Oliver Sander authored
CHOLMOD supports this, it just wasn't exposed in the interface. It is needed for large problems.
Oliver Sander authoredCHOLMOD supports this, it just wasn't exposed in the interface. It is needed for large problems.
cholmod.hh 16.49 KiB
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright © DUNE Project contributors, see file LICENSE.md in module root
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-GPL-2.0-only-with-DUNE-exception
#pragma once
#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
#include <dune/istl/solverfactory.hh>
#include <dune/istl/foreach.hh>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <cholmod.h>
namespace Dune {
namespace Impl{
/** @brief Dummy class for empty ignore nodes
* This class implements "no" ignore nodes with a
* compatible interface for the "setMatrix" method.
* It should be optimized out by the compiler, so no
* overhead should be produced
struct NoIgnore
const NoIgnore& operator[](std::size_t) const { return *this; }
explicit operator bool() const { return false; }
static constexpr std::size_t size() { return 0; }
template<class BlockedVector, class FlatVector>
void copyToFlatVector(const BlockedVector& blockedVector, FlatVector& flatVector)
// traverse the vector once just to compute the size
std::size_t len = flatVectorForEach(blockedVector, [&](auto&&, auto...){});
flatVectorForEach(blockedVector, [&](auto&& entry, auto offset){
flatVector[offset] = entry;
// special (dummy) case for NoIgnore
template<class FlatVector>
void copyToFlatVector(const NoIgnore&, FlatVector&)
// just do nothing
template<class FlatVector, class BlockedVector>
void copyToBlockedVector(const FlatVector& flatVector, BlockedVector& blockedVector)
flatVectorForEach(blockedVector, [&](auto& entry, auto offset){
entry = flatVector[offset];
// wrapper class for C function calls to CHOLMOD itself.
// The CHOLMOD API has different functions for different index types.
template <class Index>
struct CholmodMethodChooser;
// specialization using 'int' to store indices
template <>
struct CholmodMethodChooser<int>
static cholmod_dense* allocate_dense(size_t nrow, size_t ncol, size_t d, int xtype, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_allocate_dense(nrow,ncol,d,xtype,c);
static cholmod_sparse* allocate_sparse(size_t nrow, size_t ncol, size_t nzmax, int sorted, int packed, int stype, int xtype, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_allocate_sparse(nrow,ncol,nzmax,sorted,packed,stype,xtype,c);
static cholmod_factor* analyze(cholmod_sparse *A, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_analyze(A,c);
static int defaults(cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_defaults(c);
static int factorize(cholmod_sparse *A, cholmod_factor *L, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_factorize(A,L,c);
static int finish(cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_finish(c);
static int free_dense (cholmod_dense **X, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_free_dense(X,c);
static int free_factor(cholmod_factor **L, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_free_factor(L,c);
static int free_sparse(cholmod_sparse **A, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_free_sparse(A,c);
static cholmod_dense* solve(int sys, cholmod_factor *L, cholmod_dense *B, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_solve(sys,L,B,c);
static int start(cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_start(c);
// specialization using 'SuiteSparse_long' to store indices
template <>
struct CholmodMethodChooser<SuiteSparse_long>
static cholmod_dense* allocate_dense(size_t nrow, size_t ncol, size_t d, int xtype, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_allocate_dense(nrow,ncol,d,xtype,c);
static cholmod_sparse* allocate_sparse(size_t nrow, size_t ncol, size_t nzmax, int sorted, int packed, int stype, int xtype, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_allocate_sparse(nrow,ncol,nzmax,sorted,packed,stype,xtype,c);
static cholmod_factor* analyze(cholmod_sparse *A, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_analyze(A,c);
static int defaults(cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_defaults(c);
static int factorize(cholmod_sparse *A, cholmod_factor *L, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_factorize(A,L,c);
static int finish(cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_finish(c);
static int free_dense (cholmod_dense **X, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_free_dense(X,c);
static int free_factor (cholmod_factor **L, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_free_factor(L,c);
static int free_sparse(cholmod_sparse **A, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_free_sparse(A,c);
static cholmod_dense* solve(int sys, cholmod_factor *L, cholmod_dense *B, cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_solve(sys,L,B,c);
static int start(cholmod_common *c)
return ::cholmod_l_start(c);
} //namespace Impl
/** @brief Dune wrapper for SuiteSparse/CHOLMOD solver
* This class implements an InverseOperator between Vector types
* \tparam Vector Data type for solution and right-hand-side vectors
* \tparam Index Type used by CHOLMOD for indices. Must be either 'int' or 'SuiteSparse_long'
* (which is usually `long int`).
