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Commit a6431942 authored by Robert Kloefkorn's avatar Robert Kloefkorn
Browse files

try to make codegen run with new caching mem layout

parent 7221d60c
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// C++ includes
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
// dune-common includes
#include <dune/common/nullptr.hh>
#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
// dune-fem includes
#include <dune/fem/misc/functor.hh>
#include <dune/fem/quadrature/caching/registry.hh>
#include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingpointlist.hh>
#include <dune/fem/quadrature/quadrature.hh>
namespace Dune
namespace Fem
// CachingShapeFunctionSet
// -----------------------
template< class ShapeFunctionSet >
class CachingShapeFunctionSet
: private QuadratureStorageRegistry::StorageInterface
typedef CachingShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSet > ThisType;
typedef typename ShapeFunctionSet::FunctionSpaceType FunctionSpaceType;
typedef typename ShapeFunctionSet::DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename ShapeFunctionSet::RangeType RangeType;
typedef typename ShapeFunctionSet::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
typedef typename ShapeFunctionSet::HessianRangeType HessianRangeType;
typedef std::vector< RangeType > RangeVectorType ;
typedef std::vector< JacobianRangeType > JacobianRangeVectorType ;
typedef std::vector< RangeVectorType > ValueCacheVectorType;
typedef std::vector< JacobianRangeVectorType > JacobianCacheVectorType;
explicit CachingShapeFunctionSet ( const GeometryType &type,
const ShapeFunctionSet &shapeFunctionSet = ShapeFunctionSet() )
: type_( type ),
shapeFunctionSet_( shapeFunctionSet )
QuadratureStorageRegistry::registerStorage( *this );
~CachingShapeFunctionSet ();
int order () const { return shapeFunctionSet_.order(); }
std::size_t size () const
return shapeFunctionSet_.size();
template< class Point, class Functor >
void evaluateEach ( const Point &x, Functor functor ) const
return shapeFunctionSet_.evaluateEach( x, functor );
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
void evaluateEach ( const QuadraturePointWrapper< Quadrature > &x, Functor functor ) const
const bool cacheable = Conversion< Quadrature, CachingInterface >::exists;
evaluateEach( x.quadrature(), x.point(), functor, integral_constant< bool, cacheable >() );
template< class Point, class Functor >
void jacobianEach ( const Point &x, Functor functor ) const
return shapeFunctionSet_.jacobianEach( x, functor );
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
void jacobianEach ( const QuadraturePointWrapper< Quadrature > &x, Functor functor ) const
const bool cacheable = Conversion< Quadrature, CachingInterface >::exists;
jacobianEach( x.quadrature(), x.point(), functor, integral_constant< bool, cacheable >() );
template< class Point, class Functor >
void hessianEach ( const Point &x, Functor functor ) const
return shapeFunctionSet_.hessianEach( x, functor );
GeometryType type () const DUNE_DEPRECATED { return type_; }
GeometryType geometryType () const DUNE_DEPRECATED { return type(); }
template < class QuadratureType >
const RangeVectorType& rangeCache( const QuadratureType& quadrature ) const
return ReturnCache< QuadratureType, Conversion< QuadratureType, CachingInterface >::exists > ::
ranges( *this, quadrature, valueCaches_, localRangeCache_ );
template < class QuadratureType >
const JacobianRangeVectorType& jacobianCache( const QuadratureType& quadrature ) const
return ReturnCache< QuadratureType, Conversion< QuadratureType, CachingInterface >::exists > ::
jacobians( *this, quadrature, jacobianCaches_, localJacobianCache_ );
template< class Quad, bool cacheable >
struct ReturnCache
static const RangeVectorType&
ranges( const ThisType& shapeFunctionSet,
const Quad& quad,
const ValueCacheVectorType&,
RangeVectorType& storage )
// evaluate all basis functions and multiply with dof value
const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
const unsigned int size = shapeFunctionSet.size();
// make sure cache has the appropriate size
storage.resize( size * nop * 1000 );
for( unsigned int qp = 0 ; qp < nop; ++ qp )
const int cacheQp = quad.cachingPoint( qp );
AssignFunctor< RangeType* > funztor( &(storage[ cacheQp * size ]) );
shapeFunctionSet.evaluateEach( quad[ qp ], funztor );
return storage;
static const JacobianRangeVectorType&
jacobians( const ThisType& shapeFunctionSet,
const Quad& quad,
