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Commit 78abc3d8 authored by Andreas Dedner's avatar Andreas Dedner
Browse files

improve API for boundary conditions - use a single dictionary and allow to

provide tuples/lists or ranges of ids
parent e9ba2c0c
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1 merge request!4Latest features added to dune-fem-dg.
......@@ -47,25 +47,18 @@ def CompressibleEuler(dim, gamma):
def CompressibleEulerNeuman(dim, gamma):
class Model(CompressibleEuler(dim,gamma)):
def outflowFlux(t,x,u,n):
return Model.F_c(t,x,u)*n
boundaryFlux = {}
for i in range(1,5): boundaryFlux.update( {i: outflowFlux} )
boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u,n: Model.F_c(t,x,u)*n}
return Model
def CompressibleEulerDirichlet(dim, gamma):
class Model(CompressibleEuler(dim,gamma)):
def outflowValue(t,x,u):
return u
boundaryValue = {}
for i in range(1,5): boundaryValue.update( {i: outflowValue} )
boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u: u}
return Model
def CompressibleEulerSlip(dim, gamma):
class Model(CompressibleEuler(dim,gamma)):
def outflowFlux(t,x,u,n):
_,_, p = CompressibleEuler(dim,gamma).toPrim(u)
return as_vector([ 0, *(p*n), 0 ])
boundaryFlux = {}
for i in range(1,5): boundaryFlux.update( {i: outflowFlux} )
boundary = {range(1,5): outflowFlux}
return Model
def riemanProblem(x,x0,UL,UR):
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
fem.verboserank: 0
# number of threads used in OMP program
fem.parallel.numberofthreads: 4
fem.parallel.numberofthreads: 1
# write diagnostics file (
# 0 don't, 1 only speedup file, 2 write all runfiles
# 3 only write 0, others at end, 4 all files at end for scaling)
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
fem.ode.odesolver: EX # ode solvers: EX, IM, IMEX
fem.ode.order: 3
# fem.ode.order: 3
fem.ode.verbose: cfl # ode output: none, cfl, full
fem.ode.cflincrease: 1.25
fem.ode.miniterations: 95
......@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ from ufl import *
gamma = 1.4
dim = 2
from euler import sod as problem
# from euler import radialSod3 as problem
# from euler import sod as problem
from euler import radialSod3 as problem
Model, initial, x0,x1,N, endTime, name = problem(dim,gamma)
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ saveStep = 0.01
saveTime = saveStep
def initialize(space):
return space.interpolate(initial, name='u_h')
if space.order == 0:
return space.interpolate(initial, name='u_h')
......@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ def useODESolver(polOrder=2, limiter='default'):
operator = createFemDGSolver( Model, space, limiter=limiter )
# operator.setTimeStepSize(dt)
# operator.applyLimiter( u_h );
operator.applyLimiter( u_h );
print("number of elements: ",grid.size(0),flush=True)
......@@ -101,9 +103,8 @@ def useODESolver(polOrder=2, limiter='default'):
tcount += 1
if tcount%100 == 0:
print('[',tcount,']','dt = ', dt, 'time = ',t, 'count = ',count, flush=True )
if False: # t > saveTime:
if t > saveTime:
count += 1
# rho, v, p = Model.toPrim(u_h) # is this needed - works for me # without and it should...
celldata={"pressure":p, "maxLambda":Model.maxLambda(0,0,u_h,as_vector([1,0]))},
......@@ -121,6 +122,8 @@ def useODESolver(polOrder=2, limiter='default'):
if True:
# grid = structuredGrid(x0,x1,N)
grid = create.grid("ALUCube", cartesianDomain(x0,x1,N))
# grid.hierarchicalGrid.globalRefine(2)
# grid = create.view("adaptive", grid)
useODESolver(2,'default') # third order with limiter
elif False:
N = [n*10 for n in N]
......@@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ fem.timeprovider.updatestep: 1
# parameter for the implicit solvers
# fem.differenceoperator.eps: 1e-12
fem.solver.gmres.restart: 50
fem.solver.newton.verbose: false
fem.solver.newton.verbose: true
fem.solver.newton.linear.verbose: false
fem.solver.verbose: false
fem.solver.newton.maxlineariterations: 100000
fem.solver.newton.tolerance: 1e-07
fem.solver.newton.linabstol: 1.25e-9
fem.solver.newton.linreduction: 1.25e-9
fem.solver.newton.linabstol: 2e-8
fem.solver.newton.linreduction: 2e-8
dgdiffusionflux.method: CDG2 # diffusion flux: CDG2, CDG, BR2, IP, NIPG, BO
dgdiffusionflux.theoryparameters: 0 # scaling with theory parameters
dgdiffusionflux.penalty: 20.
dgdiffusionflux.theoryparameters: 1 # scaling with theory parameters
dgdiffusionflux.penalty: 0.
dgdiffusionflux.liftfactor: 1.0
......@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ class Transport1D:
def F_c(t,x,U):
return as_matrix( [ [U[0], 0] ] )
def outflowValue(t,x,u):
return u
boundaryValue = {}
for i in range(1,5): boundaryValue.update( {i: outflowValue} )
boundary = {range(1,5): lambda t,x,u: u}
def maxLambda(t,x,U,n):
return abs(n[0])
......@@ -48,19 +45,21 @@ def LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(v,eps,bnd):
class Model(LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,eps)):
def dirichletValue(t,x,u):
return bnd(t,x)
boundaryValue = {1:dirichletValue, 2:dirichletValue}
def zeroFlux(t,x,u,n):
return 0
diffusionBoundaryFlux = {3: zeroFlux, 4: zeroFlux}
if v is not None and eps is not None:
boundary = {(1,2): dirichletValue, (3,4): [zeroFlux,zeroFlux] }
boundary = {(1,2): dirichletValue, (3,4): zeroFlux }
return Model
def LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DDirichlet(v,eps,bnd):
class Model(LinearAdvectionDiffusion1D(v,eps)):
def dirichletValue(t,x,u):
return bnd(t,x)
boundaryValue = {}
for i in range(1,5): boundaryValue.update( {i: dirichletValue} )
boundary = { range(1,5): dirichletValue }
return Model
# burgers problems still need to be adapted to new API
class Burgers1D:
name = 'burgers'
......@@ -96,13 +95,13 @@ def shockTransport():
"shockTransport", None
def sinProblem():
u0 = lambda t,x: as_vector( [sin(2*pi*x[0])] )
return LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(None,0.5,u0), u0(0,x),\
eps = 0.5
u0 = lambda t,x: as_vector( [sin(2*pi*x[0])*exp(-t*eps*(2*pi)**2)] )
return LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DMixed(None,eps,u0), u0(0,x),\
[-1, 0], [1, 0.1], [50, 7], 0.2,\
"cos", None
"cos", lambda t: u0(t,x)
def pulse():
eps = 0.001
def pulse(eps=None):
center = as_vector([ 0.5,0.5 ])
x0 = x[0] - center[0]
x1 = x[1] - center[1]
......@@ -112,13 +111,18 @@ def pulse():
def u0(t,x):
sig2 = 0.004
sig2PlusDt4 = sig2+(4.0*eps*t)
if eps is None:
sig2PlusDt4 = sig2
sig2PlusDt4 = sig2+(4.0*eps*t)
xq = ( x0*cos(4.0*t) + x1*sin(4.0*t)) - 0.25
