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Provide communicate() methods for OneDGrid and IdentityGrid

Simon Praetorius requested to merge issue/communicate-identitygrid into master


In !470 (merged) the capability canCommunicate was implemented for IdentityGrid, but the grid(view) does not provide a corresponding communicate() method. So, its both a violation of the capability and of grid interface. The OndDGrid on the other hand has property canCommunicate = false, but should at least provide this GridView member function. Otherwise, generic code would need more boilerplate code to conditionally implement a function that uses the communicate methods from a grid.


The capability is not clear: What does "can communicate" mean? Does it mean, the grid(view) provides a communicate method? Or one can use the communicate method? Or both? What is the requirement on a grid that implements canCommunicate == false/true?

Closes #161 (closed)

Edited by Simon Praetorius

Merge request reports