From 93dd050187b4add073c4ac0b16dacfeffdfea67e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Engwer <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 12:24:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] latest expression template updates

[[Imported from SVN: r2502]]
 common/exprtmpl.hh      | 505 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 common/fmatrix.hh       |  22 ++
 common/test/.gitignore  |   4 +-
 common/test/ |  13 +-
 common/test/ | 512 +++++++++-------------------------------
 common/test/   | 107 +++++++++
 istl/bcrsmatrix.hh      |  24 ++
 istl/bvector.hh         |   7 +-
 8 files changed, 771 insertions(+), 423 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 common/test/

diff --git a/common/exprtmpl.hh b/common/exprtmpl.hh
index 056ced1c8..a4964dc92 100644
--- a/common/exprtmpl.hh
+++ b/common/exprtmpl.hh
@@ -3,6 +3,22 @@
+   This file is part of DUNE, a Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment
+   It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
+   See COPYING at the top of the source tree for the full licence.
+ */
+/*! @file
+   @brief This file provides expression templates for the
+         «Dense Matrix and Vector Template Library» and for the
+         «Iterative Solvers Template Library».
+   @verbatim
+   $Id$
+   @endverbatim
+ */
 #include <iostream>
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <cstdlib>
@@ -37,6 +53,11 @@ namespace Dune {
   template<class V> class FlatIterator;
   template<class K, int N> class FieldVector;
+  template<class K, int N, int M> class FieldMatrix;
+#warning this header should not know about BCRSMatrix and BlockVector
+  class ISTLAllocator;
+  template<class B, class A=ISTLAllocator> class BCRSMatrix;
+  template<class B, class A=ISTLAllocator> class BlockVector;
      Type Traits for field_type and block_type
@@ -63,13 +84,13 @@ namespace Dune {
     typedef int type;
-  // FieldType specialization for FieldMatrix
+  // FieldType specialization for FieldVector
   template <class K, int N>
   struct FieldType< FieldVector<K,N> >
     typedef K type;
-  // BlockType specialization for FieldMatrix
+  // BlockType specialization for FieldVector
   template <class K, int N>
   struct BlockType< FieldVector<K,N> >
@@ -77,15 +98,15 @@ namespace Dune {
   // FieldType specialization for const T
   template<class T>
-  struct BlockType<const T>
+  struct FieldType<const T>
-    typedef const typename BlockType<T>::type type;
+    typedef const typename FieldType<T>::type type;
   // BlockType specialization for const T
   template<class T>
-  struct FieldType<const T>
+  struct BlockType<const T>
-    typedef const typename FieldType<T>::type type;
+    typedef const typename BlockType<T>::type type;
   namespace ExprTmpl {
@@ -95,6 +116,7 @@ namespace Dune {
     template <class Ex> class Expression;
     template <class A, class B, template<class> class Op> class ExBinOp;
     template <class I> class Vector;
+    template <class I> class Matrix;
        Type Trait for nested Expression
@@ -196,8 +218,7 @@ namespace Dune {
-       1 Dimensional Vector Base Class
-       for Glommable Expr1 Templates
+       Vector Base Class for Expression Templates
     template <class I>
     class Vector {
@@ -266,25 +287,22 @@ namespace Dune {
         return asImp();
-#if 0
-#warning rewrite these!
       template <class E> Vector<I>& operator+=(const Expression<E>& x) {
-        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] += x(i);
+        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] += x[i];
         return asImp();
       template <class V> Vector<I>& operator+=(const Vector<V>& x) {
-        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] += x(i);
+        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] += x[i];
         return asImp();
       template <class E> Vector<I>& operator-=(const Expression<E>& x) {
-        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] -= x(i);
+        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] -= x[i];
         return asImp();
       template <class V> Vector<I>& operator-=(const Vector<V>& x) {
-        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] -= x(i);
+        for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] -= x[i];
         return asImp();
       Vector<I>& operator+=(field_type x) {
         for (int i=0; i < asImp().N(); i++) asImp()[i] += x;
         return asImp();
@@ -363,12 +381,463 @@ namespace Dune {
     typedef typename BlockType<I>::type type;
-  // ---
+  /**
+     Type Traits for row_type of Matrix
+   */
+  template<class M>
+  struct RowType
+  {
+    typedef typename M::row_type type;
+  };
+  template<class K, int N, int M>
+  struct RowType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
+  {
+    typedef FieldVector<K,M> type;
+  };
+  template <class I>
+  struct RowType< ExprTmpl::Matrix<I> >
+  {
+    typedef typename RowType<I>::type type;
+  };
+  // RowType specialization for const T
+  template<class T>
+  struct RowType<const T>
+  {
+    typedef const typename RowType<T>::type type;
+  };
+  // Matrix-Vector Multiplication
   namespace ExprTmpl {
-    // ---
+    /**
+       Matrix Base Class for Expression Templates
+     */
+    template <class I>
+    class Matrix {
+    public:
+      explicit Matrix() {}
+      typedef typename RowType<I>::type row_type;
+      typedef typename FieldType<I>::type field_type;
+      //! dimension of the vector space
+      int N() const {
+        return asImp().N();
+      }
+      int M() const {
+        return asImp().M();
+      }
+      row_type & operator[] (int i) {
+        return asImp()[i];
+      }
+      const row_type & operator[] (int i) const {
+        return asImp()[i];
