,
-          &maxblk, &istat, strlen(title), strlen(cname), strlen(dname),
-          32, 32);
-  if (istat != 0) return CMDERRORCODE;
-  return OKCODE;
-INT InitPV3(void)
-  if (CreateCommand("pv3scal", pv3ScalCommand) == NULL) return __LINE__;
-  if (CreateCommand("pv3vect", pv3VectCommand) == NULL) return __LINE__;
-  if (CreateCommand("pv3plot", pv3PlotCommand) == NULL) return __LINE__;
-  return 0;
diff --git a/graphics/pv3/pv3if.h b/graphics/pv3/pv3if.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f09b0704529a3ce6ecac6544f8b911749c92c6d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/graphics/pv3/pv3if.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      pv3if.h                                                       */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   Interface to pV3                                              */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:    Michael Lampe                                                 */
-/*            IWR Uni Heidelberg                                            */
-/*            Im Neuenheimer Feld 368                                       */
-/*            69120 Heidelberg                                              */
-/*            Email: Michael.Lampe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* History:   20030130 begin, ug3.8                                         */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:                                                                 */
-/*                                                                          */
-#ifndef __PV3IF__
-#define __PV3IF__
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-INT InitPV3(void);
diff --git a/ui/CMakeLists.txt b/ui/CMakeLists.txt
index ed3bc9f2c2a13e3c9359cc1a59050967674c03cc..2c53f2e5f52dda442ffcec57054031ba14031acb 100644
--- a/ui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 set(SOURCES  uginterface.cc initui.cc cmdint.cc cmdline.cc
-  dataexplorer.cc commands.cc helpmsg.cc avs.cc
-  tecplot.cc mmio.cc fieldio.cc)
+  commands.cc helpmsg.cc
+  mmio.cc fieldio.cc)
 install(FILES cmdint.h cmdline.h commands.h
 ug_add_dim_libs(ugui OBJECT SOURCES ${SOURCES})
diff --git a/ui/avs.cc b/ui/avs.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d645afba0e97e4b8c45c4f5585f1e710839c7d08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/avs.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,944 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      avs.c		                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   avs output                                                                                        */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:	  Peter Bastian                                                                                         */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: peter@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de							*/
-/*			  fon: 0049-(0)711-685-7003										*/
-/*			  fax: 0049-(0)711-685-7000										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   07.11.96 begin, ug version 3.4, derived from tecplot.c		*/
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:                                                                 */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* include files                                                            */
-/*            system include files                                          */
-/*            application include files                                     */
-/*                                                                          */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "enrol.h"
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#include "pfile.h"
-#include "gm.h"
-#include "cw.h"
-#include "elements.h"
-#include "ugenv.h"
-#include "ugm.h"
-#include "algebra.h"
-#include "cmdint.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "helpmsg.h"
-#include "shapes.h"
-#include "cmdline.h"
-#include "num.h"
-#include "rm.h"
-#include "avs.h"
-using namespace PPIF;
-/*                                                                          */
-/* defines in the following order                                           */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*        compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)    */
-/*        other constants                                                   */
-/*        macros                                                            */
-/*                                                                          */
-#define MAXVARIABLES    20                      /* max number of eval procs				*/
-#define VALUES_PER_LINE 10                      /* number of data values per line		*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of exported global variables									*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifdef ModelP
-static INT get_offset (INT n)
-  INT i,subtreesize[50],sum,offset;
-  /* get number of objects downtree */
-  sum = n;
-  for (i=0; i<degree; i++) {
-    GetConcentrate(i,subtreesize+i,sizeof(INT));
-    sum += subtreesize[i];
-  }
-  /* get offset */
-  if (me==master)
-  {
-    offset = 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Concentrate(&sum,sizeof(INT));
-    GetSpread(&offset,sizeof(INT));
-  }
-  /* send offsets for downtree nodes */
-  sum = offset+n;
-  for (i=0; i<degree; i++) {
-    Spread(i,&sum,sizeof(INT));
-    sum += subtreesize[i];
-  }
-  return(offset);
-static INT GloballyUniqueIDs (MULTIGRID *theMG)
-  GRID *theGrid;
-  VERTEX *theVertex;
-  NODE *theNode;
-  ELEMENT *theElement;
-  INT nv,nn,ne;
-  INT ov,on,oe;
-  int k,j;
-  nv = ne = nn = 0;
-  j = theMG->topLevel;
-  for (k=0; k<=j; k++)
-  {
-    theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,k);
-    /* vertices */
-    for (theVertex=FIRSTVERTEX(theGrid); theVertex!=NULL; theVertex=SUCCV(theVertex))
-      ID(theVertex) = nv++;
-    /* nodes */
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-      ID(theNode) = nn++;
-    /* elements */
-    for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
-      ID(theElement) = ne++;
-  }
-  theMG->vertIdCounter = nv;
-  theMG->nodeIdCounter = nn;
-  theMG->elemIdCounter = ne;
-  ov = get_offset(nv);
-  on = get_offset(nn);
-  oe = get_offset(ne);
-  for (k=0; k<=j; k++)
-  {
-    theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,k);
-    /* vertices */
-    for (theVertex=FIRSTVERTEX(theGrid); theVertex!=NULL; theVertex=SUCCV(theVertex))
-      ID(theVertex) += ov;
-    /* nodes */
-    for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
-      ID(theNode) += on;
-    /* elements */
-    for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
-      ID(theElement) += oe;
-  }
-  return(0);
-static INT AVS_GlobalSumINT (INT i)
-  int l;
-  INT n;
-  for (l=degree-1; l>=0; l--)
-  {
-    GetConcentrate(l,&n,sizeof(INT));
-    i += n;
-  }
-  Concentrate(&i,sizeof(INT));
-  Broadcast(&i,sizeof(INT));
-  return(i);
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of functions													*/
-/*																			*/
-   avs - file output in AVS format
-   The avs command stores grid and multiple vector or scalar grid functions
-   in AVS readable format to file.
-   'avs <filename> [$scale <factor>] [$zcoord <nep> $s <vd>]
-                                   [$ns <nep> $s <vd>]* [$nv <nep> $s <vd>]*
-                                   [$es <eep> $s <vd>]* [$ev <eep> $s <vd>]*'
-   .  $scale~<factor>	- ?
-   .  $zcoord...		- plot function to be drawn on z-coordinate (2D grids only)
-   .  $ns...			- plot function for scalar nodal values
-   .  $nv...			- plot function for vector nodal values
-   .  $es...			- plot function for scalar element values
-   .  $ev...			- plot function for vector element values
-   .  <vd>				- vecdata desc
-   .  <nep>			- eval proc (nodal values)
-   .  <eep>			- eval proc (element values)
-   graphics, plot, file, output, AVS
-   'avs NavierStokesSolution.avs $ns nvalue $s psol $nv nvector $s velsol'
-   D*/
-static INT AVSCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
-  INT i,j,k,v;                                  /* counters etc.							*/
-  INT counter;                                  /* for formatting output					*/
-  char item[1024],it[256];              /* item buffers								*/
-  INT ic=0;                                             /* item length	*/
-  VERTEX *vx;                                           /* a vertex pointer							*/
-  ELEMENT *el;                                  /* an element pointer						*/
-  MULTIGRID *mg;                                /* our multigrid							*/
-  char filename[NAMESIZE];      /* file name for output file				*/
-  PFILE *pf;                                            /* the output file pointer					*/
-  EVALUES *zcoord;                              /* use scalar as z coordinate in 2D only	*/
-  char zcoord_name[NAMESIZE];           /* name for eval functions                  */
-  INT ns;                                               /* number of scalar eval procs				*/
-  INT nv;                                               /* number of vector eval procs				*/
-  EVALUES *es[MAXVARIABLES];            /* pointers to scalar eval function desc	*/
-  char es_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];         /* names for eval functions     */
-  EVECTOR *ev[MAXVARIABLES];            /* pointers to vector eval function desc	*/
-  char ev_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];         /* names for eval functions     */
-  INT ns_cell;                                  /* number of scalar eval procs				*/
-  INT nv_cell;                                  /* number of vector eval procs				*/
-  EVALUES *es_cell[MAXVARIABLES];       /* pointers to scalar eval function desc*/
-  char es_cell_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];            /* names for eval functions */
-  EVECTOR *ev_cell[MAXVARIABLES];       /* pointers to vector eval function desc*/
-  char ev_cell_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];            /* names for eval functions */
-  char s[NAMESIZE];                             /* name of eval proc						*/
-  INT numNodes;                                 /* number of data points locally			*/
-  INT numElements;                              /* number of elements locally				*/
-  INT gnumNodes;                                /* number of data points globally			*/
-  INT gnumElements;                             /* number of elements globallay				*/
-  PreprocessingProcPtr pre;             /* pointer to prepare function				*/
-  ElementEvalProcPtr eval_s;            /* pointer to scalar evaluation function	*/
-  ElementVectorProcPtr eval_v;      /* pointer to vector evaluation function	*/
-  DOUBLE *CornersCoord[MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM];       /* pointers to coordinates   */
-  DOUBLE LocalCoord[DIM];               /* is one of the corners local coordinates	*/
-  DOUBLE local[DIM];                            /* local coordinate in DOUBLE				*/
-  DOUBLE value;                                 /* returned by user eval proc				*/
-  DOUBLE x,y,z;                                 /* scalar values							*/
-  DOUBLE vval[DIM];                             /* result of vector evaluation function		*/
-  DOUBLE scale;
-  VECDATA_DESC *displacement;
-  const SHORT *comp;
-  time_t ltime;
-  double scaling=1.0;
-  INT oe,on,n;
-  /* get current multigrid */
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  if (mg==NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('W',"avs","no multigrid open\n");
-    return (OKCODE);
-  }
-  /* scan options */
-  ns = nv = ns_cell = nv_cell = 0;
-  zcoord = NULL;
-  displacement = ReadArgvVecDesc(mg,"displacement",argc,argv);
-  if (displacement != NULL) {
-    comp = VD_ncmp_cmpptr_of_otype(displacement,NODEVEC,&n);
-    if (n < DIM)
-      return(CMDERRORCODE);
-    if (ReadArgvDOUBLE("scale",&scale,argc,argv))
-      scale = 1.0;
-  }
-  for(i=1; i<argc; i++)
-  {
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"scale",5)==0) {
-      sscanf(argv[i],"scale %s", s);
-      sscanf(s,"%lg",&scaling);
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"zcoord",6)==0) {
-      sscanf(argv[i],"zcoord %s", s);
-      zcoord = GetElementValueEvalProc(s);
-      if (zcoord==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"avs:","could not find scalar eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(zcoord_name,s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(zcoord_name,zcoord->v.name);
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"ns",2)==0) {
-      if (ns>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"avs:","too many scalar variables specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"ns %s", s);
-      es[ns] = GetElementValueEvalProc(s);
-      if (es[ns]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"avs:","could not find scalar eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(es_name[ns],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(es_name[ns],es[ns]->v.name);
-      ns++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"nv",2)==0) {
-      if (nv>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"avs:","too many vector variables specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"nv %s", s);
-      ev[nv] = GetElementVectorEvalProc(s);
-      if (ev[nv]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"avs:","could not find vector eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_name[nv],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(ev_name[nv],ev[nv]->v.name);
-      nv++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"cs",2)==0) {
-      if (ns_cell>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"avs:","too many scalar variables specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"cs %s", s);
-      es_cell[ns_cell] = GetElementValueEvalProc(s);
-      if (es_cell[ns_cell]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"avs:","could not find scalar eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(es_cell_name[ns_cell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(es_cell_name[ns_cell],es_cell[ns_cell]->v.name);
-      ns_cell++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"cv",2)==0) {
-      if (nv_cell>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"avs:","too many vector variables specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"cv %s", s);
-      ev_cell[nv_cell] = GetElementVectorEvalProc(s);
-      if (ev_cell[nv_cell]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"avs:","could not find vector eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_cell_name[nv_cell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(ev_cell_name[nv_cell],ev_cell[nv_cell]->v.name);
-      nv_cell++;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  if (ns==0 && nv==0) UserWrite("avs: no variables given, printing mesh data only\n");
-  /* get file name and open output file */
-  if (sscanf(argv[0],expandfmt(CONCAT3(" avs %",NAMELENSTR,"[ -~]")),filename)!=1)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"avs","could not read name of output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  pf = pfile_open(filename);
-  if (pf==NULL) return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  /********************************/
-  /* TITLE                                              */
-  /********************************/
-  time(&ltime);
-  sprintf(it,"# AVS data produced by UG\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  sprintf(it,"# multigrid: %s\n",mg->v.name);
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  sprintf(it,"# date:      %s",ctime(&ltime));
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /********************************/
-  /* compute sizes				*/
-  /********************************/
-  /* clear USED flag in vertices on all levels */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-  /* run thru all levels of elements and set index */
-  numNodes = numElements = 0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                          /* process finest level elements only */
-      numElements++;                                            /* increase element counter */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-      {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;                         /* we have this one already */
-        ++numNodes;                                                     /* number of data points, begins with 1 ! */
-        SETUSED(vx,1);                                          /* tag vector as visited */
-      }
-    }
-        #ifdef ModelP
-  gnumNodes = AVS_GlobalSumINT(numNodes);
-  gnumElements = AVS_GlobalSumINT(numElements);
-  on=get_offset(numNodes);
-  oe=get_offset(numElements);
-  GloballyUniqueIDs(mg);       /* renumber objects */
-        #else
-  gnumNodes = numNodes;
-  gnumElements = numElements;
-  oe=on=0;
-        #endif
-  /********************************/
-  /* (1) now we are ready to write*/
-  /* the sizes to the file		*/
-  /********************************/
-  sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d %d\n",
-          gnumNodes,                                    /* total number of nodes to write       */
-          gnumElements,                         /* total number of cells			*/
