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Commit 246353f3 authored by Andreas Dedner's avatar Andreas Dedner
Browse files

added an example with a source term (shallow water)

Some issue with the boundary conditions need to be looked into
parent fea22ee5
1 merge request!4Latest features added to dune-fem-dg.
Checking pipeline status
import time
from dune.grid import structuredGrid, cartesianDomain
from dune.fem import parameter
import dune.create as create
from dune.femdg import createFemDGSolver
# from ufl import *
from shallowwater import leVeque as problem
Model, initial, x0,x1,N, endTime, name = problem()
parameter.append({"fem.verboserank": -1})
grid = structuredGrid(x0,x1,N)
dimR = grid.dimension + 1
t = 0
count = 0
saveStep = 0.01
saveTime = saveStep
def initialize(space):
return space.interpolate(Model.toCons(initial), name='u_h')
def useODESolver(polOrder=2, limiter='default'):
global count, t, saveTime
polOrder = polOrder
space ="dgonb", grid, order=polOrder, dimrange=dimR)
u_h = initialize(space)
eta, v = Model.toPrim(u_h)
operator = createFemDGSolver( Model, space, limiter=limiter )
operator.applyLimiter( u_h );
print("number of elements: ",grid.size(0),flush=True)
number=count, subsampling=2)
start = time.time()
tcount = 0
while t < endTime:
dt = operator.deltaT()
t += dt
tcount += 1
if tcount%100 == 0:
print('[',tcount,']','dt = ', dt, 'time = ',t, 'count = ',count, flush=True )
if t > saveTime:
count += 1
number=count, subsampling=2)
saveTime += saveStep
print("time loop:",time.time()-start)
print("number of time steps ", tcount)
number=count, subsampling=2)
useODESolver(2,'default') # third order with limiter
fem.verboserank: 0
# number of threads used in OMP program
fem.parallel.numberofthreads: 1
# write diagnostics file (
# 0 don't, 1 only speedup file, 2 write all runfiles
# 3 only write 0, others at end, 4 all files at end for scaling)
fem.parallel.diagnostics: 1
# if true non-blocking communication is enabled
femdg.nonblockingcomm: true
fem.threads.verbose: true
# if true thread 0 only communicates data but does not computation
fem.threads.communicationthread: false
fem.threads.partitioningmethod: sfc
fem.ode.odesolver: EX # ode solvers: EX, IM, IMEX
# fem.ode.order: 3
fem.ode.verbose: cfl # ode output: none, cfl, full
fem.ode.cflincrease: 1.25
fem.ode.miniterations: 95
fem.ode.maxiterations: 105
fem.ode.cflStart: 1.
#fem.ode.cflMax: 5
fem.timeprovider.factor: 0.45
fem.timeprovider.updatestep: 1
femdg.stepper.maxtimestep: 1e-3
# parameter for the implicit solvers
fem.solver.verbose: false
fem.solver.gmres.restart: 15
fem.solver.newton.verbose: false
fem.solver.newton.linear.verbose: false
fem.solver.newton.maxlineariterations: 1000
fem.solver.newton.tolerance: 1e-10
dgdiffusionflux.method: CDG2 # diffusion flux: CDG2, CDG, BR2, IP, NIPG, BO
dgdiffusionflux.theoryparameters: 1 # scaling with theory parameters
dgdiffusionflux.penalty: 0.
dgdiffusionflux.liftfactor: 1.0
# 0 = only dg solution | 1 = only reconstruction | 2 = both
femdg.limiter.admissiblefunctions: 1
# tolerance for shock indicator
femdg.limiter.tolerance: 1
# threshold for avoiding over-excessive limitation
femdg.limiter.limiteps: 1e-8
paramfile: paramBase
# choises are: LLF, HLL, HLLC, LLF2
dgadvectionflux.method: LLF
fem.ode.odesolver: EX
paramfile: paramSolver
from ufl import *
from dune.ufl import Space
def ShallowWater(topography):
dim = 2
space = Space(2,3)
x = SpatialCoordinate(space.cell())
g = 9.81
class Model:
dimension = dim+2
def velo(U):
return as_vector( [U[i]/U[0] for i in range(1,dim+1)] )
def toCons(U,x=x):
v = as_vector( [U[i] for i in range(1,dim+1)] )
return as_vector( [U[0]-topography(x), *(U[0]*v)] )
def toPrim(U,x=x):
return U[0]+topography(x), Model.velo(U)
def F_c(t,x,U):
assert dim==2
h = U[0]
v = Model.velo(U)
p = 0.5*g*h*h
return as_matrix([
[h*v[0], h*v[1]],
[h*v[0]*v[0] + p, h*v[0]*v[1]],
[h*v[0]*v[1], h*v[1]*v[1] + p] ] )
def maxLambda(t,x,U,n):
h = U[0]
v = Model.velo(U)
return abs(dot(v,n)) + sqrt(g*h)
def velocity(t,x,U):
return Model.velo(U)
def physical(U):
return conditional( (U[0]>1e-8), 1, 0 )
def jump(U,V):
hL = U[0]
hR = V[0]
return (hL - hR)/(0.5*(hL + hR))
def S_ns(t,x,U,DU): # or S_s for a stiff source
return as_vector( [0, *(-U[0]*g*grad(topography(x))) ])
boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u,n: Model.F_c(t,x,u)*n}
# boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u: u}
return Model
def leVeque():
cutoff = lambda x: conditional(2./5.<x[0],1,0)*conditional(x[0]<3./5.,1,0)
topography = lambda x: 1./4.*(cos(10*pi*(x[0]-0.5))+1)*cutoff(x)
space = Space(2,3)
x = SpatialCoordinate(space.cell())
initial = conditional(x[0]<0.1,1,conditional(x[0]<0.2,1.2,1))
return ShallowWater(topography) ,\
as_vector( [initial,0,0] ) ,\
[0, 0], [1, 0.25], [64, 16], 0.1,\
0% Loading or .
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