template<class Vector, class Index=int>
class Cholmod : public InverseOperator<Vector, Vector>
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Index,int> || std::is_same_v<Index,SuiteSparse_long>,
"Index type must be either 'int' or 'SuiteSparse_long'!");
using CholmodMethod = Impl::CholmodMethodChooser<Index>;
/** @brief Default constructor
* Calls the the cholmod runtime,
* see CHOLMOD doc
/** @brief Destructor
* Free space and calls cholmod_finish,
* see CHOLMOD doc
if (L_)
CholmodMethod::free_factor(&L_, &c_);
// forbid copying to avoid freeing memory twice
Cholmod(const Cholmod&) = delete;
Cholmod& operator=(const Cholmod&) = delete;
/** @brief simple forward to apply(X&, Y&, InverseOperatorResult&)
void apply (Vector& x, Vector& b, [[maybe_unused]] double reduction, InverseOperatorResult& res)
/** @brief solve the linear system Ax=b (possibly with respect to some ignore field)
* The method assumes that setMatrix() was called before
* In the case of a given ignore field the corresponding entries of both in x and b will stay untouched in this method.
void apply(Vector& x, Vector& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
// do nothing if N=0
if ( nIsZero_ )
if (x.size() != b.size())
DUNE_THROW(Exception, "Error in apply(): sizes of x and b do not match!");
// cast to double array
auto b2 = std::make_unique<double[]>(L_->n);
auto x2 = std::make_unique<double[]>(L_->n);
// copy to cholmod
auto bp = b2.get();
flatVectorForEach(b, [&](auto&& entry, auto&& flatIndex){
if ( subIndices_.empty() )
bp[ flatIndex ] = entry;
if( subIndices_[ flatIndex ] != std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() )
bp[ subIndices_[ flatIndex ] ] = entry;
// create a cholmod dense object
auto b3 = make_cholmod_dense(CholmodMethod::allocate_dense(L_->n, 1, L_->n, CHOLMOD_REAL, &c_), &c_);
// cast because void-ptr
auto b4 = static_cast<double*>(b3->x);
std::copy(b2.get(), b2.get() + L_->n, b4);
// solve for a cholmod x object
auto x3 = make_cholmod_dense(CholmodMethod::solve(CHOLMOD_A, L_, b3.get(), &c_), &c_);
// cast because void-ptr
auto xp = static_cast<double*>(x3->x);
// copy into x
flatVectorForEach(x, [&](auto&& entry, auto&& flatIndex){
if ( subIndices_.empty() )
entry = xp[ flatIndex ];
if( subIndices_[ flatIndex ] != std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() )
entry = xp[ subIndices_[ flatIndex ] ];
// statistics for a direct solver
res.iterations = 1;
res.converged = true;
/** @brief Set matrix without ignore nodes
* This method forwards a nullptr to the setMatrix method
* with ignore nodes
template<class Matrix>
void setMatrix(const Matrix& matrix)
const Impl::NoIgnore* noIgnore = nullptr;
setMatrix(matrix, noIgnore);
/** @brief Set matrix and ignore nodes
* The input matrix is copied to CHOLMOD compatible form.
* It is possible to ignore some degrees of freedom, provided an ignore field is given with same block structure
* like the BlockVector template of the class.
* The ignore field causes the method to ignore both rows and cols of the matrix and therefore operates only
* on the reduced quadratic matrix. In case of, e.g., Dirichlet values the user has to take care of proper
* adjusting of the rhs before calling apply().
* Decomposing the matrix at the end takes a lot of time
* \param [in] matrix Matrix to be decomposed. In BCRS compatible form
* \param [in] ignore Pointer to a compatible BitVector
template<class Matrix, class Ignore>
void setMatrix(const Matrix& matrix, const Ignore* ignore)
// count the number of entries and diagonal entries
int nonZeros = 0;
int numberOfIgnoredDofs = 0;
auto [flatRows,flatCols] = flatMatrixForEach( matrix, [&](auto&& /*entry*/, auto&& flatRowIndex, auto&& flatColIndex){
if( flatRowIndex <= flatColIndex )
std::vector<bool> flatIgnore;
if ( ignore )
numberOfIgnoredDofs = std::count(flatIgnore.begin(),flatIgnore.end(),true);
// Total number of rows
int N = flatRows - numberOfIgnoredDofs;
nIsZero_ = (N <= 0);
if ( nIsZero_ )
* CHOLMOD uses compressed-column sparse matrices, but for symmetric
* matrices this is the same as the compressed-row sparse matrix used
* by DUNE. So we can just store Mᵀ instead of M (as M = Mᵀ).