+      }
+    private:
+      I & asImp() { return static_cast<I&>(*this); }
+      const I & asImp() const { return static_cast<const I&>(*this); }
+    };
+    // Trait Structs to extract infos needed for Matrix-Vector Multiplication
+    template<class M>
+    struct NestedDepth
+    {
+      enum { value = NestedDepth<typename BlockType<M>::type>::value + 1 };
+    };
-  }
+    template<class K, int N, int M>
+    struct NestedDepth< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
+    {
+      enum { value = 1 };
+    };
+    template<class Me, class M>
+    struct MyDepth
+    {
+      enum { value = MyDepth<Me,typename BlockType<M>::type>::value+1 };
+    };
+    template<class Me>
+    struct MyDepth<Me,Me>
+    {
+      enum { value = 0 };
+    };
+    template<class B, int i>
+    struct BlockTypeN
+    {
+      typedef typename BlockTypeN<typename BlockType<B>::type, i-1>::type type;
+    };
+    template<class B>
+    struct BlockTypeN<B,0>
+    {
+      typedef B type;
+    };
+    template<class B>
+    struct BlockTypeN<B,-1>
+    {
+      typedef B type;
+    };
+    //! Type Traits for Vector::Iterator vs (const Vector)::ConstIterator
+    template<class T>
+    struct ColIteratorType
+    {
+      typedef typename T::ColIterator type;
+    };
+    template<class T>
+    struct ColIteratorType<const T>
+    {
+      typedef typename T::ConstColIterator type;
+    };
+    //! Iterator class for flat sequential access to a nested Matrix Row
+    template<class A>
+    class FlatColIterator :
+      public ForwardIteratorFacade<FlatColIterator<A>,
+          typename FieldType<A>::type,
+          typename FieldType<A>::type&,
+          int>
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef typename ColIteratorType<A>::type ColBlockIterator;
+      typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
+      //    typedef typename BlockIterator::DifferenceType DifferenceType;
+      typedef typename BlockType<A>::type block_type;
+      typedef typename FieldType<A>::type field_type;
+      typedef FlatColIterator<block_type> SubBlockIterator;
+      FlatColIterator(const ColBlockIterator & i, const int* _M) :
+        M(_M), it(i),
+        bit((*i)[(*M)].begin(), M+1),
+        bend((*i)[(*M)].end(), M+1) {};
+      void increment ()
+      {
+        ++bit;
+        if (bit == bend)
+        {
+          ++it;
+          bit = (*it)[(*M)].begin();
+          bend = (*it)[(*M)].end();
+        }
+      }
+      bool equals (const FlatColIterator & fit) const
+      {
+        return == it && fit.bit == bit;
+      }
+      const field_type& dereference() const
+      {
+        return *bit;
+      }
+      template<class V>
+      const field_type& vectorentry(const Dune::ExprTmpl::Vector<V> & v) const
+      {
+        return bit.vectorentry(v[it.index()]);
+      }
+      //! return index
+      DifferenceType index () const
+      {
+        return bit.index();
+      }
+      FlatColIterator operator = (const ColBlockIterator & _i)
+      {
+        it = _i;
+        bit = (*it)[(*M)].begin();
+        bend = (*it)[(*M)].end();
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      const int* M;
+      ColBlockIterator it;
+      SubBlockIterator bit;
+      SubBlockIterator bend;
+    };
+    template<class K, int N, int M>
+    class FlatColIterator<FieldMatrix<K,N,M> > :
+      public ForwardIteratorFacade<
+          FlatColIterator< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >, K, K&, int>
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef
+      typename ColIteratorType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >::type ColBlockIterator;
+      typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
+      typedef K field_type;
+      FlatColIterator(const ColBlockIterator & i, const int*) :
+        it(i) {};
+      void increment ()
+      {
+        ++it;
+      }
+      bool equals (const FlatColIterator & fit) const
+      {
+        return == it;
+      }
+      field_type& dereference() const
+      {
+        return *it;
+      }
+      const field_type& vectorentry(const FieldVector<K,M> & v) const
+      {
+        return v[it.index()];
+      }
+      //! return index
+      DifferenceType index () const
+      {
+        return it.index();
+      }
+      FlatColIterator operator = (const ColBlockIterator & _i)
+      {
+        it = _i;
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      ColBlockIterator it;
+    };
+    template<class K, int N, int M>
+    class FlatColIterator<const FieldMatrix<K,N,M> > :
+      public ForwardIteratorFacade<
+          FlatColIterator< const FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >, const K, const K&, int>
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef
+      typename ColIteratorType< const FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >::type ColBlockIterator;
+      typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
+      typedef const K field_type;
+      FlatColIterator(const ColBlockIterator & i, const int*) :
+        it(i) {};
+      void increment ()
+      {
+        ++it;
+      }
+      bool equals (const FlatColIterator & fit) const
+      {
+        return == it;
+      }
+      field_type& dereference() const
+      {
+        return *it;
+      }
+      const field_type& vectorentry(const FieldVector<K,M> & v) const
+      {
+        return v[it.index()];
+      }
+      //! return index
+      DifferenceType index () const
+      {
+        return it.index();
+      }
+      FlatColIterator operator = (const ColBlockIterator & _i)
+      {
+        it = _i;
+        return *this;
+      }
+    private:
+      ColBlockIterator it;
+    };
+    /**
+       B: BlockMatrix type -> indicated the current level.
