diff --git a/common/interfaces.hh b/common/interfaces.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 26710cbe743f6d903f6d4b766329d2e6cc9d8158..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/common/interfaces.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
-#include "typetraits.hh"
-/** @file
-   @author Robert Kloefkorn
-   @brief Provides a Interfaces for detection of specific behavior
- */
-namespace Dune {
-  //! An interface class for cloneable objects
-  struct Cloneable {
-    /** \brief Clones the object
-       clone needs to be redefined by an implementation class, with the
-       return type covariantly adapted. Remember to
-       delete the resulting pointer.
-     */
-    virtual Cloneable* clone() const = 0;
-    /** \brief Destructor */
-    virtual ~Cloneable()
-    {}
-  };
-  //! Tagging interface to indicate that Grid provides typedef ObjectStreamType
-  struct HasObjectStream {};
-  //! Helper template (implicit specialisation if GridImp exports an object
-  //! stream
-  template <bool hasStream, class GridImp, class DefaultImp>
-  struct GridObjectStreamOrDefaultHelper {
-    typedef typename GridImp::ObjectStreamType ObjectStreamType;
-  };
-  //! Helper template (explicit specialisation if GridImp doesn't export an
-  //! object stream -> DefaultImplementation is exported)
-  template <class GridImp, class DefaultImp>
-  struct GridObjectStreamOrDefaultHelper<false, GridImp, DefaultImp> {
-    typedef DefaultImp ObjectStreamType;
-  };
-  //! Template to choose right Object stream type for a given class
-  template <class GridImp, class DefaultImp>
-  struct GridObjectStreamOrDefault {
-    typedef typename GridObjectStreamOrDefaultHelper<
-        Conversion<GridImp, HasObjectStream>::exists,
-        GridImp,
-        DefaultImp>::ObjectStreamType ObjectStreamType;
-  };
-  //! Tagging interface to indicate that class is of Type DofManager
-  struct IsDofManager {};
-  //! Tagging interface to indicate that Grid has HierarchicIndexSet
-  struct HasHierarchicIndexSet {};
-} // end namespace Dune