diff --git a/fem/common/discreteoperator.hh b/fem/common/discreteoperator.hh
index 5f329d4e6313d177b53d27bc9bac2bc5397ff951..b3ea21e64e978b53bad1937668c2de13da61756e 100644
--- a/fem/common/discreteoperator.hh
+++ b/fem/common/discreteoperator.hh
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <dune/common/operator.hh>
 // object pointer management for combined discrete operators
 #include "objpointer.hh"
+#include "localoperator.hh"
 namespace Dune {
@@ -26,17 +27,85 @@ namespace Dune {
      the generation of new objects with the operator + method.
      There is corresponding interface class is Operator.
-  template < class DF_DomainType , class DF_RangeType>
+  template <class LocalOperatorImp, class DFDomainType, class DFRangeType ,
+      template <class,class,class> class DiscreteOperatorImp >
   class DiscreteOperatorDefault
-    : public Operator <typename DF_DomainType::RangeFieldType,
-          typename DF_RangeType::RangeFieldType,
-          DF_DomainType , DF_RangeType>
+    : public Operator <typename DFDomainType::RangeFieldType,
+          typename DFRangeType::RangeFieldType,
+          DFDomainType , DFRangeType>
       , public ObjPointerStorage
-    typedef DiscreteOperatorDefault<DF_DomainType,DF_RangeType> MyType;
+  protected:
+    // define my type for inherited classes
+    typedef DiscreteOperatorDefault < LocalOperatorImp , DFDomainType ,
+        DFRangeType , DiscreteOperatorImp > DiscreteOperatorDefaultType;
+    //! Operator which is called on each entity
+    LocalOperatorImp & localOp_;
     //! make new operator with item points to null
-    DiscreteOperatorDefault () : level_ (0) {}
+    DiscreteOperatorDefault (LocalOperatorImp & op)
+      : localOp_ (op) , level_ (0) {}
+    //! no public method, but has to be public, because all discrete operator
+    //! must be able to call this method an the template parameters are
+    //! allways diffrent
+    LocalOperatorImp & getLocalOp ()
+    {
+      return localOp_;
+    }
+    /*! add another discrete operator by combining the two local operators
+       and creating a new discrete operator whereby a pointer to the new
+       object is kept in the object where the operator was called.
+       If this object is deleted then all objects created during operator +
+       called are deleted too.
+     */
+    template <class LocalOperatorType>
+    DiscreteOperatorImp<  CombinedLocalOperator < LocalOperatorImp , LocalOperatorType> ,
+        DFDomainType, DFRangeType >  &
+    operator + (const DiscreteOperatorImp < LocalOperatorType, DFDomainType , DFRangeType > &op )
+    {
+      typedef DiscreteOperatorImp < LocalOperatorType , DFDomainType, DFRangeType> CopyType;
+      typedef CombinedLocalOperator < LocalOperatorImp , LocalOperatorType > COType;
+      COType *locOp =
+        new COType ( localOp_ , const_cast<CopyType &> (op).getLocalOp (), asImp().printInfo() );
+      typedef DiscreteOperatorImp <COType, DFDomainType, DFRangeType > OPType;
+      OPType *discrOp = new OPType (op, *locOp );
+      // memorize this new generated object because is represents this
+      // operator and is deleted if this operator is deleted
+      // this is managed by the ObjPointerStorage class
+      this->saveObjPointer( discrOp , locOp );
+      return (*discrOp);
+    }
+    //! This method work just the same way like the operator +
+    //! but this time for mutiplication with scalar
+    DiscreteOperatorImp< ScaledLocalOperator < LocalOperatorImp ,
+            typename  DFDomainType::RangeFieldType > ,  DFDomainType,DFRangeType > &
+    operator * (const RangeFieldType& scalar)
+    {
+      typedef ScaledLocalOperator < LocalOperatorImp,
+          typename  DFDomainType::RangeFieldType > ScalOperatorType;
+      typedef DiscreteOperatorImp < ScalOperatorType , DFDomainType,DFRangeType > ScalDiscrType;
+      ScalOperatorType * sop = new ScalOperatorType ( localOp_ , scalar, asImp().printInfo() );
+      ScalDiscrType *discrOp = new ScalDiscrType ( asImp() , *sop );
+      // memorize this new generated object because is represents this
+      // operator and is deleted if this operator is deleted
+      this->saveObjPointer ( discrOp, sop );
+      return (*discrOp);
+    }
     // set level
     void initLevel (int level) const