+       M: ,,global'' Matrix type
+       V: ,,global'' Vector type
+     */
+    template <class B, class Mat, class Vec>
+    class MatrixMulVector
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef typename
+      BlockTypeN<MatrixMulVector<Mat,Mat,Vec>, MyDepth<B,Mat>::value-1>::type
+      ParentBlockType;
+      typedef
+      MatrixMulVector<typename BlockType<B>::type,Mat,Vec> SubMatrixMulVector;
+      typedef typename
+      Dune::ExprTmpl::BlockExpression< MatrixMulVector<B,Mat,Vec> >::type
+      BlockExpr;
+      typedef
+      typename BlockType<Mat>::type::ColIterator SubColIterator;
+      typedef typename Dune::FieldType<Vec>::type field_type;
+      /* constructor */
+      MatrixMulVector(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v, int* _M,
+                      const ParentBlockType & _parent) :
+        parent(_parent), M(_M), A(_A), v(_v) {};
+      BlockExpr operator[] (int i) const {
+        M[MyDepth<B,Mat>::value] = i;
+        return SubMatrixMulVector(A,v,M,*this);
+      }
+      int N() const { return -1; }; //r.begin()->N(); }
+      const ParentBlockType & parent;
+    private:
+      mutable int* M;
+      const Mat & A;
+      const Vec & v;
+    };
+    template <class Mat, class Vec>
+    class MatrixMulVector<Mat,Mat,Vec>
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef
+      MatrixMulVector<typename BlockType<Mat>::type,Mat,Vec> SubMatrixMulVector;
+      typedef
+      typename BlockType<Mat>::type::ColIterator SubColIterator;
+      typedef typename
+      Dune::ExprTmpl::BlockExpression< MatrixMulVector<Mat,Mat,Vec> >::type
+      BlockExpr;
+      typedef typename Dune::FieldType<Vec>::type field_type;
+      /* constructor */
+      MatrixMulVector(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v, int* _M) :
+        M(_M), A(_A), v(_v) {};
+      BlockExpr operator[] (int i) const {
+        M[0] = i;
+        return SubMatrixMulVector(A,v,M,*this);
+      }
+      int N() const { return -1; }; // { parent.begin().N(); }
+    private:
+      mutable int* M;
+      const Mat & A;
+      const Vec & v;
+    };
+    template <class K, int iN, int iM, class Mat, class Vec>
+    class MatrixMulVector< FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>, Mat, Vec >
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef typename
+      BlockTypeN<MatrixMulVector<Mat,Mat,Vec>,
+          MyDepth<FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>,Mat>::value-1>::type
+      ParentBlockType;
+      /* constructor */
+      MatrixMulVector(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v, int* _M,
+                      const ParentBlockType & _parent) :
+        parent(_parent), M(_M), A(_A), v(_v ) {};
+      K operator[] (int i) const {
+        K x=0;
+        M[MyDepth<FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>,Mat>::value] = i;
+        FlatColIterator<const Mat> j(A[*M].begin(),M+1);
+        FlatColIterator<const Mat> endj(A[*M].end(),M+1);
+        for (; j!=endj; ++j)
+        {
+          x   += (*j) * j.vectorentry(v);
+        }
+        return x;
+      }
+      int N() const { iN; };
+      const ParentBlockType & parent;
+    private:
+      mutable int* M;
+      const Mat & A;
+      const Vec & v;
+    };
+    template <class K, int iN, int iM>
+    class MatrixMulVector< FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>, FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>,
+        FieldVector<K,iM> >
+    {
+    public:
+      typedef FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM> Mat;
+      typedef FieldVector<K,iM> Vec;
+      MatrixMulVector(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v) :
+        A(_A), v(_v ){};
+      K operator[] (int i) const {
+        K x=0;
+        typename Mat::ColIterator j = A[i].begin();
+        typename Mat::ColIterator endj = A[i].end();
+        for (; j!=endj; ++j)
+        {
+          x   += (*j) * j.vectorentry(v);
+        }
+        return x;
+      }
+      int N() const { iN; };
+    private:
+      const Mat & A;
+      const Vec & v;
+    };
+    template <class M, class A, class B>
+    struct BlockExpression< MatrixMulVector< M, A, B > >
+    {
+      typedef Expression< MatrixMulVector<typename BlockType<M>::type,A,B> > type;
+    };
+    template <class K, int N, int M, class A, class B>
+    struct BlockExpression< MatrixMulVector< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, A, B > >
+    {
+      typedef K type;
+    };
+    template<class K, int N, int M>
+    ExprTmpl::Expression<
+        MatrixMulVector<FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > >
+    operator * ( const FieldMatrix<K,N,M> & A, const FieldVector<K,M> & v )
+    {
+      return
+        ExprTmpl::Expression<
+          MatrixMulVector<FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > >
+        (
+          MatrixMulVector<FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> >
+            (A, v)
+        );
+    }
+    // template<class BM, class BV>
+    // ExprTmpl::Expression<
+    //   MatrixMulVector<BCRSMatrix<BM>, BCRSMatrix<BM>, BlockVector<BV> > >
+    // operator * ( const BCRSMatrix<BM> & A, const BlockVector<BV> & v )
