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Add JOSS publication

Lukas Riedel requested to merge joss-paper into master

What does this MR do?

Add the JOSS publication paper to this repository. This includes the paper and the bibliography, the figures, the input files for the showcase simulations, and the Python scripts for creating the figures.

Also adds the CITATION.cff Citation File Format file, see #199 (closed).

BEWARE: To reduce repository clutter, potential future updates of the figures will override the previous figures using git rebase. This will invalidate local branches. Please do not merge such diverged local and remote branches. When in doubt, delete the local branch and fetch the remote again.

UPDATE! (2020-08-24)

The JOSS paper has been accepted and published! The publication can be found here:

Is there something that needs to be double checked?


Can this MR be accepted?

  • Review successful 🎉
  • Pipeline passing
  • Squash option set
  • Delete branch option set
  • Added entry to

Assignee: If the Squash option is set, check/update the commit message right before merging!

Related issues

Closes #199 (closed)

Edited by Santiago Ospina De Los Ríos

Merge request reports