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Generic matrix-vector product for DenseMatrix and transposed/hermitian matrix views

Simon Praetorius requested to merge feature/transposedview into master


This is an attempt to fill-in missing method (A.mhv()) in the DenseMatrix implementation and unify the code for matrix-vector products using just one generic method.


All matrix-vector like methods look very similar and share a lot of code, like bounds checking and the loops. Only minor differences occur, like the assignment to the resulting vector. Thus, a way of abstracting this is to implement just one generic method that gets an additional parameter for the assignment. This help to have .mv() and .umv() consistent.

Wrapping the matrix itself into a transposed and hermitian view allows the code to be implemented even more generic. Then all matrix-vector products can be encoded into a single function. All individual functions call this one with proper arguments. It is nearly as short as the general usm[t|h]v() function but covers all cases.

In a similar fashion also matrix-matrix products can be implemented very generically.


FieldMatrix<double,3,4> A{...};
FieldVector<double,4> x{...};
FieldVector<double,3> y;

A.mtv(x,y);   // y = A^T*x
// this is equivalent to

A.mhv(x,y);  // y = A^H*x
// this is equivalent to

auto At = transposedView(A);
assert(A[2][1] == At[1][2]);  // interchanged indices

auto Ah = hermitianView(A);
assert(conjugateComplex(A[2][1]) == Ah[1][2]);

Possible regression?

The approach shown here does not change anything in the generated code for or A.umv(), see the assembly output in (can be tested by setting the variable IMPLEMENTATION to either 1 or 2)


The MR is related to an issue about deficiencies in the general matrix interface as indicated in MR !953 (closed) and discussed in #253


  • Add Changelog entry
  • Fix code style guide
  • Fix merge conflicts
  • Squash Commits
Edited by Simon Praetorius

Merge request reports