+    // {
+    //   static int indizes[20];
+    //   return
+    //     Expression<
+    //       MatrixMulVector<BCRSMatrix<BM>, BCRSMatrix<BM>, BlockVector<BV> > >
+    //     (
+    //       MatrixMulVector<BCRSMatrix<BM>, BCRSMatrix<BM>, BlockVector<BV> >(A, v, indizes)
+    //       );
+    // }
+    template<class M, class V>
+    ExprTmpl::Expression<
+        MatrixMulVector<Matrix<M>, Matrix<M>, Vector<V> > >
+    operator * ( const Matrix<M> & A, const Vector<V> & v )
+    {
+      static int indizes[20];
+      return
+        Expression<
+          MatrixMulVector<Matrix<M>, Matrix<M>, Vector<V> > >
+        (
+          MatrixMulVector<Matrix<M>, Matrix<M>, Vector<V> >(A, v, indizes)
+        );
+    }
+    template<class I>
+    struct ColIteratorType< Matrix<I> >
+    {
+      typedef typename I::ColIterator type;
+    };
+    template<class I>
+    struct ColIteratorType< const Matrix<I> >
+    {
+      typedef typename I::ConstColIterator type;
+    };
+  } // namespace ExprTmpl
+  template <class B, class A, class V>
+  struct FieldType< ExprTmpl::MatrixMulVector<B,A,V> >
+  {
+    typedef typename FieldType<V>::type type;
+  };
+  template <class I>
+  struct BlockType< ExprTmpl::Matrix<I> >
+  {
+    typedef typename BlockType<I>::type type;
+  };
+  template <class I>
+  struct FieldType< ExprTmpl::Matrix<I> >
+  {
+    typedef typename FieldType<I>::type type;
+  };
diff --git a/common/fmatrix.hh b/common/fmatrix.hh
index 778303cd5..9f9480741 100644
--- a/common/fmatrix.hh
+++ b/common/fmatrix.hh
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ namespace Dune {
       fmmeta_umv<I-1>::template umv<Mat,X,Y,c>(A,x,y);
   struct fmmeta_umv<0> {
     template<class Mat, class X, class Y, int c>
@@ -502,8 +503,13 @@ namespace Dune {
            Implementation of all members uses template meta programs where appropriate
+  template<class K, int n, int m>
+  class FieldMatrix : ExprTmpl::Matrix< FieldMatrix<K,n,m> >
   template<class K, int n, int m>
   class FieldMatrix
     // standard constructor and everything is sufficient ...
@@ -684,6 +690,9 @@ namespace Dune {
       if (y.N()!=N()) DUNE_THROW(FMatrixError,"index out of range");
       fmmeta_umv<n-1>::template umv<FieldMatrix,X,Y,m-1>(*this,x,y);
+      //       for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+      //         for (int j=0; j<m; j++)
+      //           y[i] += (*this)[i][j] * x[j];
     //! y += A^T x
@@ -1417,6 +1426,19 @@ namespace Dune {
   } // end namespace FMatrixHelp
+  template <class K, int N, int M>
+  struct BlockType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
+  {
+    typedef K type;
+  };
+  template <class K, int N, int M>
+  struct FieldType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
+  {
+    typedef K type;
+  };
   /** @} end documentation */
diff --git a/common/test/.gitignore b/common/test/.gitignore
index 14efccf9b..cc769b2c2 100644
--- a/common/test/.gitignore
+++ b/common/test/.gitignore
@@ -18,4 +18,6 @@ poolallocatortest
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common/test/ b/common/test/
index b749532c5..db449a202 100644
--- a/common/test/
+++ b/common/test/
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ TESTS = $(TESTPROGS)
 # output code coverage
-AM_CXXFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
-AM_LDFLAGS = $(top_builddir)/lib/
+#AM_CXXFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
+#AM_LDFLAGS = $(top_builddir)/lib/
+AM_LDFLAGS = $(top_builddir)/common/
 # define the programs
@@ -42,9 +43,13 @@
 gcdlcdtest_SOURCES =
+bin_PROGRAMS = exprtmpl timing_old timing_xpr
 exprtmpl_SOURCES =
-exprtmpl_LDFLAGS = $(top_builddir)/common/
+timing_old_SOURCES =
+timing_xpr_SOURCES =
 include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
diff --git a/common/test/ b/common/test/
index 0952fb79a..50b02c052 100644
--- a/common/test/
+++ b/common/test/
@@ -7,11 +7,14 @@
     int *M;
    - fix RowBlock::N()
    - remove second template parameter of FlatColIterator
+   - vectorentry -> exrpressionentry
+   - FlatColIterator<Matrix> does not work if Matrix is mutable
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
+#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
 #include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
 #include <dune/istl/io.hh>
 #include <dune/common/iteratorfacades.hh>
@@ -58,11 +61,12 @@ void test_blockvector()
 void test_blockblockvector()
-  typedef Dune::FieldVector<double,2> VB;
+  const int bs = 2;
+  const int sz = 3;
+  typedef Dune::FieldVector<double,bs> VB;
   typedef Dune::BlockVector<VB> BV;
   typedef Dune::BlockVector<BV> BBV;
   typedef Dune::ExprTmpl::ConstRef<BV> RBV;
-  const int sz = 3;
   BV bv1(sz), bv2(sz);
   bv1 = 1;
   bv2 = 0;
@@ -77,6 +81,12 @@ void test_blockblockvector()
   bbv[0] = Dune::ExprTmpl::Expression<RBV>(rbv1);
   bbv[1] = Dune::ExprTmpl::Expression<RBV>(rbv2);
+  Dune::Timer stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.reset();
+  for (int i=0; i<100; i++) bbv *= 2;
+  std::cout << "Time bbv*2: " << stopwatch.elapsed() << std::endl;
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   Dune::FlatIterator<BBV> fit(bbv.begin());
