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Commit c65f0d33 authored by Robert Kloefkorn's avatar Robert Kloefkorn
Browse files

navier stokes test.

parent 42830743
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# install these headers
nseq_HEADERS= ns_model.hh problemcreator.hh nswaves.hh \
ns_model_spec.hh constant.hh problemtype.hh nssmooth.hh thermodynamics.hh passtraits.hh
PROBLEM = 2 # check ./problemtype.hh
FLUX = 1 # check ./problemcreator.hh
# 1. define PRIMALDG for various space operators in primal formulation
# 2. define DUALDG for the LDG space operator in dual formulation
# 1. define LOCALDEBUG to calculate \sum_e\int_Omega(r_e*l_e) and
# \sum_e\int_Omega(r_e*l_e). They will be output to std::cout from the Stepper
# 1. define LIMITER to limit the advection part of the solution (not checked)
check_PROGRAMS = constant constantonep constant12 \
nseq nseqonep nseq12
nodist_constant_SOURCES = $(SOURCES)
nodist_constantonep_SOURCES = $(SOURCESONEP)
nodist_constant12_SOURCES = $(SOURCES12)
nodist_nseq_SOURCES = $(SOURCES)
nodist_nseqonep_SOURCES = $(SOURCESONEP)
nodist_nseq12_SOURCES = $(SOURCES12)
constant12_CPPFLAGS = $(constant_CPPFLAGS) -DONLY_P1_P2
nseq12_CPPFLAGS = $(nseq_CPPFLAGS) -DONLY_P1_P2
EXTRA_DIST = paramFiles/param*
CLEANFILES = manager.*.log
# codegeneration
$(MAKE) -i clean
$(MAKE) generate
./$(PROG) femhowto.eocSteps:1 femhowto.maximaltimesteps:1 fem.ode.order:1 paramFiles/paramNSWaves
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) generatecode
$(MAKE) compilecode
include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
#if CODEDIM == 1
#include "./autogeneratedcode/autogeneratedcode_1d.hh"
#if CODEDIM == 2
#include "./autogeneratedcode/autogeneratedcode_2d.hh"
#if CODEDIM == 3
#include "./autogeneratedcode/autogeneratedcode_3d.hh"
// dune-fem include
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
// local includes
#include <dune/fem/probleminterfaces.hh>
#include "thermodynamics.hh"
* *
* 2d problem *
* NSConstant solution problem *
* with exact analytical solution for Euler and *
* NS eqns with source term equal 0 *
* *
namespace Dune {
template <class GridType>
class NSConstant : public EvolutionProblemInterface<
Dune::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, GridType::dimension + 2 >,
true >,
public Thermodynamics< GridType::dimensionworld >
NSConstant( const NSConstant& );
typedef FunctionSpace<typename GridType::ctype,
double, GridType::dimensionworld,
GridType::dimensionworld + 2 > FunctionSpaceType ;
enum{ dimension = GridType::dimensionworld };
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeType RangeType;
typedef Thermodynamics< dimension > ThermodynamicsType;
: myName_( "NSConstant" )
, Re_( Parameter::getValue< double >( "reynold" ) )
, Re_inv_( 1. / Re_ )
, Pr_( Parameter::getValue< double >( "prandtl" ) )
, Pr_inv_( 1. / Pr_ )
void init();
void printInitInfo() const;
// source implementations
inline bool hasStiffSource() { return false; }
inline bool hasNonStiffSource() { return false; }
inline double stiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const;
inline double nonStiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const;
// this is U0
inline void evaluate( const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res ) const
evaluate( 0, arg, res );
inline void evaluate( const DomainType& arg, const double t, RangeType& res ) const
evaluate( t, arg, res );
inline void evaluate( const double t, const DomainType& arg, RangeType& res ) const
res[0] = 1.;
res[1] = 0.;
res[2] = 0.;
#if GRIDDIM==3
res[3] = 0.;
res[4] = 3.;
#elif GRIDDIM==2
res[3] = 3.;
template <class RangeImp>
inline void pressAndTemp( const RangeImp& u, double& p, double& T ) const;
const ThermodynamicsType& thermodynamics() const { return *this; }
inline double Re() const { return Re_; }
inline double Re_inv() const { return Re_inv_; }
inline double Pr() const { return Pr_; }
inline double Pr_inv() const { return Pr_inv_; }
inline double c_p() const { return c_p_; }
inline double c_v_inv() const { return c_v_inv_; }
inline double R_d() const { return R_d_; }
inline double R_v() const { return R_v_; }
inline double endTime() const { return endTime_; }
inline double gamma() const { return gamma_; }
inline double g() const { return g_; }
inline std::string myName() const { return myName_; }
inline double lambda() const { return -2./3.*mu_; }
inline double lambda( const double T ) const { return -2./3.*mu_; }
inline double mu() const { return mu_; }
inline double mu( const double T ) const { return mu_; }
inline double k() const { return c_p_*mu()*Pr_inv_; }
inline double k( const double T ) const { return c_p_*mu(T)*Pr_inv_; }
void printmyInfo( const std::string& filename )const {}
std::string description() const { return ""; }
void paraview_conv2prim() const {}
const ThermodynamicsType& thermodynamics_;
const std::string myName_;
const double Re_;
const double Re_inv_;
const double Pr_;
const double Pr_inv_;
double gamma_;
double g_;
double endTime_;
double c_v_;
double c_v_inv_;
double c_p_;
double c_p_inv_;
double R_d_;
double R_d_inv_;
double R_v_;
double R_v_inv_;
double lambda_;
double mu_;
template <class GridType>
inline void NSConstant<GridType>
:: init()
g_ = Dune::Parameter::getValue< double >( "g" );
endTime_ = Dune::Parameter::getValue< double >( "femhowto.endTime" );
mu_ = Dune::Parameter :: getValue< double >( "mu" );
c_v_ = Dune::Parameter :: getValue< double >( "c_v" );
c_p_ = Dune::Parameter :: getValue< double >( "c_p" );
// additional coefficients
assert( g_ == 0. );
c_v_inv_ = 1. / c_v_;
c_p_inv_ = 1. / c_p_;
R_d_ = c_p_ - c_v_;
R_d_inv_ = 1. / R_d_;
gamma_ = c_p_ * c_v_inv_;
template <class GridType>
inline void NSConstant<GridType>
