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problems.hh 27.46 KiB

#include <cmath>

// dune-fem includes
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/femeoc.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/l1norm.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/l2norm.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
#include <dune/fem/storage/vector.hh>

#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/eulerfluxes.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>

// local includes
#include <dune/fem-dg/models/defaultprobleminterfaces.hh>
#include "chorjo.hh"

namespace Dune {

//typedef float FIELDTYPE;
typedef double FIELDTYPE;

template <class GridType> 
class ProblemBase : 
  public EvolutionProblemInterface< 
              Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimensionworld, GridType::dimensionworld+2>,
              false >
  typedef EvolutionProblemInterface<
              Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimensionworld, GridType::dimensionworld+2>,
              false > BaseType ;

  using BaseType :: evaluate ;
  using BaseType::fixedTimeFunction;

  typedef Dune::Fem::Parameter ParameterType;

  enum { Inflow = 1, Outflow = 2, Reflection = 3 , Slip = 4 }; 
  enum { MaxBnd = Slip };
  typedef Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, GridType::dimension+2 > FunctionSpaceType ;

  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld };  
  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeType  RangeType ;
  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainType DomainType ;

  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeFieldType  RangeFieldType ;
  typedef RangeFieldType FieldType ;

  const FieldType  gamma_;
  const FieldType  V_;
  const int eocId_ ;

  ProblemBase() : gamma_( 1.4 ), V_( 1.0 ), eocId_( addToFemEoc() )  {}
  ProblemBase( const FieldType gamma, const FieldType  V ) 
    : gamma_( gamma ), V_( V ), eocId_( addToFemEoc() ) {}

  int addToFemEoc() const 
    return Dune::Fem::FemEoc::addEntry(std::string("$L^1$-error"));

  FieldType gamma() const { return gamma_ ; }
  FieldType V () const { return V_; }

  virtual double endTime () const { return 0.1 ; }

  virtual std::string dataPrefix() const { return "euler" ; }

  void bg ( const DomainType&, RangeType& ) const {}

  /*  \brief calculate EOC between exact and numerical solution 
   *  \param[in] tp     time provider 
   *  \param[in] u      numerical solution 
   *  \param[in] eocId  for FemEoc
   *  \return true if no EOC was calculated 
  template< class TimeProviderType, class DiscreteFunctionType >
  bool calculateEOC( TimeProviderType& tp, DiscreteFunctionType& u,
                     const unsigned int eocId ) const
    typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType :: GridPartType  GridPartType;
    Dune::Fem::L1Norm< GridPartType > l1norm( );

    Dune::Fem::FemEoc::setErrors(eocId_, l1norm.distance( fixedTimeFunction( tp.time() ), u ) );
    return true;

  /*  \brief finalize the simulation using the calculated numerical
   *  solution u for this problem
   *  \param[in] variablesToOutput Numerical solution in the suitably chosen var
   *  \param[in] eocloop Specific EOC loop
  template< class DiscreteFunctionType >
  void finalizeSimulation( DiscreteFunctionType& variablesToOutput,
                           const int eocloop) const

  //! methods for gradient based indicator 
  bool twoIndicators() const { return false ; }

  //! methods for gradient based indicator 
  double indicator1( const DomainType& xgl, const RangeType& u ) const
    // use density as indicator 
    return u[ 0 ];

  virtual int boundaryId ( const int id ) const 
    return 2;

// Initial Data
template <class GridType>
class U0Smooth1D : public ProblemBase < GridType >
  typedef ProblemBase < GridType > BaseType ;
  typedef typename BaseType :: RangeType   RangeType ;
  typedef typename BaseType :: DomainType  DomainType ;

  using BaseType :: gamma ;
  using BaseType :: evaluate ;

  DomainType u_;
  std::string myName;