-          ns+1+nv*DIM,                          /* number of doubles per node		*/
-          ns_cell+nv_cell*DIM,          /* doubles per cell is always zero !*/
-          0);                                                   /* doubles per model                            */
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /********************************/
-  /* (2) next are the coordinates */
-  /* of nodes in point block form */
-  /* This is pfile segment 0      */
-  /********************************/
-  if (DIM==2 && zcoord!=NULL)
-  {
-    pre    = zcoord->PreprocessProc;
-    if (pre!=NULL) pre(zcoord_name,mg);
-  }
-  /* clear USED flag in vertices on all levels */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-  counter=0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                          /* process finest level elements only */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));         /* x,y,z of corners */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-      {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;                         /* we have this one already */
-        SETUSED(vx,1);                                          /* tag vector as visited */
-        /* get local coordinate of corner */
-        LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = local[j];
-        x = XC(vx);
-        y = YC(vx);
-        if (DIM==3)
-        {
-          z = ZC(vx);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          if (zcoord!=NULL)
-          {
-            eval_s = zcoord->EvalProc;
-            z = scaling*eval_s(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord);
-          }
-          else
-            z = 0.0;
-        }
-        if (displacement != NULL) {
-          x += scale * VVALUE(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,i)),comp[0]);
-          y += scale * VVALUE(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,i)),comp[1]);
-                                        #ifdef __THREEDIM__
-          z += scale * VVALUE(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,i)),comp[2]);
-                                        #endif
-        }
-        sprintf(it,"%d %g %g %g\n",ID(vx),x,y,z);
-        pfile_tagged_puts(pf,it,counter+on);
-        counter++;
-      }
-    }
-  pfile_sync(pf);       /* end of segment */
-  /********************************/
-  /* (3) next is the cell               */
-  /*     connectivity list		*/
-  /********************************/
-  counter=0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                          /* process finest level elements only */
-      /* cell number and material id */
-                        #ifdef ModelP
-      sprintf(it,"%d %d ",ID(el),me);
-                        #else
-      sprintf(it,"%d %d ",ID(el),SUBDOMAIN(el));
-                        #endif
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      if (DIM==2)
-      {
-        switch (CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el))
-        {
-        case 3 :
-          sprintf(it,"tri %d %d %d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))));
-          break;
-        case 4 :
-          sprintf(it,"quad %d %d %d %d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))));
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      else                   /* DIM==3 */
-      {
-        switch (CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el))
-        {
-        case 4 :
-          sprintf(it,"tet %d %d %d %d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))));
-          break;
-        case 5 :
-          sprintf(it,"pyr %d %d %d %d %d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))));
-          break;
-        case 6 :
-          sprintf(it,"prism %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))));
-          break;
-        case 8 :
-          sprintf(it,"hex %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,6))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,7))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))));
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_tagged_puts(pf,item,counter+oe); ic=0;
-      counter++;
-    }
-  pfile_sync(pf);       /* end of segment */
-  /********************************/
-  /* node data					*/
-  /********************************/
-  if (1+ns+nv>0)
-  {
-    /********************************/
-    /* (4) data associated with		*/
-    /*     nodes					*/
-    /********************************/
-    sprintf(it,"%d ",ns+nv+1);                                          /* number of components */
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    for (k=0; k<ns; k++) {
-      sprintf(it,"1 ");                                                         /* scalar component		*/
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    }
-    sprintf(it,"1 ");                                                           /* scalar component me	*/
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    for (k=0; k<nv; k++) {
-      sprintf(it,"%d ",DIM);                                            /* vector component		*/
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    }
-    sprintf(it,"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    /********************************/
-    /* (5) component labels			*/
-    /*                                                  */
-    /********************************/
-    /* now all scalar variables */
-    for (i=0; i<ns; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"%s, \n",ENVITEM_NAME(es[i]));           /* no units */
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    sprintf(it,"%s, \n","procid");             /* no units */
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    for (i=0; i<nv; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"%s, \n",ENVITEM_NAME(ev[i]));           /* no units */
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    /********************************/
-    /* (6) all the node data		*/
-    /*                                                  */
-    /********************************/
-    /* CAUTION: AVS supports only a point block format. Therefore
-       all prepare functions are called at the beginning.
-     */
-    /* execute all prepare functions */
-    for (v=0; v<ns; v++)
-    {
-      pre    = es[v]->PreprocessProc;
-      /* execute prepare function */
-      if (pre!=NULL) pre(es_name[v],mg);
-    }
-    for (v=0; v<nv; v++)
-    {
-      pre    = ev[v]->PreprocessProc;
-      /* execute prepare function */
-      if (pre!=NULL) pre(ev_name[v],mg);
-    }
-    /* now the data in point block format */
-    /* clear USED flag in vertices on all levels */
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-        SETUSED(vx,0);
-    counter=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                                /* process finest level elements only */
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-          CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));                       /* x,y,z of corners */
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-          vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-          if (USED(vx)) continue;                               /* we have this one already */
-          SETUSED(vx,1);                                        /* tag vector as visited */
-          /* get local coordinate of corner */
-          LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-          for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = local[j];
-          /* write node id */
-          sprintf(it,"%d ",ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i))));
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-          /* scalar components */
-          for (v=0; v<ns; v++)
-          {
-            eval_s = es[v]->EvalProc;
-            value = eval_s(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord);
-            sprintf(it,"%g ",value);
-            strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-          }
-                                        #ifdef ModelP
-          value = (DOUBLE) me;
-                                        #else
-          value = SUBDOMAIN(el);
-                                        #endif
-          sprintf(it,"%g ",value);
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-          /* vector components */
-          for (v=0; v<nv; v++)
-          {
-            eval_v = ev[v]->EvalProc;
-            eval_v(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord,vval);
-            if (DIM==2)
-              sprintf(it,"%g %g ",vval[0],vval[1]);
-            else
-              sprintf(it,"%g %g %g ",vval[0],vval[1],vval[2]);
-            strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-          }
-          sprintf(it,"\n");
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-          pfile_tagged_puts(pf,item,counter+on); ic=0;
-          counter++;
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  pfile_sync(pf);       /* end of segment */
-  /********************************/
-  /* cell data					*/
-  /********************************/
-  if (ns_cell+nv_cell>0)
-  {
-    /********************************/
-    /* (4) data associated with		*/
-    /*     elements					*/
-    /********************************/
-    sprintf(it,"%d ",ns_cell+nv_cell);                          /* number of components */
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    for (k=0; k<ns_cell; k++) {
-      sprintf(it,"1 ");                                                         /* scalar component		*/
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    }
-    for (k=0; k<nv_cell; k++) {
-      sprintf(it,"%d ",DIM);                                            /* vector component		*/
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    }
-    sprintf(it,"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    /********************************/
-    /* (5) component labels			*/
-    /*                                                  */
-    /********************************/
-    /* now all scalar variables */
-    for (i=0; i<ns_cell; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"%s, \n",ENVITEM_NAME(es_cell[i]));           /* no units */
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i<nv_cell; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"%s, \n",ENVITEM_NAME(ev_cell[i]));           /* no units */
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    /********************************/
-    /* (6) all the cell data		*/
-    /*                                                  */
-    /********************************/
-    /* CAUTION: AVS supports only a point block format. Therefore
-       all prepare functions are called at the beginning.
-     */
-    /* execute all prepare functions */
-    for (v=0; v<ns_cell; v++)
-    {
-      pre    = es_cell[v]->PreprocessProc;
-      /* execute prepare function */
-      if (pre!=NULL) pre(es_cell_name[v],mg);
-    }
-    for (v=0; v<nv_cell; v++)
-    {
-      pre    = ev_cell[v]->PreprocessProc;
-      /* execute prepare function */
-      if (pre!=NULL) pre(ev_cell_name[v],mg);
-    }
-    /* now the data in point block format */
-    counter=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                                /* process finest level elements only */
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-          CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));                       /* x,y,z of corners */
-        /* compute center in local coordinates */
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = 0.0;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-          /* get local coordinate of corner */
-          LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-          for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] += local[j];
-        }
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] /= ((DOUBLE)CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el));
-        /* write cell id */
-        sprintf(it,"%d ",ID(el));
-        strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        /* scalar components */
-        for (v=0; v<ns_cell; v++)
-        {
-          eval_s = es_cell[v]->EvalProc;
-          value = eval_s(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord);
-          sprintf(it,"%g ",value);
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        }
-        /* vector components */
-        for (v=0; v<nv_cell; v++)
-        {
-          eval_v = ev_cell[v]->EvalProc;
-          eval_v(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord,vval);
-          if (DIM==2)
-            sprintf(it,"%g %g ",vval[0],vval[1]);
-          else
-            sprintf(it,"%g %g %g ",vval[0],vval[1],vval[2]);
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        }
-        sprintf(it,"\n");
-        strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        pfile_tagged_puts(pf,item,counter+oe); ic=0;
-        counter++;
-      }
-  }
-  pfile_sync(pf);       /* end of segment */
-  /********************************/
-  /* IN THIS VERSION:				*/
-  /* no cell and model data, we   */
-  /* are ready !                                        */
-  /********************************/
-  pfile_close(pf);
-  return(OKCODE);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:  InitAVS														*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   register all formats for porous media library					*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:     void															*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	  INT 0: ok														*/
-/*				  else line number where error occured						*/
-/*																			*/
-  if (CreateCommand("avs",AVSCommand)==NULL) return (__LINE__);
-  return(0);
diff --git a/ui/avs.h b/ui/avs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 63418d74eca50d1436b9a0c5eb04fda37bd5a6aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/avs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      avs.h                                                         */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   avs output header file	                                                */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:	  Peter Bastian                                                                                     */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de			                                */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   29.06.95 begin, ug version 3.0								*/
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:                                                                 */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files                           */
-/*                                                                          */
-#ifndef __AVS__
-#define __AVS__
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "namespace.h"
-/*                                                                          */
-/* function declarations                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* exports only the init function */
-INT InitAVS ();
diff --git a/ui/commands.cc b/ui/commands.cc
index 857bd11b7204a114ac45bde031078a55df280a88..39509e56671a5d905704b610c6f03734da9225e6 100644
--- a/ui/commands.cc
+++ b/ui/commands.cc
@@ -110,9 +110,6 @@
 #include "wop.h"
 #include "graph.h"
 #include "graphics/grape/connectuggrape.h"
-#ifdef _COVISE
-#include "graphics/covise/coviseif.h"
 /* user interface module */
 #include "uginterface.h"
@@ -7202,38 +7199,6 @@ static INT CallGrapeCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
-#ifdef _COVISE
-/** \brief Implementation of \ref covise. */
-static INT CoviseCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
-  MULTIGRID *theCurrMG;
-  char hostname[NAMESIZE];
-  /* see if multigrid exists */
-  theCurrMG = currMG;
-  if (theCurrMG==NULL)
-  {
-    UserWrite("cannot start covise without multigrid\n");
-    return (CMDERRORCODE);
-  }
-  if (sscanf(argv[0],"covise %s",hostname)!=1)
-  {
-    UserWrite("covise: specify hostname to connect to!\n");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  /* call covise */
-  if (ConnectCovise(theCurrMG, hostname)) return (CMDERRORCODE);
-  return (OKCODE);
 /** \brief Implementation of \ref screensize. */
 static INT ScreenSizeCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
@@ -11579,10 +11544,6 @@ INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitCommands ()
   /* commands for grape */
   if (CreateCommand("grape",                      CallGrapeCommand                                )==NULL) return (__LINE__);
-#ifdef _COVISE
-  /* commands for covise */
-  if (CreateCommand("covise",                     CoviseCommand                                   )==NULL) return (__LINE__);
   /* commands for window and picture management */
   if (CreateCommand("screensize",         ScreenSizeCommand                               )==NULL) return (__LINE__);
diff --git a/ui/commands.doc b/ui/commands.doc
index 009573517f7107bc281e1c7f1fa524a15f58dc21..98f4246bef0fecfa8201e6b8de604466b4e0aed1 100644
--- a/ui/commands.doc
+++ b/ui/commands.doc
@@ -1663,21 +1663,6 @@ freeaverage $nv uwTrans $s sol $nv unTrans $s sol;
-/** \page  covise covise - Enable covise interface
- \section Description
-   This command enables docking of a Covise user interface by a remote
-   workstation.
