diff --git a/dev/dev.make b/dev/dev.make
deleted file mode 100644
index b836c6d66ea5ec1f6d45c7291ca0bc168c101dd6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/dev.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  dev.make														*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build devices 												*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# list of devices to build
-# list of source files
-OBJECTS = ugdevices.c.o
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i "::low"
-# the main rule
-all Ÿ {OBJECTS} {DEVICES} dev.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libdev.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-ugdevices.c.o Ÿ  ugdevices.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} ugdevices.c
-# build devices
-	directory meta
-	make -d COPTS="{COPTS}" -f meta.make > makeout
-	makeout
-	delete makeout
-	directory ::
-	directory ps
-	make -d COPTS="{COPTS}" -f ps.make > makeout
-	makeout
-	delete makeout
-	directory ::
-	directory mif
-	make -d COPTS="{COPTS}" -f mif.make > makeout
-	makeout
-	delete makeout
-	directory ::
-# clean up
-clean Ÿ
-	Set Exit 0
-	delete -i "::lib:libdev.a"
-	delete -i ‰.o
-	delete -i :meta:‰.o
-	delete -i :ps:‰.o
-	delete -i :mif:‰.o
diff --git a/dev/meta/meta.make b/dev/meta/meta.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d170750cb9e8278601e51a09b279edc276ee072..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/meta/meta.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  meta.make 													*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build metafile device 										*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# list of source files
-OBJECTS = metafile.c.o
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i ":::low" -i "::"
-# the main rule
-all Ä {OBJECTS} meta.make
-	Lib -o ":::lib:libmeta.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-metafile.c.o Ä	metafile.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} metafile.c
diff --git a/dev/mif/mif.make b/dev/mif/mif.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 329ce6ac8c02930910e99e64faf3d4c75a883734..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/mif/mif.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  mif.make														*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build Macintosh graphical user interface						*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# list of source files
-OBJECTS = MacMain.c.o MacShell.c.o MacGraph.c.o MacSurface.c.o
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i ":::low" -i "::"
-# the main rule
-all Ä {OBJECTS} mif.make ug.rsrc
-	Lib -o ":::lib:libmif.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-MacShell.c.o Ä	MacShell.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} MacShell.c
-MacMain.c.o Ä  MacMain.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} MacMain.c
-MacGraph.c.o Ä	MacGraph.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} MacGraph.c
-MacSurface.c.o Ä  MacSurface.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} MacSurface.c
-ug.rsrc Ä ugrsrc.txt
-	Rez -o ug.rsrc ugrsrc.txt
diff --git a/dev/ps/ps.make b/dev/ps/ps.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 311bc414c4cad6f597dd72c82328e5211b39cb9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dev/ps/ps.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  ps.make	 													*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build postscript file device 									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# list of source files
-OBJECTS = postscript.c.o
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i ":::low" -i "::"
-# the main rule
-all ü {OBJECTS} ps.make
-	Lib -o ":::lib:libps.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-postscript.c.o ü	postscript.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} postscript.c
diff --git a/gm/GenerateRules.make b/gm/GenerateRules.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d98971b6252bf8801c2539d8da8e20183c9715..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gm/GenerateRules.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#	File:		GenerateRules.make
-#	Target: 	GenerateRules
-#	Sources:	GenerateRules.c simplex.c
-#	Created:	Dienstag, 14. September 1993 14:44:07 Uhr
-OBJECTS = GenerateRules.c.o simplex.c.o
-GenerateRules ÄÄ GenerateRules.make {OBJECTS}
-	Link -d -c 'MPS ' -t MPST -sym on -mf ¶
-		{OBJECTS} ¶
-		"{CLibraries}"Clib881.o ¶
-		#"{CLibraries}"CSANELib881.o ¶
-		#"{CLibraries}"Math881.o ¶
-		#"{CLibraries}"Complex881.o ¶
-		"{CLibraries}"StdClib.o ¶
-		"{Libraries}"Stubs.o ¶
-		"{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶
-		"{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶
-		#"{Libraries}"ToolLibs.o ¶
-		-o GenerateRules
-GenerateRules.c.o Ä GenerateRules.make GenerateRules.c
