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problemcreator.hh 6.27 KiB

#include <config.h>

//#define WANT_ISTL 1

#ifndef NDEBUG 
// enable fvector and fmatrix checking


#include <dune/fem-dg/main/codegen.hh>
#include "passtraits.hh"

// dune-grid includes
#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfparser.hh>

// dune-fem includes
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>

// dune-fem-dg includes
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/diffusionflux.hh>

#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/dg/dgoperatorchoice.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/noflux.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/assemble/primalmatrix.hh>

#include <dune/fem-dg/solver/linearsolvers.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/stepper/ellipt.hh>

// local includes
#include "poissonproblem.hh"
#include "models.hh"

template <class GridType> 
struct ProblemGenerator 
  typedef Dune :: ProblemInterface<
             Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, DIMRANGE> >  ProblemType;

  template <class GridPart>
  struct Traits
    typedef ProblemType  InitialDataType;
    typedef PoissonModel< GridPart, InitialDataType > ModelType;
    typedef Dune::NoFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
    // choice of diffusion flux (see diffusionflux.hh for methods)
    static const Dune :: DGDiffusionFluxIdentifier PrimalDiffusionFluxId 
      = Dune :: method_general ;

  // type of stepper to be used
  template < class Traits >
  struct Stepper
    typedef EllipticAlgorithm< GridType, Traits, POLORDER > Type; 

  static inline std::string diffusionFluxName()
#if (defined PRIMALDG)
    return Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >("dgdiffusionflux.method");
    return "LDG";

  static inline Dune::GridPtr<GridType> initializeGrid()
    // use default implementation 
    std::string filename = Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >(Dune::Fem::IOInterface::defaultGridKey(GridType :: dimension, false)); 
    std::string description ("poisson-"+diffusionFluxName());
    // initialize grid
    Dune::GridPtr< GridType > gridptr = initialize< GridType >( description );

    std::string::size_type position = std::string::npos;
    if( GridType::dimension == 2) 
      position = filename.find("mesh3");
    if( GridType::dimension == 3 )
      position = filename.find("_locraf.msh" );

    std::string::size_type locraf = filename.find("locrafgrid_");

    std::string::size_type checkerboard = filename.find("heckerboard" );;

    GridType& grid = *gridptr ;

    const int refineelement = 1 ;

    bool nonConformOrigin = Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< bool > ( "poisson.nonConformOrigin",false );

    if ( nonConformOrigin )
      std::cout << "Create local refined grid" << std::endl;
      if( grid.comm().rank() == 0)
        typedef typename GridType:: template Codim<0>::LeafIterator IteratorType;
        IteratorType endit = grid.template leafend<0>();
        for(IteratorType it = grid.template leafbegin<0>(); it != endit ; ++it)
          const typename IteratorType :: Entity & entity = *it ;
          const typename IteratorType :: Entity :: Geometry& geo = entity.geometry();
          if ( < 0.5)
            grid.mark(refineelement, entity );
    else if ( position != std::string::npos || 
              locraf   != std::string::npos ) 
      std::cout << "Create local refined grid" << std::endl;
      if( grid.comm().rank() == 0)
        typedef typename GridType:: template Codim<0>::LeafIterator IteratorType;
        Dune::FieldVector<double,GridType::dimension> point(1.0);
        if( locraf != std::string::npos ) point[ 0 ] = 3.0;
        const int loops = ( GridType::dimension == 2 ) ? 2 : 1;
        for (int i=0; i < loops; ++i)
          point /= 2.0 ;

          IteratorType endit = grid.template leafend<0>();
          for(IteratorType it = grid.template leafbegin<0>(); it != endit ; ++it)
            const typename IteratorType :: Entity & entity = *it ;
            const typename IteratorType :: Entity :: Geometry& geo = entity.geometry();
            bool inside = true ; 
            const int corners = geo.corners();
            for( int c = 0; c<corners; ++ c) 
              for( int i = 0; i<GridType::dimension; ++i )
                if( geo.corner( c )[ i ] - point[ i ] > 1e-8 ) 
                  inside = false ; 
                  break ;
            if( inside ) grid.mark(refineelement, entity );
    else if ( checkerboard != std::string::npos ) 
      std::cout << "Create Checkerboard mesh" << std::endl;
      int moduloNum = 32 ;
      for( int i = 2; i<32; i *= 2 ) 
        std::stringstream key; 
        key << i << "x" << i << "x" << i;
        std::string::size_type counter = filename.find( key.str() );
        if( counter != std::string::npos ) 
          moduloNum = i;
          break ;

      std::cout << "Found checkerboard cell number " << moduloNum << std::endl;

      if( grid.comm().rank() == 0)
        typedef typename GridType:: template Codim<0>::LeafIterator IteratorType;
        IteratorType endit = grid.template leafend<0>();
        int count = 1;
        int modul = 1; // start with 1, such that the fine cube is at (0,0,0)
        for(IteratorType it = grid.template leafbegin<0>(); it != endit ; ++it, ++ count )
          const typename IteratorType :: Entity & entity = *it ;
          if( count % 2 == modul ) 
            grid.mark(refineelement, entity );

          if( count % moduloNum == 0 ) 
            modul = 1 - modul ;

          if( count % (moduloNum * moduloNum) == 0 )
            modul = 1 - modul ;

    // adapt the grid 

    //Dune :: GrapeGridDisplay< GridType > grape( grid );
    //grape.display ();

    return gridptr ;

  static ProblemType* problem( )
    // choice of benchmark problem 
    int probNr = Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< int > ( "femhowto.problem" );
    return new Dune :: PoissonProblem< GridType > ( probNr );