  U0Smooth1D() : BaseType( 1.4, 1.0 ),
    u_(0), myName("Advection") 

  void init() 
    enum { dim = DomainType :: dimension  };
    u_[ 0 ] = std::cos(M_PI/5.0);
    for(int i=1; i<dim; ++i)
      u_[ i ] = std::sin(M_PI/5.0);

  double endtime() {
    return 0.2;

  void evaluate(const DomainType& x, const double time, RangeType& res) const 
    enum { dimR = RangeType :: dimension  };
    enum { dim = DomainType :: dimension  };

    res = 0;
    DomainType y(0.5);
    const double p = 0.3;

    double tmp_c[dim], tmp=0.0, u_sq=0.0;
    for(int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
      tmp_c[i] = x[i] - y[i] - time * u_[i];
      tmp += tmp_c[i]*tmp_c[i];
      u_sq += u_[i] * u_[i];
    tmp *= 16.0;

    const double cos_tmp = cos(tmp * M_PI) + 1.0;
    const double rho = (tmp > 1.0)? 0.5: 0.25 * cos_tmp*cos_tmp + 0.5;

    res[0] = rho;
    for(int i=0; i<dim; i++) res[1+i] = u_[i] * rho;
    res[dim+1] = p/(gamma() - 1.0) + 0.5*rho*u_sq;

  std::string dataPrefix() const { return "smooth1d"; }

// Initial Data
template <class GridType>
class U0FFS : public ProblemBase< GridType > {
  typedef ProblemBase< GridType > BaseType ;
  typedef typename BaseType :: RangeType   RangeType ;
  typedef typename BaseType :: DomainType  DomainType ;

  using BaseType :: gamma ;
  using BaseType :: V ;

  U0FFS() : BaseType( 1.4, 3.0 ),
            myName("Forward Facing Step") {}

  const std::string myName;

  double endtime() 
    return 5.0;

  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, double t, RangeType& res) const 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(double t,const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const 
    enum { dimR = RangeType :: dimension };
    // reset all values 
    res = 0;
    // initial values
    res[0] = gamma(); // density 
    res[1] = V() * res[0]; // velocity-x 
    res[dimR-1] = 8.8;

    //std::cout << "Initial value : "<< res << "\n";
    //RangeType prim; 
    //cons2prim( res, prim );
    //std::cout << "Initial value : "<< prim << "\n";

  void cons2prim(const RangeType& u,RangeType& v) const {
    v[0] = u[0];
    enum { dimDomain = BaseType :: dimDomain };
    for (int i=1;i<=dimDomain;i++) 
      v[i] = u[i]/u[0];
    v[dimDomain+1] = EulerAnalyticalFlux<dimDomain>().pressure(gamma,u);

  int boundaryId( const int id ) const 
    return (id > BaseType::MaxBnd) ? BaseType::MaxBnd : id;

  int determineBndId(const DomainType& x) const 
    if( x[0] <= 1e-8     ) return 1; // Inflow 
    if( x[0] >= 3.0-1e-8 ) return 2; // Outflow 
    // reflection elsewhere 
    return 3;

  std::string dataPrefix() const { return "ffs"; }

template <class GridType>
class U0Sod : public ProblemBase< GridType > {
  double T,startTime;
  Dune::Fem::FieldVectorAdapter<FieldVector<double,6> > Ulr;  
  enum { dim = GridType :: dimension };
  typedef ProblemBase< GridType > BaseType ;
  typedef typename BaseType :: RangeType   RangeType ;
  typedef typename BaseType :: DomainType  DomainType ;

  typedef typename BaseType :: ParameterType ParameterType;

  using BaseType :: gamma ;
  using BaseType :: V ;

  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld,
         dimRange = dimDomain+2,
         energ = dimRange-1};  