-\section Syntax
-  <li> hostname		- hostname of workstation which runs Covise
- \section Keywords
-   multigrid, graphics, Covise, plot
 /** \page  screensize screensize - Print the size of the monitor screen in pixels
diff --git a/ui/dataexplorer.cc b/ui/dataexplorer.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a55c3ae3bc85ea34891f9414896a7bf17fc54681..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/dataexplorer.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1980 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:	  dataexplorer.c												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   dataexplorer output			                                                                */
-/*																			*/
-/* Author:	  Volker Reichenberger / Michael Lampe							*/
-/*			  IWR Technische Simulation				                                                */
-/*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*/
-/*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*/
-/*			  69120 Heidelberg												*/
-/*			  email: volker.reichenberger@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de				*/
-/*                   michael.lampe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de                    */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   23.03.2000 begin												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Remarks:   DX supports only irregular grids made of triangles/           */
-/*            quadrilaterals (2D) or tetrahedrons/hexahedrons (3D),         */
-/*            respectively -- and you can't mix the two types. So we        */
-/*            use degenerate quadrilaterals/hexahedrons to emulate the      */
-/*            missing element types. Let's hope this works in all cases!    */
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* include files															*/
-/*			system include files											*/
-/*			application include files										*/
-/*																			*/
-#include <config.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "architecture.h"
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "enrol.h"
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#include "pfile.h"
-#include "gm.h"
-#include "elements.h"
-#include "ugenv.h"
-#include "ugm.h"
-#include "algebra.h"
-#include "cmdint.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "helpmsg.h"
-#include "shapes.h"
-#include "cmdline.h"
-#include "num.h"
-#include "rm.h"
-#include "udm.h"
-#include "dataexplorer.h"
-#include "cw.h"
-using namespace PPIF;
-/*																			*/
-/* defines in the following order										        */
-/*																			*/
-/*		compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)		*/
-/*		other constants												                */
-/*		macros																*/
-/*																			*/
-#define MAXVARIABLES    50                      /* max number of eval procs				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of functions													*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifdef ModelP
-static INT get_offset (INT n)
-  INT i,subtreesize[50],sum,offset;
-  /* get number of objects downtree */
-  sum = n;
-  for (i=0; i<degree; i++) {
-    GetConcentrate(i,subtreesize+i,sizeof(INT));
-    sum += subtreesize[i];
-  }
-  /* get offset */
-  if (me==master)
-  {
-    offset = 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Concentrate(&sum,sizeof(INT));
-    GetSpread(&offset,sizeof(INT));
-  }
-  /* send offsets for downtree nodes */
-  sum = offset+n;
-  for (i=0; i<degree; i++) {
-    Spread(i,&sum,sizeof(INT));
-    sum += subtreesize[i];
-  }
-  return(offset);
-static void LocallyUniqueIDs (MULTIGRID *mg)
-  VERTEX *vx;
-  ELEMENT *el;
-  INT i, k, nv;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-  nv=0;
-  /* first set master ids */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;
-        if (DDD_InfoPriority(PARHDR(CORNER(el,i)))!=PrioMaster) continue;
-        SETUSED(vx,1);
-        ID(vx) = nv++;
-      }
-    }
-  /* next set remaining ids */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;
-        SETUSED(vx,1);
-        ID(vx) = nv++;
-      }
-    }
-static int Gather_VertexID (DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
-  VECTOR *pv = (VECTOR *)obj;
-  ((INT *)data)[0] = ID(MYVERTEX((NODE *)VOBJECT(pv)));
-  return (NUM_OK);
-static int Scatter_VertexID (DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
-  VECTOR *pv = (VECTOR *)obj;
-  ID(MYVERTEX((NODE *)VOBJECT(pv))) = ((INT *)data)[0];
-  return (NUM_OK);
-static double clampf(double x)
-  if (x < (double)FLT_MIN && x > (double)(-FLT_MIN))
-    return 0.0;
-  else
-    return x;
-   dataexplorer - file output in DataExplorer format
-   The dataexplorer command writes the grid and multiple vector or scalar
-   grid functions in DataExplorer readable format to a header and a
-   data file. The data file is written as a text file (default) or in
-   binary format. In order to save disk space it is possible to write
-   only the data and not the grid at later time steps (if the grid is
-   not changing).
-   'dataexplorer <filename> [$ns <nep> $s <vd> [$v <ref>]]* [$nv <nep> $s <vd> [$v <ref>]]*
-                                            [$cs <eep> $s <vd> [$v <ref>]]* [$cv <eep> $s <vd> [$v <ref>]]*
-                                                        [$b 0|1|2]* [$bin]* [$fgrid]* [$s [+|-]id]*'
-   .  $ns...			- plot function for scalar nodal values
-   .  $nv...			- plot function for vector nodal values
-   .  $cs...			- plot function for scalar element values
-   .  $cv...			- plot function for vector element values
-   .  $v...            - variable name to be used in DataExplorer
-   .  $b...            - write boundary data 0=no (default) | 1=inner | 2=all
-   .  $bin...          - write grid and data in binary format
-   .  $fgrid...        - if not initial time step grid is not written
-   .  $s...             - write only specified subdomains. Positive id means that the
-                                        subdomain is written.  Negative id means that the subdomain is
-                                        not included.  If you use $s, default is that subdomains are not
-                                        written unless specified.  However, if the first argument
-                                        to $s is negative, all subdomains are selected for output (except
-                                        the specified one).
-   .  <vd>				- vecdata desc
-   .  <nep>			- eval proc (nodal values)
-   .  <eep>			- eval proc (element values)
-   graphics, plot, file, output, DataExplorer
-   'dataexplorer NavierStokesSolution.dx $ns nvalue $s psol $v pressure $nv nvector $s velsol $v velocity'
-   D*/
-static INT DataExplorerCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
-  INT i,j,k,v;                                  /* counters etc.							*/
-  INT counter;                                  /* for formatting output					*/
-  INT dat_pos;                      /* indicates offset in data file            */
-  INT old_pos;
-  char item[1024],it[256];              /* item buffers								*/
-  char out_form[256];
-  INT ic=0;                                             /* item length								*/
-  VERTEX *vx;                                           /* a vertex pointer							*/
-  ELEMENT *el;                                  /* an element pointer						*/
-  MULTIGRID *mg;                                /* our multigrid							*/
-  HEAP *heap;
-  char filename[NAMESIZE];              /* file name for header file				*/
-  char filename_dat[NAMESIZE];      /* file name for data output file           */
-  char filename_grid[NAMESIZE];      /* file name for grid output file          */
-  char *c_ptr;
-  PFILE *pf;                                            /* the output header file pointer               */
-  PFILE *pf_txt;                    /* file pointer for ascii output            */
-  PFILE_BIN *pf_bin;                /* file pointer for binary output           */
-  INT np;                                               /* number of eval procs						*/
-  INT ns;                                               /* number of scalar eval procs				*/
-  INT nv;                                               /* number of vector eval procs				*/
-  EVALUES *es[MAXVARIABLES];            /* pointers to scalar eval function desc	*/
-  char es_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];         /* names for eval functions     */
-  char es_var[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];          /* DX variable name			        */
-  EVECTOR *ev[MAXVARIABLES];            /* pointers to vector eval function desc	*/
-  char ev_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];         /* names for eval functions     */
-  char ev_var[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];          /* DX variable name			        */
-  INT ns_cell;                                  /* number of scalar eval procs				*/
-  INT nv_cell;                                  /* number of vector eval procs				*/
-  EVALUES *es_cell[MAXVARIABLES];       /* pointers to scalar eval function desc*/
-  char es_cell_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];            /* names for eval functions	*/
-  char es_cell_var[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];             /* DX variable names		*/
-  EVECTOR *ev_cell[MAXVARIABLES];       /* pointers to vector eval function desc*/
-  char ev_cell_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];            /* names for eval functions	*/
-  char ev_cell_var[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];             /* DX variable names		*/
-  char s[NAMESIZE];                             /* name of eval proc						*/
-  INT nv_bcell;                                 /* number of vector eval procs for inner bnd*/
-  EVECTOR *ev_bcell[MAXVARIABLES];      /* pointers to vector eval function desc*/
-  char ev_bcell_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];           /* names for eval functions	*/
-  char ev_bcell_var[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];            /* DX variable names		*/
-  INT numVertices;                              /* number of data points locally			*/
-  INT numVerticesTot;                           /* total number of data points locally		*/
-  INT numElements;                              /* number of elements locally				*/
-  INT gnumVertices;                             /* number of data points globally			*/
-  INT gnumElements;                             /* number of elements globallay				*/
-  PreprocessingProcPtr pre;             /* pointer to prepare function				*/
-  ElementEvalProcPtr eval_s;            /* pointer to scalar evaluation function	*/
-  ElementVectorProcPtr eval_v;      /* pointer to vector evaluation function	*/
-  DOUBLE *CornersCoord[MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM];       /* pointers to coordinates   */
-  DOUBLE LocalCoord[DIM];               /* is one of the corners local coordinates	*/
-  DOUBLE local[DIM];                            /* local coordinate in DOUBLE				*/
-  DOUBLE value;                                 /* returned by user eval proc				*/
-  DOUBLE vval[DIM];                             /* result of vector evaluation function		*/
-  INT notOnlyTetra;                 /* flag for tetrahedrons only grids         */
-  INT notOnlyTriang;                /* flag for triangles only boundaries       */
-  INT nibnd;                        /* number of inner boundary faces/lines     */
-  INT gnibnd;                       /* global number of inner bndary faces/lines*/
-  INT nobnd;                        /* number of outer boundary faces/lines     */
-  INT gnobnd;                       /* global number of outer bndary faces/lines*/
-  INT writeBnds=0;                  /* flag: write boundaries? (1=Inner, 2=All) */
-  INT binaryOutput=0;               /* flag: write data in binary? (0=No|1=Yes) */
-  INT writeGrid=1;                  /* flag: write grid? (0=No|1=Yes)           */
-  INT buffer_INT[8];
-  FLOAT buffer_FLOAT[8];
-  INT usedBuf;
-  INT *subdom=NULL;                             /* which subdomains to draw					*/
-  INT subdomains=0;                             /* flag: draw only some subdomains			*/
-  INT sdkey;
-  time_t ltime;
-  INT oe,ov;
-  INT oibnd,oobnd;
-  INT blocks;
-  /* get current multigrid	*/
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  if (mg==NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('W',"dataexplorer","no multigrid open\n");
-    return (OKCODE);
-  }
-  /* scan options	*/
-  ns = nv = ns_cell = nv_cell = nv_bcell = 0;
-  np = 1;
-  for(i=1; i<argc; i++)
-  {
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"ns",2)==0) {
-      if (ns>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer:","too many scalar variables "\
-                          "specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"ns %s", s);
-      es[ns] = GetElementValueEvalProc(s);
-      if (es[ns]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"dataexplorer:","could not find scalar "\
-                           "eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(es_name[ns],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(es_name[ns],es[ns]->v.name);
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"v %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(es_var[ns],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        sprintf(es_var[ns],"data%d",np++);
-      ns++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"nv",2)==0) {
-      if (nv>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer:","too many vector variables "\
-                          "specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"nv %s", s);
-      ev[nv] = GetElementVectorEvalProc(s);
-      if (ev[nv]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"dataexplorer:","could not find vector "\
-                           "eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_name[nv],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(ev_name[nv],ev[nv]->v.name);
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"v %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_var[nv],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        sprintf(ev_var[nv],"data%d",np++);
-      nv++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"cs",2)==0) {
-      if (ns_cell>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer:","too many scalar variables "\
-                          "specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"cs %s", s);
-      es_cell[ns_cell] = GetElementValueEvalProc(s);
-      if (es_cell[ns_cell]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"dataexplorer:","could not find scalar "\
-                           "eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(es_cell_name[ns_cell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(es_cell_name[ns_cell],es_cell[ns_cell]->v.name);
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"v %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(es_cell_var[ns_cell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        sprintf(es_cell_var[ns_cell],"data%d",np++);
-      ns_cell++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"cv",2)==0) {
-      if (nv_cell>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer:","too many vector variables "\
-                          "specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"cv %s", s);
-      ev_cell[nv_cell] = GetElementVectorEvalProc(s);
-      if (ev_cell[nv_cell]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"dataexplorer:","could not find vector "\
-                           "eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_cell_name[nv_cell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(ev_cell_name[nv_cell],ev_cell[nv_cell]->v.name);
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"v %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_cell_var[nv_cell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        sprintf(ev_cell_var[nv_cell],"data%d",np++);
-      nv_cell++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Vector values for inner boundaries. Use centers of inner boundary element sides.