@@ -51,23 +120,31 @@ namespace Dune {
     //! apply operator, only used by mapping
-    void apply ( const DF_DomainType & arg, DF_RangeType & dest) const
+    void apply ( const DFDomainType & arg, DFRangeType & dest) const
       std::cerr << "ERROR: DiscreteOperatorDefault::apply called! \n";
     //! apply operator
-    void operator () ( const DF_DomainType & arg, DF_RangeType & dest ) const
+    void operator () ( const DFDomainType & arg, DFRangeType & dest ) const
       std::cerr << "ERROR: DiscreteOperatorDefault::operator () called! \n";
+    bool printInfo () { return false; }
     // current level of operator
     mutable int level_;
-  }; // end class DiscreteOperatorDefault
+  private:
+    DiscreteOperatorImp < LocalOperatorImp , DFDomainType , DFRangeType > &
+    asImp() { return static_cast <DiscreteOperatorImp < LocalOperatorImp , DFDomainType , DFRangeType > &> (*this); }
+    const DiscreteOperatorImp < LocalOperatorImp , DFDomainType , DFRangeType > &
+    asImp() const { return static_cast <const DiscreteOperatorImp < LocalOperatorImp , DFDomainType , DFRangeType > &> (*this); }
+  }; // end class DiscreteOperatorDefault
   /** @} end documentation group */
diff --git a/fem/common/localoperator.hh b/fem/common/localoperator.hh
index 9114a7a85a10fabbc5355d1e1ddc49de9e686551..94d0a805872864e81e354082ddac0e9f3336ccac 100644
--- a/fem/common/localoperator.hh
+++ b/fem/common/localoperator.hh
@@ -177,10 +177,22 @@ namespace Dune
   //! Note: first B is evaluated, then A
   template <class A, class B >
   class CombinedLocalOperator
+    : public ObjPointerStorage
     //! Constructor for combinations storing the two operators
-    CombinedLocalOperator ( A & a, B & b ) : _a ( a ) , _b ( b ) {}
+    CombinedLocalOperator ( A & a, B & b , bool printMsg = false )
+      : _a ( a ) , _b ( b ) , printMSG_ ( printMsg )
+    {
+      if(printMSG_)
+        std::cout << "Create CombinedLocalOperator " << this << "\n";
+    }
+    ~CombinedLocalOperator ()
+    {
+      if(printMSG_)
+        std::cout << "Delete CombinedLocalOperator " << this << "\n";
+    }
     //! method to scale the belonging operators
     template <class ScalarType>
@@ -239,6 +251,8 @@ namespace Dune
         and to the underlying operators
+    bool printMSG_;
     //! operator A and B
     A & _a;
     B & _b;
@@ -338,12 +352,24 @@ namespace Dune
   template <class A,class ScalarType>
   class ScaledLocalOperator
+    : public ObjPointerStorage
     //! Constructor for combinations with factors
-    ScaledLocalOperator ( A & a , const ScalarType scalar)
-      : _a ( a ) , scalar_ (scalar), tmpScalar_ (scalar) {}
+    ScaledLocalOperator ( A & a , const ScalarType scalar,
+                          bool printMsg = false)
+      : _a ( a ) , scalar_ (scalar), tmpScalar_ (scalar) ,
+        printMSG_ ( printMsg )
+    {
+      if(printMSG_)
+        std::cout << "Create ScaledLocalOperator " << this << "\n";
+    }
+    ~ScaledLocalOperator ()
+    {
+      if(printMSG_)
+        std::cout << "Delete ScaledLocalOperator " << this << "\n";
+    }
     // scale this operator from outside
     void scaleIt ( const ScalarType & scalar);
@@ -393,6 +419,8 @@ namespace Dune
     template<class EntityType>
     void applyLocal(EntityType & en1, EntityType &en2);
+    bool printMSG_;
     //! reference to local operator A
     A & _a;
diff --git a/fem/common/objpointer.hh b/fem/common/objpointer.hh
index 115d9ec3e6457ffecd1c463a95fd7e9d1a4d942f..6afd4275f43ce25752737202c3b23518ed25393f 100644
--- a/fem/common/objpointer.hh
+++ b/fem/common/objpointer.hh
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ namespace Dune {
-  //! ???
+  //! stores the new created objects when DiscreteOperatorDefault
+  //! operator + or operator * is called
   class ObjPointerStorage
     typedef ObjPointerStorage MyType;
@@ -53,6 +54,15 @@ namespace Dune {
       item_ = next;
+    //! Store new generated DiscreteOperator Pointer and the LocalOperator
+    //! pointer
+    template <class DiscrOpType, class LocalOpType >
+    void saveObjPointer ( DiscrOpType * discrOp , LocalOpType * lop )
+    {
+      saveObjPointer( discrOp );
+      saveObjPointer( lop     );
+    }
     // store the objects created by operator + in here
     typedef ObjPointer<MyType> ObjPointerType;