Verbosity level changes GeneralizedPCGSolver behaviour
During some experiments with the AMG preconditioner I noticed that the behaviour of the GeneralizedPCGSolver
changed when using verbosity level >2.
level 1 produces a seemingly working result with output like
=== GeneralizedPCGSolver
=== rate=0, T=11.5603, TIT=inf, IT=1
the value of T changes but the rest is constant.
using level 2 results in non-convergence
=== GeneralizedPCGSolver
Iter Defect Rate
0 0.00256222
1 0.00519744 2.02849
6000 0.000353568 0.999963
=== rate=0.99967, T=3.44023, TIT=0.000573372, IT=6001
I have not managed to create another example which exhibits the same behaviour, which would be suitable as a test. Also I expect that all other solver can exhibit the same behaviour since the convergence criterion is handled the same way.