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Commit 6a91df81 authored by Santiago Ospina De Los Ríos's avatar Santiago Ospina De Los Ríos Committed by Santiago Ospina De Los Ríos
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Fix vtk data manager to work with multidomain settings

parent acc6ebc9
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......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <functional>
#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
#include <dune/common/shared_ptr.hh>
#include <dune/common/std/functional.hh>
#include <dune/geometry/typeindex.hh>
......@@ -134,14 +135,14 @@ namespace Dune {
* @param gv grid view used for entity binding
* @param entity_transf entity transformation to the grid view used in the gfs
DGFTreeCommonData(const GFS& gfs, const X& x, const GV& gv, const ET& entity_transf)
DGFTreeCommonData(std::shared_ptr<const GFS> gfs, std::shared_ptr<const X> x, const GV& gv, const ET& entity_transf)
: _entity_transf(entity_transf)
, _gv(gv)
, _lfs(gfs)
, _lfs_cache(_lfs)
, _x_view(x)
, _x_local(_lfs.maxSize())
, _index_set(gfs.entitySet().indexSet())
, _index_set(gfs->entitySet().indexSet())
, _current_cell_index(std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max())
, x(x)
......@@ -156,7 +157,33 @@ namespace Dune {
* @note Only available if entity transformation is default constructible
template<class T = int, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<ET>,T>>
DGFTreeCommonData(const GFS& gfs, const X& x, const GV& gv)
DGFTreeCommonData(std::shared_ptr<const GFS> gfs, std::shared_ptr<const X> x, const GV& gv)
: DGFTreeCommonData(gfs,x,gv,ET{})
* @brief Construct a new DGFTreeCommonData object
* @param gfs grid function space
* @param x coefficient vector associated with the gfs
* @param gv grid view used for entity binding
* @param entity_transf entity transformation to the grid view used in the gfs
DGFTreeCommonData(const GFS& gfs, const X& x, const GV& gv, const ET& entity_transf)
: DGFTreeCommonData(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(gfs),stackobject_to_shared_ptr(x),gv,entity_transf)
* @brief Construct a new DGFTreeCommonData object
* @param gfs grid function space
* @param x coefficient vector associated with the gfs
* @param gv grid view used for entity binding
* @note Only available if entity transformation is default constructible
template<class T = int, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<ET>,T>>
DGFTreeCommonData(const GFS& gfs, const X& x, const GV& gv)
: DGFTreeCommonData(gfs,x,gv,ET{})
......@@ -488,6 +515,7 @@ namespace Dune {
struct add_solution_to_vtk_writer_visitor
: public TypeTree::DefaultVisitor
, public TypeTree::DynamicTraversal
, public TypeTree::VisitTreeDynamic
using GV = typename Data::GridView;
......@@ -505,14 +533,6 @@ namespace Dune {
template<typename LFS,
typename Child,
typename TreePath>
inline bool visitChild(const LFS& n, const Child& c, const TreePath& p)
return true;
//! Helper function for extracting (or building) the component name and adding
//! the component to the VTKWriter.
template<typename DGF, typename TreePath>
......@@ -552,6 +572,40 @@ namespace Dune {
// do nothing here - not a vector space
// **********************************************************************
// Visitor functions for adding DiscreteGridFunctions to VTKWriter
// The visitor functions contain a switch that will make them ignore
// function spaces with a different underlying GridView type than
// the VTKWriter.
// This cannot happen in vanilla PDELab, but is required for MultiDomain
// support
// **********************************************************************
// don't do anything if GridView types differ
template<typename LFS, typename TreePath>
typename std::enable_if<
typename LFS::Traits::GridFunctionSpace::Traits::GridView,
typename vtk_writer_traits<VTKWriter>::GridView
post(const LFS& lfs, TreePath tp)
// don't do anything if GridView types differ
template<typename LFS, typename TreePath>
typename std::enable_if<
typename LFS::Traits::GridFunctionSpace::Traits::GridView,
typename vtk_writer_traits<VTKWriter>::GridView
leaf(const LFS& lfs, TreePath tp)
//! Handle VectorGridFunctionSpace components in here.
template<typename LFS, typename TreePath>
void post(const LFS& lfs, TreePath tp)
......@@ -562,7 +616,13 @@ namespace Dune {
//! Create a standard leaf function for leaf GridFunctionSpaces.
template<typename LFS, typename TreePath>
void leaf(const LFS& lfs, TreePath tp)
typename std::enable_if<
typename LFS::Traits::GridFunctionSpace::Traits::GridView,
typename vtk_writer_traits<VTKWriter>::GridView
leaf(const LFS& lfs, TreePath tp)
if (predicate(lfs, tp))
add_to_vtk_writer(std::make_shared<DGFTreeLeafFunction<LFS,Data,GV> >(lfs,data),tp);
......@@ -696,9 +756,27 @@ namespace Dune {
const X& x,
const NameGenerator& name_generator = vtk::defaultNameScheme(),
const Predicate& predicate = Predicate())
auto gfs_ptr = Dune::stackobject_to_shared_ptr(gfs);
auto x_ptr = Dune::stackobject_to_shared_ptr(x);
return addSolutionToVTKWriter(vtk_writer, gfs_ptr, x_ptr, name_generator, predicate);
template<typename VTKWriter,
typename GFS,
typename X,
typename NameGenerator = vtk::DefaultFunctionNameGenerator,
typename Predicate = vtk::DefaultPredicate>
addSolutionToVTKWriter(VTKWriter& vtk_writer,
std::shared_ptr<GFS> gfs,
std::shared_ptr<X> x,
const NameGenerator& name_generator = vtk::defaultNameScheme(),
const Predicate& predicate = Predicate())
typedef vtk::DGFTreeCommonData<GFS,X,Predicate> Data;
vtk::OutputCollector<VTKWriter,Data> collector(vtk_writer,std::make_shared<Data>(gfs,x,gfs.gridView()),predicate);
vtk::OutputCollector<VTKWriter,Data> collector(vtk_writer, std::make_shared<Data>(gfs,x,gfs->gridView()),predicate);
return collector;
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