:: printInitInfo() const
std::cout <<R_d_ <<" = R_d.\n";
std::cout <<R_v_ <<" = R_v.\n";
std::cout <<c_v_inv_ <<" = c_v_inv.\n";
std::cout <<mu_ <<" = mu\n";
std::cout <<c_p_ <<" = c_p_.\n";
std::cout <<gamma_ <<" = gamma.\n";
std::cout <<"DONE.\n";
template <class GridType>
inline double NSConstant<GridType>
:: stiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const
res = 0.;
return 0.;
template <class GridType>
inline double NSConstant<GridType>
:: nonStiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const
res = 0.;
return 0.;
template <class GridType>
template <class RangeImp>
inline void NSConstant<GridType>
:: pressAndTemp( const RangeImp& u, double& p, double& T ) const
const double rho_inv = 1./u[0];
#if GRIDDIM==2
const double rhoeps = u[3] - 0.5*rho_inv*(u[1]*u[1] + u[2]*u[2]);
#elif GRIDDIM==3
const double rhoeps = u[4] - 0.5*rho_inv*(u[1]*u[1] + u[2]*u[2]+u[3]*u[3]);
#error "Grid dimension must be 2 or 3"
assert( rhoeps > 1e-15 );
p = (gamma_ - 1.)*rhoeps;
T = p * rho_inv * R_d_inv_;
#ifndef NS_MODEL_HH
#define NS_MODEL_HH
// DUNE includes
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/fmatrixconverter.hh>
// local includes
#include <dune/fem-dg/models/defaultmodel.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/limiter/limitpass.hh>
#include "ns_model_spec.hh"
namespace Dune {
template< class GridPart >
class NSModelTraits
typedef GridPart GridPartType;
typedef typename GridPart :: GridType GridType;
enum { dimDomain = GridType :: dimensionworld };
enum { dimRange = dimDomain + 2 };
enum { dimGradRange = dimRange * dimDomain };
enum { dimGradient = dimDomain + 1 };
typedef Fem :: FunctionSpace< double, double, dimDomain, dimRange > FunctionSpaceType ;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainType DomainType ;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainFieldType DomainFieldType ;
typedef FieldVector< DomainFieldType, dimDomain - 1 > FaceDomainType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeType RangeType ;
typedef FieldVector< double, dimGradRange > GradientType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
typedef JacobianRangeType FluxRangeType;
typedef FieldVector< double, dimGradRange > GradientRangeType;
typedef FieldMatrix< double, dimGradRange, dimDomain > JacobianFluxRangeType;
typedef typename GridPart :: IntersectionIteratorType IntersectionIterator;
typedef typename IntersectionIterator::Intersection Intersection;
typedef Intersection IntersectionType;
typedef typename GridPartType :: template Codim<0> :: EntityType EntityType;
typedef typename EntityType :: EntityPointer EntityPointerType;
typedef Thermodynamics< dimDomain > ThermodynamicsType;
typedef MinModLimiter< DomainFieldType > LimiterFunctionType;
template< class GridPartType , class ProblemImp >
class NSModel : public DefaultModel < NSModelTraits< GridPartType > >
typedef ProblemImp ProblemType;
typedef typename GridPartType::GridType GridType;
typedef NSModelTraits< GridPartType > Traits;
typedef NSFlux< Traits > FluxType ;
enum { dimDomain = Traits :: dimDomain };
enum { dimRange = Traits :: dimRange };
enum { dimGradRange = Traits::dimGradRange } ;
typedef typename Traits :: EntityType EntityType;
typedef typename Traits :: EntityPointerType EntityPointerType;
typedef typename Traits :: IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
typedef typename Traits :: Intersection IntersectionType;
typedef typename Traits :: FaceDomainType FaceDomainType;
typedef typename Traits :: DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename Traits :: RangeType RangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: GradientRangeType GradientRangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: JacobianFluxRangeType JacobianFluxRangeType;
typedef typename Traits :: ThermodynamicsType ThermodynamicsType;
NSModel( const ProblemType& problem )
: thermodynamics_( problem.thermodynamics() )
, problem_( problem )
, nsFlux_( problem )
, alpha_( std::pow( problem.gamma(), 1.5 ) * (problem.Re_inv() * problem.Pr_inv()) )
double gamma() const { return problem_.gamma() ; }
inline bool hasStiffSource() const { return problem_.hasStiffSource(); }
inline bool hasNonStiffSource() const { return problem_.hasNonStiffSource(); }
inline bool hasFlux() const { return true ; }
inline double stiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const GradientRangeType& du,
RangeType & s) const
return stiffSource( en, time, x, u, s );
inline double stiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeType& jac,
RangeType & s) const
return stiffSource( en, time, x, u, s );
inline double stiffSource( const EntityType& en
, const double time
, const DomainType& x
, const RangeType& u
, RangeType& s ) const
// some special RHS for testcases/NSWaves
const DomainType& xgl = en.geometry().global(x);
return problem_.stiffSource( time, xgl, u, s );
inline double nonStiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const GradientRangeType& du,
RangeType & s) const
Fem::FieldMatrixConverter< GradientRangeType, JacobianRangeType > jac( du );
return nonStiffSource( en, time, x, u, jac, s );
template< class JacobianRangeTypeImp >
inline double nonStiffSource( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeTypeImp& jac,
RangeType& s) const
const DomainType& xgl = en.geometry().global(x);
return problem_.nonStiffSource( time, xgl, u, s );
inline void advection( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
JacobianRangeType& f ) const
nsFlux_.analyticalFlux( u, f );
// Limiter section
inline void velocity( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
DomainType& velocity) const
for(int i=0; i<dimDomain; ++i)
// we store \rho u but do not need to divide by \rho here since only
// sign is needed.