  U0Sod() : T(0.4), startTime(0), flag(0) {
    myName = "RP-Sod";
    // default is sod's rp
    Ulr[0] = 1.0;
    Ulr[3] = 0.125;
    Ulr[1] = 0.;
    Ulr[4] = 0.;
    Ulr[2] = 1.0;
    Ulr[5] = 0.1;
    //ParameterType::get("euler.riemanndata", Ulr, Ulr );
    T = ParameterType::getValue("femhowto.endTime", T);
    ParameterType::get("femhowto.startTime", startTime, startTime );
    flag = ParameterType::getValue("euler.problemflag", flag);

  int boundaryId( const int id ) const 
    return ( id > 2 ) ? BaseType::Reflection : id;
    //return BaseType::Inflow;
    //return ( id == 1 ) ? BaseType::Inflow : BaseType::Outflow ;
    //return BaseType::OutFlow;
    //return (id > BaseType::Inflow) ? BaseType::OutFlow : id;

  double endtime() {
    return T;
  double saveinterval() {
    return 0.01;
  bool useReflectBndLR() const {
    return false;
  bool useReflectBndTB() const {
    return flag==0;

  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, const double t, RangeType& res) const 
    if (flag==0) {
      res[2] = 0.;
      if (t>1e-8) {
      else {
        if (arg[0]<0.5) {
        } else {
    else {
      DomainType c(0.075);
      DomainType velo(0.5);
      c[0] = 0.1;  
      velo[0] = 4.5;
      DomainType x(arg);
      DomainType v(velo);
      x -= c;
      v *= t;
      x -= v;
      double r2=0.004;
      double z=x*x/r2;
      res[0] = 0.1;
      if (flag<=3) {
        if (z < 1.) {
          if (flag==1) {
            double f = 0.5*(cos(z*M_PI)+1.);
            double pf = pow(f,4.);
            res[0] += pf;
          else if (flag==2)
            res[0] += (1.-z);
            res[0] += 1.0;
      } else if (flag>=4) {
        double s = 1.;
        for (int i=0;i<dimDomain;++i)
          s *= sin(M_PI*x[i]);
        if (flag==4)
          res[0] = 0.6+0.5*s;
        else if (flag==5 || flag==6 || flag==7 || flag==8) {
          while (x[0]<0)    x[0]+=1.;
          while (x[0]>1)    x[0]-=1.;
          while (x[1]<0)    x[1]+=0.25;
          while (x[1]>0.25) x[1]-=0.25;
          res[0] = 0.6+0.5*std::abs(sin(M_PI*x[0]))*std::abs(sin(2.*M_PI*x[1]));
          if (flag==6) 
            if (x[0]-M_PI*x[1]>0)
          if (flag==7)
            if (x[0]<0.5)
          if (flag==8)
            if (x[1]<0.1)
      for (int i=0;i<dimDomain;++i)
        res[i+1] = velo[i];
      res[energ] = 0.4;
    double kinEnerg = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<dimDomain;++i) {
      kinEnerg += res[i+1]*res[i+1];
      res[i+1] *= res[0];
    kinEnerg *= 0.5*res[0];
    res[energ]  = res[energ]/(gamma()-1.0)+kinEnerg;
  void chorin(double t,double x,
        double& q_erg,double& u_erg,double& p_erg) const
  void printmyInfo(std::string filename)
    std::ostringstream filestream;
    filestream << filename;

    std::ofstream ofs(filestream.str().c_str(), std::ios::app);
    ofs << "Problem: " << myName << "\n\n"
        << "gamma = " << gamma() << "\n\n";
    ofs << "\n\n";
  std::string dataPrefix() const { return myName; }
  std::string myName;
  int flag;

template< class Grid >
class U0P123
: public ProblemBase< Grid >
  typedef ProblemBase< Grid > BaseType;

  static const int dimension = Grid::dimension;

  double T, startTime;
  Dune::Fem::FieldVectorAdapter< FieldVector< double, 6 > > Ulr;

  typedef typename BaseType::RangeType RangeType;
  typedef typename BaseType::DomainType DomainType;

  typedef typename BaseType :: ParameterType ParameterType;

  using BaseType::gamma;
  using BaseType::V;

  static const int dimDomain = Grid::dimensionworld;
  static const int dimRange = dimDomain + 2;
  static const int energ = dimRange - 1;

