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Commit ab5cacf8 authored by Robert Kloefkorn's avatar Robert Kloefkorn
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fem.parallel.numberofthreads: 1 # number of threads used in OMP program
# write diagnostics file (
# 0 don't, 1 only speedup file, 2 write all runfiles
# 3 only write 0, others at end, 4 all files at end for scaling)
fem.parallel.runfile: 0
# if true nonblocking communication is used if available
femdg.nonblockingcomm: false
#femhowto.maximaltimesteps: 30 # number of time steps allowed
# (-1: off, p: process p is verbose, in general 0 is a good choice)
fem.verboserank: 0 sub-vtk-cell # sub-vtk-cell # output format: binary(grape), vtk-cell, vtk-vertex, gnuplot, sub-vtk-cell 0 # (default=1) 0
femhowto.additionalvariables: true # write additional to hdd 1 # add time stamp to eoc file name
femhowto.eocOutputPath: ./data
gridsol.writesolution: false
gridsol.usegridsolution: false
gridsol.filename: checkpoint
femhowto.startTime: 0.
hSpeed0: 0.
vSpeed0: 0.
inertiagravity.refatmosphere: environmental # environmental = from problem, cosmo
metstroem.spongelayer.klemplillydx: 1.
metstroem.spongelayer.klemplillydy: 1.
metstroem.spongelayer.klemplillydz: 1.
metstroem.spongelayer.horDampCoeff: 1.
metstroem.spongelayer.verDampCoeff: 1.
metstroem.spongelayer: none # none, simple, klemplilly
femhowto.eocSteps: 4
femhowto.printCount: 50
femhowto.verbose: 0
femhowto.sampleAlongLine: 0 # create a file with sampled values of the numerical solution
linesegmentsamplerresolution: 100. # number of samples for sampleAlongLine
writegridsolution: 0 # postprocessing num. solutions
readgridsolution: 0 # postprocessing num. solutions
femdg.limiter.admissiblefunctions: 1 # 0 = only dg solution | 1 = only reconstruction | 2 = both
femdg.limiter.tolerance: 1 # tolerance for shock indicator
femdg.limiter.limiteps: 1e-8 # threshold for avoiding over-excessive limitation
# perform load balancing only each step-th timestep
fem.loadbalancing.step: 10
fem.adaptation.method: callback # none | generic | callback
fem.adaptation.refineTolerance: 0.02 # specify refinement tolerance
fem.adaptation.coarsenPercent: 0.1 # percent of refinement rol used for coarsening
fem.adaptation.coarsestLevel: 0 # coarsest level that should be present
fem.adaptation.finestLevel: 4 # finest level that should be present
fem.adaptation.adaptcount: 5 # after this many time step, 0 disables adaptation
femhowto.startLevel: 0 # global refines of the macrogrid prior to the run
fem.adaptation.markingStrategy: grad # shockind = shock indicator, apost = aposteriori based indicator, grad = gradient based indicator
fem.adaptation.grad.neighborRefLevel: 5
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# A constant solution
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# also include data from the following parameter files
paramfile: paramFiles/paramBase
paramfile: paramFiles/paramPhysicalConstants
################## D A T A W R I T E R ##################
fem.prefix: ./data/constant C
# SaveStep (write data every `saveStep' time period, <=0 deactivates)
# SaveCount (write data every saveCount time steps, <=0 deactivates) 0.05 -1
############ E N D D A T A W R I T E R ##############
############ G E N E R A L S E T T I N G S #############
femhowto.eocSteps: 2
########## E N D G E N E R A L S E T T I N G S ############
########### P R O B L E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N ##########
g: 0. # m/(ss)
femhowto.startTime: 0.
femhowto.endTime: 0.1
# horizontal speed coefficient U_s (in m/s)
# z_s is parameter for prescribing velocity in m
hSpeed0: 0.
vSpeed0: 0.
# surface pressure p00 (in Pa)
p0: 101300.
rho0: 1.125
# diffusion coefficients
mu: 0.1 # kg/(ms)
########### E N D P R O B L E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N ##########
############### D O M A I N C O N F I G U R A T I O N ###############
# name of the macro grid ../macrogrids/unitcube2.dgf ../macrogrids/unitcube3.dgf
############ E N D D O M A I N C O N F I G U R A T I O N #############
############ S O L V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N #############
fem.timeprovider.factor: 0.45
fem.ode.verbose: cfl
fem.ode.cflincrease: 1.25
fem.ode.cflStart: 1.
femhowto.polynomialOrder: 1
# ODE solver can be: EX, IM, IMEX
femhowto.odesolver: EX
# choises are: CDG2, CDG, IP, NIPG, BO
dgdiffusionflux.method: CDG2
# use available parameters from the linear theory
dgdiffusionflux.theoryparameters: 0
# penalty coefficient
dgdiffusionflux.penalty: 0.
# factor term in front of the product of the lifting operators
dgdiffusionflux.liftfactor: 1.
# when 0 then use dynamic time step
fixedTimeStep: 0.
############ E N D S O L V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N #############
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# This file precribes parameters for the testcase found in
# Gregor Gassner,
# PhD thesis
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
fem.prefix: data NS 0.01 # SaveStep (write data every `saveStep' time period, <=0 deactivates) -1 # SaveCount (write data every saveCount time steps, <=0 deactivates)
femhowto.additionalvariables: false
paramfile: ../parameter/paramBase
gridsol.savestep: 0.5
gridsol.firstwrite: 0.5
gridsol.filename: nseq-checkpoint
paramfile: ../parameter/paramPhysicalConstants
# g: 0.7 # m/(ss)
# p0: 10. # surface pressure Pa=kg/(mss)
# diffusion coefficients
mu: 0.0001 #00001 # kg/(ms)
g: 9.81 # m/ss
Re: 1. #(Reynold's number)
Pr: 0.72 # 0.72 #(Prandtl's number)
femhowto.startTime: 0. # s
femhowto.endTime: 0.04
gammaGNS: 0.5
omegaGNS: 1.
kGNS: 3.1415926535897932385
#--------------------- ../macrogrids/nswaves_1d.dgf ../macrogrids/nswaves_2d.dgf ../macrogrids/nswaves_2d_unstr.dgf ../macrogrids/nswaves_3d.dgf
paramfile: ../parameter/paramSolver
g: 0.7 # gravitation force, m/(ss)
p0: 10. # surface pressure Pa=kg/(mss)
T0: 273.15 # freezing point, K
p0Star: 610.7 # saturation vapor pressure, Pa
c: 17.2693882 # constants in saturation pressure of water vapor equation
T_2: 35.86 # constants in saturation pressure of water vapor equation
Lhs: 2834580. # latent heat of vaporization at 0 Celsius, J/kg
L0: 2500000. # latent heat of vaporization at 0 Kelvin, J/kg
c_p: 1004. # specific heat of dry air at constant pressure, J/(kgK)=mm/(Kss)
c_v: 717. #specific heat of dry air at constant volume
c_pv: 1885. # specific heat of water vapor at constant pressure
c_vv: 1424. # specific heat of water vapor at constant volume
c_pl: 4186. # specific heat of liquid water at constant pressure = c_pv
z_tr: 12000. # height of the tropopause in m
theta_tr: 343. # potential temperature an the tropopause, K
theta00: 300. # pot. temp. at surface, K
T_tr: 213. # absolute temp. at the tropopause, K
relCloud: 1. # the coefficient in the source term S_c of components
Tinf: 280. # Sutherland's law coefficient, K
muTinf: 0.00001735 # Sutherland's law coefficient, kg/(ms)
Ts: 110.4 # Sutherland's law coefficient, K
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