velocity[i] = u[i+1];
// adjust average value if necessary
// (e.g. transform from conservative to primitive variables )
void adjustAverageValue( const EntityType& entity,
const DomainType& xLocal,
RangeType& u ) const
// nothing to be done here for this test case
// calculate jump between left and right value
inline void jump(const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const RangeType& uRight,
RangeType& jump) const
const double pl = pressure( uLeft );
const double pr = pressure( uRight );
// take pressure as shock detection values
jump = (pl-pr)/(0.5*(pl+pr));
// calculate jump between left and right value
inline void adaptationIndicator(
const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const RangeType& uRight,
RangeType& indicator) const
jump( it, time, x, uLeft, uRight, indicator );
//! \brief returns true if physical check does something useful */
bool hasPhysical () const { return true; }
template <class LocalDomainType>
bool physical( const EntityType& en,
const LocalDomainType& x,
const RangeType& u) const
if (u[0]<1e-8)
return false;
const double p = pressure( u );
return p > 1e-8;
return u[ 0 ] > 1e-8 ;
inline double diffusionTimeStep( const IntersectionType& it,
const double enVolume,
const double circumEstimate,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& u ) const
// look at Ch. Merkle Diplom thesis, pg. 38
// get value of mu at temperature T
// get mu
const double mu = u );
// ksi = 0.25
return mu * circumEstimate * alpha_ / (0.25 * u[0] * enVolume);
//! return analyticalFlux for 1st pass
inline void jacobian( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
JacobianFluxRangeType& a ) const
nsFlux_.jacobian( u, a );
inline bool hasBoundaryValue( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x ) const
return true;
inline double boundaryFlux( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
RangeType& gLeft ) const
gLeft = 0;
return 0.0;
inline double boundaryFlux( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const GradientRangeType& duLeft,
RangeType& gLeft ) const
DomainType xgl=it.intersectionGlobal().global(x);
const typename Traits :: DomainType normal = it.integrationOuterNormal(x);
double p;
double T;
pressAndTemp( uLeft, p, T );
gLeft = 0;
// bnd. cond. from euler part
for (int i=0;i<dimDomain; ++i)
gLeft[i+1] = normal[i]*p;
return 0.0;
inline double diffusionBoundaryFlux( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const GradientRangeType& gradLeft,
RangeType& gLeft ) const
Fem::FieldMatrixConverter< GradientRangeType, JacobianRangeType> jacLeft( gradLeft );
return diffusionBoundaryFlux( it, time, x, uLeft, jacLeft, gLeft );
/** \brief boundary flux for the diffusion part
template <class JacobianRangeImp>
inline double diffusionBoundaryFlux( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
const JacobianRangeImp& jacLeft,
RangeType& gLeft ) const
std::cerr <<"diffusionBoundaryFlux shouldn't be used for this testcase" <<std::endl;
inline void boundaryValue( const IntersectionType& it,
const double time,
const FaceDomainType& x,
const RangeType& uLeft,
RangeType& uRight ) const
const DomainType xgl = it.geometry().global( x );
problem_.evaluate( time , xgl , uRight );
// here x is in global coordinates
inline void maxSpeed( const EntityType& entity,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const DomainType& normal,
const RangeType& u,
double& advspeed,
double& totalspeed ) const
advspeed = nsFlux_.maxSpeed( normal , u );
void diffusion( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const GradientRangeType& v,
JacobianRangeType& diff ) const
Fem::FieldMatrixConverter< GradientRangeType, JacobianRangeType> jac( v );
diffusion( en, time, x, u, jac, diff );
template <class JacobianRangeImp>
void diffusion( const EntityType& en,
const double time,
const DomainType& x,
const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeImp& jac,
JacobianRangeType& diff ) const
nsFlux_.diffusion( u, jac, diff );
inline void pressAndTemp( const RangeType& u, double& p, double& T ) const
thermodynamics_.pressAndTempEnergyForm( u, p, T );
inline void conservativeToPrimitive( const double time,
const DomainType& xgl,
const RangeType& cons,
RangeType& result,
bool ) const
problem_.evaluate( time, xgl, result );
//thermodynamics_.conservativeToPrimitiveEnergyForm( cons, result );
inline const ProblemType& problem() const { return problem_; }
const ThermodynamicsType& thermodynamics_;
const ProblemType& problem_;
const FluxType nsFlux_;
const double alpha_;
} // end namespace Dune
#endif // file definition
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/eulerfluxes.hh>
#include <dune/fem/misc/fmatrixconverter.hh>
#include "problemtype.hh"
namespace Dune {
template< class Traits >
class NSFlux
enum { dimDomain = Traits :: dimDomain };
enum { e = dimDomain + 1 };
enum { e_ = e };
enum { dimRange = Traits :: dimRange };
enum { dimGradRange = dimRange * dimDomain };
typedef typename Traits::DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename Traits::RangeType RangeType;
typedef Dune::FieldVector< double, dimGradRange > GradientRangeType;
typedef typename Traits::JacobianRangeType JacobianRangeType;
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix< double, dimGradRange, dimDomain > JacobianFluxRangeType;
typedef Dune::Fem::FieldMatrixConverter< GradientRangeType, JacobianRangeType >
typedef Dune::FieldMatrix< double, dimDomain, dimDomain > VelocityGradientType;
NSFlux( const NSProblemType& problem )
: eulerFlux_()
, problem_( problem )
, gamma_( problem.gamma() )
, R_d_inv_( problem.thermodynamics().R_d_inv() )
, Re_inv_( problem.Re_inv() )
, c_v_inv_( problem.thermodynamics().c_vd_inv() )
, c_v_( problem.thermodynamics().c_vd() )
inline void analyticalFlux( const RangeType& u, JacobianRangeType& f ) const
eulerFlux_.analyticalFlux( gamma_ , u , f );
inline void jacobian( const RangeType& u, JacobianFluxRangeType& du ) const
du = 0;
assert( int(du.rows) == int(dimRange * dimDomain) );
assert( int(du.cols) == int(dimDomain) );
for (int r=0;r<dimRange;r++)
for (int d=0;d<dimDomain;d++)
du[dimDomain*r+d][d] = u[r];
inline double maxSpeed( const DomainType& n, const RangeType& u ) const
return eulerFlux_.maxSpeed( gamma_, n, u );
inline void diffusion( const RangeType& u,
const GradientRangeType& du,
JacobianRangeType& f ) const;
template <class JacobianRangeImp>
