// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:

#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <complex>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>

#include <dune/common/std/constexpr.hh>

#include "typetraits.hh"
#include "exceptions.hh"
#include "array.hh"

#include "ftraits.hh"
#include "densevector.hh"
#include "unused.hh"

namespace Dune {

  /** @addtogroup DenseMatVec

  /*! \file
   * \brief Implements a vector constructed from a given type
     representing a field and a compile-time given size.

  template< class K, int SIZE > class FieldVector;
  template< class K, int SIZE >
  struct DenseMatVecTraits< FieldVector<K,SIZE> >
    typedef FieldVector<K,SIZE> derived_type;
    typedef Dune::array<K,SIZE> container_type;
    typedef K value_type;
    typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type;

  template< class K, int SIZE >
  struct FieldTraits< FieldVector<K,SIZE> >
    typedef typename FieldTraits<K>::field_type field_type;
    typedef typename FieldTraits<K>::real_type real_type;

   * @brief TMP to check the size of a DenseVectors statically, if possible.
   * If the implementation type of C is  a FieldVector, we statically check
   * whether its dimension is SIZE.
   * @tparam C The implementation of the other DenseVector
   * @tparam SIZE The size we need assume.
  template<typename C, int SIZE>
  struct IsFieldVectorSizeCorrect
    enum {
         *@param True if C is not of type FieldVector or its dimension
       * is not equal SIZE.
      value = true

  template<typename T, int SIZE>
  struct IsFieldVectorSizeCorrect<FieldVector<T,SIZE>,SIZE>
    enum {value = true};

  template<typename T, int SIZE, int SIZE1>
  struct IsFieldVectorSizeCorrect<FieldVector<T,SIZE1>,SIZE>
    enum {value = false};

  /** \brief vector space out of a tensor product of fields.
   * \tparam K    the field type (use float, double, complex, etc)
   * \tparam SIZE number of components.
  template< class K, int SIZE >
  class FieldVector :
    public DenseVector< FieldVector<K,SIZE> >
    Dune::array<K,SIZE> _data;
    typedef DenseVector< FieldVector<K,SIZE> > Base;
    //! export size
    enum {
      //! The size of this vector.
      dimension = SIZE

    typedef typename Base::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename Base::value_type value_type;

    //! Constructor making default-initialized vector
      : _data{}

    //! Constructor making vector with identical coordinates
    explicit FieldVector (const K& t)

    //! Constructor making vector with identical coordinates
    FieldVector (const FieldVector & x) : _data(x._data)

    FieldVector (std::initializer_list<K> const &l)
      assert(l.size() == dimension);// Actually, this is not needed any more!
      std::copy_n(l.begin(), std::min(static_cast<std::size_t>(dimension),

     * \brief Copy constructor from a second vector of possibly different type
     * If the DenseVector type of the this constructor's argument
     * is implemented by a FieldVector, it is statically checked
     * if it has the correct size. If this is not the case
     * the constructor is removed from the overload set using SFINAE.
     * \param[in]  x  A DenseVector with correct size.
     * \param[in]  dummy  A void* dummy argument needed by SFINAE.
    template<class C>
    FieldVector (const DenseVector<C> & x, typename Dune::enable_if<IsFieldVectorSizeCorrect<C,SIZE>::value>::type* dummy=0 )
      // do a run-time size check, for the case that x is not a FieldVector
      assert(x.size() == SIZE); // Actually this is not needed any more!
      std::copy_n(x.begin(), std::min(static_cast<std::size_t>(SIZE),x.size()), _data.begin());

    //! Constructor making vector with identical coordinates
    template<class K1, int SIZE1>
    explicit FieldVector (const FieldVector<K1,SIZE1> & x)
      static_assert(SIZE1 == SIZE, "FieldVector in constructor has wrong size");
      for (size_type i = 0; i<SIZE; i++)
        _data[i] = x[i];
    using Base::operator=;

    DUNE_CONSTEXPR size_type size () const { return vec_size(); }

    // make this thing a vector
    DUNE_CONSTEXPR size_type vec_size () const { return SIZE; }
    K & vec_access(size_type i) { return _data[i]; }
    const K & vec_access(size_type i) const { return _data[i]; }
    void fill(const K& t)
      for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) _data[i]=t;