const JacobianCacheVectorType&,
JacobianRangeVectorType& storage )
// evaluate all basis functions and multiply with dof value
const unsigned int nop = quad.nop();
const unsigned int size = shapeFunctionSet.size();
// make sure cache has the appropriate size
storage.resize( size * nop * 1000 );
for( unsigned int qp = 0 ; qp < nop; ++ qp )
const int cacheQp = quad.cachingPoint( qp );
AssignFunctor< JacobianRangeType* > funztor( &storage[ cacheQp * size ] );
shapeFunctionSet.jacobianEach( quad[ qp ], funztor );
return storage;
template< class Quad >
struct ReturnCache< Quad, true >
static const RangeVectorType&
ranges( const ThisType& shapeFunctionSet,
const Quad& quad,
const ValueCacheVectorType& cache,
const RangeVectorType& )
return cache[ ];
static const JacobianRangeVectorType&
jacobians( const ThisType& shapeFunctionSet,
const Quad& quad,
const JacobianCacheVectorType& cache,
const JacobianRangeVectorType& )
return cache[ ];
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
void evaluateEach ( const Quadrature &quadrature, std::size_t pt, Functor functor,
integral_constant< bool, false > ) const
evaluateEach( quadrature.point( pt ), functor );
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
void evaluateEach ( const Quadrature &quadrature, std::size_t pt, Functor functor,
integral_constant< bool, true > ) const;
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
void jacobianEach ( const Quadrature &quadrature, std::size_t pt, Functor functor,
integral_constant< bool, false > ) const
jacobianEach( quadrature.point( pt ), functor );
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
void jacobianEach ( const Quadrature &quadrature, std::size_t pt, Functor functor,
integral_constant< bool, true > ) const;
void cacheQuadrature( std::size_t id, std::size_t codim, std::size_t size );
template< class PointVector >
void cachePoints ( std::size_t id, const PointVector &points );
// prohibit copying and assignment
CachingShapeFunctionSet ( const ThisType & );
const ThisType &operator= ( const ThisType & );
GeometryType type_;
ShapeFunctionSet shapeFunctionSet_;
ValueCacheVectorType valueCaches_;
JacobianCacheVectorType jacobianCaches_;
mutable RangeVectorType localRangeCache_ ;
mutable JacobianRangeVectorType localJacobianCache_;
// Implementation of CachingShapeFunctionSet
// -----------------------------------------
template< class ShapeFunctionSet >
inline CachingShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSet >::~CachingShapeFunctionSet ()
QuadratureStorageRegistry::unregisterStorage( *this );
//for( typename ValueCacheVectorType::iterator it = valueCaches_.begin(); it != valueCaches_.end(); ++it )
// delete *it;
//for( typename JacobianCacheVectorType::iterator it = jacobianCaches_.begin(); it != jacobianCaches_.end(); ++it )
// delete *it;
template< class ShapeFunctionSet >
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
inline void CachingShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSet >
::evaluateEach ( const Quadrature &quadrature, std::size_t pt, Functor functor,
integral_constant< bool, true > ) const
assert( ( < valueCaches_.size()) && valueCaches_[ ].size() );
const RangeVectorType& cache = valueCaches_[ ];
const std::size_t numShapeFunctions = size();
const std::size_t cpt = quadrature.cachingPoint( pt );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < numShapeFunctions; ++i )
functor( i, cache[ cpt*numShapeFunctions + i ] );
template< class ShapeFunctionSet >
template< class Quadrature, class Functor >
inline void CachingShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSet >
::jacobianEach ( const Quadrature &quadrature, std::size_t pt, Functor functor,
integral_constant< bool, true > ) const
assert( ( < jacobianCaches_.size()) && jacobianCaches_[ ].size() );
const JacobianRangeVectorType& cache = jacobianCaches_[ ];
const std::size_t numShapeFunctions = size();
const std::size_t cpt = quadrature.cachingPoint( pt );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < numShapeFunctions; ++i )
functor( i, cache[ cpt*numShapeFunctions + i ] );
template< class ShapeFunctionSet >
inline void CachingShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSet >
::cacheQuadrature( std::size_t id, std::size_t codim, std::size_t size )
if( id >= valueCaches_.size() )
valueCaches_.resize( id+1 );
jacobianCaches_.resize( id+1 );
assert( valueCaches_[ id ].size() == jacobianCaches_[ id ].size() );
if( valueCaches_[ id ].size() == 0 )
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType::DomainFieldType ctype;