inline void diffusion( const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeImp& du,
JacobianRangeType& f ) const;
inline double mu( const double T ) const { return; }
inline double lambda( const double T ) const { return problem_.lambda(T); }
inline double k( const double T ) const { return problem_.k(T); }
const EulerAnalyticalFlux<dimDomain> eulerFlux_;
const NSProblemType& problem_;
const double gamma_;
const double R_d_inv_;
const double Re_inv_;
const double c_v_inv_;
const double c_v_;
// Implementation of flux functions
template< class Traits >
template< class JacobianRangeImp >
void NSFlux< Traits >
:: diffusion( const RangeType& u,
const JacobianRangeImp& du,
JacobianRangeType& diff ) const
//std::cout << du << " du " << std::endl;
assert( u[0] > 1e-10 );
const double rho_inv = 1. / u[0];
// get velocity field
DomainType v;
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
v[i] = u[ i+1 ] * rho_inv;
// | v |^2
const double vTwoNorm = v.two_norm2();
// get all partial derivatives of all velocities
VelocityGradientType dVel;
for( int j = 0; j < dimDomain; ++j ) // v components
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i ) // space derivatives
// substract d_x rho * v from the derivative of the conservative variables
dVel[ j ][ i ] = rho_inv * (du[ j+1 ][ i ] - v[ j ]*du[ 0 ][ i ]);
DomainType vGradVel;
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
vGradVel[ i ] = 0.;
for( int j = 0; j < dimDomain; ++j )
vGradVel[ i ] += v[ j ] * dVel[ j ][ i ];
// get the absolute temperature
const double T = problem_.temperature( u );
// get all derivatives of the absolute temperature
DomainType dTemp;
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
dTemp[ i ] = du[ e_ ][ i ] - T * c_v_ * du[ 0 ][ i ] - 0.5*du[ 0 ][ i ]*vTwoNorm - u[ 0 ] * vGradVel[ i ];
dTemp[ i ] *= rho_inv * c_v_inv_;
// get temperature dependend viscosity coefficients
const double muLoc = mu( T );
const double kLoc = k( T );
// get divergence of the velocity field
double divVel = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
divVel += dVel[ i ][ i ];
// apply lambda to divergence
divVel *= lambda( T );
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
// assemble the diffusion part for the density equation
// this equation is purely hyperbolic, so no diffusion
diff[ 0 ][ i ] = 0;
// assemble the diffusion part for the momentum equation
// the stesstensor tau
for( int j = 0; j < dimDomain; ++j )
diff[ j+1 ][ i ] = muLoc*(dVel[ j ][ i ] + dVel[ i ][ j ]);
// add lambda * div v * 1I
diff[ i+1 ][ i ] += divVel;
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
// assemble the diffusion part for the energy (internal+kinetic) equation
for( int j = 0; j < dimDomain; ++j )
diff[e_][ i ] = v[ j ] * diff[ i+1 ][ j ];
//diff[e_][i] += problem_.Pr_inv() * kLoc * dTemp[i];
diff[e_][i] += kLoc * dTemp[ i ];
// scale diffusion part with Reynold's number
diff *= Re_inv_;
} // end namespace Dune
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
// dune-fem includes
#include <dune/fem/misc/linesegmentsampler.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
// local includes
#include "thermodynamics.hh"
#include <dune/fem/probleminterfaces.hh>
namespace Dune {
template <class GridType>
class NSSmoothSolution : public EvolutionProblemInterface<
Dune::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, GridType::dimension + 2 >,
true >,
public Thermodynamics< GridType::dimensionworld >
NSSmoothSolution( const NSSmoothSolution& );
typedef FunctionSpace<typename GridType::ctype,
double, GridType::dimensionworld,
GridType::dimensionworld + 2 > FunctionSpaceType ;
enum{ dimension = GridType::dimensionworld };
enum { energyId = dimension + 1 };
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeType RangeType;
typedef Thermodynamics< dimension > ThermodynamicsType;
NSSmoothSolution() : ThermodynamicsType(),
myName_( "NSSmoothSolution" ),
omegaGNS_( Parameter::getValue< double >( "omegaGNS" ) ),
kGNS_( Parameter::getValue< double >( "kGNS" ) ),
gammaGNS_( Parameter::getValue< double >( "gammaGNS" ) ),
endTime_ ( Parameter::getValue<double>( "femhowto.endTime" )),
mu_( Parameter :: getValue< double >( "mu" )),
//k_ ( c_pd() * Pr_inv() * mu_),
k_ ( 2.0 ),
alpha_( 1.0 ),
omega_( dimension ),
A_( init( true ) ),
B_( init( false ) ),
e0_( dimension ) // e0 > d/2
// initialize A and B
double init(const bool returnA ) const ;
// print info
void printInitInfo() const {}
// source implementations
inline bool hasStiffSource() { return false; }
inline bool hasNonStiffSource() { return true; }
inline double stiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, const RangeType& u, RangeType& res ) const
res = 0;
return 0;
//! beta = k * sum_i x_i - omega * t
const double beta(const double t, const DomainType& x ) const
double sumX = 0;
for( int i=0; i< dimension; ++i ) sumX += x[i];
return k_ * sumX - omega_ * t ;
inline double nonStiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, const RangeType& u, RangeType& res ) const
const double betaa = beta( t, x );
const double cosBeta = std::cos( betaa );
res = cosBeta * alpha_ * ( dimension * k_ - omega_);
// velocity components
const double add = (gamma() - 1.0) * ( e0_ - double(dimension) * 0.5 )
* ( cosBeta * alpha_ * k_ );
res[ energyId ] *= e0_ ;
for( int i=1; i< RangeType :: dimension ; ++i ) res[ i ] += add ;
// TODO: calculate time step restriction due to source term
return 0;
// this is the initial data
inline void evaluate( const DomainType& arg , RangeType& res ) const
evaluate( 0., arg, res );
// evaluate function
inline void evaluate( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const
// sinus waves
res = std::sin( beta( t, x ) ) * alpha_ + 2.0 ;
// add factor for energy component
res[ energyId ] *= e0_ ;
return ;
// cloned method
inline void evaluate( const DomainType& x, const double t, RangeType& res ) const
evaluate( t, x, res );
//template< class RangeImp >
double pressure( const RangeType& u ) const
return thermodynamics().pressureEnergyForm( u );
double temperature( const RangeType& u ) const
return thermodynamics().temperatureEnergyForm( u, pressure( u ) );
// pressure and temperature
template< class RangeImp >
inline void pressAndTemp( const RangeImp& u, double& p, double& T ) const
thermodynamics().pressAndTempEnergyForm( u, p, T );
/* \brief finalize the simulation using the calculated numerical
* solution u for this problem
