Preparing the CVS-sources

Additional to the software mentioned in README you'll need the
following programs installed on your system:

  automake >= 1.5

  autoconf >= 2.50


For the documentation to build you'll need doxygen and latex

Dune also features a self-test. As some grid-components (e.g. Albert,
UG) depend on external libraries their self-tests will only run if
those libraries are found. The pathes would then need to be passed via
--with-...= parameters. 

Important!  If you don't want to develop Dune itself you won't need to
provide external components! The Dune-library and -headers are
independent of other libraries, instead the applications can choose
what parts to use.

Getting started

If these preliminaries are met, you should run the script


which calls the GNU autoconf/automake to create a ./configure-script
and the Makefiles. The configure-script is automatically called and
you're ready to perform a


to build the library and documentation. Dune can be installed into
your system via

  make install

You can provide a --prefix=PATH parameter to autogen to install the
components into PATH/lib, PATH/include, ... instead of the default
/usr/local/lib, /usr/local/include

Passing options to ./configure
------------------------------ also calls the newly created configure-script to
conveniently pass on options about the used compiler. Thus you'll have
to provide any options you want configure to get, e.g.

  ./ --with-albert=... --with-ug=...

Choosing the compiler and the options

The selection of the compiler works as follows: if --gnu or --intel is
passed to autogen it reads the content of gcc.opts or icc.opts to get
the default compiler flags. With the option --optim you can switch the
compiler-specific optimization parameters on.

If you want to change the compiler options to your favourites you can

 - adapt the appropriate .opts-file and rerun Please don't
   commit this changed file to CVS if you're not sure if the options
   work for everybody.

 - copy an existing .opts-file to a new name, change the options and

      ./ --opts=my.opts

More info


     ./ --help
and (if it exists)
     ./configure --help

for further options.

The full build-system is described in the doc/Buildsystem