   Dune::FlatIterator<BBV> fend(bbv.end());
   int index = 0;
@@ -90,380 +100,66 @@ void test_blockblockvector()
   printvector (std::cout, bv1, "bv1", "r");
   printvector (std::cout, bv2, "bv1", "r");
   printvector (std::cout, bbv, "bbv", "r");
-namespace Dune {
-  //! Type Traits for Vector::Iterator vs (const Vector)::ConstIterator
-  template<class T>
-  struct ColIteratorType
-  {
-    typedef typename T::ColIterator type;
-  };
-  template<class T>
-  struct ColIteratorType<const T>
-  {
-    typedef typename T::ConstColIterator type;
-  };
-  //! Iterator class for flat sequential access to a nested Matrix Row
-  template<class A, class V>
-  class FlatColIterator :
-    public ForwardIteratorFacade<FlatColIterator<A,V>,
-        typename FieldType<A>::type,
-        typename FieldType<A>::type&,
-        int>
-  {
-  public:
-    typedef typename ColIteratorType<A>::type ColBlockIterator;
-    typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
-    //    typedef typename BlockIterator::DifferenceType DifferenceType;
-    typedef typename BlockType<A>::type block_type;
-    typedef typename BlockType<V>::type vblock_type;
-    typedef typename FieldType<A>::type field_type;
-    typedef FlatColIterator<block_type, vblock_type> SubBlockIterator;
-    FlatColIterator(const ColBlockIterator & i, const int* _M) :
-      M(_M), it(i),
-      bit((*i)[(*M)].begin(), M+1),
-      bend((*i)[(*M)].end(), M+1) {};
-    void increment ()
-    {
-      ++bit;
-      if (bit == bend)
-      {
-        ++it;
-        bit = (*it)[(*M)].begin();
-        bend = (*it)[(*M)].end();
-      }
-    }
-    bool equals (const FlatColIterator & fit) const
-    {
-      return == it && fit.bit == bit;
-    }
-    const field_type& dereference() const
-    {
-      return *bit;
-    }
-    const field_type& vectorentry(const V & v) const
-    {
-      return bit.vectorentry(v[it.index()]);
-    }
-    //! return index
-    DifferenceType index () const
-    {
-      return bit.index();
-    }
-    FlatColIterator operator = (const ColBlockIterator & _i)
-    {
-      it = _i;
-      bit = (*it)[(*M)].begin();
-      bend = (*it)[(*M)].end();
-      return *this;
-    }
-  private:
-    const int* M;
-    ColBlockIterator it;
-    SubBlockIterator bit;
-    SubBlockIterator bend;
-  };
-  template<class K, int N, int M>
-  class FlatColIterator<FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > :
-    public ForwardIteratorFacade<
-        FlatColIterator< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> >, K, K&, int>
-  {
-  public:
-    typedef
-    typename ColIteratorType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >::type ColBlockIterator;
-    typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
-    typedef K field_type;
-    FlatColIterator(const ColBlockIterator & i, const int*) :
-      it(i) {};
-    void increment ()
-    {
-      ++it;
-    }
-    bool equals (const FlatColIterator & fit) const
-    {
-      return == it;
-    }
-    field_type& dereference() const
-    {
-      return *it;
-    }
-    const field_type& vectorentry(const FieldVector<K,M> & v) const
-    {
-      return v[it.index()];
-    }
-    //! return index
-    DifferenceType index () const
-    {
-      return it.index();
-    }
-    FlatColIterator operator = (const ColBlockIterator & _i)
-    {
-      it = _i;
-      return *this;
-    }
-  private:
-    ColBlockIterator it;
-  };
-  template<class K, int N, int M>
-  class FlatColIterator<const FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, const FieldVector<K,M> > :
-    public ForwardIteratorFacade<
-        FlatColIterator< const FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, const FieldVector<K,M> >,
-        const K, const K&, int>
-  {
-  public:
-    typedef
-    typename ColIteratorType< const FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >::type ColBlockIterator;
-    typedef std::ptrdiff_t DifferenceType;
-    typedef const K field_type;
-    FlatColIterator(const ColBlockIterator & i, const int*) :
-      it(i) {};
-    void increment ()
-    {
-      ++it;
-    }
-    bool equals (const FlatColIterator & fit) const
-    {
-      return == it;
-    }
-    field_type& dereference() const
-    {
-      return *it;
-    }
-    const field_type& vectorentry(const FieldVector<K,M> & v) const
-    {
-      return v[it.index()];
-    }
-    //! return index
-    DifferenceType index () const
-    {
-      return it.index();
-    }
-    FlatColIterator operator = (const ColBlockIterator & _i)
-    {
-      it = _i;
-      return *this;
-    }
-  private:
-    ColBlockIterator it;
-  };
-  template<class M>
-  struct NestedDepth
-  {
-    enum { value = NestedDepth<typename BlockType<M>::type>::value + 1 };
-  };
-  template<class K, int N, int M>
-  struct NestedDepth< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
-  {
-    enum { value = 1 };
-  };
-  template<class Me, class M>
-  struct MyDepth
-  {
-    enum { value = MyDepth<Me,typename BlockType<M>::type>::value+1 };
-  };
-  template<class Me>
-  struct MyDepth<Me,Me>
-  {
-    enum { value = 0 };
-  };
-  /**
-     B: BlockMatrix type -> indicated the current level.