const int dim = FunctionSpaceType::dimDomain;
switch( codim )
case 0:
cachePoints( id, PointProvider< ctype, dim, 0 >::getPoints( id, type_ ) );
case 1:
cachePoints( id, PointProvider< ctype, dim, 1 >::getPoints( id, type_ ) );
DUNE_THROW( NotImplemented, "Caching for codim > 1 not implemented." );
template< class ShapeFunctionSet >
template< class PointVector >
inline void CachingShapeFunctionSet< ShapeFunctionSet >
::cachePoints ( std::size_t id, const PointVector &points )
const std::size_t numShapeFunctions = size();
const std::size_t numPoints = points.size();
RangeVectorType& values = valueCaches_[ id ];
values.resize( numShapeFunctions * numPoints );
JacobianRangeVectorType& jacobians = jacobianCaches_[ id ];
jacobians.resize( numShapeFunctions * numPoints );
//RangeType *values = new RangeType[ numShapeFunctions * numPoints ];
//JacobianRangeType *jacobians = new JacobianRangeType[ numShapeFunctions * numPoints ];
//if( !values || !jacobians )
// DUNE_THROW( OutOfMemoryError, "Unable to allocate shape function set caches." );
std::cout << "cache point size = " << numPoints << std::endl;
for( std::size_t pt = 0; pt < numPoints; ++pt )
evaluateEach( points[ pt ], AssignFunctor< RangeType* >( &values[ pt*numShapeFunctions ] ) );
jacobianEach( points[ pt ], AssignFunctor< JacobianRangeType* >( &jacobians[ pt*numShapeFunctions ] ) );
//std::cout << "cache point size = " << numPoints << " ptr = " << values << std::endl;
//std::cout << "cache point size = " << numPoints << " jptr = " << jacobians << std::endl;
} // namespace Fem
} // namespace Dune
......@@ -127,12 +127,7 @@ namespace Fem {
out << std::endl;
// make length simd conform
out << " field_type resultTmp[ " << numRows * dimRange << " ] = { 0";
for( size_t row = 1; row < numRows * dimRange; ++ row )
out << ", 0";
out << " };" << std::endl << std::endl;
out << " field_type resultTmp[ " << numRows * dimRange << " ] = { 0 };" << std::endl << std::endl;
for(int r=0; r<dimRange ; ++r )
......@@ -290,12 +285,8 @@ namespace Fem {
out << " typedef typename ScalarRangeType :: field_type field_type;" << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
out << " double dofResult[ " << numCols * dimRange << " ] = { 0";
out << " double dofResult[ " << numCols * dimRange << " ] = { 0 };" << std::endl << std::endl;
const size_t simdRows = simdWidth * (numRows / simdWidth) ;
for( size_t col = 1; col < dimRange * numCols; ++ col )
out << ", 0";
out << " };" << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
if( simdRows > 0 )
......@@ -483,12 +474,7 @@ namespace Fem {
for( int d = 0; d < dim ; ++ d )
// make length simd conform
out << " field_type resultTmp" << d << "[ " << numRows * dimRange << " ] = { 0";
for( size_t row = 1; row < numRows * dimRange; ++ row )
out << ", 0";
out << " };" << std::endl;
out << " field_type resultTmp" << d << "[ " << numRows * dimRange << " ] = { 0 };" << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
#include <dune/fem/space/shapefunctionset/caching.hh>
//#include <dune/fem/space/shapefunctionset/caching.hh>
#include "caching2.hh"
#include "caching.hh"
......@@ -116,8 +117,13 @@ namespace Dune
enum { dimDomain = FunctionSpaceType::dimDomain };
enum { dimRange = FunctionSpaceType::dimRange };
typedef std::vector< ScalarRangeType > RangeVectorType;
typedef std::vector< ScalarJacobianRangeType > JacobianRangeVectorType;
typedef MutableArray< MutableArray< ScalarRangeType > > RangeVectorType;
typedef MutableArray< MutableArray< ScalarJacobianRangeType > > JacobianRangeVectorType;
//! \brief constructor
DefaultBasisFunctionSet ()
......@@ -418,24 +424,34 @@ namespace Dune
GeometryType geometry () const { return entity().geometry(); }
template <class QuadratureType>
const ScalarRangeType* rangeCache( const QuadratureType& quad ) const
return shapeFunctionSet().scalarShapeFunctionSet().impl().rangeCache( quad );
const RangeVectorType& rangeCache( const QuadratureType& quad ) const
return shapeFunctionSet().scalarShapeFunctionSet().impl().rangeCache( quad );
template <class QuadratureType>
const ScalarJacobianRangeType* jacobianCache( const QuadratureType& quad ) const
return shapeFunctionSet().scalarShapeFunctionSet().impl().jacobianCache( quad );
const JacobianRangeVectorType& jacobianCache( const QuadratureType& quad ) const
return shapeFunctionSet().scalarShapeFunctionSet().impl().jacobianCache( quad );
const EntityType *entity_;
ShapeFunctionSetType shapeFunctionSet_;
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