  /** \brief Read a FieldVector from an input stream
   *  \relates FieldVector
   *  \note This operator is STL compliant, i.e., the content of v is only
   *        changed if the read operation is successful.
   *  \param[in]  in  std :: istream to read from
   *  \param[out] v   FieldVector to be read
   *  \returns the input stream (in)
  template<class K, int SIZE>
  inline std::istream &operator>> ( std::istream &in,
                                    FieldVector<K, SIZE> &v )
    FieldVector<K, SIZE> w;
    for( typename FieldVector<K, SIZE>::size_type i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i )
      in >> w[ i ];
      v = w;
    return in;

#ifndef DOXYGEN
  template< class K >
  struct DenseMatVecTraits< FieldVector<K,1> >
    typedef FieldVector<K,1> derived_type;
    typedef K container_type;
    typedef K value_type;
    typedef size_t size_type;

  /** \brief Vectors containing only one component
  template<class K>
  class FieldVector<K, 1> :
    public DenseVector< FieldVector<K,1> >
    K _data;
    typedef DenseVector< FieldVector<K,1> > Base;
    //! export size
    enum {
      //! The size of this vector.
      dimension = 1

    typedef typename Base::size_type size_type;

    //===== construction

    /** \brief Default constructor */
    FieldVector ()
      : _data()

    /** \brief Constructor with a given scalar */
    template<typename T,
             typename EnableIf = typename std::enable_if<
               std::is_convertible<T, K>::value &&
               ! std::is_same<K, DenseVector<typename FieldTraits<T>::field_type>
    FieldVector (const T& k) : _data(k) {}

    //! Constructor making vector with identical coordinates
    template<class C>
    FieldVector (const DenseVector<C> & x)
      static_assert(((bool)IsFieldVectorSizeCorrect<C,1>::value), "FieldVectors do not match in dimension!");
      assert(x.size() == 1);
      _data = x[0];

    //! copy constructor
    FieldVector ( const FieldVector &other )
      : _data( other._data )

    //! Assignment operator for scalar
    template<typename T,
             typename EnableIf = typename std::enable_if<
               std::is_convertible<T, K>::value &&
               ! std::is_same<K, DenseVector<typename FieldTraits<T>::field_type>
    inline FieldVector& operator= (const T& k)
      _data = k;
      return *this;

    DUNE_CONSTEXPR size_type size () const { return vec_size(); }

    //===== forward methods to container
    DUNE_CONSTEXPR size_type vec_size () const { return 1; }
    K & vec_access(size_type i)
      assert(i == 0);
      return _data;
    const K & vec_access(size_type i) const
      assert(i == 0);
      return _data;

    //===== conversion operator

    /** \brief Conversion operator */
    operator K& () { return _data; }

    /** \brief Const conversion operator */
    operator const K& () const { return _data; }

  /* ----- FV / FV ----- */
  /* mostly not necessary as these operations are already covered via the cast operator */

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator> (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a[0]>b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator>= (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a[0]>=b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator< (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a[0]<b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator<= (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a[0]<=b[0];

  /* ----- FV / scalar ----- */

  //! Binary addition, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator+ (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]+b;

  //! Binary subtraction, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator- (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]-b;

  //! Binary multiplication, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator* (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]*b;

  //! Binary division, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator/ (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]/b;

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator> (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]>b;

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator>= (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]>=b;

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator< (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]<b;

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator<= (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]<=b;

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator== (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]==b;

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator!= (const FieldVector<K,1>& a, const K b)
    return a[0]!=b;

  /* ----- scalar / FV ------ */

  //! Binary addition, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator+ (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a+b[0];

  //! Binary subtraction, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator- (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a-b[0];

  //! Binary multiplication, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator* (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a*b[0];

  //! Binary division, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline FieldVector<K,1> operator/ (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a/b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator> (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a>b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator>= (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a>=b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator< (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a<b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator<= (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a<=b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator== (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a==b[0];

  //! Binary compare, when using FieldVector<K,1> like K
  template<class K>
  inline bool operator!= (const K a, const FieldVector<K,1>& b)
    return a!=b[0];

  /** @} end documentation */

} // end namespace