-	 C -d __MPW32__ -r -sym on -mc68020 -mc68881 -elems881 GenerateRules.c
-#	 C -d TEST_GR -d __MPW32__ -r -sym on -mc68020 -mc68881 -elems881 GenerateRules.c
-simplex.c.o Ä GenerateRules.make simplex.c
-	 C -d __MPW32__ -r -sym on -mc68020 -mc68881 -elems881 simplex.c
diff --git a/gm/gg2/gg.make b/gm/gg2/gg.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 331265f361337569172a131d174422baa1f197ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gm/gg2/gg.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  gg.make													*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build the numerics module     								*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Dirk Feuchter 												*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   23.10.95 begin, ug version 3.1								*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i "::low" -i "::dev" -i "::gm" -i "::numerics" -i "::ui"
-# object files for both dimensions
-OBJECTS = basics.c.o  initnumerics.c.o mgsolver.c.o nlsolver.c.o num.c.o smoother.c.o transgrid.c.o ugblas.c.o ugiter.c.o tnlsolve.c.o
-# objects for 2D version
-OBJECTS2 = fv.c.o
-# objects for 3D version
-# trick to switch source files depending on dimension
-# the main rules
-2Dversion Ÿ {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS2} numerics.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libnumerics{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS2}
-3Dversion Ÿ {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS3} numerics.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libnumerics{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS3}
-# compile all source files
-basics.c.o Ÿ  basics.c
-initnumerics.c.o Ÿ  initnumerics.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} initnumerics.c
-mgsolver.c.o Ÿ  mgsolver.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} mgsolver.c
-nlsolver.c.o Ÿ  nlsolver.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} nlsolver.c
-num.c.o Ÿ  num.c
-smoother.c.o Ÿ  smoother.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} smoother.c
-transgrid.c.o Ÿ  transgrid.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} transgrid.c
-ugblas.c.o Ÿ  ugblas.c
-ugiter.c.o Ÿ  ugiter.c
-fv.c.o Ÿ  fv.c
-tnlsolve.c.o Ÿ tnlsolve.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} tnlsolve.c
-# clean up
-clean Ÿ
-	Set Exit 0
-	delete -i ‰.o
diff --git a/gm/gm.make b/gm/gm.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c23ae5f7714d6a5ed188fb12be4a2412eaad19c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gm/gm.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  gm.make														*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build the grid manager module 								*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i "::low" -i "::dev"
-# object files for both dimensions
-OBJECTS = algebra.c.o enrol.c.o evm.c.o ugio.c.o ugm.c.o cw.c.o initgm.c.o elements.c.o
-# objects for 2D version
-OBJECTS2 = shapes2d.c.o ugm2d.c.o ugrefine2d.c.o
-# objects for 3D version
-OBJECTS3 = shapes3d.c.o ugm3d.c.o simplex.c.o ugrefine3d.c.o
-# trick to switch source files depending on dimension
-# the main rules
-2Dversion Ä {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS2} gm.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libgm{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS2}
-3Dversion Ä {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS3} gm.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libgm{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS} {OBJECTS3}
-# compile all source files
-initgm.c.o Ä  initgm.c
-elements.c.o Ä  elements.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} elements.c
-cw.c.o Ä  cw.c
-algebra.c.o Ä  algebra.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} algebra.c
-enrol.c.o Ä  enrol.c
-evm.c.o Ä  evm.c
-ugio.c.o Ä	ugio.c
-ugm.c.o Ä  ugm.c
-shapes2d.c.o Ä	shapes2d.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} shapes2d.c
-ugm2d.c.o Ä  ugm2d.c
-ugrefine2d.c.o Ä  ugrefine2d.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} ugrefine2d.c
-shapes3d.c.o Ä	shapes3d.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} shapes3d.c
-ugm3d.c.o Ä  ugm3d.c
-simplex.c.o Ä  simplex.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} simplex.c
-ugrefine3d.c.o Ä  ugrefine3d.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} ugrefine3d.c
-# clean up
-clean Ä
-	Set Exit 0
-	delete -i Å.o
diff --git a/gm/gr.make b/gm/gr.make
deleted file mode 100644
index c8d1dab84a54567dc765d8551916dd33ef72b407..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gm/gr.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#																			 #
-#	Makefile for parallel ug version										 #
-#																			 #
-#	created 17 August 1992													 #