-     */
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"bv",2)==0) {
-      if (nv_bcell>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer","too many vector variables "\
-                          "specified in bv argument\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"bv %s", s);
-      ev_bcell[nv_bcell] = GetElementVectorEvalProc(s);
-      if (ev_bcell[nv_bcell]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"dataexplorer","could not find vector "\
-                           "eval proc %s in bv argument\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_bcell_name[nv_bcell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(ev_bcell_name[nv_bcell],ev_bcell[nv_bcell]->v.name);
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+2],"v %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_bcell_var[nv_bcell],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        sprintf(ev_bcell_var[nv_bcell],"data%d",np++);
-      nv_bcell++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* write data in binary format? */
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"bin",3)==0)
-      binaryOutput=1;
-    /* write grid or use existing data file as reference? */
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"fgrid",5)==0)
-      writeGrid=0;
-    if (strncmp(argv[i],"sd",1)==0) {
-      if ( sscanf(argv[i],"sd %d",&j) )
-      {
-        if ( subdom==NULL )
-        {
-          heap = mg->theHeap;
-          MarkTmpMem(heap, &sdkey);
-          subdom = (INT *)GetTmpMem(heap, (mg->theBVPD.nSubDomains+1)*sizeof(INT), sdkey);
-          if ( subdom==NULL ) {
-            ReleaseTmpMem(heap, sdkey);
-            PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer","could not allocate memory");
-            return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-          }
-          /* default is that all subdomains are used */
-          for (k=1; k<=mg->theBVPD.nSubDomains; k++) subdom[k]=(j>0) ? 0 : 1;
-        }
-        k = (j>0) ? j : -j;
-        if ( k <= mg->theBVPD.nSubDomains && k > 0) subdom[k] = (j>0) ? 1 : 0;
-        else UserWriteF("There is no subdomain %d\n",k);
-        subdomains = 1;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (ns==0 && nv==0 && ns_cell==0 && nv_cell==0)
-    UserWrite("dataexplorer: no variables given, printing mesh data only\n");
-  /* are inner and/or outer boundaries to be written? */
-  if (ReadArgvINT("b",&writeBnds,argc,argv))
-    writeBnds = 0;
-  if (writeBnds>2) writeBnds=2;
-  if (writeBnds<0) writeBnds=0;
-  /* get file name and open output file	*/
-  if (sscanf(argv[0],expandfmt(CONCAT3(" dataexplorer %",NAMELENSTR,"[ -~]")),
-             filename)!=1)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer","could not read name of output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  pf = pfile_open(filename);
-  if (pf==NULL) {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer","could not open output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  /* on first time step always write grid */
-  if (strstr(filename,"0000")!=NULL)
-    writeGrid=1;
-  if (binaryOutput) {
-    strcpy(filename_dat,filename);
-    c_ptr=strrchr(filename_dat,'.');
-    if (c_ptr!=NULL)
-      memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-    strcat(filename_dat, ".bin");
-    pf_bin = pfile_open_bin(filename_dat);
-    if (pf_bin==NULL) {
-      PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer","could not open data file");
-      return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-    }
-    strcpy(out_form,"binary");
-  } else {
-    strcpy(filename_dat,filename);
-    c_ptr=strrchr(filename_dat,'.');
-    if (c_ptr!=NULL)
-      memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-    strcat(filename_dat, ".dat");
-    pf_txt = pfile_open(filename_dat);
-    if (pf_txt==NULL) {
-      PrintErrorMessage('E',"dataexplorer","could not open data file");
-      return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-    }
-    strcpy(out_form,"text");
-  }
-  if (writeGrid)
-    strcpy(filename_grid, filename_dat);
-  else {
-    strcpy(filename_grid, filename);
-    c_ptr=strrchr(filename_grid,'.');
-    if ( c_ptr!=NULL ) memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      strcat(filename_grid, ".bin");
-    else
-      strcat(filename_grid, ".dat");
-  }
-  /********************************/
-  /* TITLE                                              */
-  /********************************/
-  time(&ltime);
-  sprintf(it,"#\n# DataExplorer file written by UG\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  sprintf(it,"# Date: %s#\n",ctime(&ltime));
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  sprintf(it,"# Command: ");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  for ( i=0; i<argc; i++ )    {
-    sprintf(it," %s",argv[i]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  }
-  sprintf(it,"\n#\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /********************************/
-  /* compute sizes				*/
-  /********************************/
-  /* count vertices */
-  /*
-          numVertices = 0;
-          for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-                  for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-                          numVertices++;
-   */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-  numVertices = 0; numVerticesTot=0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;
-        SETUSED(vx,1);
-#ifdef ModelP
-        if (DDD_InfoPriority(PARHDR(CORNER(el,i)))==PrioMaster)                         /* count only Master vertices */
-        numVertices++;
-        numVerticesTot++;
-      }
-    }
-  if (subdomains)
-  {
-    /*
-     * Total #vertices neccessary for correct data allocation.
-     * If only some subdomains are drawn, we still need the total
-     * number of vertices.
-     */
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-        SETUSED(vx,0);
-    numVerticesTot = 0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-          vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-          if (USED(vx)) continue;
-          SETUSED(vx,1);
-          numVerticesTot++;
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  /* count surface elements */
-  numElements = 0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-      numElements++;
-    }
-#ifdef ModelP
-  gnumVertices = UG_GlobalSumINT(numVertices);
-  gnumElements = UG_GlobalSumINT(numElements);
-  /*    LocallyUniqueIDs(mg); */
-  ov = get_offset(numVertices);
-  oe = get_offset(numElements);
-  gnumVertices = numVertices;
-  gnumElements = numElements;
-  ov = oe = 0;
-  /****************************************************************/
-  /*	1. write vertex coordinates                                             */
-  /****************************************************************/
-  sprintf(it,"\n#\n# positions\n#\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  dat_pos = old_pos = 0;
-  sprintf(it,"object \"positions\" class array type float rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-          DIM, gnumVertices, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  pfile_sync(pf);
-  if (binaryOutput)
-    dat_pos+=DIM*gnumVertices*sizeof(FLOAT);
-  /* unmark vertices */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-  /* write vertex coordinates */
-  {
-#ifdef ModelP
-    INT count_rest = 0;
-    counter=ov;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      if (binaryOutput && !writeGrid) break;
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-          vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-          if (USED(vx)) continue;
-          SETUSED(vx,1);
-#ifdef ModelP
-          if (DDD_InfoPriority(PARHDR(CORNER(el,i)))==PrioMaster) {
-          ID(vx) = counter;
-          /* write the thing */
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(XC(vx));
-            buffer_FLOAT[1]=clampf(YC(vx));
-            buffer_FLOAT[2]=clampf(ZC(vx));
-          } else {
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-            sprintf(it,"\t%g\t%g\n", clampf(XC(vx)), clampf(YC(vx)));
-            sprintf(it,"\t%g\t%g\t%g\n", clampf(XC(vx)), clampf(YC(vx)),
-                    clampf(ZC(vx)));
-          }
-          if (binaryOutput)
-            pfile_tagged_write_FLOAT(pf_bin, buffer_FLOAT, DIM, counter);
-          else {
-            if (writeGrid)
-              pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter);
-            old_pos+=strlen(it);
-          }
-          counter++;
-#ifdef ModelP
-        }
-        else {
-          ID(vx) = ov+numVertices+count_rest;
-          count_rest++;
-        }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (binaryOutput)
-    pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-  else {
-    pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-    dat_pos = UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-    dat_pos = old_pos;
-    old_pos = 0;
-  }
-#ifdef ModelP
-  {
-    /* communicate local IDs */
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      DDD_IFAOneway(BorderVectorIF,GRID_ATTR(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)),IF_BACKWARD,sizeof(INT),Gather_VertexID, Scatter_VertexID);
-    }
-  }
-  /* check if grid consists of tetrahedrons or triangles (in 2D) only */
-  notOnlyTetra=0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el)) {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-      if (CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el)!=3) {
-        notOnlyTetra = 1;
-        break;
-      }
-      if (CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el)!=4) {
-        notOnlyTetra = 1;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (notOnlyTetra) break;
-  }
-#ifdef ModelP
-  k = UG_GlobalSumINT(notOnlyTetra);
-  notOnlyTetra = k;
-  /****************************************************************/
-  /*	2. write connections for domain								*/
-  /****************************************************************/
-  sprintf(it,"\n#\n# connections\n#\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  if (notOnlyTetra) {
-    sprintf(it,"object \"connections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            4*(DIM-1), gnumElements, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=4*(DIM-1)*gnumElements*sizeof(INT);
-  } else {
-    sprintf(it,"object \"connections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            DIM+1, gnumElements, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=(DIM+1)*gnumElements*sizeof(INT);
-  }
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  pfile_sync(pf);
-  counter = 0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-    if (binaryOutput && !writeGrid) break;
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-      switch(CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el))
-      {
-      case 3 :
-        if (notOnlyTetra) {                               /* in 2D and NOT only triangles */
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-            buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-            buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-            buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-            usedBuf=4;
-          } else
-            sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))));
-        } else {                                          /* in 2D and only triangles */
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-            buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-            buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-            usedBuf=3;
-          } else
-            sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))));
-        }
-        break;
-      case 4 :
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-          buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-          buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-          buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-          usedBuf=4;
-        } else
-          sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))));
-        if (notOnlyTetra) {                               /* in 3D and NOT only Tetrahedrons */
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-            buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-            buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-            buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-            buffer_INT[4]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-            buffer_INT[5]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-            buffer_INT[6]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-            buffer_INT[7]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-            usedBuf=8;
-          } else
-            sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))));
-        } else {                                         /* in 3D and only Tetrahedrons in grid */
-          /*                                    if ((ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))) > numVerticesTot+1) || */
-          /*                                            (ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))) > numVerticesTot+1) || */
-          /*                                            (ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))) > numVerticesTot+1) || */
-          /*                                        (ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))) > numVerticesTot+1)) { */
-          /*                                            assert(0); */
-          /*                                    } */
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-            buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-            buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-            buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-            usedBuf=4;
-          } else
-            sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                    ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))));
-        }
-        break;
-      case 5 :
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-          buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-          buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-          buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-          buffer_INT[4]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4)));
-          buffer_INT[5]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4)));
-          buffer_INT[6]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4)));
-          buffer_INT[7]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4)));
-          usedBuf=8;
-        } else
-          sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))));
-        break;
-      case 6 :
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-          buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-          buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-          buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-          buffer_INT[4]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-          buffer_INT[5]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4)));
-          buffer_INT[6]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5)));
-          buffer_INT[7]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5)));
-          usedBuf=8;
-        } else
-          sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5))));
-        break;
-      case 8 :
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0)));
-          buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1)));
-          buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3)));
-          buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2)));
-          buffer_INT[4]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4)));
-          buffer_INT[5]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5)));
-          buffer_INT[6]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,7)));
-          buffer_INT[7]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,6)));
-          usedBuf=8;
-        } else
-          sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,5))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,7))),
-                  ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,6))));
-        break;
-      }
-      if (binaryOutput)
-        pfile_tagged_write_INT(pf_bin, buffer_INT, usedBuf, counter+oe);
-      else {
-        if (writeGrid)
-          pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+oe);
-        old_pos+=strlen(it);
-      }
-      counter++;
-    }
-  }
-  if (binaryOutput)
-    pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-  else {
-    pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-    dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-    dat_pos += old_pos;
-    old_pos = 0;
-  }
