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[WIP] Feature/solverfactory

Closed Christian Engwer requested to merge feature/solverfactory into master
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@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace Dune {
\brief Creates a preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\brief Creates a sequential preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\param id A string matching the type name of the desired preconditioner.
\param A The matrix to be preconditioned.
\param configuration A ParameterTree subsection containing configuration parameters for the preconditioner.
@@ -174,8 +174,72 @@ namespace Dune {
return std::make_shared<SeqSSOR<M,X,Y> > (A, configuration);
if (id == "SeqSOR")
return std::make_shared<SeqSOR<M,X,Y> > (A, configuration);
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know preconditioner type '" + id + "'!\n");
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know sequential preconditioner type '" + id + "'!\n");
\brief Creates a parallel preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\param id A string matching the type name of the desired preconditioner.
\param A The matrix to be preconditioned.
\param configuration A ParameterTree subsection containing configuration parameters for the preconditioner.
\param comm The communicator to be used by the preconditioner.
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
template <typename COMM, typename M, typename X, typename Y>
static std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,Y> > create (std::string id, const M& A,
const ParameterTree& configuration,
const COMM& comm) {
// Pass dummy operator to actual implementation
std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,X> > dummy_linearoperator;
return create <COMM, M, X, Y> (id, A, configuration, comm, dummy_linearoperator);
\brief Creates a parallel preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\param id A string matching the type name of the desired preconditioner.
\param A The matrix to be preconditioned.
\param configuration A ParameterTree subsection containing configuration parameters for the preconditioner.
\param comm The communicator to be used by the preconditioner.
\param out_linearoperator Returns the linear operator the preconditioner will use.
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
template <typename COMM, typename M, typename X, typename Y>
static std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,Y> > create (std::string id, const M& A,
const ParameterTree& configuration,
const COMM& comm,
std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,X> >& out_linearoperator) {
if (id == "AMG") {
std::string smoother = configuration.get<std::string> ("smoother");
if (smoother == "SeqSSOR") {
typedef Dune::SeqSSOR<M,X,X> Smoother;
typedef Dune::BlockPreconditioner<X,X,COMM,Smoother> ParSmoother;
typedef Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator<M,X,X,COMM> Operator;
auto linearoperator = std::make_shared<Operator>(A, comm);
out_linearoperator = linearoperator;
return std::make_shared<Amg::AMG<Operator,X,ParSmoother,COMM> > (linearoperator, configuration, comm);
} else if (smoother == "SeqJac") {
typedef Dune::SeqJac<M,X,X> Smoother;
typedef Dune::BlockPreconditioner<X,X,COMM,Smoother> ParSmoother;
typedef Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator<M,X,X,COMM> Operator;
auto linearoperator = std::make_shared<Operator>(A, comm);
out_linearoperator = linearoperator;
return std::make_shared<Amg::AMG<Operator,X,ParSmoother,COMM> > (linearoperator, configuration, comm);
} else {
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know AMG smoother type '" + smoother + "'!\n");
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know parallel preconditioner type '" + id + "'!\n");
@@ -213,7 +277,7 @@ namespace Dune {
return std::make_shared<MINRESSolver<X> > (linearoperator, preconditioner, configuration);
if (id == "RestartedGMResSolver")
return std::make_shared<RestartedGMResSolver<X> > (linearoperator, preconditioner, configuration);
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know solver type '" + id + "'!\n");
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know sequential solver type '" + id + "'!\n");
@@ -222,15 +286,19 @@ namespace Dune {
\param preconditioner The preconditioner to be given to the solver.
\param id A string matching the type name of the desired solver.
\param configuration A ParameterTree subsection containing configuration parameters for the solver.
\param comm The communicator to be used by the solver.
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
template <typename X>
template <typename X, typename COMM>
static std::shared_ptr<InverseOperator<X,X> > create (std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,X> > linearoperator,
std::shared_ptr<ScalarProduct<X> > scalarproduct,
std::shared_ptr<Preconditioner<X,X> > preconditioner,
std::string id, const ParameterTree& configuration)
std::string id, const ParameterTree& configuration,
const COMM& comm)
// Create suitable scalar product
auto scalarproduct = ScalarProductChooser::construct<X> (preconditioner->category(), comm);
if (id == "BiCGSTABSolver")
return std::make_shared<BiCGSTABSolver<X> > (linearoperator, scalarproduct, preconditioner, configuration);
if (id == "CGSolver")
@@ -245,7 +313,7 @@ namespace Dune {
return std::make_shared<MINRESSolver<X> > (linearoperator, scalarproduct, preconditioner, configuration);
if (id == "RestartedGMResSolver")
return std::make_shared<RestartedGMResSolver<X> > (linearoperator, scalarproduct, preconditioner, configuration);
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know solver type '" + id + "'!\n");
DUNE_THROW(ISTLError, "Factory does not know parallel solver type '" + id + "'!\n");
@@ -258,7 +326,7 @@ namespace Dune {
\brief Creates a solver with a preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\brief Creates a sequential solver with a preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\param A The matrix to be solved.
\param configuration A ParameterTree containing preconditioner and solver types as well as their configuration.
\param group The name of the ParameterTree section defining the solver and preconditioner type.
@@ -290,6 +358,55 @@ namespace Dune {
auto preconditioner = PreconditionerFactory::create<X, X> (precond_id, A, precondconf);
return SolverFactory::create (madapt, preconditioner, solver_id, solverconf);
\brief Creates a parallel solver with a preconditioner from a ParameterTree.
\param A The matrix to be solved.
\param comm The communicator to be used.
\param configuration A ParameterTree containing preconditioner and solver types as well as their configuration.
\param group The name of the ParameterTree section defining the solver and preconditioner type.
See \ref ISTL_Factory for the ParameterTree layout and examples.
template <typename X, typename COMM, typename M>
static std::shared_ptr<InverseOperator<X,X> > create (const M& A,
const COMM& comm,
ParameterTree& configuration,
std::string group = "solver")
// Read selection of precond and solver
auto subconf = configuration.sub (group);
// Pass to sequential case if parallel is not activated
if (subconf.get<bool>("parallel", false) == false)
return create<X>(A, configuration, group);
std::string solver_id = subconf["solver"];
std::string precond_id = subconf["precond"];
// Get subtrees of precond and solver
auto precondconf = configuration.sub (precond_id);
auto solverconf = configuration.sub (solver_id);
// Set verbosity to 0 for all but rank 0
if (comm.communicator().rank() != 0) {
precondconf["verbose"] = "0";
solverconf["verbose"] = "0";
// If type is specified explicitly, use it
precond_id = precondconf.get ("type", precond_id);
solver_id = solverconf.get ("type", solver_id);
// Need to get the linearoperator from the preconditioner factory in order to pass it to the solver
std::shared_ptr<LinearOperator<X,X> > linearoperator;
// Build precond and solver, return solver
auto preconditioner = PreconditionerFactory::create<COMM, M, X, X> (precond_id, A, precondconf, comm, linearoperator);
return SolverFactory::create<X> (linearoperator, preconditioner, solver_id, solverconf, comm);
} // end namespace