-     M: ,,global'' Matrix type
-     V: ,,global'' Vector type
-   */
-  template <class B, class Mat, class Vec>
-  class RowBlock
-  {
-  public:
-    typedef RowBlock<typename BlockType<B>::type,Mat,Vec> SubRowBlock;
-    typedef typename Dune::FieldType<Vec>::type field_type;
-    RowBlock(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v, int* _M) :
-      M(_M), A(_A), v(_v) {};
-    SubRowBlock operator[] (int i) const {
-      M[MyDepth<B,Mat>::value] = i;
-      return SubRowBlock(A,v,M);
-    }
-    int N() const { return -1; }; //r.begin()->N(); }
-  private:
-    mutable int* M;
-    const Mat & A;
-    const Vec & v;
-  };
-  // template <class K, int n, class M, class V>
-  // class BlockRowSum< FieldVector<K,n>, M, V >
-  template <class K, int iN, int iM, class Mat, class Vec>
-  class RowBlock< FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>, Mat, Vec >
-  {
-  public:
-    RowBlock(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v, int* _M) :
-      M(_M), A(_A), v(_v) {};
-    K operator[] (int i) const {
-      K x=0;
-      M[MyDepth<FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>,Mat>::value] = i;
-      FlatColIterator<const Mat, const Vec> j(A[*M].begin(),M+1);
-      FlatColIterator<const Mat, const Vec> endj(A[*M].end(),M+1);
-      for (; j!=endj; ++j)
-      {
-        x   += (*j) * j.vectorentry(v);
-      }
-      return x;
-    }
-    int N() const { return -1; }; //r.begin()->N(); }
-  private:
-    mutable int* M;
-    const Mat & A;
-    const Vec & v;
-  };
-  template <class M, class V>
-  class MV
-  {
-  public:
-    MV(const M & _A, const V & _v) : A(_A), v(_v) {};
-    RowBlock<typename BlockType<M>::type,M,V> operator[] (int i) const {
-      indizes[0] = i;
-      return RowBlock<typename BlockType<M>::type,M,V>(A, v, indizes);
-    }
-    int N() const { return A.N(); }
-  private:
-    mutable int indizes[256];
-    const M & A;
-    const V & v;
-  };
-  template <class K, int iM, int iN>
-  class MV< Dune::FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>, Dune::FieldVector<K,iM> >
-  {
-  public:
-    typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM> M;
-    typedef Dune::FieldVector<K,iM> V;
-    typedef typename Dune::FieldType<V>::type field_type;
-    MV(const M & _A, const V & _v) : A(_A), v(_v) {};
-    field_type operator[] (int i) const {
-      std::cout << "ARGH\n";
-      field_type x=0;
-      for (int j=0; j<iM; ++j) {
-        x += A[i][j] * v[j];
-      }
-      return x;
-    }
-    int N() const { return A.N(); }
-  private:
-    const M & A;
-    const V & v;
-  };
-  template<class K, int N, int M>
-  ExprTmpl::Expression< MV< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > >
-  operator * ( const FieldMatrix<K,N,M> & A, const FieldVector<K,M> & v )
-  {
-    return ExprTmpl::Expression< MV< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > >
-             ( MV< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > (A,v) );
-  }
-  template<class BM, class BV>
-  ExprTmpl::Expression< MV< BCRSMatrix<BM>, BlockVector<BV> > >
-  operator * ( const BCRSMatrix<BM> & A, const BlockVector<BV> & v )
-  {
-    return ExprTmpl::Expression< MV< BCRSMatrix<BM>, BlockVector<BV> > >
-             ( MV< BCRSMatrix<BM>, BlockVector<BV> > (A,v) );
-  }
-  template <class A, class B>
-  struct FieldType< MV<A,B> >
-  {
-    typedef typename FieldType<B>::type type;
-  };
-  template <class B, class A, class V>
-  struct FieldType< RowBlock<B,A,V> >
-  {
-    typedef typename FieldType<V>::type type;
-  };
-  namespace ExprTmpl {
-    template <class A, class B>
-    struct BlockExpression< MV< BCRSMatrix<A>,BlockVector<B> > >
-    {
-      typedef ExprTmpl::Expression< RowBlock< A, BCRSMatrix<A>,BlockVector<B> > > type;
-    };
-#if 0
-    // !TODO!
-    template <class A, class B>
-    struct BlockExpression< RowBlock< A, BCRSMatrix<A>,BlockVector<B> > >
-    {
-      typedef ExprTmpl::Expression< RowBlock< typename BlockType<A>::type, RowBlock< A, BCRSMatrix<A>,BlockVector<B> >,BlockVector<B> > > type;
-    };
-    template <class K, int N, int M, class A, class B>
-    struct BlockExpression< RowBlock< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, A, B > >
-    {
-      typedef K type;
-    };
-    template <class K, int N, int M>
-    struct BlockExpression< MV< FieldMatrix<K,N,M>, FieldVector<K,M> > >
-    {
-      typedef K type;
-    };
-  } // NS ExpreTmpl
-  template <class T>
-  struct BlockType< BCRSMatrix<T> >
-  {
-    typedef T type;
-  };
-  template <class K, int N, int M>
-  struct BlockType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
-  {
-    typedef K type;
-  };
-  template <>
-  struct BlockType< double >
-  {
-    typedef double type;
-  };
-  template <class T>
-  struct FieldType< BCRSMatrix<T> >
-  {
-    typedef typename FieldType<T>::type type;
-  };
-  template <class K, int N, int M>
-  struct FieldType< FieldMatrix<K,N,M> >
-  {
-    typedef K type;
-  };
-} // NS Dune
+// namespace Dune {
+// namespace ExprTmpl {
+// template <class K, int iN, int iM>
