// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2: #ifndef DUNE_TUPLES_HH #define DUNE_TUPLES_HH #include <iostream> #include "typetraits.hh" #include "unused.hh" #include <tuple> namespace Dune { /** @addtogroup Common * * @{ */ /** * @file * @brief Fallback implementation of the std::tuple class * * This a refined implementation of the approach defined in * in the article "Tuples and multiple return values * in C++" of Jaakko Järvi (Turku Centre of Computer * Science, TUCS Technical Report No 249, March 1999, * ISBN 952-12-0401-X, ISSN 1239-1891) available from the * <a href="http://www.tucs.fi/publications/">TUCS publications archive</a> * @author Markus Blatt */ template<class T> struct TupleAccessTraits { typedef typename ConstantVolatileTraits<T>::ConstType& ConstType; typedef T& NonConstType; typedef const typename ConstantVolatileTraits<T>::UnqualifiedType& ParameterType; }; template<class T> struct TupleAccessTraits<T*> { typedef typename ConstantVolatileTraits<T>::ConstType* ConstType; typedef T* NonConstType; typedef T* ParameterType; }; template<class T> struct TupleAccessTraits<T&> { typedef T& ConstType; typedef T& NonConstType; typedef T& ParameterType; }; // pull in default implementations using std::tuple; using std::tuple_element; using std::get; using std::tuple_size; using std::tie; using std::make_tuple; template<int i> struct tuple_writer { template<class T> static std::ostream& put(std::ostream& os, const T& t, const char* delim=", ") { return tuple_writer<i-1>::put(os,t,delim)<<delim<<Dune::get<i-1>(t); } template< class T > static std::istream &get ( std::istream &is, T &t, const char *delim = "," ) { tuple_writer< i-1 >::get( is, t, delim ); for( const char *it = delim; is && (*it != 0); ++it ) { char c = 0; is >> c; if( c != *it ) is.setstate( std::ios::failbit ); } return is >> Dune::get< i-1 >( t ); } }; template<> struct tuple_writer<1> { template<class T> static std::ostream& put(std::ostream& os, const T& t, const char* delim=", ") { DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(delim); return os<<Dune::get<0>(t); } template< class T > static std::istream &get ( std::istream &is, T &t, const char *delim = ", " ) { return is >> Dune::get< 0 >( t ); } }; template<> struct tuple_writer<0> { template<class T> static std::ostream& put(std::ostream& os, const T& t, const char* delim=", ") { return os; } template< class T > static std::istream &get ( std::istream &is, T &t, const char *delim = ", " ) { return is; } }; /** * \brief Print a tuple. */ template<typename... Ts> inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const tuple<Ts...>& t) { return tuple_writer<sizeof...(Ts)>::put(os, t); } /** * \brief Read a tuple. */ template<typename... Ts> inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, tuple<Ts...>& t) { return tuple_writer<sizeof...(Ts)>::get(is, t); } /** }@ */ } #endif