* \param[in] variablesToOutput Numerical solution in the suitably chosen variables
* \param[in] eocloop Specific EOC loop
template< class DiscreteFunctionType >
void finalizeSimulation( DiscreteFunctionType& variablesToOutput,
const int eocloop) const
const ThermodynamicsType& thermodynamics() const { return *this; }
using ThermodynamicsType :: Re ;
using ThermodynamicsType :: Re_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: Pr;
using ThermodynamicsType :: Pr_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_pd;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_pd_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_vd;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_vd_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: gamma;
using ThermodynamicsType :: g;
using ThermodynamicsType :: R_d_inv;
void printmyInfo( std::string filename ) const {}
inline double endtime() const { return endTime_; }
inline std::string myName() const { return myName_; }
void paraview_conv2prim() const {}
std::string description() const;
inline double mu( const RangeType& ) const { return mu_; }
inline double mu( const double T ) const { return mu_; }
inline double lambda( const double T ) const { return -2./3.*mu(T); }
inline double k( const double T ) const { return c_pd() *mu(T) * Pr_inv(); }
const std::string myName_;
const double omegaGNS_;
const double kGNS_;
const double gammaGNS_;
const double endTime_;
const double mu_;
const double k_;
const double alpha_;
const double omega_ ;
const double A_;
const double B_;
const double e0_;
template <class GridType>
inline double NSSmoothSolution<GridType>
:: init(const bool returnA ) const
if( dimension == 1 )
if( returnA ) // A
return (-omegaGNS_ + kGNS_*(3.5*gamma()-2.5));
else // B
return ( kGNS_*(0.5+3.5*gamma()) - 4.*omegaGNS_ );
if( dimension == 2 )
if( returnA ) // A
return (-omegaGNS_ + kGNS_*(3.*gamma() - 1.));
else // B
return ( kGNS_*(2.+6.*gamma()) - 4.*omegaGNS_ );
else if( dimension == 3 )
if( returnA ) // A
return (-omegaGNS_ + 0.5*kGNS_*(5.*gamma() + 1.));
else // B
return (kGNS_*(4.5+7.5*gamma()) - 4.*omegaGNS_);
return 0;
template <class GridType>
inline std::string NSSmoothSolution<GridType>
:: description() const
std::ostringstream stream;
stream <<"{\\bf Problem:}" <<myName_
<<", {\\bf $\\mu$:} " <<mu_
<<", {\\bf End time:} " <<endTime_
<<", {$\\gamma_{GNS}$:} " <<gammaGNS_
<<", {$\\omega_{GNS}$:} " <<omegaGNS_
<<", {$k_{GNS}$:} " <<kGNS_;
std::string returnString = stream.str();
return returnString;
} // end namespace Dune
#ifndef NSWAVES_HH
#define NSWAVES_HH
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
// dune-fem includes
#include <dune/fem/misc/linesegmentsampler.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/common/functionspace.hh>
// local includes
#include "thermodynamics.hh"
#include <dune/fem/probleminterfaces.hh>
* 2d problem
* PhD thesis Gregor Gassner, pg. 99
* Analytical solution for the Navier-Stokes equations
namespace Dune {
template <class GridType>
class NSWaves : public EvolutionProblemInterface<
Dune::Fem::FunctionSpace< double, double, GridType::dimension, GridType::dimension + 2 >,
true >,
public Thermodynamics< GridType::dimensionworld >
NSWaves( const NSWaves& );
typedef Fem::FunctionSpace<typename GridType::ctype,
double, GridType::dimensionworld,
GridType::dimensionworld + 2 > FunctionSpaceType ;
typedef Fem::Parameter ParameterType ;
enum{ dimension = GridType::dimensionworld };
enum { energyId = dimension + 1 };
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainFieldType DomainFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: DomainType DomainType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeFieldType RangeFieldType;
typedef typename FunctionSpaceType :: RangeType RangeType;
typedef Thermodynamics< dimension > ThermodynamicsType;
NSWaves() : ThermodynamicsType(),
myName_( "NSWaves" ),
omegaGNS_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "omegaGNS" ) ),
kGNS_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "kGNS" ) ),
gammaGNS_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "gammaGNS" ) ),
endTime_ ( ParameterType::getValue<double>( "femhowto.endTime" )),
mu_( ParameterType :: getValue< double >( "mu" )),
k_ ( c_pd() * Pr_inv() * mu_),
A_( init( true ) ),
B_( init( false ) )
// initialize A and B
double init(const bool returnA ) const ;
// print info
void printInitInfo() const;
// source implementations
inline bool hasStiffSource() const { return false; }
inline bool hasNonStiffSource() const { return true; }
inline double stiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, const RangeType& u, RangeType& res ) const;
inline double nonStiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, const RangeType& u, RangeType& res ) const;
// this is the initial data
inline void evaluate( const DomainType& arg , RangeType& res ) const
evaluate( 0., arg, res );
// evaluate function
inline void evaluate( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const;
// cloned method
inline void evaluate( const DomainType& x, const double t, RangeType& res ) const
evaluate( t, x, res );
//template< class RangeImp >
double pressure( const RangeType& u ) const
return thermodynamics().pressureEnergyForm( u );
double temperature( const RangeType& u ) const
return thermodynamics().temperatureEnergyForm( u, pressure( u ) );
// pressure and temperature
template< class RangeImp >
inline void pressAndTemp( const RangeImp& u, double& p, double& T ) const;
/* \brief finalize the simulation using the calculated numerical
* solution u for this problem
* \param[in] variablesToOutput Numerical solution in the suitably chosen variables
* \param[in] eocloop Specific EOC loop
template< class DiscreteFunctionType >
void finalizeSimulation( DiscreteFunctionType& variablesToOutput,
const int eocloop) const
const ThermodynamicsType& thermodynamics() const { return *this; }
using ThermodynamicsType :: Re ;
using ThermodynamicsType :: Re_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: Pr;
using ThermodynamicsType :: Pr_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_pd;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_pd_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_vd;
using ThermodynamicsType :: c_vd_inv;
using ThermodynamicsType :: gamma;
using ThermodynamicsType :: g;
using ThermodynamicsType :: R_d_inv;
void printmyInfo( std::string filename ) const {}
inline double endtime() const { return endTime_; }
