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/** \file
 * \brief Type traits to determine the type of reals (when working with complex numbers)

#include <complex>
#include <vector>

namespace Dune {

     @addtogroup DenseMatVec
     \brief Type traits to retrieve the field and the real type of classes

     Type traits to retrieve the field and the real type of classes
     e.g. that of FieldVector or FieldMatrix
  template<class T>
  struct FieldTraits
    //! export the type representing the field
    typedef T field_type;
    //! export the type representing the real type of the field
    typedef T real_type;

  template<class T>
  struct FieldTraits<const T>
    typedef typename FieldTraits<T>::field_type field_type;
    typedef typename FieldTraits<T>::real_type real_type;

  template<class T>
  struct FieldTraits< std::complex<T> >
    typedef std::complex<T> field_type;
    typedef T real_type;

  template<class T, unsigned int N>
  struct FieldTraits< T[N] >
    typedef typename FieldTraits<T>::field_type field_type;
    typedef typename FieldTraits<T>::real_type real_type;

  template<class T>
  struct FieldTraits< std::vector<T> >
    typedef typename FieldTraits<T>::field_type field_type;
    typedef typename FieldTraits<T>::real_type real_type;

} // end namespace Dune