  U0P123 ()
  : T( 0.4 ),
    startTime( 0 )
    myName = "RP-123";
    Ulr[0] = 1.0;
    Ulr[3] = 1.0;
    Ulr[1] = -2.0;
    Ulr[4] = 2.0;
    Ulr[2] = 0.4;
    Ulr[5] = 0.4;
    T = ParameterType::getValue( "femhowto.endTime", T );
    ParameterType::get( "femhowto.startTime", startTime, startTime );

  int boundaryId ( const int id ) const 
    return ( id > 2 ) ? BaseType::Reflection : id;
    //return BaseType::Inflow;
    //return ( id == 1 ) ? BaseType::Inflow : BaseType::Outflow ;
    //return BaseType::OutFlow;
    //return (id > BaseType::Inflow) ? BaseType::OutFlow : id;

  double endtime () { return T; }
  double saveinterval () { return 0.01; }
  bool useReflectBndLR() const { return false; }
  bool useReflectBndTB() const { return true; }

  void evaluate ( const DomainType &arg, double t, RangeType &res ) const
    res[2] = 0.;
    if( t > 1e-8 )
      chorin( t, arg[ 0 ] - 0.5, res[ 0 ], res[ 1 ], res[ 3 ] );
      if( arg[ 0 ] < 0.5 )
        res[0]= Ulr[ 0 ];
        res[1]= Ulr[ 1 ];
        res[3]= Ulr[ 2 ];
        res[ 0 ] = Ulr[ 3 ];
        res[ 1 ] = Ulr[ 4 ];
        res[ 3 ] = Ulr[ 5 ];
    double kinEnerg = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
      kinEnerg += res[ i+1 ]*res[ i+1 ];
      res[ i+1 ] *= res[ 0 ];
    kinEnerg *= 0.5*res[ 0 ];
    res[energ]  = res[ energ ] / (gamma()-1.0) + kinEnerg;

  void chorin ( double t, double x, double &q_erg, double &u_erg, double &p_erg ) const
    EULERCHORIN::lsg( x, t, &q_erg, &u_erg, &p_erg, Ulr[ 0 ], Ulr[ 3 ], Ulr[ 1 ], Ulr[ 4 ], Ulr[ 2 ], Ulr[ 5 ], gamma() );

  void printmyInfo( const std::string &filename )
    std::ostringstream filestream;
    filestream << filename;

    std::ofstream ofs(filestream.str().c_str(), std::ios::app);
    ofs << "Problem: " << myName << "\n\n"
        << "gamma = " << gamma() << "\n\n";
    ofs << "\n\n";

  std::string dataPrefix () const { return myName; }

  std::string myName;

#if 0
// Diffraction 
template <class GridType>
class U0Diffraction : public ProblemBase< GridType > {
  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld };  
  typedef FunctionSpace<double,double,dimDomain,dimDomain+2> FunctionSpaceType;
  U0Diffraction() : 
    gamma(1.4),myName("Shock Diffraction Problem")
  , pAB_( pAlphaBeta( V() ) )
  , rhoAB_( rhoAlphaBeta( pAB_ ) )
  // c = std::sqrt( 1.4 * 1 / 1.4 ) = 1 
  , us_ ( u_s(1., pAB_ ))
  U0Diffraction(std::string,double,bool diff_timestep=true) : 
    gamma(1.4),myName("Shock Diffraction Problem")
  , pAB_( pAlphaBeta( V() ) )
  , rhoAB_( rhoAlphaBeta( pAB_ ) )
  , us_ ( u_s(1., pAB_ ))

  // public member, Andreas .....
  const double gamma;
  const std::string myName;
  const double pAB_;
  const double rhoAB_;
  const double us_;

  void printmyInfo(std::string filename) {}
  double endtime() 
    return 2.3;

  double V() const { return 5.09; }
  double pAlphaBeta(const double machNumber ) const 
    return ( 1. + ( (2*gamma)/(gamma+1) * ( (machNumber*machNumber) - 1.) ) );
  double rhoAlphaBeta(const double pAB ) const 
    const double gammaPlusMinus = ((gamma+1.)/(gamma-1.));
    return (1. + gammaPlusMinus * pAB ) /( gammaPlusMinus + pAB );

  double u_s (const double c, double pAB ) const 
    return c/gamma * (pAB - 1.) * std::sqrt(((2*gamma)/(gamma+1))/(pAB + ((gamma-1.)/(gamma+1.)) )); 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg,double t, RangeType& res) const 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(double t,const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const 
    enum { dimR = RangeType :: dimension };
    enum { e = dimR - 1 };