inline std::string myName() const { return myName_; }
void paraview_conv2prim() const {}
std::string description() const;
inline double mu( const RangeType& ) const { return mu_; }
inline double mu( const double T ) const { return mu_; }
inline double lambda( const double T ) const { return -2./3.*mu(T); }
inline double k( const double T ) const { return c_pd() *mu(T) * Pr_inv(); }
const std::string myName_;
const double omegaGNS_;
const double kGNS_;
const double gammaGNS_;
const double endTime_;
const double mu_;
const double k_;
const double A_;
const double B_;
template <class GridType>
inline double NSWaves<GridType>
:: init(const bool returnA ) const
if( dimension == 1 )
if( returnA ) // A
return (-omegaGNS_ + kGNS_*(3.5*gamma()-2.5));
else // B
return ( kGNS_*(0.5+3.5*gamma()) - 4.*omegaGNS_ );
if( dimension == 2 )
if( returnA ) // A
return (-omegaGNS_ + kGNS_*(3.*gamma() - 1.));
else // B
return ( kGNS_*(2.+6.*gamma()) - 4.*omegaGNS_ );
else if( dimension == 3 )
if( returnA ) // A
return (-omegaGNS_ + 0.5*kGNS_*(5.*gamma() + 1.));
else // B
return (kGNS_*(4.5+7.5*gamma()) - 4.*omegaGNS_);
return 0;
template <class GridType>
inline void NSWaves<GridType>
:: printInitInfo() const
template <class GridType>
inline double NSWaves<GridType>
:: stiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, const RangeType& u, RangeType& res ) const
res = 0.;
return 0.;
template <class GridType>
inline double NSWaves<GridType>
:: nonStiffSource( const double t, const DomainType& x, const RangeType& u, RangeType& res ) const
res = 0;
double sumX = 0;
for( int i=0; i< dimension; ++i ) sumX += x[i];
double Frequency=1. ;
double Amplitude=0.1 ;
double Pi = M_PI;
double Omega=Pi*Frequency ;
double a=1.0*2.*Pi;
double Kappa = gamma();
double KappaM1 = gamma() - 1.0;
double mu0 = mu_ ;
res[ 0 ] = (-a+3*Omega)*std::cos(Omega*sumX-a*t);
res[ 1 ] = (-a+Omega/(2.)*(1.+Kappa*5.))*std::cos(Omega*sumX-a*t)
+ Amplitude*Omega*KappaM1*std::sin(2.*(Omega*sumX-a*t));
for(int i=2; i<energyId; ++i )
res[ i ] = res[ 1 ];
res[ energyId ] = 0.5*((9.+Kappa*15.)*Omega-8.*a)*std::cos(Omega*sumX-a*t)
res *= Amplitude;
double sumX = 0;
for( int i=0; i< dimension; ++i ) sumX += x[i];
const double beta = kGNS_ * sumX - omegaGNS_*t;
const double cosBeta = std::cos( beta );
const double sinBeta = std::sin( beta );
const double sin2BetaGamma = std::sin( 2.*beta ) * gammaGNS_;
const double sinGammaKappa = sin2BetaGamma * kGNS_ * (gamma() - 1.);
res[0] = gammaGNS_*( cosBeta * ( dimension * kGNS_ - omegaGNS_) );
res[1] = gammaGNS_*( cosBeta * A_ + sinGammaKappa );
// set other velocity components
res[2] = res[ 1 ];
res[ energyId - 1 ] = res[ 1 ];
res[ energyId ] = gammaGNS_*( sin2BetaGamma*( dimension * gamma()*kGNS_ - omegaGNS_ ) );
res[ energyId ] += gammaGNS_*( cosBeta *B_ );
res[ energyId ] += dimension * gammaGNS_ * kGNS_ * kGNS_* k_ * c_vd_inv()
* Re_inv() * sinBeta;
// time step restriction
return 0.0;
template <class GridType>
inline void NSWaves<GridType>
:: evaluate( const double t, const DomainType& x, RangeType& res ) const
// 10-0.7*(10.*x-x*x*2.) , 10.-x*4.
res = 0.;
double z = x[dimension-1];
res[0] = 10.-4.*z;
double p = thermodynamics_.p0() - g_*(10.*z - 2.*z*z);
res[energyId] = p/(gamma()-1.);
for (int i=0;i<dimension;++i)
res[energyId] += 0.5*res[i+1]*res[i+1]/res[0];
res = 0;
double sumX = 0;
for( int i=0; i< dimension; ++i ) sumX += x[i];
double Frequency=1. ;
double Amplitude=0.1 ;
double Pi = M_PI;
double Omega=Pi*Frequency ;
double a=1.0*2.*Pi;
res[ 0 ] = 2.+ Amplitude*std::sin(Omega*sumX - a*t);
for( int i=1; i<=energyId; ++i )
res[ i ] = res[ 0 ];
res[ energyId ] *= res[ 0 ];
double sumX = 0;
for( int i=0; i< dimension; ++i ) sumX += x[i];
const double beta = kGNS_ * sumX - omegaGNS_*t;
const double sinBeta = std::sin( beta );
const double sinGamma2 = sinBeta * gammaGNS_ + 2.;
for(int i=0; i<energyId; ++i)
res[ i ] = sinGamma2; // constant velocity field
res[ energyId ] = sinGamma2 * sinGamma2;
template <class GridType>
template< class RangeImp >
inline void NSWaves<GridType>
:: pressAndTemp( const RangeImp& u, double& p, double& T ) const
thermodynamics().pressAndTempEnergyForm( u, p, T );
template <class GridType>
inline std::string NSWaves<GridType>
:: description() const
std::ostringstream stream;
stream <<"{\\bf Problem:}" <<myName_
<<", {\\bf $\\mu$:} " <<mu_
<<", {\\bf End time:} " <<endTime_
<<", {$\\gamma_{GNS}$:} " <<gammaGNS_
<<", {$\\omega_{GNS}$:} " <<omegaGNS_
<<", {$k_{GNS}$:} " <<kGNS_;
std::string returnString = stream.str();
return returnString;
} // end namespace Dune
// Dune includes
#include <dune/fem/gridpart/common/gridpart.hh>
#include <dune/fem/gridpart/adaptiveleafgridpart.hh>
// Dune-Fem includes
#include <dune/fem/space/finitevolume.hh>
#include <dune/fem/space/discontinuousgalerkin.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/adaptivefunction.hh>
#include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingquadrature.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/adaptation/adaptation.hh>
#include <dune/fem/function/petscdiscretefunction.hh>
namespace Dune {
template <class Model,int dimRange,int polOrd>
class PassTraits
typedef typename Model :: Traits ModelTraits;
typedef typename ModelTraits :: GridPartType GridPartType;
typedef typename GridPartType :: GridType GridType;
typedef typename GridType :: ctype ctype;
static const int dimDomain = Model :: Traits :: dimDomain;
typedef Fem::CachingQuadrature< GridPartType, 0 > VolumeQuadratureType;
//typedef Fem::LagrangePointQuadrature< GridPartType, 2*polOrd+4 > VolumeQuadratureType;
typedef Fem::CachingQuadrature< GridPartType, 1 > FaceQuadratureType;
//typedef Fem::ElementQuadrature< GridPartType, 0 > VolumeQuadratureType;
//typedef Fem::ElementQuadrature< GridPartType, 1 > FaceQuadratureType;
// Allow generalization to systems
typedef Fem::FunctionSpace< ctype, double, dimDomain, dimRange > FunctionSpaceType;
#warning "Using Legendre basis functions"
typedef Fem::LegendreDiscontinuousGalerkinSpace< FunctionSpaceType,
GridPartType, polOrd,
Fem::CachingStorage > DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
#elif defined LAGRANGEBASIS
#warning "Using Lagrange basis functions"
typedef Fem::LagrangeDiscontinuousGalerkinSpace< FunctionSpaceType,
GridPartType, polOrd,
Fem::CachingStorage > DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
#warning "Using standard modal basis functions"
