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Commit 8453c255 authored by Robert Kloefkorn's avatar Robert Kloefkorn
Browse files

added dgnorm

parent 431c5761
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miscdir = $(includedir)/dune/fem-dg/misc
misc_HEADERS = diagnostics.hh cons2prim.hh crs.hh streams.hh
misc_HEADERS = diagnostics.hh dgnorm.hh cons2prim.hh crs.hh streams.hh
include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
#include <dune/fem/misc/l2norm.hh>
namespace Dune
namespace Fem
template< class GridPart >
class DGNorm
: public LPNormBase< GridPart, DGNorm< GridPart> >
typedef DGNorm< GridPart > ThisType;
typedef LPNormBase< GridPart, DGNorm< GridPart> > BaseType;
typedef GridPart GridPartType;
template< class Function >
struct FunctionJacobianSquare;
typedef typename BaseType::GridIteratorType GridIteratorType;
typedef typename GridIteratorType::Entity EntityType;
typedef typename EntityType::Geometry Geometry;
typedef typename GridPartType :: IntersectionIteratorType IntersectionIteratorType;
typedef typename IntersectionIteratorType :: Intersection IntersectionType ;
typedef typename IntersectionType::Geometry IntersectionGeometryType;
typedef CachingQuadrature< GridPartType, 0 > QuadratureType;
typedef ElementQuadrature< GridPartType, 1 > FaceQuadratureType;
typedef Integrator< QuadratureType > IntegratorType;
using BaseType::gridPart;
using BaseType::comm;
explicit DGNorm ( const GridPartType &gridPart );
DGNorm ( const ThisType &other );
template< class DiscreteFunctionType >
typename DiscreteFunctionType::RangeFieldType
norm ( const DiscreteFunctionType &u ) const;
template< class UDiscreteFunctionType, class VDiscreteFunctionType >
typename UDiscreteFunctionType::RangeFieldType
distance ( const UDiscreteFunctionType &u, const VDiscreteFunctionType &v ) const;
template< class UDiscreteFunctionType,
class VDiscreteFunctionType,
class ReturnType >
inline void
distanceLocal ( const EntityType& entity, const unsigned int order,
const UDiscreteFunctionType &u,
const VDiscreteFunctionType &v,
ReturnType& sum ) const ;
template< class UDiscreteFunctionType,
class ReturnType >
inline void
normLocal ( const EntityType& entity, const unsigned int order,
const UDiscreteFunctionType &u,
ReturnType& sum ) const ;
// prohibit assignment
ThisType operator= ( const ThisType &other );
// DGNorm::FunctionJacobianSquare
// ------------------------------
template< class GridPart >
template< class Function >
struct DGNorm< GridPart >::FunctionJacobianSquare
typedef Function FunctionType;
typedef typename FunctionType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
typedef FieldVector< RangeFieldType, 1 > RangeType;
explicit FunctionJacobianSquare ( const FunctionType &function )
: function_( function )
template< class Point >
void evaluate ( const Point &x, RangeType &ret ) const
const int dimRange = FunctionType::RangeType::dimension;
typename FunctionType::RangeType phi;
function_.evaluate( x, phi );
ret[ 0 ] = phi * phi;
typename FunctionType::JacobianRangeType grad;
function_.jacobian( x, grad );
for( int i = 0; i < dimRange; ++i )
ret[ 0 ] += (grad[ i ] * grad[ i ]);
const FunctionType &function_;
// Implementation of DG Norm
// -------------------------
template< class GridPart >
inline DGNorm< GridPart >::DGNorm ( const GridPartType &gridPart )
: BaseType( gridPart )
template< class GridPart >
inline DGNorm< GridPart >::DGNorm ( const ThisType &other )
: BaseType( other )
template< class GridPart >
template< class DiscreteFunctionType >
inline typename DiscreteFunctionType::RangeFieldType
DGNorm< GridPart >::norm ( const DiscreteFunctionType &u ) const
typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
typedef FieldVector< RangeFieldType, 1 > ReturnType ;
ReturnType sum = BaseType :: forEach( u, ReturnType( 0 ) );
// return result, e.g. sqrt of calculated sum
return sqrt( comm().sum( sum[ 0 ] ) );
template< class GridPart >
template< class UDiscreteFunctionType, class VDiscreteFunctionType >
inline typename UDiscreteFunctionType::RangeFieldType
DGNorm< GridPart >::distance ( const UDiscreteFunctionType &u,
const VDiscreteFunctionType &v ) const
typedef typename UDiscreteFunctionType::RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
typedef FieldVector< RangeFieldType, 1 > ReturnType ;
ReturnType sum = BaseType :: forEach( u, v, ReturnType( 0 ) );
// return result, e.g. sqrt of calculated sum
return sqrt( comm().sum( sum[ 0 ] ) );
template< class GridPart >
template< class UDiscreteFunctionType,
class VDiscreteFunctionType,
class ReturnType >
inline void
DGNorm< GridPart >::distanceLocal ( const EntityType& entity, const unsigned int order,
const UDiscreteFunctionType &u,
const VDiscreteFunctionType &v,
ReturnType& sum ) const