+// class MatrixMulVector< FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>,
+//                        BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM> >,
+//                        BlockVector< FieldVector<K,iM> > >
+// {
+// public:
+//   typedef BCRSMatrix< FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM> > Mat;
+//   typedef BlockVector< FieldVector<K,iM> > Vec;
+//   typedef typename
+//     BlockTypeN<MatrixMulVector<Mat,Mat,Vec>,
+//                MyDepth<FieldMatrix<K,iN,iM>,Mat>::value-1>::type
+//     ParentBlockType;
+//   /* constructor */
+//   MatrixMulVector(const Mat & _A, const Vec & _v, int* _M,
+//                   const ParentBlockType & _parent) :
+//     parent(_parent), M(_M), A(_A), v(_v )
+//     {
+//       int parent_i = M[0];
+//       typename Mat::ConstColIterator it = A[parent_i].begin();
+//       typename Mat::ConstColIterator end = A[parent_i].end();
+//       tmp = 0;
+//       for (; it!=end; ++it)
+//       {
+//         it->umv(tmp,v[it.index()]);
+//       }
+//     };
+//   K operator[] (int i) const {
+//     return tmp[i];
+//   }
+//   int N() const { iN; };
+//   const ParentBlockType & parent;
+// private:
+//   FieldVector<K,iN> tmp;
+//   mutable int* M;
+//   const Mat & A;
+//   const Vec & v;
+// };
+// } // NS ExpreTmpl
+// } // NS Dune
+//template<int BlockSize, int N, int M>
+template<int BN, int BM, int N, int M>
 void test_matrix()
-  static const int BlockSize = 2;
+  std::cout << "test_matrix<" << BN << ", " << BM << ", "
+            << N << ", " << M << ">\n";
   typedef double matvec_t;
-  typedef Dune::FieldVector<matvec_t,BlockSize+1> VB;
-  typedef Dune::FieldVector<matvec_t,BlockSize> LVB;
-  typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<matvec_t,BlockSize,BlockSize+1> MB;
+  typedef Dune::FieldVector<matvec_t,BN> LVB;
+  typedef Dune::FieldVector<matvec_t,BM> VB;
+  typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<matvec_t,BN,BM> MB;
   typedef Dune::BlockVector<LVB> LeftVector;
   typedef Dune::BlockVector<VB> Vector;
   typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<MB> Matrix;
@@ -476,20 +172,24 @@ void test_matrix()
   // a += M * b
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   printmatrix (std::cout, _M, "Matrix", "r");
   printvector (std::cout, a, "Vector", "r");
   // a = M * b
+#if 0
   a = _M*b;
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   printvector (std::cout, a, "Vector", "r");
-  int N = 4;
-  int M = 5;
   Matrix A(N,M,Matrix::row_wise);
-  Matrix::CreateIterator i=A.createbegin();
-  Matrix::CreateIterator end=A.createend();
+  typename Matrix::CreateIterator i=A.createbegin();
+  typename Matrix::CreateIterator end=A.createend();
+  std::cout << "Building matrix structure\n";
   // build up the matrix structure
   int c=0;
   for (; i!=end; ++i)
@@ -500,27 +200,31 @@ void test_matrix()
-  A = 0.0;
+  std::cout << "...done\n";
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   std::cout << "Matrix coldim=" << A.coldim() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Matrix rowdim=" << A.rowdim() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Matrix N=" << A.M() << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Matrix M=" << A.N() << std::endl;
-  Matrix::Iterator rit=A.begin();
-  Matrix::Iterator rend=A.end();
+  std::cout << "Assembling matrix\n";
+  typename Matrix::Iterator rit=A.begin();
+  typename Matrix::Iterator rend=A.end();
   for (; rit!=rend; ++rit)
-    Matrix::ColIterator cit=rit->begin();
-    Matrix::ColIterator cend=rit->end();
+    typename Matrix::ColIterator cit=rit->begin();
+    typename Matrix::ColIterator cend=rit->end();
     for (; cit!=cend; ++cit)
       //    *rit = rit.index();
       *cit = 10*cit.index()+rit.index();
+  std::cout << "...done\n";
   printmatrix (std::cout, A, "Matrix", "r");
   LeftVector v(N);
   LeftVector v2(N);
@@ -533,24 +237,28 @@ void test_matrix()
   for (; fit!=fend; ++fit)
-  std::cout << A.M() << " " << x.N() << " " << v.N() << std::endl;
+  Dune::Timer stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.reset();
+  std::cout << "Time umv: " << stopwatch.elapsed() << std::endl;
   using namespace Dune;
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   printvector (std::cout, x, "Vector X", "r");
   printvector (std::cout, v, "Vector", "r");
-  v=1;
-  MV<Matrix,Vector> eximp (A,x);
-  Dune::ExprTmpl::Expression< MV<Matrix,Vector> > ex ( eximp );
-  v = ex;
-  printvector (std::cout, v, "Vector", "r");
-  v2 = A * x;
+  v2 = 0;
+  stopwatch.reset();
+  v2 += A * x;
+  std::cout << "Time v2+=A*x: " << stopwatch.elapsed() << std::endl;
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   printvector (std::cout, v2, "Vector2", "r");
-#if 0
+#ifndef NOPRINT
   int rowIndex[]={1};
-  FlatColIterator<Matrix,Vector> it(A[2].begin(),rowIndex);
+  FlatColIterator<const Matrix> it(A[2].begin(),rowIndex);
   for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
     std::cout << *it << " ";
@@ -558,6 +266,7 @@ void test_matrix()
   std::cout << std::endl;