typedef Fem::DiscontinuousGalerkinSpace< FunctionSpaceType,
GridPartType, polOrd,
Fem::CachingStorage > DiscreteFunctionSpaceType;
typedef Fem::AdaptiveDiscreteFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > DestinationType;
//typedef Fem::PetscDiscreteFunction< DiscreteFunctionSpaceType > DestinationType;
// Indicator for Limiter
typedef Fem::FunctionSpace< ctype, double, dimDomain, 3> FVFunctionSpaceType;
typedef Fem::FiniteVolumeSpace<FVFunctionSpaceType,GridPartType, 0, Fem::SimpleStorage> IndicatorSpaceType;
typedef Fem::AdaptiveDiscreteFunction<IndicatorSpaceType> IndicatorType;
typedef AdaptationHandler< GridType, FunctionSpaceType > AdaptationHandlerType ;
} // end namespace Dune
#include <config.h>
// system includes
#include <string>
#include "passtraits.hh"
// dune includes
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
// local includes
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/eulerfluxes.hh>
#include <dune/fem-dg/operator/fluxes/diffusionflux.hh>
#include "problemtype.hh"
#include "ns_model.hh"
template< class GridType >
struct ProblemGenerator
typedef NSProblemType ProblemType;
template< class GridPart >
struct Traits
typedef ProblemType InitialDataType;
typedef Dune::NSModel< GridPart, InitialDataType > ModelType;
// choice of diffusion flux (see diffusionflux.hh for methods)
static const Dune :: DGDiffusionFluxIdentifier PrimalDiffusionFluxId
= Dune :: method_general ;
// ******************************** NUMERICAL FLUX *****************************
#if (FLUX==1)
#warning "FLUX: LLF"
typedef LLFFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==2)
#warning "FLUX: HLL (Dennis)"
typedef HLLNumFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==3)
#warning "FLUX: HLLC (Dennis)"
typedef HLLCNumFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==4)
#warning "FLUX: HLL2C"
typedef HLL2CFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==5)
#warning "FLUX: HLL2"
typedef HLL2Flux< ModelType > FluxType;
#elif (FLUX==6)
#warning "FLUX: HLLEM (Mhd)"
typedef HLLEMNumFlux< ModelType > FluxType;
#error "Set the flag FLUX! See for details!"
// ****************************** END NUMERICAL FLUX ***************************
static inline std::string advectionFluxName()
#if (FLUX==1)
return "LLF";
#elif (FLUX==2)
return "HLL(Dennis)";
#elif (FLUX==3)
return "HLLC(Dennis)";
#elif (FLUX==4)
return "HLL2C";
#elif (FLUX==5)
return "HLL2";
#elif (FLUX==6)
return "HLLEM(Mhd)";
static inline std::string diffusionFluxName()
#ifdef EULER
return "";
#elif (defined PRIMALDG)
return Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >("dgdiffusionflux.method");
return "LDG";
static inline Dune::GridPtr<GridType>
initializeGrid( const std::string description )
// use default implementation
return initialize< GridType > ( description );
static ProblemType* problem()
// choice of explicit or implicit ode solver
return new ProblemType ();
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
#if PROBLEM==1
// a trivial exact solution
// for Navier-Stokes equations
#include "constant.hh"
#warning "Problem: 2d constant Navier-Stokes solution"
typedef NSConstant< GridSelector :: GridType > NSProblemType;
#elif PROBLEM==2
// a nonstationary exact solution
// for Navier-Stokes equations
#include "nswaves.hh"
typedef NSWaves< GridSelector :: GridType > NSProblemType;
#elif PROBLEM==3
// a nonstationary exact solution
// for Navier-Stokes equations
#include "nssmooth.hh"
typedef NSSmoothSolution< GridSelector :: GridType > NSProblemType;
#error "No valid problem number specified"
// system include
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
// dune-fem include
#include <dune/fem/io/parameter.hh>
using namespace Dune;
// Thermodynamics
// --------------
/** \class Thermodynamics
* \brief deals with physics used for the atmosphere, in particular
* physical constants, equation of state etc.
* \tparam dimDomain dimension of the domain
template< int dimDomain >
class Thermodynamics
enum{ energyId = dimDomain+1 };
typedef Fem::Parameter ParameterType ;
Thermodynamics() :
Re_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "Re" ) ),
Pr_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "Pr" ) ),
g_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "g", 9.81 ) ),
p0_(ParameterType::getValue< double >( "p0", 100000. )),
p0Star_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "p0Star", 610.7 )),
T0_( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "T0", 273.15 )),
c_pd_ ( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "c_pd", 1004. )),
c_vd_ ( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "c_vd", 717. )),
c_pl_ ( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "c_pl", 4186. )),
L0_ ( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "L0", 2500000. )),
relCloud_ ( ParameterType::getValue< double >( "relCloud", 1. )),
Re_inv_ ( 1. / Re_ ),
Pr_inv_ ( 1. / Pr_ ),
c_pd_inv_ ( 1. / c_pd_ ),
c_vd_inv_ ( 1. / c_vd_ ),
c_pl_inv_ ( 1. / c_pl_ ),
R_d_ ( c_pd_ - c_vd_ ),
R_d_inv_ ( 1. / R_d_ ),
p0_inv_ ( 1. / p0_ ),
T0_inv_ ( 1. / T0_ ),
kappa_ ( R_d_ * c_pd_inv_ ),
kappa_inv_ ( 1. / kappa_ ),
gamma_ ( c_pd_ * c_vd_inv_ ),
gammaM1_ ( gamma_ - 1.0 ),
gamma_inv_ ( 1. / gamma_ )
assert( gamma_ > 1. );
assert( R_d_ > 200. );
/** \brief calculate the pressure and the temperature assuming the energy form
* for conservative variables: \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$
* Calculate the pressure and temperature from the conservative variables
* \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$, where \f$ e \f$ is the sum of
* the internal and the kinetic energy.
* \param[in] cons Conervative variables
* \return pressure in energy form
template< class RangeType >
inline double pressureEnergyForm( const RangeType& cons ) const
// cons = [rho, rho*v, rho*e]
assert( cons[0] > 1e-20 );
assert( cons[energyId] > 1e-20 );
// kinetic energy
double kin = 0.;
for( int i=1; i<=dimDomain; ++i )
kin += cons[ i ] * cons[ i ];
kin *= 0.5 / cons[ 0 ];
return gammaM1_ * ( cons[ energyId ] - kin );
/** \brief calculate the pressure and the temperature assuming the energy form
* for conservative variables: \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$
* Calculate the pressure and temperature from the conservative variables
* \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$, where \f$ e \f$ is the sum of
* the internal and the kinetic energy.