typedef typename UDiscreteFunctionType::LocalFunctionType ULocalFunctionType;
typedef typename VDiscreteFunctionType::LocalFunctionType VLocalFunctionType;
ULocalFunctionType ulocal = u.localFunction( entity );
VLocalFunctionType vlocal = v.localFunction( entity );
typedef typename L2Norm< GridPart >::template FunctionDistance< ULocalFunctionType, VLocalFunctionType >
IntegratorType integrator( order );
LocalDistanceType dist( ulocal, vlocal );
FunctionJacobianSquare< LocalDistanceType > dist2( dist );
integrator.integrateAdd( entity, dist2, sum );
unsigned int enIdx = gridPart().indexSet().index(entity);
const Geometry& geometry = entity.geometry();
double jumpTerm = 0;
const IntersectionIteratorType endiit = gridPart().iend( entity );
for ( IntersectionIteratorType iit = gridPart().ibegin( entity ); iit != endiit ; ++ iit )
const IntersectionType& intersection = *iit ;
if( intersection.neighbor() )
typename EntityType::EntityPointer outside = intersection.outside();
const EntityType& neighbor = *outside ;
const Geometry& geometryNb = neighbor.geometry();
unsigned int nbIdx = gridPart().indexSet().index(neighbor);
unsigned int nbOrder = std::max( uint(2 * neighbor )) , order );
if( (enIdx < nbIdx) || (neighbor.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) )
const double intersectionArea = intersection.geometry().volume();
const double heInverse = intersectionArea / std::min( geometry.volume(), geometryNb.volume() );
ULocalFunctionType ulocalNb = u.localFunction( neighbor ); // local u on neighbor element
VLocalFunctionType vlocalNb = v.localFunction( neighbor ); // local u on neighbor element
LocalDistanceType distNb( ulocalNb, vlocalNb );
FaceQuadratureType quadInside( gridPart(), intersection, nbOrder, FaceQuadratureType::INSIDE );
FaceQuadratureType quadOutside( gridPart(), intersection, nbOrder, FaceQuadratureType::OUTSIDE );
const size_t numQuadraturePoints = quadInside.nop();
for( size_t pt = 0; pt < numQuadraturePoints; ++pt )
const typename FaceQuadratureType::LocalCoordinateType &x = quadInside.localPoint( pt );
typename LocalDistanceType::RangeType distIn(0),distOut(0),jump(0);
dist.evaluate( quadInside[ pt ], distIn );
distNb.evaluate( quadOutside[ pt ], distOut );
jump = distIn - distOut;
double weight = quadInside.weight( pt )*heInverse * intersection.geometry().integrationElement( x );
jumpTerm += (jump*jump) * weight;
sum[0] += jumpTerm;
template< class GridPart >
template< class DiscreteFunctionType, class ReturnType >
inline void
DGNorm< GridPart >::normLocal ( const EntityType& entity, const unsigned int order,
const DiscreteFunctionType &u,
ReturnType& sum ) const
typedef typename DiscreteFunctionType::LocalFunctionType LocalFunctionType;
// evaluate norm locally
IntegratorType integrator( order );
LocalFunctionType ulocal = u.localFunction( entity );
FunctionJacobianSquare< LocalFunctionType > ulocal2( ulocal );
integrator.integrateAdd( entity, ulocal2, sum );
unsigned int enIdx = gridPart().indexSet().index(entity);
const Geometry& geometry = entity.geometry();
double jumpTerm = 0;
const IntersectionIteratorType endiit = gridPart().iend( entity );
for ( IntersectionIteratorType iit = gridPart().ibegin( entity ); iit != endiit ; ++ iit )
const IntersectionType& intersection = *iit ;
if( intersection.neighbor() )
typename EntityType::EntityPointer outside = intersection.outside();
const EntityType& neighbor = *outside ;
const Geometry& geometryNb = neighbor.geometry();
unsigned int nbIdx = gridPart().indexSet().index(neighbor);
unsigned int nbOrder = std::max( uint(2 * neighbor )) , order );
if( (enIdx < nbIdx) || (neighbor.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) )
const double intersectionArea = intersection.geometry().volume();
const double heInverse = intersectionArea / std::min( geometry.volume(), geometryNb.volume() );
LocalFunctionType ulocalNb = u.localFunction( neighbor ); // local u on neighbor element
FaceQuadratureType quadInside( gridPart(), intersection, nbOrder, FaceQuadratureType::INSIDE );
FaceQuadratureType quadOutside( gridPart(), intersection, nbOrder, FaceQuadratureType::OUTSIDE );
const size_t numQuadraturePoints = quadInside.nop();
for( size_t pt = 0; pt < numQuadraturePoints; ++pt )
const typename FaceQuadratureType::LocalCoordinateType &x = quadInside.localPoint( pt );
typename LocalFunctionType::RangeType distIn(0),distOut(0),jump(0);
ulocal.evaluate( quadInside[ pt ], distIn );
ulocalNb.evaluate( quadOutside[ pt ], distOut );
jump = distIn - distOut;
double weight = quadInside.weight( pt )*heInverse * intersection.geometry().integrationElement( x );
jumpTerm += (jump*jump) * weight;
sum[0] += jumpTerm;
using Fem :: DGNorm ;
} // end namespace Dune
#endif // #ifndef DUNE_FEM_DGNORM_HH
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