    // reset all values 
    res = 0;
    // density 
    res[0] = gamma; 

    // pressure 
    res[e] = 1;

    // check area 
    double x = arg[0];
    if( x <= 0.5 ) 
      res[0] *= rhoAB_;
      res[1] = us_;
      res[e] *= pAB_;

    const double sqrVelo = res[1] * res[1];

    // get impuls 
    res[1] *= res[0];

    // calculate energy 
    res[e] = res[e]/(gamma-1.) + 0.5 * sqrVelo * res[0];

    //std::cout << "Initial value : "<< res << "\n";
    //RangeType prim; 
    //cons2prim( res, prim );
    //std::cout << "Initial value : "<< prim << "\n";

  template <class RangeType>
  void cons2prim(const RangeType& u,RangeType& v) const {
    v[0] = u[0];
    for (int i=1;i<=dimDomain;i++) 
      v[i] = u[i]/u[0];
    v[dimDomain+1] = EulerFlux<dimDomain>().pressure(gamma,u);

  template <class DomainType>
  int determineBndId(const DomainType& x) const 
    if( x[0] <= 0.) return 1;
    if( x[1] >= 11.0 ) return 4;
    if( x[0] >= 13.0 ) return 2;
    return 3;
// Diffraction 
template <class GridType>
class U0DoubleMachReflect : public ProblemBase {
  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld };  
  typedef FunctionSpace<double,double,dimDomain,dimDomain+2> FunctionSpaceType;
  U0DoubleMachReflect() : 
    gamma(1.4),myName("Double Mach Reflection")
  , pAB_( pAlphaBeta( V() ) )
  , rhoAB_( rhoAlphaBeta( pAB_ ) )
  // c = sqrt( 1.4 * 1 / 1.4 ) = 1 
  , us_ ( u_s(1., pAB_ ))
  U0DoubleMachReflect(std::string,double,bool diff_timestep=true) : 
    gamma(1.4),myName("Double Mach Reflection")
  , pAB_( pAlphaBeta( V() ) )
  , rhoAB_( rhoAlphaBeta( pAB_ ) )
  , us_ ( u_s(1., pAB_ ))

  // public member, Andreas .....
  const double gamma;
  const std::string myName;
  const double pAB_;
  const double rhoAB_;
  const double us_;

  void printmyInfo(std::string filename) {}
  double endtime() 
    return 1.0;

  double V() const { return 10.; }
  double pAlphaBeta(const double machNumber ) const 
    return ( 1. + ( (2*gamma)/(gamma+1) * ( (machNumber*machNumber) - 1.) ) );
  double rhoAlphaBeta(const double pAB ) const 
    const double gammaPlusMinus = ((gamma+1.)/(gamma-1.));
    return (1. + gammaPlusMinus * pAB ) /( gammaPlusMinus + pAB );

  double u_s (const double c, double pAB ) const 
    return c/gamma * (pAB - 1.) * std::sqrt(((2*gamma)/(gamma+1))/(pAB + ((gamma+1.)/(gamma-1.)))); 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg,double t, RangeType& res) const 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(double t,const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const 
    enum { dimR = RangeType :: dimension };
    enum { e = dimR - 1 };

    // reset all values 
    res = 0;
    // density 
    res[0] = gamma; 

    // pressure 
    res[e] = 1;

    // check area 
    double x = arg[0];
    if( x <= 0. ) 
      res[0] *= rhoAB_;
      res[1] = us_;
      res[e] *= pAB_;

    const double sqrVelo = res[1] * res[1];

    // get impuls 
    res[1] *= res[0];

    // calculate energy 
    res[e] = res[e]/(gamma-1.) + 0.5 * sqrVelo * res[0];