* \param[in] cons Conervative variables
* \param[out] p Pressure
* \param[out] T temperature
* \tparam RangeType Type of the range value
template< class RangeType >
inline double temperatureEnergyForm( const RangeType& cons,
const double p ) const
assert( cons[0] > 1e-20 );
return R_d_inv_ * p / cons[ 0 ];
/** \brief calculate the pressure and the temperature assuming the energy form
* for conservative variables: \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$
* Calculate the pressure and temperature from the conservative variables
* \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$, where \f$ e \f$ is the sum of
* the internal and the kinetic energy.
* \param[in] cons Conervative variables
* \return pressure in energy form
template< class RangeType >
inline double temperatureEnergyForm( const RangeType& cons ) const
return temperatureEnergyForm( cons, pressureEnergyForm( cons ) );
/** \brief calculate the pressure and the temperature assuming the energy form
* for conservative variables: \f$[\rho,\rho\boldsymbol{v},\rho e]\f$
* \param[in] cons Conervative variables
* \param[out] p Pressure
* \param[out] T temperature
* \tparam RangeType Type of the range value
template< class RangeType >
inline double densityThetaForm( const RangeType& prim ) const
const double p = prim[ energyId - 1 ];
const double theta = prim[ energyId ];
assert( p > 1e-12 );
assert( theta > 1e-12 );
const double rho = std::pow( p/p0_ , gamma_inv_ ) * p0_ * R_d_inv_ / theta ;
assert( rho > 0.0 );
return rho;
template< class RangeType >
void conservativeToPrimitiveThetaForm( const RangeType& cons, RangeType& prim ) const;
template< class RangeType >
void primitiveToConservativeThetaForm( const RangeType& prim, RangeType& cons ) const;
template< class RangeType >
void conservativeToPrimitiveEnergyForm( const RangeType& cons, RangeType& prim ) const;
inline double g() const { return g_; }
inline double c_pd() const { return c_pd_; }
inline double c_pd_inv() const { return c_pd_inv_; }
inline double c_vd() const { return c_vd_; }
inline double c_vd_inv() const { return c_vd_inv_; }
inline double c_pl() const { return c_pl_; }
inline double c_pl_inv() const { return c_pl_inv_; }
inline double R_d() const { return R_d_; }
inline double R_d_inv() const { return R_d_inv_; }
inline double T0() const { return T0_; }
inline double T0_inv() const { return T0_inv_; }
inline double L0() const { return L0_; }
inline double p0Star() const { return p0Star_; }
inline double p0() const { return p0_; }
inline double p0_inv() const { return p0_inv_; }
inline double gamma() const { return gamma_; }
inline double gamma_inv() const { return gamma_inv_; }
inline double kappa() const { return kappa_; }
inline double kappa_inv() const { return kappa_inv_; }
//! the Reynolds number Re
inline double Re() const { return Re_; }
//! the inverse Reynolds number (1/Re)
inline double Re_inv() const { return Re_inv_; }
//! the Prandtl number Pr
inline double Pr() const { return Pr_; }
//! the inverse Prandtl number (1/Pr)
inline double Pr_inv() const { return Pr_inv_; }
const double Re_;
const double Pr_;
const double g_;
const double p0_; // surface pressure
const double p0Star_;
const double T0_; // freezing temperature
const double c_pd_; // specific heat capacity of dry air w.r.t. pressure
const double c_vd_; // specific heat capacity of water vapour w.r.t. pressure
const double c_pl_; // specific heat capacity of liquid water w.r.t. pressure
const double L0_; // latent heat of evaporasion at 0 Celsius [J/kg]
const double relCloud_;
const double Re_inv_;
const double Pr_inv_;
const double c_pd_inv_;
const double c_vd_inv_;
const double c_pl_inv_;
const double R_d_; // gas constant for dry air
const double R_d_inv_;
const double p0_inv_;
const double T0_inv_;
const double kappa_;
const double kappa_inv_;
const double gamma_;
const double gammaM1_;
const double gamma_inv_;
/** \brief converts conservative variables in the energy form to primitive ones
* Converts conservative variables \f$[\rho\boldsymbol{v},p,\rho e\f$
* to primitive ones \f$[\boldsymbol{v},p,\theta]\f$, where \f$e\f$ is the sum
* of internal and kinetic energy, and \f$\theta\f$ potential temperature.
* \param[in] cons Conservative variables
* \param[out] prim Primitive variables
* \tparam dimDomain dimension of the domain
* \tparam RangeType type of the range value
template< int dimDomain >
template< class RangeType >
void Thermodynamics< dimDomain >
:: conservativeToPrimitiveEnergyForm( const RangeType& cons, RangeType& prim ) const
std::cerr <<"conservativeToPrimitiveEnergyForm not implemented" <<std::endl;
//const double rho_inv = 1./ cons[0];
//double p, T;
//pressAndTempEnergyForm( cons, p, T );
//prim[energyId-1] = p;
// this is not pot. temp !!!!!!!
//prim[energyId] = cons[energyId]/cons[0];
/** \brief converts conservative variables in the theta form to primitive ones
* Converts conservative variables \f$[\rho\boldsymbol{v},p,\rho\theta]\f$
* to primitive ones \f$[\boldsymbol{v},p,\theta]\f$, where \f$\theta\f$ is
* potential temperature
* \param[in] cons Conservative variables
* \param[out] prim Primitive variables
* \tparam dimDomain dimension of the domain
* \tparam RangeType type of the range value
template< int dimDomain >
template< class RangeType >
void Thermodynamics< dimDomain >
:: conservativeToPrimitiveThetaForm( const RangeType& cons, RangeType& prim ) const
assert( cons[0] > 0. );
assert( cons[energyId] > 0. );
double p, T;
pressAndTempThetaForm( cons, p, T );
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
prim[i] = cons[i+1]/cons[0];
prim[energyId-1] = p;
prim[energyId] = cons[energyId] / cons[0];
template< int dimDomain >
template< class RangeType >
void Thermodynamics< dimDomain >
:: primitiveToConservativeThetaForm( const RangeType& prim, RangeType& cons ) const
// p,theta --> rho
cons[ 0 ] = densityThetaForm( prim );
// v_i --> v_i+1 * rho
for( int i = 0; i < dimDomain; ++i )
cons[ i+1 ] = prim[ i ] * cons[0];
// theta --> theta * rho
cons[ energyId ] = prim[ energyId ] * cons[ 0 ];
#endif // file define
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