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Commit 61260438 authored by Christian Engwer's avatar Christian Engwer
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add new test for real matrices with complex rhs
(patch by Matthias Wohlmuth)

[[Imported from SVN: r1670]]
parent faec2b58
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......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if PARDISO
# which tests where program to build and run are equal
NORMALTESTS = basearraytest matrixutilstest matrixtest bvectortest dotproducttest vbvectortest \
NORMALTESTS = basearraytest matrixutilstest matrixtest bvectortest complexrhstest dotproducttest vbvectortest \
bcrsbuildtest matrixiteratortest mv iotest scaledidmatrixtest seqmatrixmarkettest
# list of tests to run (indicestest is special case)
......@@ -55,8 +55,14 @@ if SUPERLU
overlappingschwarztest_LDADD= $(SUPERLU_LIBS)
overlappingschwarztest_LDFLAGS= $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(SUPERLU_LDFLAGS)
overlappingschwarztest_CPPFLAGS=$(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(SUPERLU_CPPFLAGS)
complexrhstest_LDADD= $(SUPERLU_LIBS)
test_pardiso_SOURCES =
......@@ -68,6 +74,8 @@ bcrsbuildtest_SOURCES =
bvectortest_SOURCES =
complexrhstest_SOURCES = laplacian.hh
dotproducttest_SOURCES =
vbvectortest_SOURCES =
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
@author: Matthias Wohlmuth
Test different solvers and preconditioners for A*x = b with A being a N^2 x N^2 Laplacian and b a complex valued rhs. the rhs and reference solutions were computed using the following matlab code:
A = full(gallery('poisson',N)); % create poisson matrix
% find a solution consiting of complex integers
indVec = (0:(N*N-1))',
iVec = complex(0,1).^indVec + indVec,
x0 = iVec .* indVec,
% compute corresponding rhs
b = A * x0,
% solve system using different solvers
xcg = pcg(A,b),
x =A \ b,
xgmres = gmres(A,b)
#include "config.h"
#include <complex>
#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
#include "laplacian.hh"
#include <dune/common/static_assert.hh>
#include <dune/istl/superlu.hh>
dune_static_assert(SUPERLU_NTYPE==3,"If SuperLU is selected for complex rhs test, then SUPERLU_NTYPE must be set to 3 (std::complex<double>)!");
typedef std::complex<double> FIELD_TYPE;
template<class Operator, class Vector>
class SolverTest {
SolverTest(Operator & op, Vector & rhs, Vector & x0, double maxError = 1e-10) : m_op(op), m_x(rhs), m_x0(x0), m_b(rhs), m_rhs(rhs), m_maxError(maxError), m_numTests(0), m_numFailures(0){
std::cout << "SolverTest uses rhs: " << std::endl << m_rhs << std::endl << "and expects the solultion: " << m_x0 << std::endl << std::endl;
template<class Solver>
bool operator() (Solver & solver) {
m_b = m_rhs;
m_x = 0;
solver.apply(m_x,m_b, m_res);
std::cout<<"Defect reduction is "<< m_res.reduction<<std::endl;
std::cout << "Computed solution is: " << std::endl;
std::cout << m_x << std::endl;
m_b = m_x0; m_b -= m_x;
const double errorNorm = m_b.two_norm();
std::cout << "Error = " << errorNorm << std::endl;
if(errorNorm>m_maxError) {
std::cout << "SolverTest did not converge !!!" << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
int getNumTests() const { return m_numTests; }
int getNumFailures() const { return m_numFailures; }
const Operator & m_op;
Vector m_x, m_x0, m_b;
const Vector m_rhs;
double m_maxError;
int m_numTests, m_numFailures;
Dune::InverseOperatorResult m_res;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const int BS=1;
std::size_t N=3;
const int maxIter = int(N*N*N*N);
const double reduction = 1e-16;
N = atoi(argv[1]);
std::cout<<"testing for N="<<N<<" BS="<<1<<std::endl;
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<FIELD_TYPE,BS,BS> MatrixBlock;
typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<MatrixBlock> BCRSMat;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<FIELD_TYPE,BS> VectorBlock;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<VectorBlock> Vector;
typedef Dune::MatrixAdapter<BCRSMat,Vector,Vector> Operator;
BCRSMat mat;
Operator fop(mat);
Vector b(N*N), b0(N*N), x0(N*N), x(N*N), error(N*N);
typedef typename Vector::Iterator VectorIterator;
FIELD_TYPE count(0);
const FIELD_TYPE I(0.,1.); // complex case
for (VectorIterator it = x0.begin(); it != x0.end(); ++it ) {
*it = (count + std::pow(I,count))*count;
count = count + 1.;
std::cout << "x0= " << x0 << std::endl;,b);
std::cout << "b = " << b << std::endl;
b0 = b;
Dune::Timer watch;
// create Dummy Preconditioner
typedef Dune::IdentityPrec<BCRSMat,Vector,BS> DummyPreconditioner;
typedef Dune::SeqJac<BCRSMat,Vector,Vector> JacobiPreconditioner;