    //std::cout << "Conservative value : "<< res << "\n";
    //RangeType prim; 
    //cons2prim( res, prim );
    //std::cout << "Primitve value : "<< prim << "\n";

  template <class RangeType>
  void cons2prim(const RangeType& u,RangeType& v) const {
    v[0] = u[0];
    for (int i=1;i<=dimDomain;i++) 
      v[i] = u[i]/u[0];
    v[dimDomain+1] = EulerFlux<dimDomain>().pressure(gamma,u);
// ShockBubble  
template <class GridType>
class U0ShockBubble : public ProblemBase {
  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld };  
  typedef FunctionSpace<double,double,dimDomain,dimDomain+2> FunctionSpaceType;

  typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainType DomainType;
  // public member, Andreas .....
  const double gamma;
  const std::string myName;
  DomainType center_; 
  const double radius2_; 

  U0ShockBubble() : 
    gamma(1.4),myName("Shock Bubble Problem")  
   , center_(0.5) , radius2_( 0.2 * 0.2 ) 
    center_[dimDomain-1] = 0;
  U0ShockBubble(std::string,double,bool diff_timestep=true) : 
    gamma(1.4),myName("Shock Bubble Problem") 
   , center_(0) , radius2_( 0.2 * 0.2 ) 
    center_[0] = 0.5;

  void printmyInfo(std::string filename) {}
  double endtime() 
    return 0.3;

  double V() const { return 2.95; }
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg,double t, RangeType& res) const 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(double t, const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const 
    enum { dimR = RangeType :: dimension };

    // reset all values 
    res = 0;
    // behind shock 
    if ( arg[0] <= 0.2 ) 
      const double gamma1 = gamma-1.;
      // pressure left of shock 
      const double pinf = 10.0;
      const double rinf = ( gamma1 + (gamma+1)*pinf )/( (gamma+1) + gamma1*pinf );
      const double vinf = V();
      //(1.0/std::sqrt(gamma)) * (pinf - 1.)/
      //        std::sqrt( 0.5*((gamma+1)/gamma) * pinf + 0.5*gamma1/gamma);

      res[0] = rinf;
      res[dimR-1] = 0.5*rinf*vinf*vinf + pinf/gamma1;

      //res[1] = vinf * rinf;
      res[1] = V() * rinf;

      const double gamma1 = gamma-1.;
      // pressure left of shock 
      const double pinf = 5;
      const double rinf = ( gamma1 + (gamma+1)*pinf )/( (gamma+1) + gamma1*pinf );
      const double vinf = (1.0/std::sqrt(gamma)) * (pinf - 1.)/
              std::sqrt( 0.5*((gamma+1)/gamma) * pinf + 0.5*gamma1/gamma);

      res[0] = rinf;
      res[dimR-1] = 0.5*rinf*vinf*vinf + pinf/gamma1;
      res[1] = vinf * rinf;

      //RangeType prim;
      //cons2prim( res, prim );
      //std::cout << "Primitve behind: "<< prim << "\n";
    else if( (arg - center_).two_norm2() <= radius2_ ) 
      res[0] = 0.1;
      // pressure in bubble  
      res[dimR-1] = 2.5;

      //RangeType prim; 
      //cons2prim( res, prim );
      //std::cout << "Primitve inside : "<< prim << "\n";
    // elsewhere 
      res[0] = 1;
      res[dimR-1] = 2.5;

      //RangeType prim; 
      //cons2prim( res, prim );
      //std::cout << "Primitve outside : "<< prim << "\n";

  template <class RangeType>
  void cons2prim(const RangeType& u,RangeType& v) const {
    v[0] = u[0];
    for (int i=1;i<=dimDomain;i++) 
      v[i] = u[i]/u[0];
    v[dimDomain+1] = EulerFlux<dimDomain>().pressure(gamma,u);
template <class GridType>
class U0Sin : public ProblemBase {
  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld };  
  typedef FunctionSpace<double,double,dimDomain,dimDomain+2> FunctionSpaceType;
  U0Sin() : 
    gamma(), startTime(0) {
  U0Sin(std::string,double,bool diff_timestep=true) : 
    gamma(1.4), startTime(0) {
  double endtime() {
    return 2.;
  double saveinterval() {
    return 0.1;
  bool useReflectBndLR() const {
    return false;
  bool useReflectBndTB() const {
    return true;

