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  • Ansgar Burchardt's avatar
    Ansgar Burchardt committed
    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file in module root
    SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
    # Master (will become release 2.10)
    - Quadrature point now allows C++ structured bindings so that
      numerical integrations are less verbose:
      for(auto [position, weight] : Dune::QuadratureRules</*...*/>::rule(/*...*/))
        result += f(position) * weight;
    - `Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement` methods that have returned references, return
      by value. This affects `type()`, `position()`, and `integrationOuterNormal()`.
    - Add a meta-geometry type `MappedGeometry` that represents the chaining of another
      geometry and a callable.
    Simon Praetorius's avatar
    Simon Praetorius committed
    - `AffineGeometry` and `AxisAlignedGeometry` are now default constructible. A
      default construction results in an "empty"/invalid geometry that can be assigned
      a valid geometry.
    Simon Praetorius's avatar
    Simon Praetorius committed
    - Add a geometry `LocalFiniteElementGeometry` parametrized by local finite-element
      basis functions.
    ## Deprecations and removals
    - `Dune::Transitional::ReferenceElement` is deprecated and will be removed after
      Dune 2.10. Use `Dune::Geo::ReferenceElement` directly.
    - Remove header `deprecated_topology.hh` that was introduced for transition.
    - Remove deprecated functions `factorial()` and `binomial()`. Use the
      functions from dune-common's `math.hh`.
    # Release 2.9
    - The `Geometry` interface was extended by methods `jacobian(local)` and `jacobianInverse(local)`
      and corresponding typedefs `Jacobian` and `JacobianInverse`. This is implemented by all geometry
      implementations provided by dune-geometry. But external implementations need to be adjusted
      to pass the interface check provided by `checkgeometry.hh`.
    - The `Geometry::integrationElement` now needs to return the type `Volume`
      instead of `ctype`. Note that this may be different from `ctype` if the
      geometry supports typed dimensions. In such case, `ctype` is a length, and not
      appropriate for a volume quantity.
    # Release 2.8
    Andreas Dedner's avatar
    Andreas Dedner committed
    - Python bindings have been moved from the `dune-python` module which is now
      obsolete. To activate Python bindings the CMake flag
      `DUNE_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS` needs to be turned on (default is off).
      Furthermore, flags for either shared library or position independent code
      needs to be used.
    - The class `AxisAlignedCubeGeometry` has always had a constructor taking
      two arguments `FieldVector<ctype,coorddim> lower` and `FieldVector<ctype,coorddim> upper`.
      This constructor was always to be used in the case `dim==coorddim` only,
      but this was never enforced.  Starting with version 2.8, compilation
      fails with an error message if this constructor is used with `dim!=coorddim`.
    - Two new sets of quadrature rules are provided: the left and right Gauss-Radau quadrature rules.
      These are optimal rules that include only one endpoint of the integration interval
      (either left or right) and integrate polynomials of order 2n - 2 exactly.
    - GeometryType has four new methods: `isPrismatic()`, `isPrismatic(int step)` and `isConical()`,`isConical(int step)`.
      The versions with an argument return true if the corresponding construction was used in step 0 <= `step` <=dim-1.
      The other two assume a default argument of `dim-1` (the latest construction step).
    - GeometryTypes has two new methods: `prismaticExtension(GeometryType gt)` and `conicalExtension(GeometryType gt)`.
      They return an extended GeometryType based on `gt` via the corresponding construction. For example:
      GeometryType gt = GeometryTypes::line;
      auto square = GeometryTypes::prismaticExtension(gt);
      auto triangle = GeometryTypes::conicalExtension(gt);
    ## Deprecations and removals
    - Remove code needed to use reference elements by reference.
    - Remove `GeometryType`'s deprecated member functions
    - Remove deprecated constructor `GeometryType(unsigned dim)`.
    - Remove deprecated `CompositeQuadratureRule(QuadratureRule, int)`. Use
      `CompositeQuadratureRule(QuadratureRule, Dune::refinement{Intervals|Levels}(int))`
    - Removed all structs from `Impl` dealing with the recursive topology construction: `TopologyFactory`, `TopologySingletonFactory`,
      `Point`, `Prism`, `Pyramid`, `IsSimplex`, `IsCube`, `SimplexTopology`, `CubeTopology`, `PyramidTopology`, `PrismTopology`, `IfTopology`.
