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Commit 91d543e3 authored by Robert Kloefkorn's avatar Robert Kloefkorn
Browse files

some cleanup.

parent fdc53a86
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......@@ -2,20 +2,6 @@
#include <config.h>
static double sum_ = 0.;
static double sum2_ = 0.;
static double localMaxRatio_ = 0.;
static double localMinRatio_ = 1e+100;
static double maxRatioOfSums = 0.;
static double minRatioOfSums = 1e+100;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// enable fvector and fmatrix checking
// include std libs
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
......@@ -32,17 +18,8 @@ static double minRatioOfSums = 1e+100;
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/dg/dgoperatorchoice.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/assemble/primalmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/fem/operator/projection/dgl2projection.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/padaptivespace.hh>
#include <dune/fem/operator/common/stencil.hh>
#include <dune/fem/operator/linear/istloperator.hh>
#include <dune/fem/solver/istlsolver.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/petscdiscretefunction.hh>
#include <dune/fem/operator/common/petsclinearoperator.hh>
#include <dune/fem/solver/petscsolver.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/gridname.hh>
......@@ -281,7 +258,7 @@ public:
//typedef Dune::Fem::LocalFunctionAdapter< EstimatorType > EstimateDataType;
//typedef tuple< const DiscreteFunctionType*, const SigmaEstimateFunction*, const EstimateDataType* > IOTupleType;
typedef tuple< const DiscreteFunctionType*, const SigmaEstimateFunction* > IOTupleType;
typedef tuple< const DiscreteFunctionType* > IOTupleType;
typedef Dune::Fem::DataWriter<GridType,IOTupleType> DataWriterType;
template <class SigmaLocalType>
......@@ -366,8 +343,8 @@ public:
model_( new ModelType( problem() ) ),
convectionFlux_( *model_ ),
dgOperator_(gridPart_, *model_),
space_( const_cast<DiscreteSpaceType &> ( ),
solution_("solution", space_ ),
rhs_("rhs", space_ ),
......@@ -377,11 +354,10 @@ public:
sigmaEstimateFunction_( "function 4 estimate", sigmaLocalEstimate_, gridPart_, space_.order() ),
//estimator_( solution_, sigmaDiscreteFunction_, dgOperator_, grid ),
//estimateData_( "estimator", estimator_, gridPart_, space_.order() ),
ioTuple_( &solution_, &sigmaEstimateFunction_), //, &estimateData_ ),
ioTuple_( &solution_ ), // &sigmaEstimateFunction_), &estimateData_ ),
polOrderContainer_(grid_ , 0),
eocId_( -1 ),
step_( 0 ),
useStrongBoundaryCondition_( Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<bool>( "use_strongbnd",false ) )
step_( 0 )
std::string filename( Dune::Fem::Parameter::commonOutputPath() );
filename += "/run.gnu";
......@@ -420,17 +396,12 @@ public:
eocId_ = Dune::Fem::FemEoc::addEntry( eocDescription, 3);
} /*@LST1E@*/
virtual ~EllipticAlgorithm()
delete model_;
GridType& grid () { return grid_; }
IOTupleType dataTuple()
// tuple with additionalVariables
return IOTupleType( &solution_, 0 );
return IOTupleType( &solution_ );
//! return reference to discrete space
......@@ -524,7 +495,7 @@ public:
if (!invDgOperator_)
linDgOperator_ = new LinearOperatorType("dg operator", space_, space_ );
linDgOperator_.reset( new LinearOperatorType("dg operator", space_, space_ ) );
#if DGSCHEME // for all dg schemes including pdg (later not working)
typedef Dune::Fem::DiagonalAndNeighborStencil<DiscreteSpaceType,DiscreteSpaceType> StencilType ;
......@@ -538,17 +509,6 @@ public:
dgOperator_.assemble(0, *linDgOperator_, rhs_);
if (useStrongBoundaryCondition_)
typedef Fem :: DirichletConstraints< DiscreteSpaceType > DirichletConstraintsType;
DirichletConstraintsType dirichletConstraints_( space_ );
dirichletConstraints_.applyToOperator( *linDgOperator_ );
dirichletConstraints_( problem(), rhs_ );
dirichletConstraints_( rhs_, solution_ );
double absLimit = Dune::Fem:: Parameter::getValue<double>("istl.absLimit",1.e-10);
double reduction = Dune::Fem:: Parameter::getValue<double>("istl.reduction",1.e-10);
// this describes the factor for max iterations in terms of spaces size
......@@ -557,7 +517,7 @@ public:
if( maxIterFactor < 0 )
maxIterFactor = 2;
// linDgOperator_->print(std::cout);
invDgOperator_ = new LinearInverseOperatorType(*linDgOperator_, reduction, absLimit );
invDgOperator_.reset( new LinearInverseOperatorType(*linDgOperator_, reduction, absLimit ));
monitor.ils_iterations = invDgOperator_->iterations();
......@@ -618,12 +578,9 @@ public:
// submit error to the FEM EOC calculator
Dune::Fem::FemEoc :: setErrors(eocId_, errors);
delete invDgOperator_;
invDgOperator_ = 0;
delete linDgOperator_;
linDgOperator_ = 0;
// delete solver and linear operator for next step
delete invDgOperator_.release();
delete linDgOperator_.release();
bool adaptation(const double tolerance)
......@@ -664,13 +621,13 @@ public:
GridPartType gridPart_; // reference to grid part, i.e. the leaf grid
// InitialDataType is a Dune::Operator that evaluates to $u_0$ and also has a
// method that gives you the exact solution.
const InitialDataType* problem_;
ModelType* model_;
std::unique_ptr< const InitialDataType > problem_;
std::unique_ptr< ModelType > model_;
FluxType convectionFlux_;
DgType dgOperator_;
LinearInverseOperatorType *invDgOperator_;
LinearOperatorType *linDgOperator_;
std::unique_ptr< LinearInverseOperatorType > invDgOperator_;
std::unique_ptr< LinearOperatorType > linDgOperator_;
DiscreteSpaceType &space_; // the discrete function space
// the solution
......@@ -689,7 +646,6 @@ public:
// Initial flux for advection discretization (UpwindFlux)
int eocId_;
int step_;
bool useStrongBoundaryCondition_;
std::vector<double> numbers_;
std::ofstream runFile_;
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