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-  if (notOnlyTetra)
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"quads\"\n");
-  else
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"triangles\"\n");
-  if (notOnlyTetra)
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"cubes\"\n");
-  else
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"tetrahedra\"\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  sprintf(it,"attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"\n\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /**************************************************/
-  /* 2.a write connections for boundaries           */
-  /**************************************************/
-  if (writeBnds) {
-    /* unmark all elements */
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-        SETUSED(el,0);
-    /* count number of sides on inner/outer boundaries */
-    nibnd=0;
-    nobnd=0;
-    notOnlyTriang=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)         {
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if ((!EstimateHere(el)) || (OBJT(el)!=BEOBJ)) continue;
-        SETUSED(el,1);
-        for (i=0; i<SIDES_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-#ifndef ModelP
-          if (NBELEM(el,i)!=NULL && USED(NBELEM(el,i))) continue;
-          if (NBELEM(el,i)!=NULL && !EGHOST(NBELEM(el,i)) && USED(NBELEM(el,i))) continue;
-          if (SIDE_ON_BND(el,i)) {
-            if (NBELEM(el,i)==NULL) nobnd++;
-            else nibnd++;
-#ifdef __THREEDIM
-            if (CORNERS_OF_SIDE(el,i)!=3) notOnlyTriang=1;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-#ifdef ModelP
-    k = UG_GlobalSumINT(notOnlyTriang);
-    notOnlyTetra = k;
-    gnibnd = UG_GlobalSumINT(nibnd);
-    oibnd = get_offset(nibnd);
-    gnobnd = UG_GlobalSumINT(nobnd);
-    oobnd = get_offset(nobnd);
-    gnibnd = nibnd;
-    gnobnd = nobnd;
-    oibnd = 0;
-    oobnd = 0;
-  }
-  if (writeBnds) {
-    /* unmark all elements yet again */
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-        SETUSED(el,0);
-    /* now writing inner boundary faces or lines */
-    sprintf(it,"\n#\n# connections for inner boundaries\n#\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-    sprintf(it,"object \"ibndconnections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            2, gnibnd, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=2*gnibnd*sizeof(INT);
-    if (notOnlyTriang) {
-      sprintf(it,"object \"ibndconnections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-              4, gnibnd, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-      if (binaryOutput)
-        dat_pos+=4*gnibnd*sizeof(INT);
-    } else {
-      sprintf(it,"object \"ibndconnections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-              3, gnibnd, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-      if (binaryOutput)
-        dat_pos+=3*gnibnd*sizeof(INT);
-    }
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    pfile_sync(pf);
-    counter = 0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      if (binaryOutput && !writeGrid) break;
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if ((!EstimateHere(el)) || (OBJT(el)!=BEOBJ)) continue;
-        SETUSED(el,1);
-        for (i=0; i<SIDES_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-#ifndef ModelP
-          if (NBELEM(el,i)!=NULL && USED(NBELEM(el,i))) continue;
-          if (NBELEM(el,i)!=NULL && !EGHOST(NBELEM(el,i)) && USED(NBELEM(el,i))) continue;
-          if (SIDE_ON_BND(el,i) && NBELEM(el,i)!=NULL) {
-            switch(CORNERS_OF_SIDE(el,i))
-            {
-            case 2 :                                        /* in 2D sides are edges => only two points */
-              if (binaryOutput) {
-                buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                usedBuf=2;
-              } else
-                sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\n",
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))));
-              break;
-            case 3 :                                        /* has to be 3D */
-              if (notOnlyTriang) {                                              /* not only faces with 3 corners */
-                if (binaryOutput) {
-                  buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                  buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                  buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                  buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                  usedBuf=4;
-                } else
-                  sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))));
-              } else {                                                          /* only triangles as faces */
-                if (binaryOutput) {
-                  buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                  buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                  buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                  usedBuf=3;
-                } else
-                  sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))));
-              }
-              break;
-            case 4 :                                        /* has to be 3D and quads */
-              if (binaryOutput) {
-                buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,3))));
-                buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                usedBuf=4;
-              } else
-                sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,3)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))));
-              break;
-            }
-            if (binaryOutput)
-              pfile_tagged_write_INT(pf_bin, buffer_INT, usedBuf, counter+oibnd);
-            else {
-              if (writeGrid)
-                pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+oibnd);
-              old_pos+=strlen(it);
-            }
-            counter++;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(binaryOutput)
-      pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-    else {
-      pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-      dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-      dat_pos += old_pos;
-      old_pos = 0;
-    }
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"lines\"\n");
-    if (notOnlyTriang)
-      sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"quads\"\n");
-    else
-      sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"triangles\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"\n\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  }
-  if (writeBnds==2) {
-    /* unmark all elements again */
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-        SETUSED(el,0);
-    /* now writing outer boundary faces or lines */
-    sprintf(it,"\n#\n# connections for outer boundaries\n#\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-    sprintf(it,"object \"obndconnections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            2, gnobnd, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=2*gnobnd*sizeof(INT);
-    if (notOnlyTriang) {
-      sprintf(it,"object \"obndconnections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-              4, gnobnd, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-      if (binaryOutput)
-        dat_pos+=4*gnobnd*sizeof(INT);
-    } else {
-      sprintf(it,"object \"obndconnections\" class array type int rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-              3, gnobnd, out_form, filename_grid, dat_pos);
-      if (binaryOutput)
-        dat_pos+=3*gnobnd*sizeof(INT);
-    }
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    pfile_sync(pf);
-    counter = 0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      if (binaryOutput && !writeGrid) break;
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if ((!EstimateHere(el)) || (OBJT(el)!=BEOBJ)) continue;
-        SETUSED(el,1);
-        for (i=0; i<SIDES_OF_ELEM(el); i++) {
-          if ( NBELEM(el,i)!=NULL ) continue;
-          if (SIDE_ON_BND(el,i) && NBELEM(el,i)==NULL) {
-            switch(CORNERS_OF_SIDE(el,i))
-            {
-            case 2 :                                        /* in 2D sides are edges => only two points */
-              if (binaryOutput) {
-                buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                usedBuf=2;
-              } else
-                sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\n",
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))));
-              break;
-            case 3 :                                        /* has to be 3D */
-              if (notOnlyTriang) {                                              /* not only faces with 3 corners */
-                if (binaryOutput) {
-                  buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                  buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                  buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                  buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                  usedBuf=4;
-                } else
-                  sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))));
-              } else {                                                          /* only triangles as faces */
-                if (binaryOutput) {
-                  buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                  buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                  buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                  usedBuf=3;
-                } else
-                  sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))),
-                          ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))));
-              }
-              break;
-            case 4 :                                        /* has to be 3D and quads */
-              if (binaryOutput) {
-                buffer_INT[0]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0))));
-                buffer_INT[1]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1))));
-                buffer_INT[2]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,3))));
-                buffer_INT[3]=ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2))));
-                usedBuf=4;
-              } else
-                sprintf(it,"\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,0)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,1)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,3)))),
-                        ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el, CORNER_OF_SIDE(el,i,2)))));
-              break;
-            }
-            if (binaryOutput)
-              pfile_tagged_write_INT(pf_bin, buffer_INT, usedBuf, counter+oobnd);
-            else {
-              if (writeGrid)
-                pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+oobnd);
-              old_pos+=strlen(it);
-            }
-            counter++;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-    else {
-      pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-      dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-      dat_pos += old_pos;
-      old_pos = 0;
-    }
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"lines\"\n");
-    if (notOnlyTriang)
-      sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"quads\"\n");
-    else
-      sprintf(it,"attribute \"element type\" string \"triangles\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"ref\" string \"positions\"\n\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  }
-  /* reset data file position counter if grid has not been written */
-  if (!writeGrid)
-    dat_pos=0;
-  /****************************************************************/
-  /*	3. write node data											*/
-  /****************************************************************/
-  blocks = 1;
-  /* write all scalar node data */
-  for (v=0; v<ns; v++)
-  {
-    pre     = es[v]->PreprocessProc;
-    if (pre!=NULL) pre(es_name[v],mg);
-    sprintf(it,"#\n# data block %d\n#\n", blocks);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    sprintf(it,"object \"%s_data\" class array type float rank 0 items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            es_var[v], gnumVertices, out_form, filename_dat, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=gnumVertices*sizeof(FLOAT);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    pfile_sync(pf);
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-        SETUSED(vx,0);
-    counter=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-          CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-#ifdef ModelP
-          if (DDD_InfoPriority(PARHDR(CORNER(el,i)))!=PrioMaster) continue;
-          vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-          if (USED(vx)) continue;
-          SETUSED(vx,1);
-          /* get local coordinate of corner */
-          LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-          for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = local[j];
-          /* scalar components */
-          eval_s = es[v]->EvalProc;
-          value = eval_s(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord);
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(value);
-            pfile_tagged_write_FLOAT(pf_bin, buffer_FLOAT, 1, counter+ov);
-          } else {
-            sprintf(it,"\t%g\n",clampf(value));
-            pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+ov);
-            old_pos+=strlen(it);
-          }
-          counter++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-    else {
-      pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-      dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-      dat_pos += old_pos;
-      old_pos = 0;
-    }
-    /* domain data fields */
-    sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s\" class field\n", es_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"connections\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n\n", es_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    if (writeBnds) {
-      /* inner boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_ibnd\" class field\n", es_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"ibndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", es_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    if (writeBnds==2) {
-      /* outer boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_obnd\" class field\n", es_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"obndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", es_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    blocks++;
-  }
-  /* write all vector node data */
-  for (v=0; v<nv; v++)
-  {
-    pre     = ev[v]->PreprocessProc;
-    if (pre!=NULL) pre(ev_name[v],mg);
-    sprintf(it,"#\n# data block %d\n#\n", blocks);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    sprintf(it,"object \"%s_data\" class array type float rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            ev_var[v], DIM, gnumVertices, out_form, filename_dat, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=DIM*gnumVertices*sizeof(FLOAT);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    pfile_sync(pf);
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-      for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-        SETUSED(vx,0);
-    counter=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)         {
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-          CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-#ifdef ModelP
-          if (DDD_InfoPriority(PARHDR(CORNER(el,i)))!=PrioMaster) continue;
-          vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i));
-          if (USED(vx)) continue;
-          SETUSED(vx,1);
-          /* get local coordinate of corner */
-          LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-          for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = local[j];
-          /* vector components */
-          eval_v = ev[v]->EvalProc;
-          eval_v(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord,vval);
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(vval[0]);
-            buffer_FLOAT[1]=clampf(vval[1]);
-          } else
-            sprintf(it,"\t%g\t%g\n",clampf(vval[0]),clampf(vval[1]));
-          if (binaryOutput) {
-            buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(vval[0]);
-            buffer_FLOAT[1]=clampf(vval[1]);
-            buffer_FLOAT[2]=clampf(vval[2]);
-          } else
-            sprintf(it,"\t%g\t%g\t%g\n",clampf(vval[0]),clampf(vval[1]),
-                    clampf(vval[2]));
-          if (binaryOutput)
-            pfile_tagged_write_FLOAT(pf_bin, buffer_FLOAT, DIM, counter+ov);
-          else {
-            pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+ov);