+  std::cout << std::endl;
 int main()
@@ -565,16 +274,23 @@ int main()
   //  Dune::dvverb.attach(std::cout);
-    std::ofstream mylog("/dev/null");
-    Dune::dvverb.attach(mylog);
-    test_fvector();
-    test_blockvector();
-    test_blockblockvector();
-    test_matrix();
-    exit(0);
+    //      test_fvector();
+    //      test_blockvector();
+    //      test_blockblockvector();
+    test_matrix<2,3,3,4>();
+#ifdef NOPRINT
+    test_matrix<3,6,400000,500000>();
+    test_matrix<6,3,400000,500000>();
+    test_matrix<30,60,4000,5000>();
+    test_matrix<150,150,500,4000>();
+    test_matrix<150,150,1000,2000>();
+    //      test_matrix<150,150,2000,1000>(); // fails in fmeta_something
+    //      test_matrix<150,150,4000,500>(); // fails in fmeta_something
   catch (Dune::Exception & e)
     std::cout << e << std::endl;
+  exit(0);
diff --git a/common/test/ b/common/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9c07acf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
+#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/io.hh>
+#include <dune/common/iteratorfacades.hh>
+Indent INDENT;
+template<int bs, int sz>
+void timing_vector()
+  std::cout << "timing_vector<" << bs << ", " << sz << ">\n";
+  typedef Dune::FieldVector<double,bs> VB;
+  typedef Dune::BlockVector<VB> BV;
+  typedef Dune::BlockVector<BV> BBV;
+  BV bv1(sz), bv2(sz);
+  bv1 = 1;
+  bv2 = 0;
+  bv2[1][0]=1;
+  bv2[1][1]=2;
+  BBV bbv(2);
+  bbv[0].resize(bv1.N());
+  bbv[1].resize(bv2.N());
+  Dune::Timer stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.reset();
+  for (int i=0; i<100; i++) bbv *= 2;
+  std::cout << "Time [bbv*=2] " << stopwatch.elapsed() << std::endl;
+//template<int BlockSize, int N, int M>
+template<int BN, int BM, int N, int M>
+void timing_matrix()
+  std::cout << "timing_matrix<" << BN << ", " << BM << ", "
+            << N << ", " << M << ">\n";
+  typedef double matvec_t;
+  typedef Dune::FieldVector<matvec_t,BN> LVB;
+  typedef Dune::FieldVector<matvec_t,BM> VB;
+  typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<matvec_t,BN,BM> MB;
+  typedef Dune::BlockVector<LVB> LeftVector;
+  typedef Dune::BlockVector<VB> Vector;
+  typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<MB> Matrix;
+  Matrix A(N,M,Matrix::row_wise);
+  typename Matrix::CreateIterator i=A.createbegin();
+  typename Matrix::CreateIterator end=A.createend();
+  std::cout << "Building matrix structure\n";
+  // build up the matrix structure
+  int c=0;
+  for (; i!=end; ++i)
+  {
+    // insert a non zero entry for myself
+    i.insert(c);
+    // insert index M-1
+    i.insert(M-1);
+    c++;
+  }
+  std::cout << "...done\n";
+  LeftVector v(N);
+  v = 0;
+  Vector x(M);
+  x = 1;
+  Dune::Timer stopwatch;
+  stopwatch.reset();
+  v += A * x;
+  A.umv(x,v);
+  std::cout << "Time [v+=A*x] " << stopwatch.elapsed() << std::endl;
+  std::cout << std::endl;
+int main ()
+  std::cout << "Expression Templates\n";
+  std::cout << "Old Version\n";
+  //   timing_vector<1,1000000>();
+  //   timing_vector<10,100000>();
+  //   timing_vector<100,10000>();
+  //   timing_matrix<150,150,500,4000>();
+  //   timing_matrix<150,150,1000,2000>();
+  timing_matrix<1,18,400000,500000>();
+  //   timing_matrix<6,3,400000,500000>();
+  //   timing_matrix<3,6,400000,500000>();
+  //   timing_matrix<18,1,400000,500000>();
+  //   timing_matrix<50,50,9000,10000>();
+  std::cout << std::endl;
diff --git a/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh b/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh
index c88efcf54..22e569dc7 100644
--- a/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh
+++ b/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh
@@ -52,8 +52,13 @@ namespace Dune {
            Setting the compile time switch DUNE_ISTL_WITH_CHECKING
            enables error checking.
+  template<class B, class A>
+  class BCRSMatrix : public ExprTmpl::Matrix< BCRSMatrix<B,A> >
   template<class B, class A=ISTLAllocator>
   class BCRSMatrix
@@ -1282,6 +1287,25 @@ namespace Dune {
+  template <class B, class A>
+  struct FieldType< BCRSMatrix<B,A> >
+  {
+    typedef typename FieldType<B>::type type;
+  };
+  template <class B, class A>
+  struct BlockType< BCRSMatrix<B,A> >
+  {
+    typedef B type;
+  };
+  template <class B, class A>
+  struct RowType< BCRSMatrix<B,A> >
+  {
+    typedef CompressedBlockVectorWindow<B,A> type;
+  };
   /** @} end documentation */
 } // end namespace
diff --git a/istl/bvector.hh b/istl/bvector.hh
index 07da9b6a8..9b6eec2be 100644
--- a/istl/bvector.hh
+++ b/istl/bvector.hh
@@ -222,10 +222,13 @@ namespace Dune {
           Setting the compile time switch DUNE_ISTL_WITH_CHECKING
           enables error checking.
+  template<class B, class A>
+  class BlockVector : public block_vector_unmanaged<B,A> ,
+                      public Dune::ExprTmpl::Vector< Dune::BlockVector<B,A> >
   template<class B, class A=ISTLAllocator>
   class BlockVector : public block_vector_unmanaged<B,A>
-                      , public Dune::ExprTmpl::Vector< Dune::BlockVector<B,A> >