-#																			 #
-include ../ug.arch
-# architecture-dependent makefile entries
-include ../$(ARCHDIR)/mk.$(ARCHDIR)
-OBJECTS = GenerateRules.o simplex.o 
-../lib/libug.a : $(OBJECTS) Makefile
-	$(LINK) $(OBJECTS) $(LLDFLAGS) -o gr $(LIBS)
-	$(COMPILE) $(LCFLAGS) -c $<
-	rm gr
diff --git a/graphics/uggraph/graph.make b/graphics/uggraph/graph.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 24173148ebf703050bb86c09f4f8bc6aa05ea1d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/graphics/uggraph/graph.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  graph.make													*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build ug graphics 											*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# list of source files
-OBJECTS = wpm.c.o wop.c.o graph.c.o plotproc.c.o initgraph.c.o
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i "::low" -i "::dev" -i "::gm"
-# the main rule
-all Ä {OBJECTS} graph.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libgraph{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-wpm.c.o Ä  wpm.c
-# compile all source files
-wop.c.o Ä  wop.c
-# compile all source files
-graph.c.o Ä  graph.c
-# compile all source files
-plotproc.c.o Ä	plotproc.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} plotproc.c
-# compile all source files
-initgraph.c.o Ä  initgraph.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} initgraph.c
-# clean up
-clean Ä
-	Set Exit 0
-	delete -i Å.o
diff --git a/low/low.make b/low/low.make
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcc5eda5a9c56e4cd0262aa95eebf7f5c17b4c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/low/low.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  low.make														*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   make file for low modules library 							*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-#	all object files for ug library
-OBJECTS = ugenv.c.o heaps.c.o fifo.c.o misc.c.o initlow.c.o defaults.c.o fileopen.c.o ugstruct.c.o
-#	main rule
-all Ä low.make {OBJECTS}
-	Lib -o "::lib:liblow{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-initlow.c.o Ä  initlow.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} initlow.c
-misc.c.o Ä	misc.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} misc.c
-defaults.c.o Ä	defaults.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} defaults.c
-ugenv.c.o Ä  ugenv.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} ugenv.c
-heaps.c.o Ä  heaps.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} heaps.c
-fifo.c.o Ä	fifo.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} fifo.c
-fileopen.c.o Ä	fileopen.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} fileopen.c
-ugstruct.c.o Ä	ugstruct.c
-	 C {COPTS} {UGDEFINES} ugstruct.c
-# clean up
-clean Ä
-	delete -i Å.o
diff --git a/ui/ui.make b/ui/ui.make
deleted file mode 100644
index f22c07d31950627678dc9890a44fe22dca65ea3a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ui/ui.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#*																			*#
-#* File:	  ui.make														*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Purpose:   build ug user interface										*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Author:	  Peter Bastian 												*#
-#*			  Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen	*#
-#*			  Universitaet Heidelberg										*#
-#*			  Im Neuenheimer Feld 368										*#
-#*			  6900 Heidelberg												*#
-#*			  internet: ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de					*#
-#*																			*#
-#* History:   24.05.92 begin, ug version 2.0								*#
-#*			  13.08.92 update for ug 2.0.2									*#
-#*			  05 Sep 92 update for ug 2.1(.0)								*#
-#*			  05 Sep 94 update for ug 2.3									*#
-#*			  01 Jan 95 update for ug 3.0									*#
-#*																			*#
-#* Remarks:   MPW 3.2 version												*#
-#*																			*#
-# list of source files
-OBJECTS = initui.c.o helpmsg.c.o cmdline.c.o cmdint.c.o uginterface.c.o commands.c.o
-# local C compiler flags
-LCFLAGS = -i "::low" -i "::dev" -i "::gm" -i "::numerics" -i "::graph"
-# the main rule
-all Ä {OBJECTS} ui.make
-	Lib -o "::lib:libui{LIBSUFFIX}.a" {OBJECTS}
-# compile all source files
-initui.c.o Ä  initui.c
-# compile all source files
-helpmsg.c.o Ä  helpmsg.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} helpmsg.c
-# compile all source files
-cmdline.c.o Ä  cmdline.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} cmdline.c
-# compile all source files
-cmdint.c.o Ä  cmdint.c
-# compile all source files
-uginterface.c.o Ä  uginterface.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} uginterface.c
-# compile all source files
-commands.c.o Ä	commands.c
-	 C {COPTS} {LCFLAGS} {UGDEFINES} commands.c
-# clean up
-clean Ä
-	Set Exit 0
-	delete -i Å.o