      Deprecated the free function `Impl::isTopology`.
      Use the geometries provided by `GeometryType` and `GeometryTypes` instead.
      To simplify the transition you can include the header "dune/geometry/deprecated_topology.hh".
    # Release 2.7
    - The reference elements have a new method `subEntities`. The result of
      `referenceELement.subEntities(i,codim, c)` is an iterable range
      containing the indices of all codim-`c` subentities of the subentity
      `(i,codim)`, e.g., the vertices of an edge. The range also provides
      the methods `size()` and `contains()`.
    - The methods `GeometryType(int)` and `GeometryType(unsigned int)` have been deprecated
      and will be removed after the release of dune-geometry 2.7.  Instead, please now use
      `GeometryTypes::cube(dim)` to construct one- or two-dimensional `GeometryType` objects.
    - Geometry implementations now export a type `Volume` that is used for the return
      value of the `volume` methods.  So does the generic `ReferenceElement` implementation.
    -   More efficient quadrature rules for simplices are available that
        need less quadrature points to achieve the same order.  For now these
        have to be explicitly requested:
        auto&& rule = Dune::QuadratureRules<...>::rule(..., Dune::QuadratureType::GaussJacobi_n_0);
        See [!127].
    # Release 2.6
    - The enum `GeometryType::BasicType` is deprecated, and will be removed after Dune 2.6.
    - `VirtualRefinement` and `Refinement` now support arbitrary refinements, not
      just powers of two.  Wherever you where passing a parameter `int levels`
      (now deprecated), you should now pass a parameter `RefinementIntervals
      intervals`.  There are convenience functions `refinementIntervals(int
      intervals)` and `refinementLevels(int levels)` to construct parameters of
      type `RefinementIntervals`.
        See core/dune-geometry!51
    - The class `GeometryType` has been cleaned up in major way:
        See core/dune-geometry!64 and core/dune-geometry!55
      - The class and most of its methods are now `constexpr`.
      - There are new singletons and factory functions in the namespace `Dune::GeometryTypes`. These
        are now the official way to obtain a `GeometryType`.
      - The constructor taking a `GeometryType::BasicType` and a dimension has been deprecated and will be
        removed after the release of DUNE 2.6.
      - The assorted member functions `GeometryType::make...()` have been deprecated and will be removed
        after the release of DUNE 2.6.
    - The reference element interface has had a substantial overhaul that can break backwards
      compatibility in some corner cases.
        See core/dune-geometry!52
      - `ReferenceElement` has value semantics now: You should store instances by value and can freely
        copy them around. Doing so is not more expensive than storing a const reference.
      - As a consequence of value semantics, `ReferenceElement` is default constructible now. A default
        constructed `ReferenceElement` may only be assigned another `ReferenceElement`; all other
        operations cause undefined behavior. Moreover, instances are now comparable and hashable to
        allow storing them in maps.
      - We have added code that tries to warn you if you are still storing a `ReferenceElement` by const
        reference; please update all those occurrences.
      - The meaning of `Dune::ReferenceElement` has changed. It is not a type anymore, but an alias
        template that looks up the correct implementation for the given template arguments. For now,
        there is only a single implementation, but we expect people to come up with additional
        implementations in the future. For this reason, the syntax `Dune::ReferenceElement<ctype,dim>`
        is deprecated and will cause compilation failures in the future. If you still need access to
        that type, use `typename Dune::ReferenceElements<ctype,dim>::ReferenceElement` instead.
      - You can now directly obtain a reference element for a given geometry using the free function
        `referenceElement(geometry)`. This function should be called without any namespace qualifiers to
        enable ADL and you should normally capture the return value of the function using `auto`, but if
        you need to explicitly access the type, this is also available as
          In short: If you can, use the following idiom to obtain a reference element for a geometry:
          auto ref_el = referenceElement(geometry);
          The change to the meaning of `Dune::ReferenceElement` can break compilation if you have function
          overloads that partially specialize on it, e.g.
          template<typename ctype, int dim>
          void f(const Dune::ReferenceElement<ctype,dim> ref_el)
          Normally, you can just simplify this to the following code that also shows how to extract the
          missing template parameters:
          template<typename RefEl>
          void f(const RefEl ref_el)
            using ctype = typename RefEl::CoordinateField;
            constexpr auto dim = RefEl::dimension;