typedef Dune::SeqGS<BCRSMat,Vector,Vector> GaussSeidelPreconditioner;
typedef Dune::SeqSOR<BCRSMat,Vector,Vector> SORPreconditioner;
typedef Dune::SeqSSOR<BCRSMat,Vector,Vector> SSORPreconditioner;
const double maxError(1e-10);
SolverTest<Operator,Vector> solverTest(fop,b0,x0,maxError);
DummyPreconditioner dummyPrec;
const FIELD_TYPE relaxFactor(1.);
JacobiPreconditioner jacobiPrec1(mat,1,relaxFactor);
JacobiPreconditioner jacobiPrec2(mat,maxIter,relaxFactor);
GaussSeidelPreconditioner gsPrec1(mat,1,relaxFactor);
GaussSeidelPreconditioner gsPrec2(mat,maxIter,relaxFactor);
SORPreconditioner sorPrec1(mat,1,relaxFactor);
SORPreconditioner sorPrec2(mat,maxIter,relaxFactor);
SSORPreconditioner ssorPrec1(mat,1,relaxFactor);
SSORPreconditioner ssorPrec2(mat,maxIter,relaxFactor);
Dune::SuperLU<BCRSMat> solverSuperLU(mat, true);
std::cout << "SuperLU converged: "<< solverTest(solverSuperLU) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::GradientSolver<Vector> GradientSolver;
GradientSolver solverGradient(fop,dummyPrec, reduction, maxIter, 1);
std::cout << "GradientSolver with identity preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverGradient) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::CGSolver<Vector> CG;
CG solverCG(fop,dummyPrec, reduction, maxIter, 1);
std::cout << "CG with identity preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverCG) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<Vector> BiCG;
BiCG solverBiCG(fop,dummyPrec, reduction, maxIter, 1);
std::cout << "BiCGStab with identity preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverBiCG) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> JacobiSolver;
JacobiSolver solverJacobi1(fop,jacobiPrec1,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with a single Jacobi iteration as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverJacobi1) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> JacobiSolver;
JacobiSolver solverJacobi2(fop,jacobiPrec2,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with multiple Jacobi iteration as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverJacobi2) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> GaussSeidelSolver;
GaussSeidelSolver solverGaussSeidel1(fop,gsPrec1,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with a single GaussSeidel iteration as preconditione converged: " << solverTest(solverGaussSeidel1) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> GaussSeidelSolver;
GaussSeidelSolver solverGaussSeidel2(fop,gsPrec2,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with multiple GaussSeidel iterations as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverGaussSeidel2) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> SORSolver;
SORSolver solverSOR1(fop,sorPrec1,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with a single SOR iteration as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverSOR1) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> SORSolver;
SORSolver solverSOR2(fop,sorPrec2,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with multiple SOR iterations as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverSOR2) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> SSORSolver;
SSORSolver solverSSOR1(fop,ssorPrec1,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with a single SSOR iteration as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverSOR2) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::LoopSolver<Vector> SSORSolver;
SSORSolver solverSSOR2(fop,ssorPrec2,reduction,maxIter,1);
std::cout << "LoopSolver with multiple SSOR iterations as preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverSSOR2) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::MINRESSolver<Vector> MINRES;
MINRES solverMINRES(fop,dummyPrec, reduction, maxIter, 1);
std::cout << "MINRES with identity preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverMINRES) << std::endl << std::endl;
typedef Dune::RestartedGMResSolver<Vector> GMRES;
GMRES solverGMRES(fop,dummyPrec, reduction, maxIter, maxIter*maxIter, 1);
std::cout << "GMRES with identity preconditioner converged: " << solverTest(solverGMRES) << std::endl << std::endl;
const int testCount = solverTest.getNumTests();
const int errorCount = solverTest.getNumFailures();
std::cout << "Tested " << testCount << " different solvers or preconditioners " << " for a laplacian with complex rhs. " << testCount - errorCount << " out of " << testCount << " solvers converged! " << std::endl << std::endl;
return errorCount;
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