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  • Markus Blatt's avatar
    [bugfix] Fix MPIError in AMG setup for smoother that do communication in constructor. · dca7f4ab
    Markus Blatt authored
    In the case that redistribution to fewer or one process happens on the coarsest
    level, we failed to check whether the process really needs to compute something
    here and did set up the smoother on all processes that had parts of the not yet
    redistributed matrix on it. If the smoother did try to do communication with
    the provided OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication then this rose an MPIError about an
    invalid communicator.
    With this commit we explicitly check whether the communicator has nonzero size
    and only set up the smoother in this case.
    Please note that all offered preconditioners in dune-istl do not do communication
    in the constructor (yet).