yq = (-x0*sin(4.0*t) + x1*cos(4.0*t))
return as_vector( [(sig2/ (sig2PlusDt4) ) * exp (-( xq*xq + yq*yq ) / sig2PlusDt4 )] )
return LinearAdvectionDiffusion1DDirichlet([ux,uy],eps,u0), u0(0,x),\
[0, 0], [1, 1], [16,16], 1.0,\
"pulse", lambda t: u0(t,x)
"pulse"+str(eps), lambda t: u0(t,x)
def diffusivePulse():
return pulse(0.001)
def burgersShock():
return Burgers1D, riemanProblem(x[0],-0.5,[1],[0])
......@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ from dune.femdg import createFemDGSolver
from ufl import dot
# from scalar import shockTransport as problem
# from scalar import constantTransport as probelm
# from scalar import sinProblem as problem
from scalar import pulse as problem
# from scalar import pulse as problem
from scalar import diffusivePulse as problem
Model, initial, x0,x1,N, endTime, name, exact = problem()
......@@ -273,13 +273,42 @@ def createFemDGSolver(Model, space,
targs=['class Intersection, class Point'], static=True,
boundaryFluxDict = getattr(Model,"boundaryFlux",None)
if boundaryFluxDict is not None:
boundaryFlux = {}
for id,f in boundaryFluxDict.items(): boundaryFlux.update({id:f(t,x,u,n)})
boundaryFlux = {}
generateMethod(struct, boundaryFlux,
## boundary treatment
boundaryDict = getattr(Model,"boundary",{})
boundaryAFlux = {}
boundaryDFlux = {}
boundaryValue = {}
for k,f in boundaryDict.items():
# collect all ids (could be list or range)
ids = []
for kk in k:
ids += [kk]
except TypeError:
ids += [k]
# TODO: check that id is not used more then once
# figure out what type of boundary condition is used
if isinstance(f,tuple) or isinstance(f,list):
assert hasAdvFlux and hasDiffFlux, "two boundary fluxes provided for id "+str(k)+" but only one bulk flux given"
method = [f[0](t,x,u,n), f[1](t,x,u,n)]
boundaryAFlux.update( [ (kk,method[0]) for kk in ids] )
boundaryDFlux.update( [ (kk,method[1]) for kk in ids] )
method = f(t,x,u,n)
if hasAdvFlux and not hasDiffFlux:
boundaryAFlux.update( [ (kk,method) for kk in ids] )
elif not hasAdvFlux and hasDiffFlux:
boundaryDFlux.update( [ (kk,method) for kk in ids] )
assert not (hasAdvFlux and hasDiffFlux), "one boundary fluxes provided for id "+str(k)+" but two bulk flux given"
except TypeError:
method = f(t,x,u)
boundaryValue.update( [ (kk,method) for kk in ids] )
generateMethod(struct, boundaryAFlux,
'bool', 'boundaryFlux',
args=['const int bndId',
'const double &t',
......@@ -289,13 +318,7 @@ def createFemDGSolver(Model, space,
'RangeType &result'],
targs=['class Entity, class Point'], static=True,
diffusionBoundaryFluxDict = getattr(Model,"diffusionBoundaryFlux",None)
if diffusionBoundaryFluxDict is not None:
diffusionBoundaryFlux = {}
for id,f in diffusionBoundaryFluxDict.items(): diffusionBoundaryFlux.update({id:f(t,x,u,n)})
diffusionBoundaryFlux = {}
generateMethod(struct, diffusionBoundaryFlux,
generateMethod(struct, boundaryDFlux,
'bool', 'diffusionBoundaryFlux',
args=['const int bndId',
'const double &t',
......@@ -306,12 +329,6 @@ def createFemDGSolver(Model, space,
'RangeType &result'],
targs=['class Entity, class Point'], static=True,
boundaryValueDict = getattr(Model,"boundaryValue",None)
if boundaryValueDict is not None:
boundaryValue = {}
for id,f in boundaryValueDict.items(): boundaryValue.update({id:f(t,x,u)})
boundaryValue = {}
generateMethod(struct, boundaryValue,
'bool', 'boundaryValue',
args=['const int bndId',
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