-            old_pos+=strlen(it);
-          }
-          counter++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-    else {
-      pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-      dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-      dat_pos += old_pos;
-      old_pos = 0;
-    }
-    /* domain data fields */
-    sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s\" class field\n", ev_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"connections\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", ev_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    if (writeBnds) {
-      /* inner boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_ibnd\" class field\n", ev_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"ibndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", ev_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    if (writeBnds==2) {
-      /* outer boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_obnd\" class field\n", ev_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"obndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", ev_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    blocks++;
-  }
-  /****************************************************************/
-  /*	3. element data												*/
-  /****************************************************************/
-  /* write all scalar element data */
-  for (v=0; v<ns_cell; v++)
-  {
-    pre     = es_cell[v]->PreprocessProc;
-    if (pre!=NULL) pre(es_cell_name[v],mg);
-    sprintf(it,"#\n# data block %d\n#\n", blocks);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    sprintf(it,"object \"%s_data\" class array type float rank 0 items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            es_cell_var[v], gnumElements, out_form, filename_dat, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=gnumElements*sizeof(FLOAT);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    pfile_sync(pf);
-    counter=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-          CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = 0.0;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-          /* get local coordinate of corner	*/
-          LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-          for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] += local[j];
-        }
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] /= ((DOUBLE)CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el));
-        /* scalar component	*/
-        eval_s = es_cell[v]->EvalProc;
-        value = eval_s(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord);
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(value);
-          pfile_tagged_write_FLOAT(pf_bin, buffer_FLOAT, 1, counter+oe);
-        } else {
-          sprintf(it,"\t%g\n",clampf(value));
-          pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+oe);
-          old_pos+=strlen(it);
-        }
-        counter++;
-      }
-    }
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-    else {
-      pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-      dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-      dat_pos += old_pos;
-      old_pos = 0;
-    }
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    /* domain data fields */
-    sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s\" class field\n", es_cell_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"connections\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", es_cell_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    if (writeBnds) {
-      /* inner boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_ibnd\" class field\n", es_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"connections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"ibndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", es_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    if (writeBnds==2) {
-      /* outer boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_obnd\" class field\n", blocks);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"connections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"obndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", es_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    blocks++;
-  }
-  /* write all element vector data */
-  for (v=0; v<nv_cell; v++)
-  {
-    pre     = ev_cell[v]->PreprocessProc;
-    if (pre!=NULL) pre(ev_cell_name[v],mg);
-    sprintf(it,"#\n# data block %d\n#\n", blocks);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    sprintf(it,"object \"%s_data\" class array type float rank 1 shape %d items %d %s\ndata file %s,%d\n",
-            ev_cell_var[v], DIM, gnumElements, out_form, filename_dat, dat_pos);
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      dat_pos+=DIM*gnumElements*sizeof(FLOAT);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    pfile_sync(pf);
-    counter=0;
-    for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++) {
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        if ( subdomains && !subdom[SUBDOMAIN(el)] ) continue;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-          CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = 0.0;
-        for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        {
-          LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-          for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] += local[j];
-        }
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] /= ((DOUBLE)CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el));
-        eval_v = ev_cell[v]->EvalProc;
-        eval_v(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord,vval);
-#ifdef __TWODIM__
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(vval[0]);
-          buffer_FLOAT[1]=clampf(vval[1]);
-        } else
-          sprintf(it,"\t%g\t%g\n",clampf(vval[0]),clampf(vval[1]));
-        if (binaryOutput) {
-          buffer_FLOAT[0]=clampf(vval[0]);
-          buffer_FLOAT[1]=clampf(vval[1]);
-          buffer_FLOAT[2]=clampf(vval[2]);
-        } else
-          sprintf(it,"\t%g\t%g\t%g\n",clampf(vval[0]),clampf(vval[1]),
-                  clampf(vval[2]));
-        if (binaryOutput)
-          pfile_tagged_write_FLOAT(pf_bin, buffer_FLOAT, DIM, counter+ov);
-        else {
-          pfile_tagged_puts(pf_txt,it,counter+ov);
-          old_pos+=strlen(it);
-        }
-        counter++;
-      }
-    }
-    if (binaryOutput)
-      pfile_sync_bin(pf_bin);
-    else {
-      pfile_sync(pf_txt);
-#ifdef ModelP
-      dat_pos += UG_GlobalSumINT(old_pos);
-      dat_pos += old_pos;
-      old_pos = 0;
-    }
-    sprintf(it,"attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    /* domain data fields */
-    sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s\" class field\n", ev_cell_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"connections\"\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", ev_cell_var[v]);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    if (writeBnds) {
-      /* inner boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_ibnd\" class field\n", ev_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"ibndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", ev_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    if (writeBnds==2) {
-      /* outer boundaries data fields */
-      sprintf(it,"\nobject \"%s_obnd\" class field\n", ev_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"positions\" value \"positions\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"connections\" value \"obndconnections\"\n");
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-      sprintf(it,"component \"data\" value \"%s_data\"\n", ev_cell_var[v]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    blocks++;
-  }
-  /* put all data blocks into a group for select module */
-  if (blocks > 1) {
-    sprintf(it,"\nobject \"default\" class group\n");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-    pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    k=0;
-    for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"member \"data%d\" value \"%s\"\n", ++k, es_var[i]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"member \"data%d\" value \"%s\"\n", ++k, ev_var[i]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < ns_cell; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"member \"data%d\" value \"%s\"\n", ++k, es_cell_var[i]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < nv_cell; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"member \"data%d\" value \"%s\"\n", ++k, ev_cell_var[i]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < nv_bcell; i++) {
-      sprintf(it,"member \"data%d\" value \"%s\"\n", ++k, ev_bcell_var[i]);
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-    }
-  }
-  pfile_close(pf);
-  if (binaryOutput)
-    pfile_close_bin(pf_bin);
-  else
-    pfile_close(pf_txt);
-  if ( subdomains )
-    ReleaseTmpMem(heap, sdkey);
-  return(OKCODE);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:  InitDataExplorer												*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   register all formats for porous media library					*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:	 void															*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	  INT 0: ok														*/
-/*				  else line number where error occured						*/
-/*																			*/
-INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitDataExplorer ()
-  if (CreateCommand("dataexplorer",DataExplorerCommand)==NULL) return (__LINE__);
-  return(0);
diff --git a/ui/dataexplorer.h b/ui/dataexplorer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9478d59ffc1e5b9d8897ed67981c209d938f02ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/dataexplorer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      dataexplorer.h                                                */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   dataexplorer output header file	                                */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:	  Volker Reichenberger                                                                              */
-/*			  IWR Technische Simulation				                                                */
-/*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*/
-/*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*/
-/*			  69120 Heidelberg												*/
-/*			  email: volker.reichenberger@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de				*/
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   23.03.2000 begin												*/
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:   based on avs.h												*/
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files                           */
-/*                                                                          */
-#ifndef __DATAEXPLORER_H__
-#define __DATAEXPLORER_H__
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "namespace.h"
-/*                                                                          */
-/* function declarations                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* exports only the init function */
-INT InitDataExplorer ();
diff --git a/ui/initui.cc b/ui/initui.cc
index be54f1982097d7664bac024dea5e161d0196ae48..e68de3b3059d36309fc345481f22298a3a20f0ba 100644
--- a/ui/initui.cc
+++ b/ui/initui.cc
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@
 #include "ugstruct.h"
 #include "commands.h"
 #include "mmio.h"
-#include "tecplot.h"
-#include "avs.h"
-#include "dataexplorer.h"
 #include "fieldio.h"
 /* own header */
@@ -147,27 +144,6 @@ INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitUi (INT argc, char **argv)
     return (err);
-  /* tecplot output */
-  if ((err=InitTecplot())!=0)
-  {
-    SetHiWrd(err,__LINE__);
-    return (err);
-  }
-  /* avs output */
-  if ((err=InitAVS())!=0)
-  {
-    SetHiWrd(err,__LINE__);
-    return (err);
-  }
-  /* DataExplorer output */
-  if ((err=InitDataExplorer())!=0)
-  {
-    SetHiWrd(err,__LINE__);
-    return (err);
-  }
   /* matrix market input/output */
   if ((err=InitMMIO())!=0)
diff --git a/ui/paraview.cc b/ui/paraview.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index becacfbcea5ef52957e599857b46f433a2b3c25b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/paraview.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      paraview.c                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   paraview output file                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* History:   25.02.2005 begin	                                            */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Usage:     paraview <filename> $a <sol>                                  */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*									    */
-/* include files                                                            */
-/*			system include files				    */
-/*			application include files			    */
-/*								            */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "enrol.h"
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#include "pfile.h"
-#include "gm.h"
-#include "elements.h"
-#include "ugenv.h"
-#include "ugm.h"
-#include "algebra.h"
-#include "cmdint.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "helpmsg.h"
-#include "shapes.h"
-#include "cmdline.h"
-#include "num.h"
-#include "rm.h"
-#include "udm.h"
-#include "paraview.h"
-#include "cw.h"
-/*								            */
-/* defines in the following order					    */
-/*									    */
-/*	     compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays) */
-/*	     other constants						    */
-/*	     macros	                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* max number of eval procs */
-#define MAXVARIABLES 50
-/*                                                                          */
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)	    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* definition of functions						    */
-/*			                                                    */
-#ifdef ModelP
-static INT WriteMetaFile(char* filename, VECDATA_DESC* vd)
-  /*counters*/
-  int p, level, counterEquations, numEquations;
-  /*file stuff*/
-  char buffer[1024];          /*buffer for outputfile*/
-  char* c_ptr;                /*for searching patterns in strings, resp. a dot in filename*/
-  FILE* metaOutputFile;       /*file pointer for output file*/
-  /*ug topology*/
-  MULTIGRID* mg;              /*our multigrid*/
-  GRID* g;                    /*the grid*/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*GET CURRENT MULTIGRID                                                  */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  if (mg==NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('W',"dataexplorer","no multigrid open\n");
-    return (OKCODE);
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*GET FILENAME AND OPEN METAOUTPUTFILE                                       */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  c_ptr = strrchr(filename, '.');
-  if (c_ptr != NULL) memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-  strcat(filename, ".MetaFile.pvtu");
-  metaOutputFile = fopen(filename, "w");
-  if(metaOutputFile == NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E', "paraview", "could not open output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  /**************************************************************************/
-  /*TITLE                                                                   */
-  /**************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t<PUnstructuredGrid Ghostlevel=\"0\">\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE PPOINTS                                                              */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t<PPoints>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t</PPoints>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE PPOINT DATA                                                          */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*vector data*/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t<PPointData>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    g = GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level);
-    numEquations = VD_NCMPS_IN_TYPE(vd,VTYPE(FIRSTVECTOR(g)));
-    for (counterEquations=0; counterEquations<numEquations; counterEquations++)
-    {
-      sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%c\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t", VM_COMP_NAME(vd,counterEquations));
-      fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t</PPointData>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE PIECES (SOURCES)                                                    */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  c_ptr = strrchr(filename, '.');