  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg,double t, RangeType& res) const 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(double t,const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
    int e = DomainType::size + 1;
    double x = (arg[0]-10.);
    if (x<0) {
      res[1]=-0.920279;      // 2.629369;
    } else if (x<10) {
      res[0]= 1. + 0.2 * sin(5.*x);
      res[1]=-3.549648;     // 0.0
    } else {
      res[0]= 1.;
      res[1]=-3.549648;     // 0.0
    res[1] *= res[0];
    res[e] = res[e]/(gamma-1.0)+
  void printmyInfo(std::string filename)
    std::ostringstream filestream;
    filestream << filename;

    std::ofstream ofs(filestream.str().c_str(), std::ios::app);
    ofs << "Problem: " << myName << "\n\n"
        << "gamma = " << gamma << "\n\n";
    ofs << "\n\n";
  double gamma,startTime;
  std::string myName;
template <class GridType>
class U0RotatingCone : public ProblemBase {
  enum { dimDomain = GridType::dimensionworld };  
  typedef FunctionSpace<double,double,dimDomain,dimDomain+2> FunctionSpaceType;
  U0RotatingCone() : 
    gamma(), startTime(0) {
  U0RotatingCone(std::string,double,bool diff_timestep=true) : 
    gamma(1.4), startTime(0) {
  double endtime() {
    return 0.5;
  double saveinterval() {
    return 0.01;
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(const DomainType& arg,double t, RangeType& res) const 
  template <class DomainType, class RangeType>
  void evaluate(double t,const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res) const {
    DomainType c(0.5);
    DomainType x=arg;
    double r2=0.04;
    if (x*x < r2) {
      res[0] =cos(x*x/r2*M_PI)+2;
    else {
      res[0] = 1.0;
    if (DomainType::size>1) {
      res[1] = x[1]*res[0];
      res[2] = -x[0]*res[0];
    } else {
      res[1] = -1.*res[0];
    res[DomainType::size+1] = 2.;
    if (arg.size>1) {
      res[DomainType::size+1] += 
    } else {
      res[DomainType::size+1] += 
  void printmyInfo(std::string filename)
    std::ostringstream filestream;
    filestream << filename;

    std::ofstream ofs(filestream.str().c_str(), std::ios::app);
    ofs << "Problem: " << myName << "\n\n"
        << "gamma = " << gamma << "\n\n";
    ofs << "\n\n";
  double gamma,startTime;
  std::string myName;


} // end namespace Dune


/* CLAWPACK example
 * Uin value in bubble
 * Uout values outside bubble rigth of shock
 * Uinf values left of shock
 * 0.0              t0          = initial time
 * 0.0              xlower      = left edge of computational domain
 * 1.2              xupper      = right edge of computational domain
 * 0.0              ylower      = bottom edge of computational domain
 * 0.5              yupper      = top edge of computational domain
 * 0.0              zlower      = front edge of computational domain
 * 0.5              zupper      = back edge of computational domain
 * 1.4                       gamma
 * 0.5    0.5    0.2         x0, y0, r0:  center and radius of bubble
 * 0.1                       rhoin: density in bubble
 * 5.0                       pinf:  pressure behind shock
 * # density outside bubble and pressure ahead of shock are fixed:
 * rhoout = 1.d0
 * pout   = 1.d0
 * pin    = 1.d0
 * # Compute density and velocity behind shock from Hugoniot relations:
 * # gamma1 = gamma-1
 * rinf = ( gamma1 + (gamma+1)*pinf )/( (gamma+1) + gamma1*pinf )
 * vinf = (1.0d0/sqrt(gamma)) * (pinf - 1.d0)/
 *        sqrt( 0.5*((gamma+1)/gamma) * pinf + 0.5*gamma1/gamma )
 * einf = 0.5*rinf*vinf*vinf + pinf/gamma1