const auto deleter = [c = &this->c_](auto* p) {
CholmodMethod::free_sparse(&p, c);
auto M = std::unique_ptr<cholmod_sparse, decltype(deleter)>(
CholmodMethod::allocate_sparse(N, // # rows
N, // # cols
nonZeros, // # of nonzeroes
1, // indices are sorted ( 1 = true)
1, // matrix is "packed" ( 1 = true)
-1, // stype of matrix ( -1 = consider the lower part only )
CHOLMOD_REAL, // xtype of matrix ( CHOLMOD_REAL = single array, no complex numbers)
&c_ // cholmod_common ptr
), deleter);
// copy the data of BCRS matrix to Cholmod Sparse matrix
Index* Ap = static_cast<Index*>(M->p);
Index* Ai = static_cast<Index*>(M->i);
double* Ax = static_cast<double*>(M->x);
if ( ignore )
// init the mapping
std::size_t subIndexCounter = 0;
for ( std::size_t i=0; i<flatRows; i++ )
if ( not flatIgnore[ i ] )
subIndices_[ i ] = subIndexCounter++;
// at first, we need to compute the row starts "Ap"
// therefore, we count all (not ignored) entries in each row and in the end we accumulate everything
flatMatrixForEach(matrix, [&](auto&& /*entry*/, auto&& flatRowIndex, auto&& flatColIndex){
// stop if ignored
if ( ignore and ( flatIgnore[flatRowIndex] or flatIgnore[flatColIndex] ) )
// stop if in lower half
if ( flatRowIndex > flatColIndex )
// ok, count the entry
auto idx = ignore ? subIndices_[flatRowIndex] : flatRowIndex;
// now accumulate
Ap[0] = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<N; i++ )
Ap[i+1] += Ap[i];
// we need a compressed row position counter
std::vector<std::size_t> rowPosition(N,0);
// now we can set the entries
flatMatrixForEach(matrix, [&](auto&& entry, auto&& flatRowIndex, auto&& flatColIndex){
// stop if ignored
if ( ignore and ( flatIgnore[flatRowIndex] or flatIgnore[flatColIndex] ) )
// stop if in lower half
if ( flatRowIndex > flatColIndex )
// ok, set the entry
auto rowIdx = ignore ? subIndices_[flatRowIndex] : flatRowIndex;
auto colIdx = ignore ? subIndices_[flatColIndex] : flatColIndex;
auto rowStart = Ap[rowIdx];
auto rowPos = rowPosition[rowIdx];
Ai[ rowStart + rowPos ] = colIdx;
Ax[ rowStart + rowPos ] = entry;
// Now analyse the pattern and optimal row order
L_ = CholmodMethod::analyze(M.get(), &c_);
// Do the factorization (this may take some time)
CholmodMethod::factorize(M.get(), L_, &c_);
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
return SolverCategory::Category::sequential;
/** \brief return a reference to the CHOLMOD common object for advanced option settings
* The CHOLMOD common object stores all parameters and options for the solver to run
* and can be modified in several ways, see CHOLMOD Userguide for further information.
cholmod_common& cholmodCommonObject()
return c_;
/** \brief The CHOLMOD data structure that stores the factorization
* Access to this is necessary for the more advanced features of CHOLMOD.
* You need to know what you are doing!
cholmod_factor& cholmodFactor()
return *L_;
/** \brief The CHOLMOD data structure that stores the factorization
* Access to this is necessary for the more advanced features of CHOLMOD.
* You need to know what you are doing!
const cholmod_factor& cholmodFactor() const
return *L_;
// create a std::unique_ptr to a cholmod_dense object with a deleter
// that calls the appropriate cholmod cleanup routine
auto make_cholmod_dense(cholmod_dense* x, cholmod_common* c)
const auto deleter = [c](auto* p) {
CholmodMethod::free_dense(&p, c);
return std::unique_ptr<cholmod_dense, decltype(deleter)>(x, deleter);
cholmod_common c_;
cholmod_factor* L_ = nullptr;
// indicator for a 0x0 problem (due to ignore dof's)
bool nIsZero_ = false;
// vector mapping all indices in flat order to the not ignored indices
std::vector<std::size_t> subIndices_;
struct CholmodCreator{
template<class F> struct isValidBlock : std::false_type{};
template<int k> struct isValidBlock<FieldVector<double,k>> : std::true_type{};
template<int k> struct isValidBlock<FieldVector<float,k>> : std::true_type{};
template<class TL, typename M>
std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
operator()(TL /*tl*/, const M& mat, const Dune::ParameterTree& /*config*/,
std::enable_if_t<isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
using D = typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type;
auto solver = std::make_shared<Dune::Cholmod<D>>();
return solver;
// second version with SFINAE to validate the template parameters of Cholmod
template<typename TL, typename M>
std::shared_ptr<Dune::InverseOperator<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type,
typename Dune::TypeListElement<2, TL>::type>>
operator() (TL /*tl*/, const M& /*mat*/, const Dune::ParameterTree& /*config*/,
std::enable_if_t<!isValidBlock<typename Dune::TypeListElement<1, TL>::type::block_type>::value,int> = 0) const
DUNE_THROW(UnsupportedType, "Unsupported Type in Cholmod");
DUNE_REGISTER_DIRECT_SOLVER("cholmod", Dune::CholmodCreator());
} /* namespace Dune */