-  if (c_ptr != NULL) memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-  c_ptr = strrchr(filename, '.');
-  if (c_ptr != NULL) memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-  for(p=0; p<procs; p++)
-  {
-    sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t<Piece Source=\"%s.%d.vtu\"/>\n", filename, p);
-    fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  }
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE END OF FILE AND CLOSE FILE                                          */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t</PUnstructuredGrid>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "</VTKFile>");
-  fputs(buffer, metaOutputFile);
-  fclose(metaOutputFile);
-  return(0);
-static INT ParaViewCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
-  /*counters*/
-  int i, counterCorners, level, counterEquations, numVertices, numElements, offset, numEquations;
-  /*file stuff*/
-  char buffer[1024], it[5];   /*buffers for outputfile*/
-  char filename[NAMESIZE];    /*filename for output file*/
-  char* c_ptr;                /*for searching patterns in strings, resp. a dot in filename*/
-  FILE *outputFile;           /*file pointer for output file*/
-  /*ug topology*/
-  MULTIGRID *mg;              /*our multigrid*/
-  GRID *g;                    /*the grid*/
-  ELEMENT *el;                /*an element*/
-  VERTEX *vx;                 /*a vertex*/
-  /*ug vector solutions*/
-  VECTOR *v;                  /*vector*/
-  VECDATA_DESC *vd;           /*the vector data descriptor*/
-  DOUBLE value;               /*solution value*/
-  /*special cases*/
-  int ugPrismArray[6];        /*for renumbering vertex IDs*/
-  int vtkWedgeArray[6];       /*for renumbering vertex IDs*/
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*GET CURRENT MULTIGRID                                                  */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  if (mg==NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('W',"dataexplorer","no multigrid open\n");
-    return (OKCODE);
-  }
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*GET FILENAME AND OPEN OUTPUTFILE                                       */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-#ifdef ModelP
-  if (sscanf(argv[0],expandfmt(CONCAT3(" paraview %",NAMELENSTR,"[ -~]")),
-             filename)!=1)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"paraview","could not read name of output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  c_ptr = strrchr(filename, '.');
-  if (c_ptr != NULL) memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-  sprintf(it, ".%d", me); /*process id*/
-  strcat(filename, it);
-  strcat(filename, ".vtu");
-  outputFile = fopen(filename, "w");
-  if(outputFile == NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E', "paraview", "could not open output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-#ifndef ModelP
-  if (sscanf(argv[0],expandfmt(CONCAT3(" paraview %",NAMELENSTR,"[ -~]")),
-             filename)!=1)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"paraview","could not read name of output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  c_ptr = strrchr(filename, '.');
-  if (c_ptr != NULL) memset(c_ptr, '\0', 1);
-  strcat(filename, ".vtu");
-  outputFile = fopen(filename, "w");
-  if(outputFile == NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E', "paraview", "could not open output file");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  /**************************************************************************/
-  /*TITLE                                                                   */
-  /**************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t<UnstructuredGrid Ghostlevel=\"0\">\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /**************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE NUMBER OF VERTICES AND ELEMENTS                                   */
-  /**************************************************************************/
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-    {
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-    }
-  }
-  numVertices = 0;
-  numElements = 0;
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      numElements ++;
-      for (counterCorners=0; counterCorners<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); counterCorners++)
-      {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,counterCorners));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;
-        SETUSED(vx,1);
-        ID(vx) = numVertices;
-        numVertices++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%d\" NumberOfCells=\"%d\">\n", numVertices, numElements);
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE POINTS                                                              */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t<Points>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n\t\t\t\t\t");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-    {
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-    }
-  }
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      for (counterCorners=0; counterCorners<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); counterCorners++)
-      {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,counterCorners));
-        if (USED(vx)) continue;
-        SETUSED(vx,1);
-        sprintf(buffer, "%g %g %g \n", XC(vx), YC(vx), ZC(vx));
-        fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t</Points>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE CELLS:                                                              */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE CELL CONNECTIVITY                                                   */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t<Cells>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\">\n\t\t\t\t\t");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (vx=FIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); vx!=NULL; vx=SUCCV(vx))
-    {
-      SETUSED(vx,0);
-    }
-  }
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      sprintf(buffer, "\n");
-      fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      for (counterCorners=0; counterCorners<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); counterCorners++)
-      {
-        vx = MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,counterCorners));
-        /*if the element is a prism: reorder vertex IDs: UG(0,1,2,3,4,5) -> VTK(0,2,1,3,5,4) */
-        if(TAG(el) == PRISM)
-        {
-          ugPrismArray[counterCorners] = ID(vx);
-          vtkWedgeArray[0] = ugPrismArray[0];
-          vtkWedgeArray[1] = ugPrismArray[2];
-          vtkWedgeArray[2] = ugPrismArray[1];
-          vtkWedgeArray[3] = ugPrismArray[3];
-          vtkWedgeArray[4] = ugPrismArray[5];
-          vtkWedgeArray[5] = ugPrismArray[4];
-          for(i=0; i<6; i++)
-          {
-            sprintf(buffer, "%d ", vtkWedgeArray[i]);
-            fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          sprintf(buffer, "%d ", ID(vx));
-          fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE CELL OFFSETS                                                        */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\">\n\t\t\t\t\t");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  offset = 0;
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      offset += CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el);
-      sprintf(buffer, "%d \n", offset);
-      fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE CELL TYPES                                                          */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\">\n\t\t\t\t\t");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-      if(TAG(el) == TRIANGLE) sprintf(buffer, "5 \n");
-      else if(TAG(el) == QUADRILATERAL) sprintf(buffer, "9 \n");
-      else if(TAG(el) == TETRAHEDRON) sprintf(buffer, "10 \n");
-      else if(TAG(el) == PYRAMID) sprintf(buffer, "14 \n");
-      else if(TAG(el) == PRISM) sprintf(buffer, "13 \n");
-      else if(TAG(el) == HEXAHEDRON) sprintf(buffer, "12 \n");
-      else sprintf(buffer, "   TAG NOT FOUND   \n");
-      fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t</Cells>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE POINT DATA                                                          */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*vector data*/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t<PointData>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  if ((vd = ReadArgvVecDesc(mg,"a",argc,argv))==NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"paraview","could not read vec symbol");
-    return (PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(mg); level++)
-  {
-    g = GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level);
-    numEquations = VD_NCMPS_IN_TYPE(vd,VTYPE(FIRSTVECTOR(g)));
-    for (counterEquations=0; counterEquations<numEquations; counterEquations++)
-    {
-      sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%c\" format=\"ascii\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", VM_COMP_NAME(vd,counterEquations));
-      fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-      for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,level)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-      {
-        if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;
-        for (counterCorners=0; counterCorners<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); counterCorners++)
-        {
-          v = NVECTOR(CORNER(el,counterCorners));
-          value = VVALUE(v,VD_CMP_OF_TYPE(vd,VTYPE(v),counterEquations));
-          sprintf(buffer,"%g\n",value);
-          fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-        }
-      }
-      sprintf(buffer, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>\n");
-      fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t\t</PointData>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE END OF FILE AND CLOSE FILE                                          */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t\t</Piece>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "\t</UnstructuredGrid>\n");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  sprintf(buffer, "</VTKFile>");
-  fputs(buffer, outputFile);
-  fclose(outputFile);
-  /****************************************************************************/
-  /*WRITE METAFILE                                                            */
-  /****************************************************************************/
-#ifdef ModelP
-  if(me == master)
-  {
-    WriteMetaFile(filename, vd);
-  }
-  return(0);
-/*					                                    */
-/* Function:  InitParaView                                                  */
-/*	                                                                    */
-/* Purpose:                                                                 */
-/*	                                                                    */
-/* Input:     void	                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Output:    INT 0: ok						            */
-/*            else line number where error occured	                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-INT InitParaView (void)
-  if (CreateCommand("paraview",ParaViewCommand)==NULL) return (__LINE__);
-  return(0);
diff --git a/ui/paraview.h b/ui/paraview.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6601b504a5fc241e8fec3ed65550fee77b24cc71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/paraview.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      paraview.h                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   paraview output header file                                   */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* History:   25.02.2005 begin	                                            */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files                           */
-/*                                                                          */
-#ifndef __PARAVIEW_H__
-#define __PARAVIEW_H__
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-/*                                                                          */
-/* function declarations                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* exports only the init function */
-INT InitParaView (void);
diff --git a/ui/tecplot.cc b/ui/tecplot.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b35be6e35e0d79f6d46ddbadf98b43c22eb9e13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/tecplot.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      tecplot.c                                                     */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   tecplot output                                                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:	  Peter Bastian                                                                                         */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: peter@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de							*/
-/*			  fon: 0049-(0)711-685-7003										*/
-/*			  fax: 0049-(0)711-685-7000										*/
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   29.06.95 begin, ug version 3.0								*/
-/*            22.08.96 revised version for 3D,local refinement,user eval pr */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:                                                                 */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* include files                                                            */
-/*            system include files                                          */
-/*            application include files                                     */
-/*                                                                          */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "ugdevices.h"
-#include "enrol.h"
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "general.h"
-#include "pfile.h"
-#include "gm.h"
-#include "elements.h"
-#include "ugenv.h"
-#include "ugm.h"
-#include "algebra.h"
-#include "cmdint.h"
-#include "commands.h"
-#include "helpmsg.h"
-#include "shapes.h"
-#include "cmdline.h"
-#include "tecplot.h"
-#ifdef ModelP
-using namespace PPIF;
-/*                                                                          */
-/* defines in the following order                                           */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*        compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)    */
-/*        other constants                                                   */
-/*        macros                                                            */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of exported global variables									*/
-/*																			*/
-#define MAXVARIABLES    20                      /* max number of eval procs				*/
-#define VALUES_PER_LINE 10                      /* number of data values per line		*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
-/*																			*/
-/*																			*/
-/* definition of functions													*/
-/*																			*/
-#ifdef ModelP
-static INT get_offset (INT n)
-  INT i,subtreesize[50],sum,offset;
-  /* get number of objects downtree */
-  sum = n;
-  for (i=0; i<degree; i++) {
-    GetConcentrate(i,subtreesize+i,sizeof(INT));
-    sum += subtreesize[i];
-  }
-  /* get offset */
-  if (me==master)
-  {
-    offset = 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    Concentrate(&sum,sizeof(INT));
-    GetSpread(&offset,sizeof(INT));
-  }
-  /* send offsets for downtree nodes */
-  sum = offset+n;
-  for (i=0; i<degree; i++) {
-    Spread(i,&sum,sizeof(INT));
-    sum += subtreesize[i];
-  }
-  return(offset);
-static INT TPL_GlobalSumINT (INT i)
-  int l;
-  INT n;
-  for (l=degree-1; l>=0; l--)
-  {
-    GetConcentrate(l,&n,sizeof(INT));
-    i += n;
-  }
-  Concentrate(&i,sizeof(INT));
-  Broadcast(&i,sizeof(INT));
-  return(i);
-   tecplot - file output in Tecplot format
-   The tecplot command writes the grid and scalar
-   grid functions in Tecplot readable format to a file.
-   The data in the written file as tecplot-zone in FEPOINT format,
-   the plot funtion is evaluated at the nodes of the elements.
-   'tecplot <filename> [$e <nep> $s <vd>]* $z <zonename>'
-   .  $e...			- plot function for scalar node values
-   .  $s...			- pass this vecdatadesc to the plot function
-   .  $z...			- specify a name for the zone-record written in filename
-   .  $g...			- save geometry, this flag is parsed but not any action on it is implemented
-   <vd>   - vecdata desc
-   <nep>  - eval proc (nodal values)
-   <zonename>  -  string which appears in the zone-header of the written file
-   graphics, plot, file, output, tecplot
-   'tecplot tplfilm $e evalue $s sol $z @TIME'
-   Here it is assumed that in a time depend calculation the variable TIME is defined
-   and to be used to identify the zones in tecplot.
-   D*/
-static INT TecplotCommand (INT argc, char **argv)
-  INT i,j,k,v;                                  /* counters etc.							*/
-  INT counter;                      /* for formatting output                    */
-  char item[1024],it[256];      /* item buffers                             */
-  INT ic=0;                     /* item length                              */
-  VECTOR *vc;                                           /* a vector pointer							*/
-  ELEMENT *el;                                  /* an element pointer						*/
-  MULTIGRID *mg;                                /* our multigrid							*/
-  char filename[NAMESIZE];      /* file name for output file				*/
-  PFILE *pf;                    /* the output file pointer                  */
-  INT nv;                                               /* number of variables (eval functions)		*/
-  EVALUES *ev[MAXVARIABLES];            /* pointers to eval function descriptors	*/
-  char ev_name[MAXVARIABLES][NAMESIZE];         /* names for eval functions     */
-  char s[NAMESIZE];                             /* name of eval proc						*/
-  char zonename[NAMESIZE+7] = "";               /* name for zone (initialized to
-                                                                                empty string)						*/
-  INT numNodes;                                 /* number of data points					*/
-  INT numElements;                              /* number of elements						*/
-  INT gnumNodes;                /* number of data points globally           */
-  INT gnumElements;             /* number of elements globallay             */
-  PreprocessingProcPtr pre;             /* pointer to prepare function				*/
-  ElementEvalProcPtr eval;              /* pointer to evaluation function			*/
-  DOUBLE *CornersCoord[MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM];       /* pointers to coordinates    */
-  DOUBLE LocalCoord[DIM];               /* is one of the corners local coordinates	*/
-  DOUBLE local[DIM];                            /* local coordinate in DOUBLE				*/
-  DOUBLE value;                                 /* returned by user eval proc				*/
-  INT oe,on;
-  INT saveGeometry;                             /* save geometry flag						*/
-  /* get current multigrid */
-  mg = GetCurrentMultigrid();
-  if (mg==NULL)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('W',"tecplot","no multigrid open\n");
-    return (OKCODE);
-  }
-  /* scan options */
-  nv = 0; saveGeometry = 0;
-  for(i=1; i<argc; i++)
-  {
-    switch(argv[i][0])
-    {
-    case 'e' :            /* read eval proc */
-      if (nv>=MAXVARIABLES)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessage('E',"tecplot","too many variables specified\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      sscanf(argv[i],"e %s", s);
-      ev[nv] = GetElementValueEvalProc(s);
-      if (ev[nv]==NULL)
-      {
-        PrintErrorMessageF('E',"tecplot","could not find eval proc %s\n",s);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1],"s %s", s) == 1)
-      {
-        strcpy(ev_name[nv],s);
-        i++;
-      }
-      else
-        strcpy(ev_name[nv],ev[nv]->v.name);
-      nv++;
-      break;
-    case 'z' :
-      sscanf(argv[i],"z %s", zonename+3);
-      memcpy(zonename, "T=\"", 3);
-      memcpy(zonename+strlen(zonename), "\", \0", 4);
-      break;
-    case 'g' :
-      sscanf(argv[i],"g %d", &saveGeometry);
-      if (saveGeometry<0) saveGeometry=0;
-      if (saveGeometry>1) saveGeometry=1;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (nv==0) UserWrite("tecplot: no variables given, printing mesh data only\n");
-  /* get file name and open output file */
-  if (sscanf(argv[0],expandfmt(CONCAT3(" tecplot %",NAMELENSTR,"[ -~]")),filename)!=1)
-  {
-    PrintErrorMessage('E',"tecplot","could not read name of logfile");
-    return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  }
-  pf = pfile_open(filename);
-  if (pf==NULL) return(PARAMERRORCODE);
-  /********************************/
-  /* TITLE                                              */
-  /********************************/
-  ic = 0;
-  sprintf(it,"TITLE = \"UG TECPLOT OUTPUT\"\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  sprintf(it,"VARIABLES = \"X\", \"Y\"");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  if (DIM==3) {
-    sprintf(it,", \"Z\"");
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  }
-  for (i=0; i<nv; i++) {
-    sprintf(it,", \"%s\"",ev[i]->v.name);
-    strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  }
-  sprintf(it,"\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /********************************/
-  /* compute sizes				*/
-  /********************************/
-  /* clear VCFLAG on all levels */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vc=FIRSTVECTOR(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vc!=NULL; vc=SUCCVC(vc))
-      SETVCFLAG(vc,0);
-  /* run thru all levels of elements and set index */
-  numNodes = numElements = 0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                          /* process finest level elements only */
-      numElements++;                                            /* increase element counter */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-      {
-        vc = NVECTOR(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (VCFLAG(vc)) continue;                       /* we have this one already */
-        VINDEX(vc) = ++numNodes;                        /* number of data points, begins with 1 ! */
-        SETVCFLAG(vc,1);                                        /* tag vector as visited */
-      }
-    }
-        #ifdef ModelP
-  gnumNodes = TPL_GlobalSumINT(numNodes);
-  gnumElements = TPL_GlobalSumINT(numElements);
-  on=get_offset(numNodes);
-  oe=get_offset(numElements);
-  /* clear VCFLAG on all levels */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vc=FIRSTVECTOR(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vc!=NULL; vc=SUCCVC(vc))
-      SETVCFLAG(vc,0);
-  /* number in unique way */
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                          /* process finest level elements only */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-      {
-        vc = NVECTOR(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (VCFLAG(vc)) continue;                       /* we have this one already */
-        VINDEX(vc) += on;                                       /* add offset */
-        SETVCFLAG(vc,1);                                        /* tag vector as visited */
-      }
-    }
-    #else
-  gnumNodes = numNodes;
-  gnumElements = numElements;
-  oe=on=0;
-    #endif
-  /********************************/
-  /* write ZONE data				*/
-  /* uses FEPOINT for data		*/
-  /* uses QUADRILATERAL in 2D		*/
-  /* and BRICK in 3D				*/
-  /********************************/
-  /* write zone record header */
-  if (DIM==2) sprintf(it,"ZONE %sN=%d, E=%d, F=FEPOINT, ET=QUADRILATERAL\n", zonename, gnumNodes,gnumElements);
-  if (DIM==3) sprintf(it,"ZONE %sN=%d, E=%d, F=FEPOINT, ET=BRICK\n", zonename, gnumNodes,gnumElements);
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /* write data in FEPOINT format, i.e. all variables of a node per line*/
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (vc=FIRSTVECTOR(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); vc!=NULL; vc=SUCCVC(vc))
-      SETVCFLAG(vc,0);           /* clear all flags */
-  counter=0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;                  /* process finest level elements only */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-        CornersCoord[i] = CVECT(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i)));                        /* x,y,z of corners */
-      for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(el); i++)
-      {
-        vc = NVECTOR(CORNER(el,i));
-        if (VCFLAG(vc)) continue;                       /* we have this one alre ady */
-        SETVCFLAG(vc,1);                                /* tag vector as visited */
-        sprintf(it,"%g",(double)XC(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i))));
-        strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        sprintf(it," %g",(double)YC(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i))));
-        strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        if (DIM == 3)
-        {
-          sprintf(it," %g",(double)ZC(MYVERTEX(CORNER(el,i))));
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        }
-        /* now all the user variables */
-        /* get local coordinate of corner */
-        LocalCornerCoordinates(DIM,TAG(el),i,local);
-        for (j=0; j<DIM; j++) LocalCoord[j] = local[j];
-        for (v=0; v<nv; v++)
-        {
-          pre =  ev[v]->PreprocessProc;
-          eval = ev[v]->EvalProc;
-          /* execute prepare function */
-          /* This is not really equivalent to
-             the FEBLOCK-version sinc we call "pre" more
-             often than there. D.Werner */
-          if (pre!=NULL) pre(ev_name[v],mg);
-          /* call eval function */
-          value = eval(el,(const DOUBLE **)CornersCoord,LocalCoord);
-          sprintf(it," %g",value);
-          strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        }
-        sprintf(it,"\n");
-        strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-        pfile_tagged_puts(pf,item,counter+on); ic=0;
-        counter++;
-      }
-    }
-  pfile_sync(pf);       /* end of segment */
-  sprintf(it,"\n");
-  strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-  pfile_master_puts(pf,item); ic=0;
-  /* finally write the connectivity list */
-  counter=0;
-  for (k=0; k<=TOPLEVEL(mg); k++)
-    for (el=FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(mg,k)); el!=NULL; el=SUCCE(el))
-    {
-      if (!EstimateHere(el)) continue;           /* process finest level elements only */
-      switch(DIM) {
-      case 2 :
-        switch(TAG(el)) {
-        case TRIANGLE :
-          sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d\n",
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2)))
-                  );
-          break;
-        case QUADRILATERAL :
-          sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d\n",
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3)))
-                  );
-          break;
-        default :
-          UserWriteF("tecplot: unknown 2D element type with tag(el) = %d detected. Aborting further processing of command tecplot\n", TAG(el));
-          return CMDERRORCODE;
-          break;
-        }
-        break;
-      case 3 :
-        switch(TAG(el)) {
-        case HEXAHEDRON :
-          sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d "
-                  "%d %d %d %d\n",
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,5))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,6))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,7)))
-                  );
-          break;
-        case TETRAHEDRON :
-          sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d "
-                  "%d %d %d %d\n",
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3)))
-                  );
-          break;
-        case PYRAMID :
-          sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d "
-                  "%d %d %d %d\n",
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,4)))
-                  );
-          break;
-        case PRISM :
-          sprintf(it,"%d %d %d %d "
-                  "%d %d %d %d\n",
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,0))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,1))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,2))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,3))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,4))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,5))),
-                  VINDEX(NVECTOR(CORNER(el,5)))
-                  );
-          break;
-        default :
-          UserWriteF("tecplot: unknown 3D element type with tag(el) = %d detected. Aborting further processing of command tecplot\n", TAG(el));
-          return CMDERRORCODE;
-          break;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      strcpy(item+ic,it); ic+=strlen(it);
-      pfile_tagged_puts(pf,item,counter+oe); ic=0;
-      counter++;
-    }
-  pfile_sync(pf);       /* end of segment */
-  /********************************/
-  /* GEOMETRY                                   */
-  /* we will do this later, since */
-  /* domain interface will change */
-  /********************************/
-  pfile_close(pf);
-  return(OKCODE);
-/*																			*/
-/* Function:  InitTecplot													*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Purpose:   register all formats for porous media library					*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Input:     void															*/
-/*																			*/
-/* Output:	  INT 0: ok														*/
-/*				  else line number where error occured						*/
-/*																			*/
-INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitTecplot ()
-  if (CreateCommand("tecplot",TecplotCommand)==NULL) return (__LINE__);
-  return(0);
diff --git a/ui/tecplot.h b/ui/tecplot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 30ce509cd8b958465d9ec8fa961621207c367125..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/tecplot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-/*                                                                          */
-/* File:      tecplot.h                                                     */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Purpose:   tecplot output header file	                                                */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Author:	  Peter Bastian                                                                                     */
-/*			  Institut fuer Computeranwendungen III                                                 */
-/*			  Universitaet Stuttgart										*/
-/*			  Pfaffenwaldring 27											*/
-/*			  70569 Stuttgart												*/
-/*			  email: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de			                                */
-/*																			*/
-/* History:   29.06.95 begin, ug version 3.0								*/
-/*                                                                          */
-/* Remarks:                                                                 */
-/*                                                                          */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* auto include mechanism and other include files                           */
-/*                                                                          */
-#ifndef __TECPLOT__
-#define __TECPLOT__
-#include "ugtypes.h"
-#include "namespace.h"
-/*                                                                          */
-/* function declarations                                                    */
-/*                                                                          */
-/* exports only the init function */
-INT InitTecplot ();